Wandoo Gully in Brunswick Junction, Western Australia | Farm
Wandoo Gully
Locality: Brunswick Junction, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9726 1234
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25.01.2022 Onyx's piglets. The Pig Whisperer is in her element. Ruby's piglets aren't so friendly but Ruby is still happy to come and see Matt for a scratch. This is what free range pork should look like. Boris was in Ruby's yard again this morning. He was sleeping in the shed, Ruby was around the side of it and the piglets were all in a pile in front of it. Cheeky bugger! Another high level electric wire has been put in place and when I got home this afternoon he was still in his yard where he is supposed to be.
24.01.2022 There were three in the wallow and the little one said... nothing because they were all happy!
24.01.2022 The cats have been hunting... they can't catch the mouse that is taunting them from under the cooker but they killed this, apparently without any ill effects to themselves. This is by far the biggest we have ever found!
23.01.2022 When the car boot is full, veggie transport duties fall to the bobcat. Anyone got any suggestions for what else to do with tomatoes? We have done enough pasetta, pizza base sauce, pasta sauce with veggies and dried tomatoes for the next year but still the tomatoes keep coming!
22.01.2022 *sigh* There is late night lamb racing in my house... from the lounge, up the corridor, back to the kitchen, into the laundry and back through the kitchen to the lounge with a leap for joy from the top of the step down. They both have a tummy full of milk (and are sloshing) so I think I'd better let them get it out of their system before bedtime! And for something different, this is what about 16Kg of salami packed for storage looks like. This should be enough for two salami per week for a year. Ahahahahahahaha! I crack myself up, who am I kidding that it will last that long.
18.01.2022 We don't do Halloween at Wandoo Gully. Fortunately we're too far off the beaten track for anyone to come over and if they did they would have to stop at the Biosecurity sign on the gate anyway. But if we did do halloween I think Matt would probably dress up as "crazy farmer with gun wanting to know why you ignored the biosecurity sign"
17.01.2022 Close call tonight... Matt was nearly taken out by a dropbear. Fortunately it hit the roof of the cab on the bobcat, bounced off and he was able to run it over. Check out the claws on this sucker! Does anyone know if it's safe to feed dropbear meat to the dog and the cats?
17.01.2022 The bobcat is not working, probably an electrical issue. Matt says this morning that he has to get it fixed because he can face the zombie apocalypse but not without a bobcat. Voice comes from down the corridor "Yeah well how else are you supposed to move the bodies?"
17.01.2022 The circle of life is in full operation at Wandoo Gully this weekend. The sad news first... Matt was out in the old orchard yesterday and found Posy dead. No idea what she died of, she did not look sick last time I saw her a few days ago. It does happen sometimes. Her lamb (who was Snowdrop but was renamed Slowdrop because she's not very bright) is doing fine and was weaned a little while back. However new life has arrived in abundance. Ruby (who was Rump before she got accidentally knocked up and became an official breeding sow) has dropped seven squiggly little pigglies this afternoon! Not bad for a first litter :-) The Pig Whisperer is in Perth overnight with Matt and has officially lost her shit on the phone. She will now undoubtedly be unbearable until she can get home to see the piglets tomorrow.
16.01.2022 Spot quiz! What's this? No prizes, just surprises :-)
13.01.2022 Surprise arrival of another 4 piglets today from Onyx, who is another casualty of the randy boy that we had jumping electric fences about 4 months ago. These piglets are pure Berkshire so they are mostly black and of course very cute. We didn't think she was ready to pop yet, but what do we know! Boris, who is with Lucinda in the yard next to Ruby and piglets, decided that he needed to jump the fence today... twice. I guess Ruby must smell a bit funny. Interestingly all of th...e horror stories about boars eating piglets did not come to fruition. He really didn't seem to be interested in them. Having said that, our pigs are calm and socialised so they don't really get agro anyway. He was more than happy to go back to his own yard again when Matt waved a bucket with grain in under his nose! Lessons learnt... the power of the penis exceeds the fear of the electric fence. We need more strands of electric! See more
13.01.2022 For those of you old enough to remember... "Pigs arse!" Or in this case three. Onyx, Jet and one of their assorted piglets
13.01.2022 Our chooks lay larger than normal eggs, mainly because they are older birds than are usually in commercial flock. When we find a super massive black hole, err I mean super massive egg we refer to it as "a contender" as in contender for the title of biggest egg ever. Today's contender was a winner! Our new record largest egg weighs in at 109 grams and I bet it made the chicken's eye's water! Just for perspective, standard "large" eggs are in the vicinity of 50g each. We rarely get eggs that small so the egg on the top is the smallest we could find in today's collection at 56g. The egg in the middle is more like our normal egg, 75g, which I think is a "mega" egg when you buy them in the shops. The egg on the bottom is today's winner and tomorrow's breakfast :-)
11.01.2022 Bums up in the morning! Ruby and piglets having breakfast in the early morning sun.
11.01.2022 For those of you who live in the Bunbury area, we are now doing contactless home deliveries for our beautiful free range eggs. Please go to our online store to order. Note the specific delivery days for specific suburbs. We cannot delivery outside of this area, sorry. https://wandoogully.square.site/
11.01.2022 Remember Posy our orphan from a couple of years ago, well now she has a lamb of her own.
10.01.2022 Lucinda is a clever girl! The pig whisperer is thrilled because "little Lucinda" is her pet :-) Four beautiful piglets born this afternoon.
10.01.2022 Now it's double trouble. Tulip came into the house on Wednesday afternoon after Matt caught her trying to very unsuccessfully burgle milk from anyone (anyewe?) that would stand still but with no obvious mum. We think she was simply really bad at attaching and got left behind. She had to be syringe fed the first couple of feeds but now she's on a standard lamb teat on a bottle and it's all good. It's nice for Primrose to have another lamb to keep her company, means hopefully she won't end up neurotic and thinking she's a dog like Posy! Why Tulip? Check out those ears!
09.01.2022 Lamb racing is the game to be in according to the 50 odd lambs that have been born so far. Nothing like seeing a whole pile of gangly little white woolly jumpers screaming across the paddock without any regard of which of the ewes gets in their way! We have lost some lambs to the crows for the first time this year, mainly due to a poor choice of paddock on our part. Very disconcerting to find a lamb carcass that has been totally cleaned out of all soft tissues, just the skin ...and bones left. Since moving them to a paddock with better visibility for the ewes and no large groups of trees for the crows to sit in we haven't lost any more. We do have an orphan though. Primrose was the first lamb of twins born last Saturday afternoon, but lamb number 2 was stillborn and mum-ewe was so fixated on the stillborn that she forgot she had a live one. She's a very easy orphan as they go... she feeds well, navigates the tiled floors in the house with ease, goes to sleep when we put her in her enclosure and (this is for the parents) was sleeping through the night at 2 days old :-P The dog is disappointed that she doesn't wear more of her milk (coz Holly likes to lick messy lambs clean), Tiger and Smudge are taking it all with very good grace (which might change when Prim is bigger than them) and ZIva is nothing but a ball of simmering resentment! We also have even more piggies. They are all pure Berkshire's very cute and move too fast to be photographed :-/ In the school holidays we made our year's worth of cured meats. Now salamis, coppa and pancetta are hanging drying in the shed while the bacon is cured, sliced and in the freezer. Our first time making bacon and even without a smoker it's pretty good. And finally, for anyone that is in the Bunbury area, if you want to buy our free range, grass fed lamb then go see Pete at Pete's Chop Shop in Australind. In previous years we have moved our lambs out via the stock yards in Katanning, which means that they all have to go at once via two different transport companies and it's several hours in a truck for them. Supplying the Chop Shop direct (via the abbatoir of course) means we can move small batches of lambs through as they reach good size, they are less stressed because it's only half an hour transport time (which we can do ourselves) and everything is more local. Working on that carbon footprint! To that end we're tree planting on the weekend too. Maybe more of this lot will survive the onslaught by the roos. See more
09.01.2022 Just when I thought the household menagerie couldn't get any more chaotic, there is the introduction of five orphan piglets. Born in the night, first litter for a young sow and she is so not interested it's not funny. A bit of a search of the interwebs suggests feeding times for newborn pigs from every 15 minutes to six times a day. Matt is already wiped out in the aftermath of a cold and has managed to get them all through the day alive. Night feeds might kill me.
08.01.2022 Stripy, Leggy and Spot have worked out that feeding time is a rotational affair and they are now pretty much lining up to take their turns on the bottle! Stripy goes first, then Leggy then Spot. Then repeat. Then after a brief break Spot gets a third go if she wants it because she's not as much of a gannet guts as the other two. And just to confirm that life on the farm isn't all cute baby animals and happy times, a fox got into the high security Rosemary yard for delinquent chooks the other night. Catch on the gate broke and 20 bodies later it was done. Time to start baiting the fox trap again.
05.01.2022 It's been a pretty good week at Wandoo Gully. New piglets arrived, corn was harvested, roosters were shortened (by a head in case you were wondering) on top of all the normal farm stuff. This morning as a special treat we got to spend at least 10 minutes outside watching FOUR wedge-tail eagles soaring over the property. They were just magnificent. Interesting how the local murder of crows ran for cover!
04.01.2022 Down to two orphan piglets now, Leggy didn't make it. Very sad since he was the one with the most personality and who liked cuddles. The two that are left, Stripey and Spot, are strong and noisy and getting fat! They are going to be too big for the brooder box soon. Hopefully they can start spending some time outside during the day.
02.01.2022 Third litter of piglets has arrived! This is Jet and her 7 squiggly pigglies, born early this morning.
02.01.2022 LIfe is busy. Lambs have started dropping, new chickens have arrived, piggies have gone to new homes and we had our first sub-zero nights for this winter. We purchased a new ram, a dorper (those ones with the black heads) back in February. His name is Ramses! Dorpers are better suited to dryer conditions so we're hoping that the Wiltipol/Dorper cross lambs will stack on the weight better as we head into summer. We still had our Wilti ram, Loki, at the start of tupping so the... lambs dropping at the moment were sired by him but we're hoping to start seeing little black heads any day now! Back at the start of the pandemic everyone went nuts for chooks in their back yard... we call them "chicken preppers". It has meant that the normal top up to our laying flock that we do at the start of winter couldn't happen because nobody had chickens to sell. Finally this week we have been able to get more chooks. This will no doubt make the customers we have not been able to supply very happy. Piggies have been going to new homes as breeding stock! This is more exciting that selling them to go in the freezer. Two of Jet's girls and one of Lucinda's boys went to a new home just outside of Bunbury. The couple who bought them came to pick them up with their children, who were very excited about the concept of getting pigs. The boy piglet from Lucinda had been nicknamed "Cuddles" because he had cut his leg when he was newborn and for the first week or so of his life had to be picked up and cuddled while antibiotics were administered and the leg generally tended to. After that The Pig Whisperer was up there every few days to cuddle him. When Matt picked him up to lift him out of the yard to go to his new home he almost sighed and relaxed for that last cuddle! His brother who is still here was nicknamed "Squiggles" because he did. On top of that, two of the Spanish piggies are going to new homes to be breeders too. Seis is being picked up on Saturday and Siete will go in 2-3 weeks when she has finished weening her piglets. Why the Spanish piggies? Because when we bought them we gave them numbers in spanish. We also have the Japanese piggies and I think Ruby's piglets are the French piggies. Onyx's piglets are Inee, Menee, Minee and Mo, while Jet's piglets never really got names. Maybe they could be the seven dwarves? It does get hard to tell them apart when they are all black! And finally a thing to remember... when all else fails, hug your pig! See more
02.01.2022 Check out these two idiots. Every morning Primrose and Tulip (yes, last year's orphans) follow us up the hill to be let out of the area around the house into the new orchard. Most of the trees are bare and they are small enough that they won't do any damage to them. The gate has to be kept closed to keep the bigger sheep out because they will damage the trees. During the day Matt will go in and out as he does his thing... are they interested? No. Come time for C and I to come... home they are often lying by the gate waiting for us to let them back in. It's become a ritual. Then they bound like lambs (which they are not any more, they are surly teenagers and potentially teenage mothers! Oops) down the hill racing the car. After being told they can't come into the house through the front door they mosie around the side of the house to sleep on the same outdoor couch that they slept on as lambs. Hmm, maybe they aren't as stupid as we think they are? Nah, when I look out my bedroom window and see them butting heads for fun I know they are! See more
02.01.2022 Holly has always been obsessed with the pigs. She disappears and spends hours sitting by the pig yards just watching them. When we first got pigs we did let her into the yard once and she just sat there an watched them, until they got a bit nippy. She also has a sense of humor, having been seen on multiple occasions going up to the fence on a pig yard where a pig will be snoozing nearby and very deliberately going "WOOF!" to make the pig jump! Then she runs off wagging her ta...il and essentially laughing. And yes, for those of you who can count we are down to three piglets. One didn't survive the night and another slipped away this morning, being snuggled by The Pig Whisperer. The three that are left are strong feeders so we are hoping all will be good. They have been christened Stripy, Leggy and Spot. They did end up sleep through the night, for which we were all thankful. See more
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