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Walshs in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Accountant

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Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 7 3221 5677

Address: Level 24, 10 Eagle Street 4000 Brisbane, QLD, Australia


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24.01.2022 The announcement of the Federal Budget delivered on Tuesday night may have left you considering what the main outcomes and implications are to you and your business. The team at Walshs have put together a summary of the key considerations and take-aways from Tuesday’s Federal Budget announcement for you and your business. Click the link below to read more.

24.01.2022 Our deep understanding of the medical industry means we understand the enormity of the decision to venture into private practice and so we bring you our Starting out in Private Practice Knowledge Share webinar session to help you understand everything you need to consider during the transition. This is for all specialties who may be working in private practice or considering private practice work. Topics will include: - The right structure for starting out in private pr...actice - An overview of the benefits and limitations of different structures - Best practices for record keeping along with the registrations and lodgement obligations when in private practice - Buying into a practice versus setting up your own practice - Understanding your income tax obligations in private practice - Tax planning strategies for private practice Follow the link to register -

22.01.2022 As part of the second phase of the Federal Governments Coronavirus SME Guarantee Scheme, small to medium businesses will have an extension to their application time, as well as benefiting from some improvements to the scheme. The Coronavirus SME Guarantee Scheme is designed to help businesses successfully adapt into the new COVID19 environment by enabling them to access more affordable and longer-term credit. For more information about the scheme visit Please do not hesitate to contact your Walshs advisor if you would like more information about the scheme or to discuss how it may be of assistance in your particular circumstances. #COVID-19 #CoronavirusSMEGuaranteeScheme #loans #WalshsPractice

21.01.2022 Hugh Walsh & Simon Farmer were recently asked to put together a video for the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons aimed at helping members survive the impact of COVID-19. In this video, Hugh and Simon look at: How surgeons can use government incentive schemes?Whether they should defer paying their 2019 tax bills and what approach they should take with their superannuation funds? Visit to view the presentation. Thanks again Royal Australasian College of Surgeons for this opportunity. If anyone has any questions feel free to get in touch with us.

21.01.2022 Michael Walsh explains the ins and outs of the JobMaker Hiring Credit, which is incentivising businesses to take on additional employees aged between 16 and 35 years. Read more here - #walshs #jobmaker #ATO #business #federalgovernment

21.01.2022 Valuable content for everyone...

20.01.2022 Walshs CEO Michael Walsh explains how COVID-19 has impacted Self-Managed Superannuation Funds and what clients should be doing to protect themselves, and their money. #walshs #selfmanagedsuper #superannuation

20.01.2022 COVID-19 has impacted Self-Managed Superannuation Funds so make sure youre aware of what you should be doing to protect yourself, and your money. Read more here - #walshs #selfmanagedsuper #smsf #covid19

20.01.2022 Walshs are proud to sponsor the annual golf conference held by Queensland Orthopaedic Registrars' Association. The Walshs Shield was awarded to the winning team - Joe Coory, Anthony Dwyer, Michael Phegan, Joshua Piercy (pictured below). Congratulations team! #Walshs #QORA #Brisbane #Golf #sponsor

20.01.2022 We are very proud to have supported countless interns and doctors-in-training over the years. Through our strong partnerships with leading medical training universities, including the The University of Queensland and JCU: James Cook University, Australia, we continue to provide vital financial information that final year uni students should consider before they embark on their first year out of study. In this video, Peter Hodgson lists a few key considerations that interns and doctors in training should ensure they think about over the next few months. Feel free to share with anyone who should watch this! Peter is always happy to chat and assist call him on 07 3221 5677 or visit

20.01.2022 Michael Walsh examines the compliance obligations involved with a Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) and explores the implications of a fund becoming non-compliant.

19.01.2022 The Federal Government has extended the JobKeeper Scheme for eligible businesses and self-employed workers for a further six months to March 2021. It was previously due to expire 27th September 2020. Michael Walsh looks at the new rules and what these changes mean for businesses. #jobkeeper2 #COVID-19 #business #accounting

19.01.2022 Register below to join our interactive Brisbane Property Market Webinar with James Freudigmann, Co-Founder and Director of PMC Property Buyers. The webinar will cover: - An overview of the current Brisbane property market - A comparison of house and unit prices... - Analysis of economy and the impact on property prices spending habits Follow the link to RSVP - Once registered we will send you the webinar link and log in details.

17.01.2022 Michael Walsh, CEO of Walshs, says the early details of the Federal Governments JobKeeper Program indicate it will involve a flat minimum payment of $1500 per employee paid per fortnight, irrespective of the employees earnings. The business support package is aimed at helping employers continue to employ their staff where the business has been affected by Coronavirus. Legislation to approve the payment package will hopefully be passed next week but it appears payments will... made directly to employers from 1 May, 2020, backdated to 30 March, 2020. Every business will be eligible if they have seen a decrease in turnover of 30% or more due to Coronavirus. Michael has provided a full break down of the package. To read the full story click below.

16.01.2022 Are you thinking of buying your first home or already started looking? (or know someone who is?) We welcome you to join our upcoming webinar for first home buyers to hear helpful tips from three top professionals in the industry. In this webinar Walshs Partner, Peter Hodgson, will be joined by James Freudigmann, Co-founder and Director of PMC Property Buyers - Brisbane and Michael Morris, Associate from Hillhouse Legal Partnersto help you understand your home loan options, you on the current property market conditions and summarise the legal process of buying a home. Guests will have the opportunity to draw on the knowledge of our speakers and receive a free copy of our comprehensive First Home Buyers Guide. For more information and registration - #walshs #hillhouselegalpartners #PMCBuyersAgents #firsthomebuyer #webinar

16.01.2022 The Federal Government has unveiled plans to extend the JobKeeper Payment for six months, past its original expiry date in September 2020. At the same time, the amount of the payment will be reduced and a lower payment rate will be introduced for those who work fewer hours. The extension will be broken down into two time periods, with specific eligibility rules covering each period.... For the latest news on the new rules and advice from Walshs' CEO Michael Walsh on how it will affect you, click here - #walshs #jobkeeper #federalgovernment #business #COVID19 #coronavirus

15.01.2022 Walshs wants to keep its clients fully informed of the details of the Federal Governments Coronavirus Stimulus Package, its potential impact on their business and how they can take best advantage of it. Under the package, announced by Prime Minister Scott Morrison, about 690,000 businesses across Australia will be able to access grants of up to $25,000 and the government will support employers to keep 117,000 apprentices in jobs over nine months. Click here to read a breakdown on the package and what this means for your business -

15.01.2022 We are watching, very closely, the changing situation around COVID-19 and have decided to implement some precautionary measures to ensure we do our part to prevent the spread of the virus while protecting our clients and our staff. As part of this we are moving all our client meetings from face-to-face to phone calls or Zoom meetings. If you have an upcoming appointment please contact us today on 07 3221 5677 and our staff can make the necessary arrangements.

14.01.2022 How can surgeons take best advantage of government incentive schemes, should they be deferring paying their 2019 tax bills and is it too late to take a more defensive stand on superannuation funds? They are just some of the key questions posed by Walshs Simon Farmer and Hugh Walsh in a special video presentation aimed at helping members of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons survive the impact of COVID-19. As Hugh reveals the cancellation of non-essential elective sur...gery has seen the income of some surgeons drop by 95%, he explores the opportunities offered by a range of government incentive schemes including the JobKeeper package, the cashflow boost for PAYG Withholding, PAYG instalments and the deferral of tax bills. Meanwhile Simon explores the advantages of deferring repayments on residential and commercial property mortgages, his predictions for the stock market and whether its too late to make defensive adjustments on superannuation funds. Click HERE to watch the video -

14.01.2022 Walshs CEO, Michael Walsh, says that while 2020 has been incredibly trying for individuals and small to medium-sized businesses, some light is at the end of the tunnel with several key benefits announced as part of this week’s Federal Budget. He has summarised how individuals and small to medium-sized businesses might benefit from the announcements. Read the breakdown from Michael, ... #federalbudget #tax #business #smallbusiness #walshspractice

12.01.2022 Michael Walsh, CEO of Walshs, examines the range of measures business owners should be considering as they plan for their 2019-2020 tax requirements. #yearendtax #incomedeferral #expenseacceleration #depreciation, #rental #superannuation #employees #CGT

12.01.2022 As part of our ongoing support for GUMS: Griffith University Medicine Society, Walshs Lachlan Munro will be a guest speaker at their virtual Internship Preparation Seminar tonight. Lachlan will be speaking alongside a number of esteemed doctors about the key steps interns should be taking in their first year as doctors. Lachlan will be covering tax, salary packaging and financial planning and providing key takeaways for attendees as part of a Q and A with the rest of the panel. We are proud of our ongoing support of this society and helping doctors as they embark on their professional career. #tax #financialplanning #salarypackaging #GUMS #interns

12.01.2022 In a special Post Op Podcast for the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Walshs Simon Farmer discusses the impact the coronavirus has had on the global economy, to date, and his outlook for the future. While Hugh Walsh provides a breakdown of the cash flow assistance and options for medical practices based on current stimulus packages and announcements. Walshs is proud to be part of the Bongiorno Group which comprises offices in every state that share similar values in th...e provision of advice to clients. This relationship enables us to share an exclusive knowledge bank with like-minded individuals who specialise in the financial needs of medical professionals. Please get in touch if we can assist in anyway or if you would like to discuss your options. #walshs #medicalprofessionals #financialadvice #bongiornonationalnetwork #RACS #postoppodcast

12.01.2022 We are proud to support and sponsor Small Steps 4 Hannah charity, which is committed to halting the cycle of domestic violence in Australia. We have a close and personal connection to the Brisbane-based charity as Walshs’ Financial Planning Managing Director & Founder Simon Farmer’s family were close friends with Hannah and her three beautiful children. Following the terrible incident in early 2020, Simon and his family vowed to support the Clarke family and ensure educatio...n and raising awareness will go a long way to ensuring this doesn’t happen again. Drawing on his financial background and extensive networks, Simon was instrumental in the establishment of the charity and is now an active board member. Walshs’ CEO of Accounting and Taxation Michael Walsh also acts as Small Steps 4 Hannah’s treasurer and board member. Throughout the year, Simon and Michael proudly donate their time to support the board and their initiatives. Further to this the Walshs team participate in a number of fundraising events and activities. Walshs are proud to sponsor the upcoming Small Steps 4 Hannah Charity Lunch as a platinum sponsor. To book a table or join in the fundraising activities please see information below.

11.01.2022 Walshs accountant and UQ alumni member, Lachlan Munro, will be presenting a webinar on Thursday evening as part of the UQ Grad Life Series. Wondering what a day in the life of a grad looks like? Click on the link to register for the event, and if you’d like to learn more about Walshs graduate roles please contact us at [email protected]

11.01.2022 Accountant required! We are seeking a CA Qualified (or near completion) Accountant with 3+ years of experience to join our growing and dynamic team. Come and join a thriving firm that is committed to its people and providing exceptional value to its clients. To find out more visit - #walshs #accountants #jobs #accountingjobs #brisbanejobs

10.01.2022 Our recent property networking lunch last month was a fantastic way for our clients in the property sector to meet and network with other property professionals. Co-hosted with Hillhouse Legal Partners the event was also an opportunity for clients to hear from international speaker and best selling author, Chris Helder Speaker and Sentinel Property Group Executive Chairman and CIO, Warren Ebert. Stay tuned for more informational and enjoyable events to come! #walshs #property #propertyindustry

10.01.2022 Its almost tax time and now is the time for business owners to think about the range of measures that you should be considering as you plan for your 2019-2020 tax return. Read more - #walshs #taxreturn #taxtime

10.01.2022 We are proud to sponsor the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons' (RACS) annual Preparation for Practice Workshop on 31 October and 1 November 2020. We are honoured to have been invited to speak at this event again to discuss key financial considerations when establishing (or expanding) a private practice. The workshop will provide Younger Fellows, final year Trainees and Practice Managers information on practical skills, tips and advice for setting up private practice. Att...endees will gain an understanding of issues involved for setting up private practice, acquire strategies and tools for practice operations and develop practice framework and improve practice performance. If you are interested in attending, please follow the link for more information and booking details - #Walshs #RACS #Brisbane #PrivatePractice #Workshop

10.01.2022 Our very own Hugh Walsh and Simon Farmer were guest speakers on the latest RACS Post Op podcast. In this podcast, see below link, they discussed available coronavirus cash flow assistance for businesses and what medical practitioners need to know about their own finances. Check it out! Listen today:

08.01.2022 Congratulations to Peter Hodgson and Matthew Gellweiler on both being promoted to Partner this week. Both Peter and Matthew are invaluable assets to Walshs, consistently going above and beyond to look after their clients while providing specialised and tailored advice. Well done to them both. #walshs #financialplanning #partners #Brisbaneaccountants

08.01.2022 Walshs CEO, Michael Walsh, believes there are several key elements people need to consider as they prepare for the end of the financial year, particularly in light of COVID-19. In a broad-ranging look at the end of the 2019-2020 tax year, Michael delves into a range of topics including work-related expenses, dry-cleaning claims and superannuation top-ups. He also offers some key advice on claiming expenses related to working from home during the COVID-19 crisis.... Click here to read this important information - #taxtime #endofyear #financialyear #taxation #walshs

07.01.2022 We are proud to be a partner of the 2020 Aussie Kidz Charity - Charity Luncheon. Based in Brisbane, Aussie Kidz Charity helps disabled and under-privileged children across Australia live better lives through the provision of equipment and services that they otherwise could not afford to buy. The event will be held on Friday 20 November at Persone Restaurant, Brisbane. If you are interested in attending, please follow the link for more information and booking details - #Walshs #AussieKidzCharity #BrisbaneCharity #CharityLuncheon

07.01.2022 The QSuper Fund Board and Sunsuper Pty Ltd have signed a Heads of Agreement to merge and create a $200 billion superannuation fund, servicing two million members and open to all Australians. The proposed leadership structure will support the creation of a $200 billion superannuation fund and bring a variety of advantages to account holders. As the firm with the most QSuper accounts in Australia, Walshs have an exclusive advice agreement with QSuper, allowing us to provide upf...ront and ongoing advice on client's accounts. Read more about what this merger may mean for you - #walshs #qsuper #sunsuper #superannuation

07.01.2022 Access to the Australian Taxation Offices (ATO) online portal using AUSkey will no longer be offered from 1 April, meaning any business which uses this system needs to implement some simple changes before this date to reduce disruption to the business. Walshs Partner, Hugh Walsh, discusses what you need to know about using the new myGovID system. #myGovID #Walshspractice #ATO

07.01.2022 For almost 20 years, the team at Walshs has worked closely with doctors and medical professionals. We are proud of our close relationship with many of Australias leading medical professionals, practices and industry bodies and its with this in mind that we wanted to say a big thank you to all of you during this challenging time as you work relentless hours to continue to care for the nation as we battle this unprecedented pandemic. We know you are doing it tough and we just wanted to pause and say THANK YOU.

07.01.2022 Are you a financial planner seeking a new exciting job opportunity? We want you! Walshs is looking for a Junior Financial Planner with a minimum of 2 years' experience, who is committed to furthering their career to join our team. Walshs has a team of highly motivated and supportive individuals all committed to furthering the growth of our business, and ensuring a positive experience for all clients. If this sounds like a team you are interested in joining then please apply.... To find out more visit: #walshs #financialplanner #jobs

07.01.2022 As part of the second phase of the Federal Government’s Coronavirus SME Guarantee Scheme, small to medium businesses will have an extension to their application time, as well as benefiting from some improvements to the scheme. The Coronavirus SME Guarantee Scheme is designed to help businesses successfully adapt into the new COVID19 environment by enabling them to access more affordable and longer-term credit. For more information about the scheme visit Please do not hesitate to contact your Walshs advisor if you would like more information about the scheme or to discuss how it may be of assistance in your particular circumstances. #COVID-19 #CoronavirusSMEGuaranteeScheme #loans #WalshsPractice

06.01.2022 Major changes to the rules covering income protection insurance have been proposed by APRA, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority. In the latest Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 'Post Ops' podcast, Michael Waycott, a Director of the Bongiorno Group, discusses what the changes mean and what you can do before the new policies take effect on 1 April this year. We are very proud to sponsor the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. #incomeprotection #APRA #walshspractice

06.01.2022 Michael Walsh warns that employers who have failed to make Superannuation Guarantee (SG) payments to their workers only have until September 7 to apply for an amnesty. #walshs #superannuation #amnesty #ATO #paymentplans

06.01.2022 The Federal Government has announced details of further changes that will be made to the extended JobKeeper program. The changes are in response to the worsening economic conditions in Victoria due to the Stage 4 restriction and will cost the Government a further $15.6 billion. The key changes are: Under JobKeeper 2.1, instead of needing to suffer a decline in turnover in each of the June and September quarters to qualify from 28 September to 3 January 2021, only a fall in th...e September quarter will be necessary. For the June, September and December quarters to qualify from 4 January 2021 to 28 March 2021, only a fall in the December quarter will be necessary. The decline in the actual GST turnover in the September or December quarters will be relative to the corresponding quarter in 2019. From 3 August, an employee will be eligible for JobKeeper if they were employed by the entity on 1 July, 2020, instead of 1 March, 2020. This will open the program to certain new employees. However, the existing rule that prevents an individual being an eligible employee if they have previously nominated with another employer will likely limit who can be nominated from 3 August. More info: or contact us for a chat.

05.01.2022 The Queensland Government is extending the Small Business COVID-19 Adaption Grant Program with Round 2 opening on 1 July 2020. If you would like more information on how Walshs can be of assistance with your application please feel free to contact us on 07 3221 5677 or by emailing your advisor.

05.01.2022 As part of our ongoing dedication to giving back to our local communities, we have set up a corporate partnership with Brisbane-based, not-for-profit organisation, Youngcare Australia Every time a client refers us to a friend or colleague, we will make a donation to help YoungCare drive powerful change for young people with high care needs. Each donation will help YoungCare to provide fully accessible and age-appropriate living spaces, grants for equipment and home modificat...ions and support through a national phone line for young people aged 16 65 with high care needs. To read more about YoungCare and our partnership visit #YoungCare #Walshs #Charity #CorporatePartnership

05.01.2022 The Coronavirus Stimulus Packages announced over the past week by Federal and State governments and the Australian Banking Association have major implications for small and medium businesses. Bank loan repayments, BAS deferrals, PAYG instalments and business tax payments have all been effected by the packages. Walshs CEO, Michael Walsh, has analysed the packages and outlined the key measures and their impact on both small and medium business and the broader community.... Click here to view Michaels article where he breaks down the key measures and what it will mean for you.

05.01.2022 Register for our upcoming Knowledge Share webinar Legal Issues for your Private Practice with Zac Herps, Managing Director of Hillhouse Legal Partners. Facilitated by Walshs Partner, Hugh Walsh, Zac will draw on his extensive industry knowledge and expertise in the medical and health sector to discuss the key areas you should consider from a legal point of view to ensure success when entering Private Practice. This webinar is ideal for doctors who are looking to maximise th...eir success and gain valuable insights as well as doctors who will soon be or who are considering moving into their own private practice. For more information and registration - #walshs #hillhouselegalpartners #privatepractice #legal

04.01.2022 Dont forget to RSVP to our Meet the Manager webinar next week, 5.30pm, Monday 22 June, with Rob Martin from global equity manager, Magellan Financial Group. This is an ideal time to learn more about the current market conditions and find out how Magellan is managing risk and delivering returns. RSVP by Friday 19 June by emailing [email protected] and well send you the links you need to join in. #Walshs #globalinvestments #sharemarket #COVID19 #Magellan #investmentportfolio

04.01.2022 We are excited to welcome our new Financial Planner, Lea. Lea commenced her career in the finance industry over 20 years ago and has transitioned into Financial Advice in 2015. Lea looks forward to assisting Junior Doctors with their Financial Planning needs, goals and objectives. She brings experience in all aspects of Financial Planning, Business, Marketing, Banking and Administration. In her spare time Lea enjoys the outdoors, travelling and spending time with family and friends. Welcome Lea, from all the Walshs team!

04.01.2022 Recently, during the disruption caused by COVID-19, we have noticed an increase in clients keen to connect and find out more about whats happening in the global investment markets. To find out more about how investment managers are taking advantage of the volatility and managing portfolio risk, we invite you to join our exclusive Meet the Manager webinar with Rob Martin of Magellan Financial Group at 5.30pm, Monday 22 June. The session will cover:... - An introduction to Magellan who they are what they do - An update on the current market conditions - How Magellan is managing risk and delivering returns RSVP by emailing [email protected] and well send you the links you need to join in. #Walshs #globalinvestments #sharemarket #COVID19 #Magellan #investmentportfolio

03.01.2022 Join our Meet the Manager webinar at 5.30pm, Monday 22 June to find out more about Magellan Financial Group, a leading global equity and infrastructure manager, responsible for over $96 billion of assets. The webinar will be led by Magellans Key Account Manager for Queensland, Rob Martin. Robs experience has spanned the financial planning and asset management sides of the industry, having worked in the financial services industry for 25 years. To join the webinar RSVP by ...emailing [email protected] and well send you the links you need. #Walshs #globalinvestments #sharemarket #COVID19 #Magellan #investmentportfolio

02.01.2022 Come and join our team! We are looking for a Client Services Officer to join our highly motivated, fun and supportive team. In this role you will be responsible for both administrative tasks and assisting in our salary packaging division. For more information and to apply visit -

02.01.2022 The NSW and Victorian Office of State Revenue have been actively engaging in payroll tax audits for medical and dental practices. Senior accountant Sharon Aguiar, explains it is important for practices to take any necessary steps to identify any high-risk areas that may leave them exposed to payroll tax. Read more here - #walshs #taxation #accounting #audit

02.01.2022 Walshs Financial Advisor Peter Hodgson says the Federal Governments new HomeBuilder program is great news for Australias building industry, as well as people wanting to improve their homes but comes with strict criteria. The program will give eligible Australians $25,000 to build or substantially renovate their homes, in an effort to boost demand in the construction sector and keep builders employed. Master Builders Australia says that, based on the Governments estimated ...27,000 grants, it believes the program will be used for $10 billion in building activity, supporting the viability of 368,000 small builders and tradies which employ 800,000 people. But not every home owner will be eligible to receive $25,000 to renovate their home or boost their budget to build a new home and Peter has delved into the details of the program to see who is eligible and what they have to do to get the money. Find the full story here - #HomeBuilder #COVID-19 #renovation #construction #building #Walshs

02.01.2022 We are proud to be at the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons' annual Preparation for Practice Workshop this weekend. Hugh Walsh, Stewart Mcleod, Simon Farmer and Kirby Jamieson are speaking throughout the weekend on key financial considerations when establishing (or expanding) a private practice. #Walshs #RACS #Brisbane #PrivatePractice #Workshop

01.01.2022 As part of our ongoing commitment to provide valuable resources for our clients during COVID-19, Hugh Walsh spoke with two experts from law firm Hillhouse Legal Partners, Managing Director Zac Herps and Director Robert Lamb, to answer some questions most business leaders have during these challenging times. Both Zac and Robert have a strong history working with businesses across all sectors and lately have been working around the clock to keep business owners up to date with key issues relating to employment and commercial leasing. A great chat with a number of key takeaways. If you have any further questions feel free to get in touch. #commercialleasing #employmentlaw #business #covid19 #accounting #law #tenants #landlord

01.01.2022 Freefalling from a 10 metre platform isnt much fun if youre scared of heights, but it didnt stop members of the Walshs crew from throwing themselves into team building day at The Jungle Adventure Play, in Tingalpa. The Jungle is Queenslands newest and largest indoor play centre, so it was a perfect place to host our Q4 Update and Team Building event. The aim of the day was to nudge staff outside their comfort zone and face their fears but, most importantly, to have som...e fun. And there was a bit of nudging involved for those team members with a fear of heights, as the day included scaling 8m high rock-climbing walls and navigating a complex high ropes course. The highlight was when everyone had to launched themselves off a 10m platform in the freefall zone. There were plenty of few screams but also plenty of support from those down below, resulting in everyone gave it a go and having a blast. See more

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