Warrumbungle Wildlife Shelter in Mendooran, New South Wales | Non-profit organisation
Warrumbungle Wildlife Shelter
Locality: Mendooran, New South Wales
Phone: +61 432 605 309
Address: Warrumbungle Wildlife Shelter 2842 Mendooran, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.warrumbunglewildlife.com
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25.01.2022 Good morning everyone ! Just had to share this mum and bubba moment. Kangaroo mums are very affectionate and loving. They spend long periods of time grooming and interacting with their joeys. Like any mother they will grieve the loss of their joeys and can spend days searching for a lost joey. This video is of a pleasant,loving moment! Have a great weekend,Tan
24.01.2022 Morning everyone!! This Red kangaroo doe is actually giving birth. If you look closely you will see a tiny,pink joey on the outer edge of her pouch! She has locked her fur down flat from her cloaca to the pouch in order to give the joey the best chance of making its long arduous journey there. The trip takes around two minutes. Its vital that the tiny joey gets there as quickly as it can as it will freeze to death. Not all joeys make it. Alot fall off mums fur. Kangaroo joeys are tiny. About the size of your finger joint!! They are born an embryo. Not yet fully formed so to be born so tiny,so vulnerable and so underdeveloped is a miracle in itself! One of the many reasons im in constant awe of them!
23.01.2022 Finding and assisting injured wildlife. Number one thing is to please remove dead animals from roads. Some kangaroos and wombats are quite large and can cause further accidents. Check whether the animal is a female and if so please check her pouch for pouch young. If the joey is small and furless dont pull it off the teat as this will cause pain and damage to its mouth. You may need to take both mum and joey with you to a vet or wildlife carer if the joey is still attached to... the teat. If the joey is off the teat these tiny souls need to be kept warm as they cant retain their body temperature. Wrap it up very snug covering all its body,head included. Try to use your own body heat to keep it warm and get it to a carer or vet asap as these tiny joeys need urgent specialist attention. With furred joeys never pull them out of the pouch by their hind legs or tail. Scoop them out by placing your hands down behind their back and gently draw them towards the pouch opening. Wrap them securely in any soft,warm item you may have and get them to a carer or vet asap. Do not attempt to feed them! I cannot stress this enough. Please make sure domestic pets are kept away from the joey whilst in your care. No loud music or handling by children or other people. Keep them in a quiet dark area if possible and keep them warm. A water bottle filled with hot water from a tap( NOT BOILING WATER) to about 2cm thick on its side wrapped in a towel and put next to the joey will help keep it warm. Dont put the joey on top of the water bottle as overheating may occur. Again,please get the animal to a carer or vet as they deteriorate rapidly from shock,undiagnosed injuries,dehydration etc. Large injured Kangaroos and Wombats can be extremely dangerous when approached. If you are inexperienced DO NOT APPROACH THEM!! Instead call a wildlife group in your area or the police. Use commonsense and stay safe. Stay a distance away from the animal so it doesnt feel threatened and monitor it and its movements,if any, until help arrives. Direct traffic if need be but do not approach it causing it to further injure itself and cause more pain. Any questions and im only too happy to answer them. ,Tan
23.01.2022 Please watch out for wildlife when travelling out here in the Central West this long weekend. With the full moon wildlife will be travelling more at night. If you hit an animal STOP!! If the animal is injured call a local wildlife group or police. For the Warrumbungle area I can be contacted on 0432605309 or via my FB page. If the animal is dead please remove them from the road and check the pouch if its a female. Kangaroos,wombats,possums ALL have pouches. Drive carefully everyone and stay safe. Have a great weekend,cheers Tan
23.01.2022 Morning everyone!! This is the pretty Wilma and her second bub resting from the heat in a nice shady spot. Wilma is dozing whilst bub kept a sharp eye on me!! Wilma is a Red Necked wallaby. Red Necked wallabies are commonly found up and down the east coast of Australia.
22.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who donated to FIVER yesterday. We appreciate your support and kind messages. Thank you to everyone who donated to FIVER yesterday. We appreciate your support and kind messages.
20.01.2022 Pebbles in the pool!! On a serious note, please leave water out for wildlife in this hot weather. Shallow dishes with a rock in the centre are great for small animals. Larger shallow bowls for the bigger ones.
19.01.2022 Had a call this morning from a lovely young couple who had found a tiny wallaroo yesterday afternoon alone out in a paddock with no mum in sight. My friend Kelly was visiting so off we both went heading to Tooraweenah. We were checking road kill on the way and came upon a large Eastern Grey mumma who had not long been hit and had passed away. In her pouch we found her darling precious boy. Kelly got him out of the pouch whilst I kept traffic patrol. So!!... these two pics are of the two beautiful poor babies who were orphaned this long weekend. Many heartfelt thanks to the very kind young couple who rescued this sweet little wallaroo girl and cared for her overnight before calling me this morning. Bless you both,Tan
18.01.2022 Morning everyone! Sorry i didn't post yesterday. Had a huge day the day before with over 300kms covered for rescue and a trip to the zoo. It reached 44 degrees here that day. Anyway,I've come down with Shingles. They are not pleasant to have. Painful and with flu type symptoms. But that's enough of me. UPDATE on Benny, he is doing better today. He was still unwell yesterday which was concerning. Im waiting for blood tests to come back from the zoo. Little Percy possum is doing great too. My friend Shane took him home as i have so many bubs in care. This pic is of Pippen the Adorable!!
18.01.2022 Finally! Made it to the zoo. Feeding the tiny possum whilst awaiting Benny's diagnosis. A big thanks to Shane for driving all the way to my place to babysit! Shane lives 125kms away. Thanks my friend
17.01.2022 Good morning good morning!!! All of Tan's birds have now been released back to the wild! Gee in the years I have been keeping Tan's animal records, I haven't seen so many birds at the Shelter at the one time!! It's been a VERY busy spring! Yay it's Friday!!! FIVER FRIDAY is our weekly fundraiser to raise money to help Tanya feed the animals at the Shelter. If you would like to donate there are a number of ways to do so:... 1. Use the PayPal link - PayPal.me/wws1 - to deposit money using a credit card or bank transfer 2. Direct deposit using the details - Account Name: Tanya O’Donoghue - Account Number: 00661244 - BSB: 062296 3. Post a cheque or money order to - Tanya O’Donoghue - Lot 2 Forest Road - Mendooran NSW 2842 4. Alternatively, you may leave money at the feed store - Dubbo Pet and Stock Feeds, Jannali Road, Dubbo 02 6884 2798 - where all the food and milk supplies are purchased. 5. You may also post things like fuel vouchers, grocery vouchers, eftpos gift cards etc to help cover costs of rescues and daily operation of the shelter. THANK YOU for all your support, and thank you to our regular contributors, your donations help keep food up to all the animals and fuel in the rescue vehicle. Have a wonderful day, keep cool this weekend and PLEASE PUT WATER OUT FOR WILDLIFE, and please keep an eye out for any animals suffering heat distress this weekend. Thank you! Heather
17.01.2022 This little guy isn't well so its off to the zoo with him via Warren to collect the possum! Over 300k trip. Its going to be a looonnnggg day
15.01.2022 Who doesn't like Wombat pics Buddha,Wombie and Tilley chowing down on some grass. As the weather heats up I will see less and less of them because they'll be staying in their nice cool burrows under ground. Wombats are very intolerant to heat and easily suffer heat stress.
13.01.2022 Wow it's Friday - FIVER FRIDAY!! Busy week this week with birds and pinkies! Five little darlings are keeping Tanya busy around the clock. FIVER FRIDAY is our weekly fundraiser. If you would like to donate to help Tanya feed the animals at the Shelter, there are a number of ways to donate:... 1. Use the PayPal link - PayPal.me/wws1 - to deposit money using a credit card or bank transfer 2. Direct deposit using the details - Account Name: Tanya O’Donoghue - Account Number: 00661244 - BSB: 062296 3. Post a cheque or money order to - Tanya O’Donoghue - Lot 2 Forest Road - Mendooran NSW 2842 4. Alternatively, you may leave money at the feed store - Dubbo Pet and Stock Feeds, Jannali Road, Dubbo 02 6884 2798 - where all the food and milk supplies are purchased. 5. You may also post things like fuel vouchers, grocery vouchers, eftpos gift cards etc to help cover costs of rescues and daily operation of the shelter. THANK YOU for all your support, and thank you to our regular contributors, your donations help keep food up to all the animals and fuel in the rescue vehicle. Have a wonderful Friday everyone! Heather
12.01.2022 Rescue from Tuesday. This beautiful Barn Owl. He was released last night.
11.01.2022 Friday Fun Fact
09.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who donated this weekend. We hope you are all managing to keep cool, and safe.
09.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who donated to FIVER this week! Have a wonderful and safe long weekend.Thank you to everyone who donated to FIVER this week! Have a wonderful and safe long weekend.
09.01.2022 Tan has made it safely to the zoo. Fingers crossed now for her sweet wallaroo patient.
08.01.2022 Morning everyone!! This sweet little Red Necked Wallaby came in on Saturday after her mum was hit and killed by a vehicle. She is feeding well but missing her mum. Ive named her Mary
08.01.2022 Oh look at that......it's Friday again! FIVER FRIDAY is our weekly fundraiser. If you would like to donate to help Tanya feed the animals at the Shelter, there are a number of ways to donate: 1. Use the PayPal link - PayPal.me/wws1 - to deposit money using a credit card or bank transfer... 2. Direct deposit using the details - Account Name: Tanya O’Donoghue - Account Number: 00661244 - BSB: 062296 3. Post a cheque or money order to - Tanya O’Donoghue - Lot 2 Forest Road - Mendooran NSW 2842 4. Alternatively, you may leave money at the feed store - Dubbo Pet and Stock Feeds, Jannali Road, Dubbo 02 6884 2798 - where all the food and milk supplies are purchased. 5. You may also post things like fuel vouchers, grocery vouchers, eftpos gift cards etc to help cover costs of rescues and daily operation of the shelter. THANK YOU for all your support, and thank you to our regular contributors, your donations help keep food up to all the animals and fuel in the rescue vehicle. Have a wonderful day everyone Heather
07.01.2022 Off to collect this little guy at Warren this morning!! Best get my chores done and head out as its a long drive and todays temp will be 44 degrees!
05.01.2022 Download the ifaw wildlife rescue app so you can look up your nearest wildlife rescue group. Very handy when travelling out of your local area.Download the ifaw wildlife rescue app so you can look up your nearest wildlife rescue group. Very handy when travelling out of your local area.
04.01.2022 Please slow down on the roads and watch for our precious wildlife.
02.01.2022 Morning everyone!! Sorry for the lack of posts. Just been so very busy here. I manage the shelter on my own so at times it is non stop! The few very wonderful volunteers who help out every now and then are mostly frontliners dealing with Covid-19 so cant come out to help with cleaning yards etc. Anyway, would just like to show you all little Mikeys progress from a couple of weeks ago!! Mikey had come in after his mum was killed by a vehicle. He was then set upon by crows who made the awful mess of his poor dear face. He was a mess,in pain and shock. A terrible ordeal for him to endure until my friends husband saw him whilst driving to work. Bless him for being there at the right time to save little Mikey
02.01.2022 THANK YOU to those who donated to FIVER!THANK YOU to those who donated to FIVER!
01.01.2022 Just an "Aww" moment Benny the wallaroo having a snooze, bless him
01.01.2022 Can you see the visitor?
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