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WA Loves Nature

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25.01.2022 We our willy wagtails, or djidi-djidi (just the Noongar name too) (Rhipidura leucophrys). So brave and loud and always ready to defend their nests and territories from others much larger than themselves. Now it's nesting season many birds, particularly our magpies are on the warpath. Watch OUT!... Have you been swooped lately? Muneer Al Shanti

24.01.2022 We educating people about backyard biodiversity. Fantastic to see so many people interested in learning how to make bee hotels. We were inundated and have already run out of bee hotel supplies! Thanks to our partners @residentialattitudes for giving us the opportunity to connect to so many people and for supporting WA Nature Visit the new E-Street display home by Residential Attitudes at 28 East Street, Mount Hawthorn. Open today and tomorrow 1-4pm. #walovesnature #residentialattitudes #beehotels #biodiversity

24.01.2022 We this fantastic book and it's only $20 at the Post Office! Written by AB Bishop, Gardening Australia Researcher, it's a fantastic resource for those wanting to support our biodiversity, through habitat creation, in their garden and other urban spaces. It mostly refers to East Coast species but the concepts work perfectly for Western Australians if you plant your local WA species. Many of the practical projects presented in it, such as bee hotels and ponds, are also the pr...ojects we encourage at WA Loves Nature. If you find yourself with more time on your hands at home this book can supply you with some great ideas to fill it. Getting your hands dirty in the garden, and then watching all the creatures it attracts, is also great for your mental health. Win-Win!! #environment #conservation #biodiversity #nationalbiodiversitymonth #threatenedspecies #walovesnature #wildlife

23.01.2022 We that today is the first day of Spring and it's also the first day of National Biodiversity Month (but more about that later in the week). Here's a gorgeous photo of one of WA's iconic species Eucalyptus rodantha, or the rose mallee, to celebrate. Sophie Xiang

22.01.2022 We our numbats (Myrmecobius fasciatus). Today is #NationalThreatenedSpeciesDay so we are sharing these photos of three baby numbat orphans. Numbats were widespread, pre European colonisation, but now are a Threatened Species. They survived only in two small Western Australian patches of land, but through an intensive conservation program by Dept. of Parks and Wildlife Services, WA and the Perth Zoo, numbers have increased and they are being reintroduced in other States. "Sa...dly, one joey has since passed away, but we hope that its siblings will eventually gain strength and be released back where they were born at Dryandra, which is one of the last wild strongholds for this endangered species." Did you know the numbat is WA’s animal emblem? : Dept. of Parks and Wildlife Servies, WA #NationalThreatenedSpeciesDay #walovesnature #numbats #dryandra #conservation

19.01.2022 We bee hotels and so do our native bees. It's that time of year when our native bees begin to look for cavities to lay their eggs and provision their offspring with food. You can support them with a bee hotel in your garden. They are easy to make or buy and the native bees that will use them provide great entertainment while they come and go with provisions for their nest. Here's our bee hotel video from last year. Do you have a bee hotel in your garden?... #walovesnature #beehotel #nativebees

18.01.2022 We our white-bellied sea-eagles, ngoolor (Haliaeetus leucogaster). This beautiful large bird has contrasting crisp-white and ashy-grey plumage, and it soars effortlessly on broad wings. It is not confined to coastal areas and is also found at terrestrial wetlands and larger inland rivers. This majestic pair were photographed in Bunbury. They nest up to 30m above the ground, and sometimes, when there are no suitable locations, they will build their nests on power poles. This... can be dangerous for them so please report to Western Power or Horizon Power if you spot this. Ton Lef

18.01.2022 We working with community groups to achieve positive environmental outcomes. Lisa got to catch up with Bruce Wright and the boys at the Mosman Park Men's Shed and talk about the creation of native bee hotels. Lisa also enjoyed a cuppa and a scone with jam and cream. Win-Win!! Do you have a bee hotel in your garden?...

18.01.2022 We the new WA Museum Boola Bardip and we were super excited to get a sneak peak today. So much to see and so many fantastic wildlife and biodiversity stories. We don't want to spoil it for anyone but couldn't resist just one little photo of our favourite butterfly, the Western Jewel, Hypochrysops halyaetus. This beauty features on our logo along with Jacksonia sternbergiana, one if their favourite food plants. They were previously very common around Perth. ... Are you excited to see the new WA Museum Boola Bardip?

15.01.2022 We our WA wildflowers. Earlier in the week we shared a link listing where to find wildflowers north of Perth in this post we share a link for wildflower spots in Perth. We think another great way to enjoy our wildflowers is growing them in your garden or in a pot on your balcony. Everlastings are so easy to grow from seed. These ones just started blooming in our garden this week. ... What do you think?

15.01.2022 We this time of year - WILDFLOWER SEASON! This patch of gorgeous everlastings was spotted north of Mullewa. Here's a link to a list of the best places north of Perth, from The Wildflower Society of Western Australia (Inc.), for wildflowers right now.... Have you spotted any lately? Jenny Duff

15.01.2022 We our wildlife and on hot days like this some will need your support to survive!

12.01.2022 We our loud red wattle birds, Anthochaera carunculata. The red wattle bird is one of the largest and noisiest of the Australian honeyeaters. The common name refers to the fleshy reddish wattle on the side of the neck. It is a large, noisy honeyeater. This wattle bird was spotted feeding on the nectar of the Qualup bell, Pimelea physodes. They feed mostly on nectar, some insects, the honeydew some insects produce and berries.... They aggressively protect food-bearing plants from other honeyeater species. Muneer Al Shanti

11.01.2022 We our frogs. Right now Australia’s frogs need your help. From 6-15 November 2020, you can take part in FrogID Week, Australia’s biggest frog count! Taking part in FrogID Week will help provide our scientists with valuable data for the protection and conservation of frogs. Visit the Australian Museum FrogID page,, download the free app and register now.... Remember, every call counts! Kirsty Sadler

09.01.2022 You know we our native bees and around the south-west of WA, they are starting to emerge from their nests. This pair of Tricholcolletes sp. were just spotted in Armadale. Have you seen any native bees in your garden recently?... You will need to have some native bee-friendly plants to attract them, like this native pea plant, see our list of what to plant in the comments. Kerry Stuart

06.01.2022 We wandering through our urban bushland on the weekend. Check out this fantastic Walk + Talk event tomorrow from 1pm, free tickets on the page.

06.01.2022 We Western Ringtail and Brushtail possums! If you live in WA's southwest region and would like to provide a safe spot for possums to nest on your property, why not pick up one of these nesting boxes? #natureconservationmargaretriver

03.01.2022 We our wetlands and the biodiversity they support. It's also National Biodiversity Month and thought we should celebrate with our new wetland video. What do you think?... Many thanks to the following for their beautiful images. Voyeur of Nature Len Van Der Waag Muneer Al Shanti Claire Pannell @67bookwoman Keith Lightbody Geoffrey Groom Kirsty Sadler Sophie Xiang Lameh Bahremand

03.01.2022 We it when urban bushland is adopted and cared for by the community. The Friends of Coolbinia Bushland have created this event to celebrate their connection to their piece of Banksia woodland. You can join experts, Elders, artists and citizens and spend some time in a tiny but glorious flowering bushland right here in your backyard! And it includes afternoon tea.... You can play a part in caring for Country, without leaving the city. See the event below for details. #FriendsofCoolbiniaBushland #WALovesNature #PerthBushland

02.01.2022 WA Nature is bee-yond excited to be attending the launch of the new Residential Attitudes E-Street display home this weekend! Open 1-4pm at 28 East Street, Mount Hawthorn. Bee there or be boring The buzz on East Street is that our unique display home opens this weekend. Free gelato, live music and you'll even notice a mini Bee Street Hotel out the front, protecting our native bee population. Be there or be a boring square.... #residentialattitudes See more

02.01.2022 We this beautiful WA mallee, Eucalyptus rosacea. It is a highly attractive tree for a small garden growing only 4 metres high. Eucalyptus rosacea has smooth bark of various shades of grey, pink and white that sheds in ribbons and grey-green linear leaves. The beautiful tubular flowers occur from November to February and provide nectar for birds and insects. Sophie Xiang Phone Photography

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