Wandering Souls Documentary | Media
Wandering Souls Documentary
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24.01.2022 Film producer Margaret Murphy of Wandering Souls Documentary and a former commissioning editor for SBS shared a heartfelt film review of ‘Return to KID’: Sin...ce viewing Return to KID I was so moved, I had to take time out to think about and absorb the film after watching with mixed enotions, both sadness and joy. Always a strength in a good documentary. The raw expression of remembrances from Vanna's family left me close to tears. Visually, it was beautifully shot with the emphasis always on the story teller... and edited, at a pace of the story being told. Well done Vincent Tay, Krystal Seang and everyone else involved in completing the film. This is an important and impressive documentary and I hope it will be seen nationally. Vanna worked very closely with Margaret Murphy and the Director/Producer Aviva Ziegler on Wandering Souls Documentary now screening on SBS Online: This film charts the mounting of a Cambodian stage production that commemorates those who died under the Khmer Rouge. Interweaving heart wrenching accounts of survival by those involved it also celebrates the renaissance of a lost artistic life. Watch the Wandering Souls Documentary at: https://www.sbs.com.au//video/1525846083660/Wandering-Souls Aviva Ziegler and Margaret Murphy dedicated Wandering Souls Documentary to Cambodian-born, Australian-raised cinematographer Vanna Seang, their Director of Photography, who died soon after filming wrapped. Thank you Margaret for your touching review of Return to KID, and a heartfelt thank you to both Aviva and Margaret for dedicating your film in loving memory of our dearly missed Vanna.
24.01.2022 Great news - you can now buy the Wandering Souls DVD Ronin Films - also available for schools community and government organisations Don’t miss the opportunity ...to buy one for your family, future generations to come and friends and share this story of Universal Hope and Healing It’s all ready to purchase through this link for individuals https://www.roninfilms.com.au/checkout.html
24.01.2022 We are so grateful to the Liverpool and Fairfield Champion as well as Camden Advertiser for publishing this feature story about the premier of Film Director Van...na Seang’s feature documentary Return to KID written by talented journalist Genevieve Kang. Thank you Genevieve for taking the time, care and dedication to capture our family’s heartfelt responses to the film and for highlighting what the film’s completion means for the Seang family. I love how this article dives into background details of Vanna and his family’s incredible journey, Vanna’s upbringing and the birth of his passion for filmmaking.... behind the scenes facts freshly told. Please continue to share this wonderful article in support of Vanna’s vision! You can read the article here on the Fairfield Champion at: https://www.fairfieldchampion.com.au//premiere-of-an-aus/ Also published on the Liverpool Champion at: https://www.liverpoolchampion.com.au//premiere-of-an-aus/ And published on the Camden Advertiser: https://www.camdenadvertiser.com.au//premiere-of-an-austr/ With much love, The Seang Family
23.01.2022 Sorry for the late notice - on now SBS- catch up on SBS ON DEMAND https://tvtonight.com.au//airdate-secrets-of-the-angkor-em
23.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who joined us for the LIVE online premiere of Vanna Seang's "Return to K.I.D" Documentary on April 18, 2020. You can watch the full HD doc...umentary of "Return to KID" at: https://youtu.be/2NUeOvikEic The film will remain publicly available online for all to watch. Your personal heartfelt messages and outpour of love and support have been overwhelming. Please continue to share the film with family, friends and your community in support of Vanna's legacy. Thank you, Krystal Seang (Vanna's wife)
18.01.2022 At the start of this month corresponding with the waning crescent moon of the lunar calendar Cambodian Buddhists around the world began celebrating one of largest cultural-social-religious holidays of the year: Pchum Ben. Sometimes described as the festival of hungry ghosts or ancestors’ day, the first 14 days of the 15-day celebration are called Kan Benand the last day, Pchum Ben.The entire celebration commemorates the 15 days of the year when it’s said the gates of hell open for ghosts to be among us, searching for food. https://www.cambodianlivingarts.org/pchumben/
16.01.2022 Another amazing story of survival and new generations
16.01.2022 Dearest family and friends of our beloved Vanna Seang,
12.01.2022 Lest we not forget the terrible Genocide In Cambodia Savy Him is featured here, the marvellous singer in Bangsokol which we followed from inception to World Premiere. Bangsokol has been performed in Australia, New York,Boston, Paris and Phnom Penh. Hopefully one day it will continue to travel the world to tell the story of resilience and hope Don’t forget you can purchase a copy of Wandering Souls documentary @ https://www.roninfilms.com.au/feature//wandering-souls.html
12.01.2022 Diary Date- don’t miss this virtual event Cambodian Living Arts (CLA) #bangsokol
11.01.2022 What a wonderful time at the @the melbourne arts festival in 2017 -Cambodian Living Arts (CLA) premiered #Bangskol- an outstanding global collaboration- #RequiemforCambodia . Wandering Souls Documentary tells the story from inception to premiere of the masterful work. Since the premiere #Bangsokol has been performed in New York Boston and Paris and the documentary will be screened as part of the #CLA 2020 Cultural Season in Cambodia - read all about the streaming and live events here https://www.cambodianlivingarts.org/culturalseason2020/ Make sure you tune in for the panel discussion after the screening of @Wandering Souls Documentary in November 28
09.01.2022 We’d like to share with you all the release of Vanna Seang’s film Return to Kid this Saturday 18 April We are so proud of Vanna’s friends who have completed this film. We are sad that Vanna is no longer with us but so pleased that the journey he took with his family to rediscover his heritage with his family has been preserved - Don’t miss it
09.01.2022 Great memories along the way making Wandering Souls Aviva Ziegler with composer Sophy Him
09.01.2022 Our favourite song in Bangsokol - rehearsals before the performance at Brooklyn Academy of Music Brooklyn in December 2017
07.01.2022 Take a listen- just before Bangsokol was performed in NYC in December 2017
04.01.2022 THE JOURNEY CONTINUES! In response to the challenges and realities of 2020, Cambodian Living Arts (CLA) and ArtsEmerson are staging Arts & Healing: Bangsoko...l Virtual Festival from December 12th to December 20th 2020. Here is the full program: https://bangsokol.cambodianlivingarts.org/2020-festival/ #artshealing2020 #bangsokol #CLA #artsemerson
04.01.2022 Cambodian Living Arts webcast with Asia Society, Art Connects: Cambodia and the Mekong Region, Wednesday, 5 August from 9-10am ET. 11pm-12 pm Australian time Registration is not required to attend virtually, and instructions on how to view the webcast on Facebook and YouTube are available here. https://asiasociety.org//webcast-art-connects-cambodia-and... If you are unable to tune in live we will post a link to the video once it's posted online afterwards.
01.01.2022 We hope one day we will be able to have another screening of @Wandering Souls Documentary