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Warhammer in Cheltenham, Victoria | Shopping & retail

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Locality: Cheltenham, Victoria

Phone: +61 3 9585 4593

Address: 292b Charman Road 3192 Cheltenham, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 Be careful who you call really, really, really ridiculously good looking in the Old World... Sigvald is back and even more magnificent than ever, and he brought friends! Last nights preview dropped all kinds of delightful delicacies upon us, get the full feast at:

24.01.2022 Ever run out of glue, laughed so hard you accidentally snapped your favorite small layer brush or decided late Sunday night that Yes, you will get that battle force, only to be dismayed that you had to wait till Wednesday to buy it? Same, Well dismay no longer for we are happy to announce: 7 DAY TRADING IS BACK. That's right, as your reading this we are open RIGHT NOW, So drop by for all you Monday Warhammer needs

23.01.2022 New White Dwarf Day! A bountiful serving of everything Warhammer; New Campaign rules for 40k, A Skaven vs Kharadron clash in AOS, Jakkob Bugmansson joining in the Warcry game, Gandalf versus Saruman Wizards Duel and of course much, much more. The cherries atop include Gandalf versus Saruman Wizards Duel gaming mat, and gaming cards for Jakkob Bugmansson Warcry Character, Necromunda Tactics, Adeptus Titanicus, Blood Bowl Star Player Aeronautica Imperialis Ace Pilot.

23.01.2022 Big Pre-Orders coming up tomorrow! If you're thinking of grabbing one of the battle forces, I would suggest all due haste since they may not last long! Finally the new Primaris Chaplain on Bike on almost here too (after what I can only imagine was a quite serious flat tyre)... And Blood Angels? Well I just think they're neat :)

21.01.2022 This weekend Age of Sigmar is gonna get weird! And I for one, welcome our new Hedonite overlords.

13.01.2022 Hey CheltenHammers, Seems we shall be closed for the next 5 days due to Stage 4 lockdowns being re-instated for a short time. We will re-open as soon as it's possible to do so,... Hopefully at 10am on Thursday 18th February. I will be open until 6pm for any last minute pick-ups and supply runs. If this is not enough time for you tonight, please don't hesitate to call if you need me to stay open a little longer, I am happy to do so. Stay safe out there and see you soon.

11.01.2022 Exciting news, everyone! The time has come for activities to return to our VIC stores!! This will happen from Thursday 3rd December 2020. However, please note these important changes:... - You must book in advance to participate in our activities. - We will ask for your contact details to assist Contact Tracing. - All participants must sanitize their hands before participating. - Each activity will run for no longer than 90 mins. Check-in with us by calling the store on 03 9585 4593 or sending us a FB Message to learn about the in-store activities that we can offer at this stage. Every store will be different due to our Maximum Store Occupancy Limits. Thank you all for your patience and cooperation during this time! - Jenny Warhammer Cheltenham

10.01.2022 It's Slaanesh Saturday! Yes, the Hedonites and their enemies the Daughters of Khaine are dancing across my shelves today. Led by Sigvald in all his magnificence, the Hedonites are, as ever, ready to party.... And up for pre-order is the Black Library Weekender, for those anxious to dive into some pages. The legendary Captain Uriel Ventris is headlining the event, and will be available in stores on Saturday. Ultramarines being ever prepared, I assure you that you will have ever chance to add him to your collection. For if he sells out online you will still be able to place a back-order in-store on Saturday aka the Black Library Weekend!

10.01.2022 Tomorrow is Friday Night Football! (But during the day) That's right, Blood Bowl Season 2 (of which web pre-orders were quickly snatched up) will be on the Cheltenham Shelves tomorrow as a special Friday release!

09.01.2022 Howdy Sports Fans! Blood Bowl; the rowdiest, smashingest, blood/ball sport is entering it's second season. Going up for pre-order this afternoon. With the classic match-up of the fancy, feathered Imperial Nobility vs the armed-to-the-literal-teeth Black Orcs team. And waiting on the bench is the new Treeman, featuring my favourite Blood Bowl player, Akhorne the Squirrel.... Switching over to the 40k channel, I have the good news that Series 3 of the Space Marines Heroes is finally hitting our shores and going up for pre-order today as well. And the resplendent Mortathi is slitering onto the shelves today with her new Battle Box and Broken Realms: Mortathi book. Joining her is Jakkob Bugmansson XI: Brewmaster-General, who is not so much joining her, as staying out of her way and providing refreshments for those about to enjoy a game of Blood Bowl.

07.01.2022 If anyone needs me, I'll be browsing for airbnb's in The Cursed City.

07.01.2022 While the Imperium may have received much needed reinforcement of late, They shouldn't get too comfortable. December will see the return of the Death Guard with a new book and some truly DISGUSTING rules. Read about their latest updates here, but don't look too long lest your eyes rot:...

06.01.2022 My Beautiful Blood Angels are getting our new codex! Going up for pre-order this weekend, along with another very important event: The Battleforces will also being going up this weekend!... These will be webstore only, due to what we believe will be high demand, so make sure to check out the community post here and see if there are any battleforces that'll be making your wishlist. And remind your gift-sworn that these Battleforces may soon disappear like a gaurdsmen before a gauss destructor.

05.01.2022 Series 3 of Space Marine Heroes is finally here! Bringing blind boxes of blight onto the shelves this very day! Season 2 of Blood Bowl is also now in full swing! ... And Hobby Hobbits might want to check out the pre-orders going up today, as it seems some long-lost heroes may be emerging from the deeps and forests of Middle Earth.

04.01.2022 Aaaaaaaand we're back! I'm re-open after out little outbreak sabbatical, and ready to re-supply you with all your hobby needs. Make sure you've got your masks to come into the store, watch the occupancy limit and keep a respectful social distance. ... And of course feel free to call or message in advance to check I've got what you're after. Stay safe out there and see you soon!

02.01.2022 Deliveries! In the interest of speed I will just say; I have many deliveries to be picked up, and many hobby supplies available that you may not wish to put off until tomorrow.... Stay safe out there everyone <3

01.01.2022 It's Battleforce Day! These Holiday Super-specials will be going up at 1pm today, so consider acting fast if you want to ensure you don't miss out! And for the very cultured among us, the Blood Angel supplement + Cards, Dice etc is also up today, along with the limited hardback of Astorath: Angel of Mercy by Guy Haley.... Which I personally absolutely require like Astorath needs a goblet of Blood-Wine after a long day of beheading his black-rage-crazy friends.

01.01.2022 Praise Khaine and his most wonderful, honest, sincere and trustworthy High Oracle Morathi! The CheltenHammer Cult has prepared some marvelous merry murderesses for judgement! I may have a particular one in mind to be crowed winner, but I'd love to see which Witch you all believe should be first amoung her sisters.... Hit a Love react on your favourite, and like as many as you like :) And fantastic work and many thanks to everyone who entered!

01.01.2022 Deliveries have arrived! While the await pick-up, they will be glorying in the announcements of the Holiday Battleforces! Feel free to join them in at Warhammer Community in the links below. ...

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