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Warburton Habitat Tree in Warburton, Victoria | Education

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Warburton Habitat Tree

Locality: Warburton, Victoria

Phone: +61 409 493 721

Address: The 'Waterwheel' 3400 Warburton Hwy WARBURTON VIC 3799 3799 Warburton, VIC, Australia


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23.01.2022 News from the Leadbeaters Lair ... AGM Friday 23 October LBP vs VICForests ... Friends of Leadbeater's Possum celebrated a landmark win on all claims, concluding that logging in 26 coupes had been conducted unlawfully and that planned logging in another 41 scheduled coupes would be unlawful...

22.01.2022 An opportunity to find out what plants and wildlife help to make your property special ...

21.01.2022 In case you missed ABC News last night, Friends of Leadbeater's Possum Inc.'s huge Federal Court win was a top story.

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16.01.2022 Victorian forests update ... 65 + Victorian logging coupes are currently subject to legal challenges in the Supreme Court with Vicforests currently facing 5 court challenges for unlawful logging practices

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11.01.2022 Urgent! Help us buy Lot 155 Cape Tribulation Road in the Daintree Rainforest and add it to the Daintree National Park! Each $2.50 will save one sqm of rainfores...t. Please donate now at and help us raise $220,875 by the 30th of June. A donation of $25 will purchase and protect ten sqm of rainforest. For more information please see This property at Diwan is 8.835 hectares in size, is covered by tropical rainforest, and provides vital habitat for the Endangered Southern Cassowary. Please see more information at The property adjoins the Daintree National Park and is a known habitat for the endangered Cassowary. We’ve signed a contract of sale and have the challenge of raising $220,875 by the 30th of June 2020. Please donate now at

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05.01.2022 I beg of you.....every one.....BREAK THE LOOPS!! (Photo: Mary Caporal Prior)

02.01.2022 An army of Giant Spider Crabs march into the bay to moult every year. But this surreal congregation is being recklessly targeted. Back the plan for a no-take break for these kooky crustaceans.

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