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23.01.2022 Photograph by @monetnicolebirths VAGINAL SEEDING! Have you heard about this? Well here’s what you need to know. It has a little bit to do with vaginas and a little bit to do with c-sections. ... It’s when the mother or birthing person places gauges inside the vagina to soak up all those beautiful juices. Then once baby is born through c-section the gauge is then wipe over bubs eyes, nose, mouth and skin. The reason why this practice started and is becoming more and more popular is because studies have shown that c-section babies have significantly different gut bacteria to those who are born vaginally. When babes is moving through the birthing canal he/she is exposed to friendly bacteria which creates a strong immune system. This cuts down the risk of baby having allergies, asthma, eczema, and other diseases. The idea behind seeding is to mimic the effects of bacteria exposure during a vagina birth. Would you consider this?? Repost @monetnicolebirths Reaching for her mama
19.01.2022 Photography by @birthblessingsphotodoula Not until you see white! I’m talking delayed cord clamping. If you clamp or cut the cord too early your gorgeous babe is going to miss out on oxygen, stem cells, iron and nutrients. Waiting for 3 minutes means that bub will get the total blood volume needed from their placenta. ... This whole business of cutting and clamping early came about in the 1960s because doctors believed that it prevented postpartum haemorrhaging, however this was debunked soon after but for some crazy reason the practice kept going. So let it be known that you want Optimal Cord Clamping which means no clamping or cutting till the cord has stopped pulsating and has turn WHITE! So let me rattle of all the benefits just quickly when you decide to have Optimal Cord Clamping: * Increasing babes iron reserve * Increases blood volume * Increases blood platelets * Improves organ repair * Plays essential roles in development of immune, respiratory, cardiovascular & central nervous system. * Helps to repair any brain damage * Improves transitional circulation * Increases neuro development * Increases social skills and motor skills * Lower risk of anaemia * Fewer transfusions * Better outcome for pre-term babes Spread the word, Optimal Cord Clamping bring it back!!! #Repost @hypnobirthingaustralia Well Hello wise little one! . "This is what delayed cord clamping and physiologic 3rd stage of labor looks like at a home water birth. And her expression is adorable!" . cred: @birthblessingsphotodoula . . . . . #newborn #waterbirth #delayedcordclamping #homebirth #hypnobirthing #hypnobirthingaustralia #warriorswithwombs #birth #labour #pregnant #pregnancy #womb #photography #birthphotograpghy #warriorwombyn #earthside #maidentomother #postpartum #vbac #waterbirth #uterus #homebirth #delayedcordclamping #optimalcordclamping
19.01.2022 Photograph by @monetnicolebirths VAGINAL SEEDING! Have you heard about this? Well heres what you need to know. It has a little bit to do with vaginas and a little bit to do with c-sections. ... Its when the mother or birthing person places gauges inside the vagina to soak up all those beautiful juices. Then once baby is born through c-section the gauge is then wipe over bubs eyes, nose, mouth and skin. The reason why this practice started and is becoming more and more popular is because studies have shown that c-section babies have significantly different gut bacteria to those who are born vaginally. When babes is moving through the birthing canal he/she is exposed to friendly bacteria which creates a strong immune system. This cuts down the risk of baby having allergies, asthma, eczema, and other diseases. The idea behind seeding is to mimic the effects of bacteria exposure during a vagina birth. Would you consider this?? Repost @monetnicolebirths Reaching for her mama
19.01.2022 Check out this badass mumma owning her power. No matter how you want to birth your baby, every woman should feel like this after labour. Listen to your body and your intuition. Swaying your hips and your roaring voice. Your muscle contracting, as your baby shimmers down. ... Breathing, relaxing and letting go. Your pelvis opening up as you transition into being a mother. Indoors, outdoors, at home or at hospitals this can be achieved. Birthing with no fear and trusting your body. You are strong, you have the power, you are a warrior! @wildworldmama with @make_repost Imagine what might happen if women emerged from their labor beds with a renewed sense of the strength and power of their bodies, and of their capacity for ecstasy through giving birth Dr. Christiane Northrup . . @danamonticelli @the_holistic_midwife #Repost @3under3andme . @wildworldmama
18.01.2022 Photography by @birthblessingsphotodoula Not until you see white! Im talking delayed cord clamping. If you clamp or cut the cord too early your gorgeous babe is going to miss out on oxygen, stem cells, iron and nutrients. Waiting for 3 minutes means that bub will get the total blood volume needed from their placenta. ... This whole business of cutting and clamping early came about in the 1960s because doctors believed that it prevented postpartum haemorrhaging, however this was debunked soon after but for some crazy reason the practice kept going. So let it be known that you want Optimal Cord Clamping which means no clamping or cutting till the cord has stopped pulsating and has turn WHITE! So let me rattle of all the benefits just quickly when you decide to have Optimal Cord Clamping: * Increasing babes iron reserve * Increases blood volume * Increases blood platelets * Improves organ repair * Plays essential roles in development of immune, respiratory, cardiovascular & central nervous system. * Helps to repair any brain damage * Improves transitional circulation * Increases neuro development * Increases social skills and motor skills * Lower risk of anaemia * Fewer transfusions * Better outcome for pre-term babes Spread the word, Optimal Cord Clamping bring it back!!! #Repost @hypnobirthingaustralia Well Hello wise little one! . "This is what delayed cord clamping and physiologic 3rd stage of labor looks like at a home water birth. And her expression is adorable!" . cred: @birthblessingsphotodoula . . . . . #newborn #waterbirth #delayedcordclamping #homebirth #hypnobirthing #hypnobirthingaustralia #warriorswithwombs #birth #labour #pregnant #pregnancy #womb #photography #birthphotograpghy #warriorwombyn #earthside #maidentomother #postpartum #vbac #waterbirth #uterus #homebirth #delayedcordclamping #optimalcordclamping
18.01.2022 Welcome to Warriors With Wombs my name is Indigo. I studied womens herstory in 2017 and it set me on a Journey to want to work with women. I have a son of my own who is 3. My pregnancy, labour and postpartum experience unleashed a fire inside of me. To be able to support you through the most powerful journey from maiden to mother is a gift. I am a game changer, a noise maker and I want to celebrate your womb and the beautiful baby you are growing inside. I am open, emotional..., raw and I want to work with you. I fiercely promote positive body image, self love and self care. I can show you how to fall in love with yourself and your body. I want to support and help you feel empowered to have the calm and positive birth that you want. I want to flow with you, grow with you, and move with your body. Every wombyn has a choice and a voice and I want to help you use this not just in labour but in life. You are a Warrior I see your power I want to support you with no judgement. You are a wombyn I cant wait to hear you rawr. Lets dance. Photograph by @Wild.flow.her See more
17.01.2022 I love being apart of this Birth Community.
16.01.2022 Great article about how you can tell a wombyn/birthing person is progressing in labour WITHOUT checking dilation! Constantly checking of dilation can discourage mother/birthing person and is just another tool hospitals use to keep you on a time limit.
16.01.2022 Photography @gabysweet_ Once upon a time her stomach didnt look like this. But now it tells a beautiful story Each line is a chapter Filled with her pain her sorrow... A map of her happiness, her extreme love Pages on the depths of her joy and pleasure. And if you read it, It would be music to your ears, A symphony. A sonnet. A peon of her feminine power. #Repost @gabysweet_ Six months postpartum with twins and the story of their growing written upon her beautiful skin . . Repost @gabysweet_ . . #stopcensoringmotherhood #thisispostpartum #myhonestmotherhood #realbodies #bodyimagemovement #bodylove #stopcensoringmotherhood #twinlife #twinsofinstagram #motherhoodrising #ig_motherhood #birthbecomesher #stretchmarks #takebackpostpartum #twins #twinmum #thefamilynarrative #bodywisebirthwise #warriorswithwombs #feminiepower #doula #birthphotography #pregnacy #twins #warriorswithwombs #birth #labour #pregnant #womb #photography #birthphotograpghy
15.01.2022 photography by @ambermay.birthandbabes w Dads and daughters SKIN TO SKIN I couldnt rave about this enough. The benefits are many and amazing. Skin to skin is basically cuddling with your little one naked (and we all know Im a huge advocate for anything naked). So lets dive into the juiciness of it. ... Firstly skin to skin can be done with Mumma, birthing person, dad or partner. When practicing skin to skin your baby will feel calmer and cry less. It releases hormones that relieve stress for baby and for you. It can also regulate babies temperature, heart rate, breathing and blood sugar (enough said). And this is especially important in the first hour of babies birth which is called the sacred hour. If for some reason Mumma or birth person can not do skin to skin it is essential that Dad or partner be ready with shirt of to jump in. . The connection you will feel with Bub will last a life time. Skin to skin promotes colostrum it boost little ones immune system and protects from disease and other illnesses. It helps baby gain weight and builds a healthy brain. Tell your care provider that this is your plan so that they can delay weighing baby and any checks can be done while baby is soaking up that skin to skin action. And Mumma or birth person it also has benefits to your postpartum experience, skin to skin can lower the risk of postpartum depression or other mood disorders. So walking around topless with a baby in your arms is where its at.
14.01.2022 Photograph by @catfancote.capturingbirth Birth Photography? Why? So youre having a baby, you have your midwife, you have your doula, and youre tossing up whether or not to add a birth photographer to your list. Well having a birth photographer to capture your babies arrival is coming more and more popular, however some couples are still unsure. No matter how your baby is brought earthside. Hospital, home birth, water birth, c-section, VBAC, twins it will be amazing and ...an event you think about for the rest of your life. The moment when you first see your baby, hold your baby, smell your baby will always be burned in your memories but to have beautiful artful images to go with that can instantly bring you back to that moment. And you might need a reminder of this magical moment in the first few weeks with your newborn. Labour is like nothing else, you are at your most powerful, you will come face to face with the depths of your strength, you transform from maiden to mother. You will want to remember these life changing moments. To have images throughout your labour as you breath through surges, and move and roar is so empowering to see yourself in that way. And they will be a lot of things you will forget, or the order of things that happened, looking at your photos for the first time will spark those memories. Also birth can be unpredictable and take you weird places. You could be in a fully lite hospital or in a dark corner of your closet at home you want a professional to have the right equipment and skill to produce amazing shots no matter where you end up. If you have a professional photographer, it will free your birth team up so that they can focus on you. Your partner can be fully present and hands on when theres no pressure for him/her to also take photos. I had my mother and partner at my birth, when babies head was out I wanted them both by my side holding my hands so I dont have any images of baby coming into this world. The few photos I do have that my Mum took I cherish. I love to look at how my partner and I brought baby into this world (mostly me) but he never left my side. #Repost @thebirthfemmes Celebrate the RAWR @catfancote.capturingbirth See more
14.01.2022 Photograph by @ohdamnsikaa @katecarltonphotography WHY WATER BIRTH? Water birth my favourite place to be when in labour. Well its the only way Ive laboured so I guess Im a bit bias but here are all the benefits! Because baby has already made they beautiful home in the amniotic fluid for the past 9ish months being birth into water is calming, gentler and less stressful. If a baby has a stress free entry into this world it has a ripple effect to the rest of their life. ... For Mumma/ birthing person if you already find water very relaxing this might be the way you want to go. The warm water will aid you in feeling calm. The buoyancy in the water decreases mammas/birthing persons weight so they can move position freely, sway and swing those hips. The buoyancy also improves blood circulation which then in turn better oxygenates the uterine muscle, encourages good strong contractions, less pain for Mumma/ birthing person and more oxygen for baby. Being immersed in water reduces high blood pressure caused by stress. The water softens the perineal making it more elastic which reduces the risk of tears. Your vagina will love you for this. The water relaxes Mumma/birthing person mentally and physically so they body and babies body work together to produce the right hormones, especially endorphins which is great for pain relief. And my favourite thing about it except for the decrease in pain of course is that you are the first person to touch, catch and carry your baby out of the water. The most beautiful moment. If you are going to birth in a hospital make sure you ask if they do water births and if they allow birthing in the water. Otherwise remember home birth is always a great option for water births! #Repost photograph by @ohdamnsikaa The things said about this photo: Queen. Stunning. Goddess. Birth Warrior. Majestic. Forever enamored. #birthwarrior #waterbirth #homebirth #thebump #inspirepregnancy #blackmomsblog #blackmomskillingit #blackmomsdaily #encaulbirths #birthbecomesher
12.01.2022 Photography by Belle Verdiglione The Birth Folk This is where its at ladies. We need to go back to our roots. Back to the time when things were more sacred. ... More rituals and celebrations. Gathering with the wombyn around us. Sharing each others energy. Wombyn supporting wombyn Wombyn empowering wombyn. Sitting in circles sharing our stories. Crying and laughing together. Seeing each other for who we truly are. Hearing our sisters words. Holding each other. Connecting through our wombs and our blood. See more
07.01.2022 Postnatal PTSD is different from depression or anxiety. If you are a Mum or Dad, its not your job to know, but we encourage you to seek help from a perinatal ...psychologist if you feel things arent right. We are used to seeing a vast range of presentations during the perinatal period (during pregnancy and after baby arrives) and we are skilled at identifying what is going on and how to help. Dont wait to reach out for support if you need it. See more
07.01.2022 Photograph by @cradledcreations OXYTOCIN Lets talk about my favourite hormone oxytocin! When youre doing the wild thing, otherwise known as sex! This causes the increased production of oxytocin which is why its often referred to as the love hormone. Before orgasm, oxytocin releases from your brain. But did you know the important roles it plays in labour? Oxytocin is so powerful in labour it brings on contractions. Your baby will also produce oxytocin which goes th...rough the placenta and back to Mumma and then circulates. Oxytocin along with other hormones also stimulates, ripening the cervix leading to successful dilation. So partners, husbands and support people love your Mumma during labour. Kisses, hugs, massage and soft touch partnered with her feeling calm and safe will bring on that beautiful hormone Oxytocin. But wait theres so much more! After birthing your baby when oxytocin is released it helps with birthing your placenta and stops bleeding. Breastfeeding stimulates the release of oxytocin from the brain. It allows your baby to get the milk from your breasts and it causes your uterus to shrink down after the birth of your baby. How fcuking amazing is that! #oxytocin #doula #warriorswithwombs #placenta #breastfeeding #labour #sex #thelovehormone See more
04.01.2022 Photograph by @catfancote.capturingbirth Birth Photography? Why? So you’re having a baby, you have your midwife, you have your doula, and you’re tossing up whether or not to add a birth photographer to your list. Well having a birth photographer to capture your babies arrival is coming more and more popular, however some couples are still unsure. No matter how your baby is brought earthside. Hospital, home birth, water birth, c-section, VBAC, twins it will be amazing and ...an event you think about for the rest of your life. The moment when you first see your baby, hold your baby, smell your baby will always be burned in your memories but to have beautiful artful images to go with that can instantly bring you back to that moment. And you might need a reminder of this magical moment in the first few weeks with your newborn. Labour is like nothing else, you are at your most powerful, you will come face to face with the depths of your strength, you transform from maiden to mother. You will want to remember these life changing moments. To have images throughout your labour as you breath through surges, and move and roar is so empowering to see yourself in that way. And they will be a lot of things you will forget, or the order of things that happened, looking at your photos for the first time will spark those memories. Also birth can be unpredictable and take you weird places. You could be in a fully lite hospital or in a dark corner of your closet at home you want a professional to have the right equipment and skill to produce amazing shots no matter where you end up. If you have a professional photographer, it will free your birth team up so that they can focus on you. Your partner can be fully present and hands on when there’s no pressure for him/her to also take photos. I had my mother and partner at my birth, when babies head was out I wanted them both by my side holding my hands so I don’t have any images of baby coming into this world. The few photos I do have that my Mum took I cherish. I love to look at how my partner and I brought baby into this world (mostly me) but he never left my side. #Repost @thebirthfemmes Celebrate the RAWR @catfancote.capturingbirth See more
04.01.2022 Photograph by @belle_verdiglione x x How do I get ready to hold space for wombyn? Listen to my mind, body and soul. Mediations and breath work. Draw an oracle card for guidance. ... Check in with my womb. Move my body naturally. Draw in sexual energy by shaking my legs. Self pleasure with a yoni massage and crystal wand. Experience the power of my yoni egg. Nourish my soul with warm kakao. Journal anything that comes up. Hold myself. Tell myself i am safe and i am loved Lay on the earth and look up at the trees and the sky. Take care of my self before I can take care of anyone else. . #selflove #selfcare #youdoyou #nofuckgiven #womencircle #wombyncircle
04.01.2022 Photography by @belleverdiglionephotography @thebirthfemmes Vernix You might be thinking what is this white cheesy looking substance all over my babies cute as a button body. Lets wash it of straight away. But Vernix Caseosa has so many benefits and this shit makes me so excited. . Vernix is so good for babies skin especially during pregnancy it protects from the amniotic fluid. It protect babies skin from infection as it has antibacterial properties and is also the best (...and least expensive) moisturiser. . During labour vernix act as a lube. It oily and greasy which help assist baby down the birth canal. (Exact lube is never a bad thing, in all situations) . Vernix encourages breastfeeding as the scent of it triggers neural connections in babies brain that are needed to breastfeed. . And this one which I just recently found out that if youve had a vaginal birth vernix actually helps in perineal recovery. So instead of washing this beautiful, magically substance from the goddesses lets celebrate it! Repost @thebirthfemmes How precious is this delicious babe all covered in vernix?! Captured by our very own @belleverdiglionephotography Oh baby you are soooooo beautiful and look at your vernix Did you know that vernix caseosa is so good for your baby and has antibacterial properties and helps protect babys skin from infection? The World Health Organisation recommends leaving baby to be for at least 24 hours (that means no bath people) it also helps regulate babys temperature in utero - soooo awesome! @kiarapalleros . . . #vernix #vrnixcaseosa #justborn #birthisbeautiful #homesweethomebirth #whynothome #homebirth #belleverdiglionephotography #perthhomebirth #perthbirthphotographer #thebirthfemmes #communityovercompetition See more
03.01.2022 As a Doula and Birth Photography my mission is for you to fiercely thrive in your pregnancy, labour and postpartum magic. I will provide education so that you feel empowered to speak up and make the right choices for you and your baby. So that you can have the confidence you need to have a calm and positive birth experience. I will work with the natural flow of your body to reclaim your power. To support and work through any trauma and fears you or your partner have. To guide... you through your postpartum journey so you feel supported. I can capture the beautiful images, those precious moments in time so that you can always remember this life changing event. I have the tools to unleashed your full warrior wombyn, bring yourself back to your body and reclaim your strength, confidence and beauty as you bring your baby earthside. I will work with you bringing my knowledge and experience guiding you through the transition from maiden to mother. See more
01.01.2022 Photography by Belle Verdiglione The Birth Folk This is where it’s at ladies. We need to go back to our roots. Back to the time when things were more sacred. ... More rituals and celebrations. Gathering with the wombyn around us. Sharing each other’s energy. Wombyn supporting wombyn Wombyn empowering wombyn. Sitting in circles sharing our stories. Crying and laughing together. Seeing each other for who we truly are. Hearing our sisters words. Holding each other. Connecting through our wombs and our blood. See more
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