Nicolette Ward in Rochedale South | Counsellor
Nicolette Ward
Locality: Rochedale South
Phone: +61 417 435 029
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25.01.2022 Stan explains how we relate to our partner's in this post. He puts it plainly - you can either be an anchor, an island or a wave.
23.01.2022 Allow yourself to feel the breath moving in and out of your body as gently as you possibly can. And then do it more gently. And more gently. . Because it's the quality of gentleness that brings you into felt-relationship." ~ Philip Shepherd
22.01.2022 Have you been to my website? There is some helpful information for you under "helpful stuff".
22.01.2022 The ACE (Adverse Childhood Experience) Quiz helps to inform us of the extent to which childhood experiences may have shaped our current life situation. Check it out.
21.01.2022 Values / Goals Are your values and goals aligned? Values and Goals conversations can be difficult to move forward in a way that moves the conversation forward in a win-win way, that... meets everyones needs. Marshall Rosenberg has a great video giving examples for needs resulting in anger.
21.01.2022 Often the non-monogamous partner will withhold the details of their affair. Here are some recommendations Affair recommend for regaining trust from the spouse that wants to know more about what happened.
19.01.2022 Money is one of the most common stressors for couples. In recent times, couples are in conflict around finances a lot more. Huffington Post has written a great article about how stress might be killing your sex life. If these suggestions dont help, it may be time to get with your couples counsellor and work through these issues more often than not, its not always about the money. ...
18.01.2022 What does fidelity in your relationship really mean? Esther Perel asks us to look at why we cheat in our relationships and turns our common misconceptions on their head. This is a deep dive so put some time aside to watch this video - its fascinating hearing her ideas around what happens in marriages around loyalty and betrayal.
18.01.2022 What is your Love Language? Try the quiz
17.01.2022 As a couple, i ask you three questions What is our purpose as a couple? What principles of partnership do we both believe in? What do we do for each other that no one else could do? ...
17.01.2022 Does it take much to make you angry? Do you take a long time to get over being angry?
16.01.2022 There are a few things we need to know about how to keep our significant other safe.
14.01.2022 Dr Stan Tatkin helps us see what lies beneath the rubble of our relationship. I love his way of explaining how relationships work AND what we can do about that.
12.01.2022 If I had a dollar for every time I am asked this question: "Yes, Nikki, but if its not my love language, how do I DO the other person's love language?" Well here you are.
12.01.2022 When you look, what do you see? People or Buildings?
10.01.2022 What Does It Mean When Your Partner Shuts Down? Conflict can make us withdraw for so many reasons. Marshall Rosenberg helps us to... listen for the need when we experience this withdrawal during conflict.
10.01.2022 Inspire the Love Drug to the Pain Killer naturally! #naturalchemicals
09.01.2022 If you are defensive towards your partner, you may not be owning your part you have to play. Where there is one, there is always the other.
09.01.2022 Il y a vingt ans, le psychologue américain Arthur Aron démontrait quun rapprochement sopérait entre deux inconnus sils se regardaient quatre minutes dans les... yeux. Partant de là, Amnesty International a réalisé un film dexpérimentation pour rappeler, particulièrement en ces temps qui semblent dominés par les conflits et la division, que voir le monde à travers les yeux dune autre personne est toujours bénéfique. Ce film, Look Beyond Borders, produit à Berlin, part dune rencontre symbolique dEuropéens avec des réfugiés pour devenir une métaphore universelle. Le point de départ a été lexpérience dArthur Aron, qui a prouvé que le fait de se regarder dans les yeux pendant quatre minutes pouvait significativement rapprocher deux personnes. Les organisateurs ont décidé dutiliser ce concept dans le contexte de larrivée en Europe de milliers de réfugiés chaque année. Ils ont mené cette expérience à Berlin, près du Checkpoint Charlie, pendant deux jours. Dun côté, il y avait avait des réfugiés (surtout de Syrie) ; de lautre, des Européens (des Polonais, des Italiens, des Allemands et des Belges) - tous des gens ordinaires. Les scènes nont pas été pré-arrangées et les personnes qui se sont assises les unes en face des autres ne se sont jamais rencontrées auparavant. Lexpérience est entièrement basée sur la spontanéité et le caractère naturel des réactions. Les réfugiés viennent principalement de Syrie et vivent en Europe depuis moins dun an. Grâce à cette expérience, il a été possible de montrer quune rencontre entre des gens qui sont en théorie étrangers lun à lautre et issus de cultures différentes peut devenir particulière et profondément inspirante. Les frontières existent entre les pays, pas entre les êtres humains. Lidée de réaliser ce film est née en Pologne. Le Secrétariat international dAmnesty International à Londres, ainsi que les sections dautres pays européens ont participé à linitiative de la section polonaise dAmnesty International. Ce film se veut un message européen collectif adressé à tous et toutes à travers le monde. Le projet a été lancé au même moment dans plusieurs pays, par-delà les frontières et par-delà de la situation spécifique de chaque pays.
08.01.2022 Keeping a similar routine I kept at work while working from home, helps me focus better and stay more productive. What is your experience with this?
07.01.2022 When its not real!!! Is a virtual affair real-world infidelity?
07.01.2022 Do you have a set of rules for your relationship? The Pact Institute has listed the ten commandments for a secure functioning relationship.
07.01.2022 Sitting the presence of another, this is what I feel. It's hard to explain but each wavelength is sensed, each vibration is felt. The body emanates from a place of the non-physical and then there is just a 'knowing', a deep resonance.
06.01.2022 Watch this video about attachment styles, and comment below on whether you see this in your relationships. Find out your own Attachment Style from the link in the comments!
06.01.2022 Here is a video that was sent to me by a person who has some credibility in the medical world. I am not advocating for or against vaccines. I just think it is worth being informed so we can make our own decisions.
05.01.2022 Wired for Love - Dr Stan Tatkin explains PRIMITIVES and AMBASSADORS
03.01.2022 Sometimes childhood trauma can affect our attachment in our relationships, our ability to learn, in fact, our entire life. If left unaddressed, it can start to show up in disturbed sleep patterns, body pain or mental health, as you get older.
03.01.2022 In your next argument or fight, notice which quadrant you are standing in.
03.01.2022 Annie Kaszina has lived a 20-year relationship of emotional abuse and knows how the voice of the abuse can stay long after exiting the relationship. She offers her advice from a 'lived place' of experience and is genuinely insightful on how to check out your relationship 'eggshells'. Your relationship couple bubble is about win/win, not lose/win or win/lose, or worse, lose/lose.
02.01.2022 Four Negative Patterns That Predict Divorce (Part 2) | Dr John Gottman
02.01.2022 What happens when you learn to walk on eggshells? While this post is more about singletons, what I love most about this blog post is it gets you to realise what parts of yourself are you hiding from your partner, because they might not like what they see. What is possible when you live your life the way you feel most authentic, true to yourself and to the relationship? Annie Kaszina has lived a 20-year relationship of emotional abuse and knows how the voice of the abuse can... stay long after exiting the relationship. She offers her advice from a 'lived place' of experience and is genuinely insightful on how to check out your relationship 'eggshells'. Your relationship couple bubble is about win/win, not lose/win or win/lose, or worse, lose/lose.
02.01.2022 I love that this article underscores that the arguments we have are never about the 'thing' we are arguing about. Its the thing behind the thing - I need to know you value my opinion, that you hear me, that I am respected, and that I matter.
01.01.2022 Everything you know about split brain theory is not true!! Watch this video by Ian McGilchrist.
01.01.2022 There are six types of Affairs. Type 1: One-night Stand Type 2: Fallen in Love Type 3: Sexual Addiction... Type 4: Wanting the marriage and the affair Type 5: Emotional Affair Type 6: Love Addiction Ref Rick Reynolds LCSW
01.01.2022 Relationship Rituals How often do you check-in and have a Relationship Review meeting? John Gottman, in his 30 years of research found that couples who engage in regular rituals to strengthen their relationship... experience better success. Master Couples are couples who connect often and practice healthy conflict. Couples who dont may become Disaster Couples over time.
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