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Wanneroo Health Club in Perth, Western Australia | Fitness trainer

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Wanneroo Health Club

Locality: Perth, Western Australia

Phone: +61 8 9405 3648

Address: 917 Wanneroo Road 6065 Perth, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 He wont be running off again !

23.01.2022 ARWLWA Heavy events Strength Comp yesterday great day. 3 Wanneroo Health Club participants put in good performances. Vince Giglia finishing 2nd with a total of 989kgs Jackie Giglia 2nd with 534kgs and Anne Whitehead 5th with 414 kgs. After moving all that weight we finished off with stone carrying and loading with Atlas balls all in all a great day.

22.01.2022 MEMBER OF THE MONTH DANIEL GARNER Danny started training 15th January under the supervision of Andy Hodgson Danny has made excellent gains and he has earned it 1 he has not missed any work outs ... 2 he has trained hard and followed Andys instructions 3 he has modified his diet and has used a quality protein supplement Thats what it takes consistency and a positive attitude. Here are some of his results starting weight 77.2 kg 10.4.15 85 kg Chest 106cm now 113 cm Arms 35 r 34 l now 38.5 r 38 l Shoulders start 115 cm now 124 cm This shows a net gain of 22.5 cm in muscle mass These are as good results as I have seen it shows that Andy hodgson knows how to train AND train other people as well. JEFF Any Questions

22.01.2022 Hanging leg raises working your entire core as well as your grip and giving a full body stretch.

21.01.2022 Wanneroo Health Club put on a Push Pull competition on the 1st July 2017. What a wonderful day, PBs for some members and just a lot of fun. Thank you to everyone that came, and thank you to everyone that helped on the day. Hope to see you all at the next one.

21.01.2022 Dave congratulates Jeff on completing his first workout...(this year)

21.01.2022 Bianca Jose- not just a fitness competitor, a power lifter as well. Rocks up to the gym in her boob tube and leggings and breaks the current national dead lift record! 125kg lift at 48kg body weight. Over 2.5 times her body weight! Like mother, like daughter...! (Jackie Giglia)

20.01.2022 Steve Salis off the board. Today Andy Hodgson broke SS clean and press record of 90 kg . Andy attempted 95 kg @ 94 kg BWT and was successful. This adds to his 160 kg bench press and 205 kg deadlift. The only remaining record in the 95 kg class is the SQUAT.... Lets see who gets that. Whoever wins they are both making great gains. Jeff See more

19.01.2022 Leg workout done walk done night shift nurse done fed the dogs and chooks.Time for some food and sleep.

18.01.2022 Steve Salis deadlifts 250 kg @ 96.4 kg bwt.

18.01.2022 Heading down the gym to cane Jules then train arms big guns no bingo wings for me

18.01.2022 Does Anyone Know This Man ?

17.01.2022 Body Weight dips no cheating great tricep exercise

17.01.2022 Tuesday night at Wanneroo Health Club. Jeff and his twin brother Ghor only their mother can tell them apart.

17.01.2022 Hercules 84 year old competing powerlifter and his coach Jeff garbett of 25 years on channel 7 news soon. Yep theres something special about wannerooo health club . Everyone is equal and every. Personal best is. Celebrated . Wannerooo health club rocks. 917 wannerooo rd wanneroo 94053648. If u want some of the.action or results give us a ring.

16.01.2022 My dogs at log aheads

15.01.2022 Sally and Jackie had a great session this morning Bench Press 57.5kg for Sally Famlonga and 70 kg for Jackie nice work ladies.

14.01.2022 Notice to all members We will open tomorrow from 830 AM and from 300 PM for the afternoon session. At the moment members are only able to attend during staffed hours. This 1st week we will be open on Monday Wednesday and Friday so that we and our members can get back into a routine. Any issues we will discuss with you when we see you rather than have a long drawn out message here. We apologise for any inconvenience but these circumstances were beyond our control look forward to seeing you tomorrow Jeff and Jackie

14.01.2022 Amazing soloist: Dutch violinist Rudolf Koelman is the winner of the prestigious Edison Classic Music Award 2010, the only violinist ever who has recorded all P...aganini Capricci live and Jascha Heifetzs last active student. His plays on the Woolhouse Stradivarius. Fabulous conductor and concert master: Paul Wright. This first collaboration between Mr Koelman and Mr Wright promises to deliver an event of immense pleasure. Most beautiful program: Webers stirring Overture Der Freischütz, Bruchs rarely heard Violin Concerto No 2, Schuberts glorious Symphony No3: an exquisite all romantic tour de force. Fremantle Chamber Orchestra conductor & concert master Paul Wright Rudolf Koelman (violin) Weber: Overture Der Freischütz Bruch: Violin Concerto No 2 Schubert: Symphony No 3 Saturday 2 February at 3pm @ John Curtin College of the Arts (free parking & air conditioned) 90 East St Fremantle Sunday 3 February at 3pm @ Government House Ballroom (air conditioned) The Supporters This concert is made possible by the generous support of the Fremantle Herald and Perth Voice, the City of Perth, Total Eden, Fremantle Ports, Hemsley Paterson and all enthusiastic musicians. Tickets are available at the door or via TICKETEK; transaction fees apply.Adults: $40, Concession $35, under 18 years: $20.

13.01.2022 Our latest hunting trip

12.01.2022 Hi everyone hope u had a great xmas. Due to vandalism we are having problems with the padlock. Unfortunatley this means tjere will be no 24 hours access for the next couple of days. We are sorry for the inconvenience the matter is being dealt with as promptly as possible. Thank you for your understanding. All the best for the new year Jeff and Jackie

12.01.2022 Great start to the day roof damage after the rain but open for business of course

11.01.2022 A big CONGRATULATIONS go to Anne Whitehead on achieving 5 World Weightlifting Records! One of our long term Gym members Anne Whitehead recently returned from a trip to the UK to compete is the All Round Weightlifting Worlds competition. This was a 2 day comp held in Accrington UK on 5-6th October 2013 Anne competed in the Masters (aged 50+) under 65kg class. She broke 5 World Records, and equaled another in her class!!... Here are the results: Clean+press - 35kg equaled World Record Continental snatch 35kg World Record Straight arm pullover 17.5kg World Record 1 hand vertical 2" pinlift 40kg World Record Back squat 80kg World Record 1 arm dumbbell clean+jerk 20kg World Record Trapbar deadlift 95kg. Anne came 3rd overall in the women and is now the 2013 worlds winner in the masters 50+yrs 65kg class, and this is in addition to the 3 world records she achieved in the 2011 Worlds held in Perth.

11.01.2022 Training with Super Sally Famlonga while recuperating from a broken leg .On crutches No work No driving No excuses.

11.01.2022 Hope everyone enjoyed the ANZAC Day long weekend. Last week's highlights 1 Steve Salis deadlifted 250 kg @ 96 kg bwt. It took a while but thanks to Andy Hodgson Steve is going hard again. GOOD ONYA STEVE... 2 Bianca Jose squated 60 kg @ 50 kg bwt Easy . Bianca aims to compete later this year and is without a doubt the best looking power lifter I have ever seen. Must take after her mum 3 Danny Jones deadlifted 155 kg @ 74 kg bwt and 60 yrs old. Danny continues to get stonger and will compete and set state records this year. Pictures to follow

10.01.2022 Strongest granny in Perth 125kgs at 58.3 kgs body weight and 57 years old has anyone done better ?

09.01.2022 Just another afternoon at Wanneroo Health Club

08.01.2022 My girl so good to hear a female happy about gaining weight . Consistency in training and diet 10 kgs gained the results speak for themselves . U r a champion Bianca

08.01.2022 Erwein did us proud in a powerlifting comp today with to PBs 230 then 240 as seen in the video . Nice job big fella.

07.01.2022 DEADLIFT and BENCH PRESS Competition Sat 14th December 2013 Weigh in - 1pm Lifting starts - 2pm... Entry fee: Members - $25 Non members - $40 See Jackie or Jeff to register 9405 3648

07.01.2022 Monday morning felt tired so decided to see how much I can deadlift 125 kgs at 60kg body weight I obviously felt better than I thought I did. I'm happy with that.

07.01.2022 Bianca after a workout we obviously have to make her train harder. Looks too happy and too relaxed.

07.01.2022 Setting up to do deadlifts

06.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who took part in Saturday's Northern districts Deadlift and Bench Press competition. Results: Women's overall winner- Jackie Giglia Men's overall winner- Andy Hodgson 2nd place- Darcy Boylan... 3rd Place- Luke Nicholas More results and photos to follow.

06.01.2022 Danny Jones 61 years old 75kgs body weight consistent 2 personal training sessions a week . Positive Attitude the performance says it all. New record 142.5 kg squat Done

05.01.2022 Today is 'D' day! Or D&B day- Deadlift and Bench press day at Wanneroo Health Club. Weigh-in at 1pm, comp starts at 2pm so if you are feeling strong, or just want to support friends, come on down!

05.01.2022 Its not just the young but the young at heart Joan skipping rope luv these people. Enjoy your hols as I know u will. Use it or lose it. Xxx

05.01.2022 RIP Oi Our favorite dog passed away today we will dearly miss him but we take solace in the fact that he lived a long and healthy life we estimate that he was between 14 and 16 years old bless him.

05.01.2022 Some members having a fun day at the 'Color Run'. Having fun to raise funds for PMH. It's a tough life!

05.01.2022 Merry Christmas and all the best for the new year from Jeff and JackieMerry Christmas and all the best for the new year from Jeff and Jackie

05.01.2022 Gymnastics at Wanneroo Health Club. No animals were harmed in the making of this video

04.01.2022 Danny Jones 61 years old 75kgs body weight 100% Natural.

03.01.2022 If you *#!*ers dont pay your memberships I will shoot you !

02.01.2022 Train the trainer pay back time .

01.01.2022 Paul O'Prey deadlifts 272.5kg! Our heaviest lift at the gym this year.

01.01.2022 Danny Jones 61 years old 140kg deadlift for 5 reps. Impressive

01.01.2022 Andy hodgson 160 kg bench press at 95 kg bodyweight this guy just keeps getting better nice work and well deserved . Cosistent hard work .

01.01.2022 Also today Danny Jones squated 125 kg x 4 reps @ 74 kg BWT. And he is 60 years old. Good onya Danny

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