Watergum | Non-profit organisation
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24.01.2022 The Landcare Youth Summit will be going ahead in December, in an online capacity! Watch this space
24.01.2022 Wildlife Queensland and Logan City Council are holding a number of free events this month on our elusive, fluffy-eared native the Greater Glider! Follow the link below to grab all the details. https://wildlife.org.au/queensland-glider-network/
24.01.2022 Thank you Habitat Environment Management for supporting Watergum's Springbrook BioBlitz! Habitat is an Environment Management firm providing a comprehensive suite of environment planning, management and rehabilitation services, based here on the Gold Coast. The BioBlitz event wouldn't be possible without support.... Thumbs up for Habitat!
24.01.2022 Have your chance to contribute to the collection of important data on our Glossy Black Cockatoo by registering as a volunteer for The Glossy Black Conservancy's birding day! The birding days are held in September, and the link below contains all the information you need to get involved! https://glossyblack.org.au/glossy-black-cockatoo-birding-d/
24.01.2022 We always try to improve the delivery of Watergum programs, workshops and projects. In this case, by being more eco-friendly. We try to do things mostly digital to reduce printing as well as that we are changing our plastic items to natural biodegradable ones as much as we can. It has been challenging being eco friendly during COVID times due to the additional paperwork that needs to be printed and displayed, the amount of hand sanitiser being used, cleaning materials and t...he use of disposable gloves. Consciously Clean - Currumbin has been a massive help in providing us with bulk eco products (including glass bottles) so we can stay on top of our hygiene whilst not having to buy seperate plastic bottles. If you havent been to the shop in Currumbin yet, go and have a look as it will change your life! Thank you for your support Consciously Clean! We hope you understand that we only have limited numbers at our workshops and surveys at the moment and we hope that we can welcome you back in large numbers in the near future so we can all work together towards better environmental outcomes. The Watergum Team #watergumcommunity #environment #cityofgoldcoast #ecofriendly #bulkbuy #hanitiser #disinfectant #covidsafe
24.01.2022 Wow! We are thrilled to share our PlatypusWatch survey results. In the last 5 weeks, 157 volunteers invested 474 hours into our program, surveying 76 sites across the Gold Coast (Currumbin Creek 9 platypus, Mudgeeraba Creek 8 platypus, Nerang River 23 platypus, Coomera River 14 platypus and Albert River 2 platypus) and spotted at total of 56 platypus! This has been the highest number recorded for the program! You might think that is fantastic, right? Well we did have heaps m...ore volunteers out this survey round, introduced more survey sites which then both resulted in more sightings. We were also very worried about drought implications. We did survey sites where we have found deceased individuals during last years drought and unfortunately did not spot any platypuses at these sites. This does tell us that drought has a significant effect on platypus populations. Volunteers furthermore discovered multiple opera house nets in the water (illegal size) and removed them from the water. Remember, there are platypus safe options out there like the pyramid nets you can buy at every fishing shop. See you all back in March and April for our next Survey round! Look at these amazing videos and photos by our dedicated Platypuswatch volunteer Daniel Blanks who came to all 5 surveys! #platypus #platypuswatch #platypusconservation #platypusconservationinitiative #cityofgoldcoast #logancitycouncil City of Gold Coast Logan City Council PlatypusWatch Network Australian Platypus Conservancy (Official) Platypus Conservation Initiative Wildlife Queensland platypusSPOT Glenn TOZER for Mudgeeraba & Hinterland (Division 9) Cr Gail ONeill - Division 14 William Owen-Jones Division 2, Gold Coast Cr Laurie Koranski - Division 4 Logan City Council
23.01.2022 Frog hotels yep, theyre a thing!! Your kid will be hopping with excitement as they discover how to identify our amphibious friends, learn about their specifi...c needs and build them their very own hotel. Theres more fun events to explore these school holidays, check them out https://bit.ly/2QZ0Uxx #NaturallyGC See more
23.01.2022 Check out what Watergum got up to this last financial year! Maybe you'll spot yourself in our video.. 2019 was quite the year; rebranding from the Gold Coast Catchment Association to Watergum, The 2019 bushfires and the onset of Covid-19 in 2020, it was a bit different to what we were expecting, but we still managed to continue with all of our environmental activities, create lots of educational videos (including many bloopers) and work in our great collaborative space with ...many partner organisations from grassroots to government. Thankyou to the Wategum committee who volunteer their time and expertise to keep Watergum running. Thank you to our Sponsors! City of Gold Coast Seqwater Healthy Land and Water Regen Australia Technigro Logan City Council Ecosure - Excellence in Environmental Science Envirosphere Consulting and Queensland Science. Thank you to our partners! Gecko Environment Council Queensland Water and Land Carers and Ngarang-Wal Gold Coast Aboriginal Association Incorporated. And of course, thank you to all of our members and volunteers! You still got up at 4am to survey platypus, braved the blistering heat to plants trees, assess water quality and monitor seagrass, and stayed out after dark to collect cane toads. We couldn't have got through this year without you, our Watergum Community.
23.01.2022 Watergum is thrilled to be hosting the book launch of Damian White and Narelle Power, two of our BioBlitz survey leaders! Damien and Narelle have their own environmental consultancy 'DDWFAUNA', with one of their specialisations being fauna surveying. Their new book details Dragonflies and Damselflies found on the Gold Coast, accompanied by spectacular photography. You can attend their book launch and a complimentary Dragonfly survey taster at 1PM on Saturday 5th at the BioB...litz! All details in the program. Congratulations Damian on Narelle on the new book!
23.01.2022 School holidays are almost here! Watergum has partnered up with City of Gold Coast Naturally GC program to entertain the kids during the schoolbreak. Most sessions are almost fully booked so make sure to register quickly! NaturallyGC Seagrass of the Broadwater: https://www.facebook.com/events/301167277806509... NaturallyGC Wild World of Waterbugs: https://www.facebook.com/events/1156059594775877/ Naturally GC Mysterious life of a Platypus: https://www.facebook.com/events/837301160137413 Naturally GC Hotel for frogs: https://www.facebook.com/events/308115813584450 We will also chat about Seagrass and Platypus live on our Facebook on the following dates: Seagrass LIVE - 20th of September 4pm-4:30pm Platypus LIVE - 30th of September 4pm-4:30pm See you soon you cool kids!
23.01.2022 Weed of the Week This week - Umbrella tree * Invasive roots that cause structural damage... * Roots renown for cracking sewage systems * Fruit makes birds drunk, endangering their safety https://watergum.org//09/Weed-of-the-Week-Umbrella-Tree.pdf Invasive weeds are one of the biggest threats to Australias natural environment and often one of the least known and understood threats. Each week Watergum will profile one of Australias worst invasive weeds. Well show you what it looks like, tell you the problems it causes and explain how to get rid of it. Click on the link below. Removing invasive weeds and allowing native species to regenerate is a fun and rewarding way to help the environment.
23.01.2022 Plants plants plants! 2 tree plantings this weekend! Saturday the Numinbah Valley Environmental Ed Centre P&C will be adding to the Biggest Tree Planting Day which will add to a linkage between Springbrook National Park and Lamington National Park. This project is funded by WIRES & Landcare Australia The second area of the Koala fodder farm is going to be planted this Sunday. These Koala supermarkets give wildlife carers easy access to grab the leaves they need. This... project is funded by Landcare Australia Wildcare Australia Inc. Country Paradise Parklands Numinbah Valley Environmental Education Centre Koalas On The Green Nerang Riverkeepers #treeplanting #koalas #conservation #wildlifecaring #threatenedspecies #leavingalegacy #landcareaustralia #wires #nationalparks #cityofgoldcoast
23.01.2022 Do you have the iNaturalist app? As well as surveying, we will be collecting incidental sightings throughout the weekend of the Springbrook BioBlitz, through iNaturalist! If you haven't used it before, iNaturalist is an amazing ID tool. Snap a few pictures of your specimen and upload, then wait for a confirmed ID from experts! Once several experts agree on an ID, the sighting becomes 'research grade'!... Be prepared for the weekend; download the app, create an account and join the 'Springbrook BioBlitz 2020' project. Start practising this week so you know what to do in time for Friday! https://www.inaturalist.org/
22.01.2022 Did you know that Watergum manages and sponsors numerous restoration, revegetation and other environmental projects? We partner with local, state and federal government on these projects as well as with local NRM bodies and of course our Member groups. Have a browse on our project page to see our current and completed projects! it involves quolls ........ https://watergum.org/watergum-projects/
21.01.2022 Did you know the City of Gold Coast NaturallyGC program is up and running? You can find all their events and registrations through the link below. Think tree planting, nature journaling, bush walks, landcare activities and bush tucker workshops! https://www.eventbrite.com.au/o/city-of-gold-coast-naturall
21.01.2022 Another year, another Catchment Crawl! Our Annual Catchment Crawl is in full swing with our friends of City of Gold Coast CMU & NAMU Dolphin Research Australia Sea World - Gold Coast, Australia Healthy Land and Water Land for Wildlife South East Queensland & Friends Of Federation Walk A beautiful day out around and in the Broadwater learning about local initiatives and environments. This event is part of Gold Coast Green Week ... #cityofgoldcoast #catchmentcrawl #dolphins #broadwater #environment #goldcoastgreenweek #speakers #talks #walks
21.01.2022 BioBlitz Bronze Sponsor announcement!! Watergum is thrilled to have formed a new working relationship with Bushnuts! Their sponsorship of the Springbrook BioBlitz has ensured that we have on-site paramedics and a dedicated ambulance to keep all of you safe while you are out collecting vital species data in Springbrook National Park. Bushnuts are experienced natural areas restoration and bushland regeneration contractors and are committed to protecting the natural diversity an...d ecological values of the Gold Coast region. As we speak, they are performing vital creek restoration works on Watergum Emily's, relatives' property and they couldn't be happier with the care and dedication they apply to their work. Thumbs up for Bushnuts!
19.01.2022 Watergum has been a bit quiet over the last week or so but... We are still here! We are very busy behind the scenes with the last BioBlitz tasks to bring the event together and to make sure that everyone is well informed! ... There are still a few tickets available, with only 7 more days to purchase them: SATURDAY MORNING Birds (Easy fitness grade) 1 ticket Botany (Mountain goat fitness grade) 2 tickets Koala (Easy fitness grade) 3 tickets Fish (Easy fitness grade) 5 tickets Insects (Easy fitness grade) 1 ticket Waterbugs (Easy fitness grade) 9 tickets SATURDAY NIGHT Nightspotting (Easy fitness grade) 2 tickets SUNDAY MORNING Moss (Easy fitness grade) 5 tickets Waterbugs (Easy fitness grade) 7 tickets Don't forget there is a FREE basecamp program all weekend long including workshops, presentation, bookshop, kids craft, bonfires, museum set and more! See you in two weeks!
19.01.2022 What an amazing start to the platypus survey season! We were lucky to spot 9 Platypuses in Currumbin Creek yesterday! And another 8 platypuses this morning in Mudgeeraba, wow! Thank you to 63 PlatypusWatchers who came out at first light to survey! We cant wait for our Albert River, Nerang River and Coomera River survey now.... Volunteers also pulled some abandoned fishing nets and yabby traps out of the creek and rescued a few crayfish and some also assisted with a Kangaroo rescue. Who said platypus surveys were boring? This photo was taken by our volunteer Jasper along Currumbin Creek yesterday. Glenn TOZER for Mudgeeraba & Hinterland (Division 9) Cr Gail ONeill - Division 14 City of Gold Coast PlatypusWatch Network platypusSPOT Australian Platypus Conservancy (Official) Platypus Conservation Initiative
19.01.2022 Join us next week for the Tweed Sustainable Living Home Expo, an initiative by Tweed Shire Council. Cane Toad Challenge coordinator Emily will be filling you in on the program and answering a live Q&A. You can also tune in for other fascinating insights into how to achieve sustainable living. Follow the link in the poster to register for free!
19.01.2022 Yesterday was Threatened Species Day. A great day to reflect on the current EPBC Reviews and the need for our flora and fauna to be protected, preserved and conserved Australia has one of the worst extinctions rates in the world. Last years fires killed an estimated 3 BILLION+ animals and now new reports finds a 71% decline in koala populations across six locations in northern NSW, burned in last seasons bushfires. To have an EPBC act that reflects these extinctions rates in... invaluable.The chance to put strong environmental laws when Parliament resumes in October is going to be a critical part to saving these koala populations and other threatened populations. Watergum wants to leave behind a legacy for our future generations so they can enjoy the outdoors. How about you? https://www.abc.net.au//wwf-koala-loss-report-fi/12624938.
18.01.2022 Missed out on our first TurtleWatcher training on December 9th with our friends at Sea World - Gold Coast, Australia? Don't worry! We are opening up another 30 spots so more of you can join our TurtleWatch Gold Coast program! Tickets available here: eventbrite.com.au/E/128447643359
18.01.2022 Its National Science week, Australias annual celebration of science and technology. Watergum has heaps of citizen science activities on this week to join the celebration which are fully booked. Thank you to the 85 citizen scientist joining our activities this week! #nationalscienceweek
18.01.2022 Volunteer Ellen has been a great help over the last few months. Ellen has helped us with delivering kids workshops and has also been assisting our Seagrass Coordinator Lauren with Seagrass surveys, seagrass data entry and analysis. Great work Ellen! Watergum volunteers are matched to activities that best suit their interests and will have the opportunity to learn from professionals and improve their skills. Please email [email protected] for more information on volunteering with Watergum
18.01.2022 Did we mention we're going to have a book shop at the BioBlitz? The fabulous Piccabeen Bookshop is coming across from Tamborine Mountain with their collection of environmental and local resource books. The Piccabeen Bookshop is run by Tamborine Mountain Landcare Inc. volunteers and all proceeds from their sales will go towards the amazing regen work that they do on Tamborine Mountain. Some of the survey leaders will also be bringing along copies of their own publications, or the books that they specifically use in their own work. So if you thoroughly enjoy your survey and want to buy the related reference material, you can!
17.01.2022 Membergroup Austinville Landcare is back this Sunday. You have to register through this link: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/austinville-valley-landcare Member Zac will also conduct a Waterbug survey during the landcare activties, you can register for the waterbug activities here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/113057042658/
17.01.2022 Its a seagrass weekend! Were excited, how about you? Today our Loders Creek survey (still a few last minute spots available. Make sure to register through the eventbrite link! https://www.facebook.com/events/2745293722404906/... Tomorrow we have our first Seagrass Kids workshop along the broadwater: https://www.facebook.com/events/301167277806509/ And if you cant make it to tomorrow kids workshop, we will be talking Seagrass live on facebook on Sunday afternoon at 4pm! https://www.facebook.com/events/773734890050379/
17.01.2022 Less than a month to go until the Aussie Backyard Bird Count! Download the app and join in the count. The app is a great resource with a near me function which identifies birds in your local area and can help you finally put a name to the bird calls you hear every day. The count helps researches collect important data bird populations and dispersal which is more important than ever after the devastating bushfires and drought that we are all still recovering from.... https://aussiebirdcount.org.au/
16.01.2022 An exciting announcement is going out tonight! Watergum will be joining other marine groups in launching the Gold Coast Hope Spot initiative (Mission Blue). https://www.facebook.com/events/655960588346977/
15.01.2022 Click going or interested to get future BioBlitz updates. First survey leader announcement!
14.01.2022 A new addition to the Online Classroom! The TurtleWatcher course is now online. If you walk the Gold Coast beaches on a daily basis, why not contribute to citizen science and help conserve our local turtles at the same time! Gold Coast TurtleWatch is in collaboration with Sea World - Gold Coast, Australia find the online Turtlewatch course here:https://watergum.org/online-classroom/... find the Turtlewatch GC group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/771001743695227 find TurtleWatch GC info here: https://watergum.org/turtlewatch/ There will be another TurtleWatcher training in January that you can join!
14.01.2022 We have had a cancellation for our Platypus Kids Workshop tomorrow morning, 11am - 12pm at Cedar Creek Community Hall, so we have space for 2 more kiddies! Click below to see the details and register! https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/platypus-kids-workshop-tick
14.01.2022 You can now vote for Landcare Australias Capture your connection photo competition and Watergums photo is one of the finalists! Download the landcarer app, create an account and vote for Watergums entry! https://www.landcarer.com.au//capture-your-connection-fin/
13.01.2022 We are going live again! This Sunday 4pm till 4:30pm Lauren will be talking everything Seagrass for the City of Gold Coast NaturallyGC program! Did you know that seagrass is an important food source for animals like sea turtles and dugongs? ... https://fb.me/e/3Le2KGp8b
13.01.2022 A really great initiative by Koalas On The Green for private property owners to help our threatened species the Koala! Please share!
12.01.2022 BioBlitz Bronze Sponsor announcement! We want to say a huge Watergum thank you to Regen Australia who have sponsored our Springbrook BioBlitz event for the second year running! Without these guys the event, all the education that you will receive and all the vital species data that you are going to collect, would not be possible.... Regen Australia provides expert environmental management services and extensive bush regen work here on the Gold Coast and in Buderberg and has been doing so for over 20 years. Not only this, but Regen Australia has their very own native nursery on Bonogin Rd, Mudgeeraba, where you can purchase native tubestock at very affordable prices to complete your own restoration works on your properties. Thumbs up for Regen Australia!
12.01.2022 The Australian Citizen Science Association are holding their 4th conference CitSciOz21: Celebrate, Communicate, Co-create. The event will run from the 27th - 28th of October, registration and abstract submission has now opened! Follow the link below for more information and to register! https://citizenscience.org.au/citscioz21-were-going-virtual/
12.01.2022 Weed of the Week This week - Cocos Palm * Presents a serious threat to dogs and wildlife... * Vigorous growth and wide seed dispersal * Invades bushland and increases fire risk https://watergum.org//2/08/Weed-of-the-Week-Cocos-Palm.pdf Invasive weeds are one of the biggest threats to Australias natural environment and often one of the least known and understood threats. Each week Watergum will profile one of Australias worst invasive weeds. Well show you what it looks like, tell you the problems it causes and explain how to get rid of it. Click on the link below. Removing invasive weeds and allowing native species to regenerate is a fun and rewarding way to help the environment.
11.01.2022 Weed of the Week This week - Easter Cassia * Prevalent weed of SE QLD and Northern NSW... * Vigorous growth and wide seed dispersal * Suppresses and displaces native species https://watergum.org//08/Weed-of-the-Week-Easter-Cassia-2. Invasive weeds are one of the biggest threats to Australias natural environment and often one of the least known and understood threats. Each week Watergum will profile one of Australias worst invasive weeds. Well show you what it looks like, tell you the problems it causes and explain how to get rid of it. Click on the link below. Removing invasive weeds and allowing native species to regenerate is a fun and rewarding way to help the environment.
10.01.2022 Membergroup Edible Landscape Gardens is celebrating Queensland Seniors with a seniors and multicultural gardening focus this Saturday at 10am. Make sure to reserve you space as there are only limited spaces available! https://www.facebook.com/events/660830461175163/
09.01.2022 Join us in the Tweed Shire! It is Cane Toad Season!
08.01.2022 Its Biodiversity month! And Watergum is definitely celebrating the rich Biodiversity in South East Queensland this month. Have a look at all our events coming up; Waterbugs, seagrass, platypus, kids workshops, tree plantings and more! Also, dont forget to vote for Watergum in the Capture your connection competition on the landcarer app, you can help Watergum win $500! https://www.landcarer.com.au//capture-your-connection-fin/ Ways to help create more biodiversity:... 1) Create a natural habitat in your backyard. Look at plants that are native to your region and help create a backyard sanctuary for local birds and wildlife. 2) Get rid of weeds and reduce invasive species on your property. What seems like a perfectly harmless plant can turn into a noxious weed if it jumps your back fence and heads into bushland. 3) Be a responsible pet owner. If you can no longer keep your pet do not release it into the wild. This includes pet fish do not flush them down the toilet or put them into local streams. Make sure your cat is de-sexed and either keep it indoors or invest in an outdoor cat run domestic cats can have a devastating effect on local wildlife. 4) Reduce, reuse and recycle. Look at ways to reduce the amount of rubbish that ends up in landfill and the waterways. Many things can now be recycled. 5) Start your own compost bin. Organic matter like vegetable peelings which usually ends up landfill is great for your garden. Start composting and you can reduce the need for chemicals and fertilisers in the garden and improve the health of your soil. 6) Only put water down the drains. Things like oils and chemicals may start at the kitchen sink but end up in our waterways and seas and can affect animals and plants living in streams and rivers. Instead of using commercial cleaning chemicals try using white vinegar and bicarbonate of soda. 7) Be an informed seafood eater. Dont eat threatened fish species. 8) Understand what you can and cant take with you when you travel. Some tourist souvenirs and items you buy over the internet are made from or contain derivatives of plants and animals. If you are bringing plants or animals into or out of Australia, go to Information for travellers and online shoppers beforehand. 9) When youre sailing, dont get too close to whales and dolphins. Worldwide, whales, dolphins and porpoises face many threats, from being directly hunted to being caught in fishing nets. Ship strike, pollution, climate change, ocean noise, tourism, discarded fishing gear or other rubbish may also affect the population. They can also be loved to death by overenthusiastic whale watchers. See more
07.01.2022 BioBlitz - we have had some ticket cancellations! Please see below for remaining ticket availability. If you would like to purchase any of these tickets, please email us at [email protected] First come, first served!... FRIDAY NIGHT Sold out SATURDAY MORNING 2x Mammal Trapping (easy fitness grade) 1x Botany Survey (mountain goat fitness grade) 2x Koala Survey (easy fitness grade) 4x Fish Survey (easy fitness grade) 7x Waterbug Survey (easy fitness grade) SATURDAY AFTERNOON Sold out SATURDAY NIGHT 1x Insect sheet survey (easy fitness grade) SUNDAY MORNING 2x Botany Survey (mountain goat fitness grade) 4x Moss Survey (easy fitness grade) 6x Waterbug Survey (easy fitness grade)
07.01.2022 Weed of the Week This week - Salvinia * Weed of National Significance... * Makes water uninhabitable for aquatic species * Blocks drains and pollutes drinking water https://watergum.org//2/09/Weed-of-the-Week-Salvinia-1.pdf Invasive weeds are one of the biggest threats to Australias natural environment and often one of the least understood threats. Each week Watergum will profile one of Australias worst invasive weeds. Well show you what it looks like, tell you the problems it causes and explain how to get rid of it. Click on the link below. Removing invasive weeds and allowing native species to regenerate is a fun and rewarding way to help the environment.
07.01.2022 PlatypusWatch Induction NEXT WEEK! Enjoy a nice dinner and learn everything you need to know about platypus and how to become a surveyor. This will be your last chance for a while so don't miss this opportunity!... PlatypusWatch Induction is compulsory but once it is completed you can come along twice a year, every year to help us monitor platypus populations. Register at the link below. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/platypuswatch-logan-educati This event is supported and funded by Logan City Council #platypus #watergumcommunity #logan #environment
06.01.2022 TOAD BUSTING TIME! - Its that time of year again, the cane toads are coming out of hibernation and getting ready to breed. September is the most important time of the year for toad busting. Remove the adults from the environment before they can reproduce. Remember, each female can lay up to 70,000 eggs per season! Want to get involved? Enroll online here!... https://watergum.org/online-classroom/ Have you got some frozen toads to donate? Email us at [email protected] Lets impact cane toads this season!
06.01.2022 Our platypus survey season is starting next week and we are almost fully booked (10 spots remaining, 132 volunteers have already registered). For our Northern friends; you can still sign up for our Albert River survey! Please email us on [email protected] so you can join our induction and start your platypus watching adventures! Who doesnt want to enjoy the serenity and the birds waking up during sunrise all whilst surveying platypus? And of course be part of National S...cience Week 2020! This program is supported by Logan City Council and City of Gold Coast. Queensland Science Australian Citizen Science Association PlatypusWatch Network Platypus Conservation Initiative Australian Platypus Conservancy (Official)
05.01.2022 A beautiful morning on the Albert river surveying platypus. Thank you to all of our amazing volunteers! 2 platypus were spotted this morning along with eagles, king fishers, herons, kangaroos and rosellas. Next stops are Nerang and Coomera, stay tuned for the results in the coming weeks
05.01.2022 Read more about the new Mission Blue Gold Coast Hopespot here: https://mission-blue.org//gold-coast-bay-hope-spot-embra/ You are probably wonder.. What is a hope spot? Well: Hope Spots are special places that are scientifically identified as critical to the health of the ocean. Hope Spots are championed by local conservationists whom Mission blue supports with communications, expeditions and scientific advisory.
04.01.2022 Its that time of the year again! First survey of the season has just started! #platypus #australiananimals #platypuswatch #citizenscience #acsa #nationalscienceweek #chillymornings
03.01.2022 What a successful morning at the koala supermarket! Thank you to everyone who came out and planted trees, shovelled mulch and removed weeds. Our fodder farm is now complete! A collaborative effort between Watergum, Country Paradise Parklands and Wildcare Australia Inc. The fodder farm will soon provide fodder for animals in care. Carers have to go out bushwhacking every day to find food for their animals and this resource will make things much easier for them. ... Thank you David Cuschieri for all the on-ground work you have done and of course, thank you to all of our wonderfull volunteers, we couldnt have done this without you! This has all been made possible by the generous funding from Landcare Australia
02.01.2022 Most of our winter Waterbugs results are in and they show that the majority of our testing sites are showing mild pollution levels which is consistent with this time of year. A number of things can affect water quality and cause pollution. When waters are shallow and temperatures are warm, minerals and salts seep from rocks, altering water composition. Increased sediment from agriculture, land-clearing or flooding can reduce dissolved oxygen levels. Oxygen levels can also be... affected by weeds which choke the water as well as shading and killing native vegetation. Chemical pollutants enter the waterways from sources such as irresponsible farming, industry, roads and even irresponsible swimmers who are wearing sun-block, insect repellent, perfumes and creams. You can see on the graph that some of our sites are healthier than others. We often see irregularly fluctuating and poor results at Long Tan Park in Currumbin and Lions Park in Tallebudgera that dont correspond with seasonal change so we suspect that unnatural factors are negatively impacting the water quality at these sites. Waterways are incredibly resilient and even the most putrid waterbodies can make spectacular recoveries with just a little bit of help and care from us. To learn more about waterway health, come along to our next Waterbugs or Water Quality session which are all posted in our upcoming events section.
01.01.2022 Weed of the Week This week - Lyngbya (Mermaids hair) * Toxic algae that favours tropical oceans... * Can cause serious health issues * Smothers corals and seagrass, destroys habitat https://watergum.org//20/08/Weed-of-the-Week-Lyngbya-1.pdf Invasive weeds are one of the biggest threats to Australias natural environment and often one of the least known and understood threats. Each week Watergum will profile one of Australias worst invasive weeds. Well show you what it looks like, tell you the problems it causes and explain how to get rid of it. Click on the link below. Removing invasive weeds and allowing native species to regenerate is a fun and rewarding way to help the environment.
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