Wanneroo Lodge No.349 (WAC) in Kingsley, Western Australia | Community group
Wanneroo Lodge No.349 (WAC)
Locality: Kingsley, Western Australia
Address: Curnow Knuckey Centre, Moolanda Boulevard, Kingsley 6026 Kingsley, WA, Australia
Website: http://www.lodge349.blogspot.com
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25.01.2022 Vale V. Wor. Bro. David Emmanuel Clarke. P.D.G.D.C.
22.01.2022 Our next meeting will be held on Monday November 25 commencing at 7.00 pm. Visitors will be received at 7.30 pm. The Labour of the evening will be an initiation, we hope Entered Apprentices will be able to join us accompanied by their Worshipful Master.
22.01.2022 A Message from our Grand Master Brethren Since the Grand Lodge is currently closed this is the best way to communicate with the brethren. Some lodges will be holding meetings in January or February and I would like to announce that as a mark of respect of the passing of a Past Grand Master, MW Bro Bill Babe, I request all brethren to wear a black rosette at all WAC lodge meetings held in January and February. If you do not hold meetings during this time I would request that ...you wear them at your first meeting back in 2021. Please pass this request on to as many brethren as possible as only approximately one third of our membership are using Facebook. See more
21.01.2022 Our next meeting will be held on Monday July 22 commencing at 7.00 pm. Visitors will be received at 7.30 pm. The Labour of the evening will be an initiation, we hope any Entered Apprentices will be able to join us accompanied by their Worshipful Master.
20.01.2022 Monday August 24, 2020, Wanneroo Lodge should have been conducting our Installation Meeting, however, due to Covid-19 restrictions in Western Australia, ALL Masonic Meetings have been cancelled/suspended for the year 2020. To ALL Brethren, stay safe, stay well. Our Lodge will endeavour to hold a Christmas functions for our Brethren and families in the not to distant future. Please keep in touch.
19.01.2022 LADIES NIGHT - CHRISTMAS FUNCTION Monday November 23, 2020 6.30 pm for 7.00 pm., to be held at the Greenwood Hotel, Function Room. Dress Formal. Please advise our Secretary and Treasurer of your attendance. Further details will be posted closer to the date.
19.01.2022 Wanneroo Lodge No. 349 Western Australian Constitution Consecrated 1st July 1983 Ceremony of Installation Of... Wor. Bro. Barry TALEB. Worshipful Master And Investiture of Officers At the Curnow Knuckey Centre Moolanda Boulevard, Kingsley. Monday August 26, 2019 Installing Officer Wor. Bro. John WRIGHT. Visitors received at 6.20pm. Festive Board Charge of $30.00. Pre pay and Registration is essential.
19.01.2022 Our Christmas Meeting will be held on Monday the 16th December. Tyling at 7.00 pm. Visitors will be received at 7.30 pm. We will then close the Lodge and adjourn to the Festive Board room for Christmas festivities. On this occasion a catered meal will be provided at a cost of $25.00 per person, excluding children under 10 years. For Catering purposes could you please advise you attendance to our Treasurer Wor. Bro. Hart on 92475073 NO LATER THAN FRIDAY DECEMBER 6. The 'Man in Red' has scheduled a visit on the night.
17.01.2022 Our next meeting will be held on Monday September 23 commencing at 7.00 pm. Visitors will be received at 7.30 pm. The Labour of the evening will be an initiation, we hope Entered Apprentices will be able to join us accompanied by their Worshipful Master.
16.01.2022 Posted on the Proud to be a UGLE Freemason FB Group ... *The Masonic Deck of Cards* One evening a Lodge Mentor retired with a young Brother who could not witness a ceremony in a higher degree. ... The Mentor produced a pack of playing cards and said to the younger Brother, Did you know that you can learn a great deal about Freemasonry from these? No, indeed, said the young Brother. What can they teach me? They are useful for improving your memory, said the Mentor. Look here, now. The ACE it reminds me of the Great Architect of the Universe. The TWO reminds me of the two great pillars at the entrance of King Solomon's Temple The THREE reminds me of the 3 who rule the Lodge, the WM, the SW and the JW. The FOUR reminds me of our progression in the Craft Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, Master Mason, and Worshipful Master. The FIVE reminds me of the 5 noble orders of Architecture, Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian and Composite. The SIX reminds me of the 6 principles of our order, Brotherly Love, Relief, Truth, Faith, Hope, and Charity. The SEVEN reminds me of the 7 liberal arts and sciences, Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric, Arithmetic, Music, Geometry, and Astronomy. The EIGHT reminds me that we have members from all faiths. Muslims believe that there are 8 paradises, signifying God’s mercy. In Buddhism 8 is a lucky number. The NINE reminds me of the working tools. Three for each of the three degrees. The TEN reminds me of the 10 Commandments on which our order is based. TEN was also the Pythagorean symbol of perfection or completeness. The JACK reminds me of the word we share in the Fellow Craft Degree. The QUEEN reminds me of the widow who bore the famous son and, also our Sovereign. The KING reminds me of King Solomon the principal figure of our order. There are TWELVE face cards which remind me of the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 signs of the Zodiac. There are TWO COLOURS which remind me of Night and Day. Good and Evil. There are FOUR SUITS which remind me of Prudence, Temperance, Fortitude and Justice. I am most grateful, said the young Brother. I will never forget all that you have said. But tell me, there are two cards which you haven’t yet explained. Oh, those, said the Mentor. Those are the two JOKERS who Proposed and Seconded you after telling you that it would take no more than one evening a month.
16.01.2022 Monday November 26, 2019, Wanneroo Lodge initiated Bro. Glenn Lewis JONES. Glenn is the third generation of his family in our Lodge. His Grand Father, Wor. Bro. Harry JONES was a foundation member of our Lodge when consecrated in 1983. Harry's son, David, was an initiate in our Lodge. David now resides in Denmark and has recently joined the Denmark Lodge. David traveled to Perth to participate in his son's initiation. The Jones Brothers are pictured with our Worshipful Master, Wor. Bro. Barry TALEB.
16.01.2022 Wanneroo Brethren. Our Worshipful Master invites you to attend a Business Meeting at the Greenwood Hotel on Monday October 26, 2020. 6.30 pm for 7.00 pm. Dress, smart casual. Amongst items for discussion will be our Program for 2021. Please make every endeavour to attend, your participation is essential.
15.01.2022 The Three "Rs" in Freemasonry. Respect for the traditions, rituals and the ancient landmarks of the order. Renewal of the tenets and beliefs of the Craft, and the daily practice of truth, honor and virtue in our own lives.... Relevant in the new millennium, perhaps more so than ever before. To remain so requires innovative ideas, effective communication and engagement with the 'outside world' to stem the tide of falling membership and less than favorable public perception of Freemasons.
13.01.2022 It is with deep regret that I advise of the passing of Wor. Bro. Trevor Swan, a member of the St. John-Sportsmen Lodge and a frequent visitor to Wanneroo Lodge on Sunday January 5, 2020.
10.01.2022 The Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham Comms Team are proud to present the first in a new series of short films, featuring insights into Freemasonry from members ...of local Lodges. In the first episode, entitled "Finding Freemasonry", members discuss how they took their first step into the magnificent world of the Craft. Special thanks to FAUXeleven - photography & videography by Lindsay Davison for helping to produce the series. To find out more about Freemasonry, visit: http://durhamfreemasons.org/ Why not follow us on social media: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjiuMzzjKkWCjanjX4yWwvA https://www.instagram.com/pgldurham/ https://twitter.com/pgldurham #freemasons #freemasonry #freemasonryinsights United Grand Lodge of England
10.01.2022 The Kingsley Family of Lodges, hosted by Lord Nelson Lodge, will be conducting a double Second Degree Ceremony at Kingsley on Wednesday the 15th January, 2020. Tyling at 7.00 pm. A fully catered meal will follow at a cost of $25.00 per head. Bookings are essential with R. W. Bro. David WOOD. phone 92751809.
10.01.2022 Wanneroo Lodge 400 th. Meeting. Will be held at Kingsley on Monday December 16, 2019, this also being our Christmas Meeting. Do come and join us for this special night. Entertainment has been arranged for the Children, Ladies and non masons from 6.30 pm. The cost of the Festive Board is $25.00 per head, there is no charge for children under 10. For catering purposes, please advise our Treasurer W. Bro. Alan HART on phone 92475073.
10.01.2022 A few photo's from our 2019 Installation courtesy of 'Snapper'
09.01.2022 A good news story taking place at the Perth Children's Hospital
08.01.2022 Wanneroo Lodge Installation will be held at Kingsley on Monday August 26, 2019. Wor. Bro. Barry Taleb will be Installed as our Worshipful Master. The Installing Officer is Wor. Bro. John Wright. Visitors will be received at 6.20 pm. Please join us. The Festive Board Charge is $30.00.Bookings ARE essential and must be made NO LATER than August 23rd.
08.01.2022 The Funeral for our late V. Wor. Bro. David Emmanuel CLARKE. ESM., P.D.G.D.C. will be held on Thursday January 14, 2021, at the West Chapel, Pinnaroo, commencing at 10.00 am.
07.01.2022 Our next meeting will be held on Monday March 23, 2020. The Ceremony is a Third Degree. Visitors will be received at 7.30 pm. Brethren attending will be made most welcome.
07.01.2022 Congratulations to all involved in a successful Installation meeting held on the 26th August, and a big thank you to all visitors plus the District Grand Lodge and Grand Lodge Delegations for attending. We trust you enjoyed your visit.
07.01.2022 In accordance with the Grand Master's directive, our Lodge Meetings and cancelled until further notice. Please stay safe and keep in touch with each other.
04.01.2022 The famous Apprentice Pillar is always a favourite feature in the Chapel
02.01.2022 SUPPORT THE GRAND MASTER'S BUSH FIRE APPEAL The Kingsley Family of Lodges, hosted by Lord Nelson Lodge, will be conducting a double Second Degree Ceremony at Kingsley on Wednesday the 15th January, 2020, tyling at 7.00 pm. A fully catered meal will follow at a cost of $25.00 per head. Bookings are essential with R.W.Bro. David Wood. Phone. 92751809. During the Festive Board, a 'Monster Raffle' will be held to raise funds which will be donated to the Grand Master's Bush Fire Appeal. Brethren, please join us on the night and support, not only the two candidates, but also our Grand Master.
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