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Watervale Retreat | Hotel and B&B

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Watervale Retreat

Phone: +61 8 8843 0070

Address: 18 Popes Hill Road 5452 Watervale, SA, Australia


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22.01.2022 We found our third emu egg today. Sprinkler is checking it out and tapping it with her beak.

22.01.2022 So - one of our emus, Raptor, is now sitting on the nest of eggs!! Which raises many many questions! Is Raptor a male - and not the female we were told? Are the eggs fertile - after sitting there for a couple of months? Will we have some emu chicks in 2 months?

21.01.2022 A little chilly in the valley this morning - but some beautiful scenes of frosty paddocks. Luckily our cabins are nice and warm with air conditioners, electric blankets and big thick doonas

19.01.2022 And now we have 2 emu eggs! Found the second one today on the fence line behind one of our cabins. Our guests have been very observant and found both of the eggs

18.01.2022 Another sad day for us here at Watervale Retreat. Schnitzel, one of our Isa Brown chooks, died during the night from old age. She had a good innings but we will miss her running to greet us and wanting to be picked up RIP Schnitzel.

17.01.2022 Our emu Sprinkler, makes sure she supervises David while he cuts down our dead trees. Though sometimes she is a little too trusting - refusing to move from the possible path of the tree! Footnote: the tree didn't fall on her!

17.01.2022 Well - the final chapter to our emu egg saga! Raptor sat on the eggs on and off for a few weeks (he is supposed to sit on them constantly - and should have started weeks ago) but then in the end, got up and left them. I think they were either infertile, or most likely they had been left too long without proper incubation. He became very protective and chased me after I had collected a few eggs. The photo shows how he had uncovered all the eggs and cleaned them all and pulled them all together in a neat pile. So no little emu chicks this year - but maybe next year we will be more prepared....if we find any more eggs!

14.01.2022 Well today we found a whole nest of emu eggs! Nine of them to be exact! Goodness knows how long they have been there - and why there is no emu sitting on them and keeping them warm. Trying to contact the emu man to find out what we should do with all these eggs - now totalling 12!

09.01.2022 It's been a bit quiet here in the Clare Valley and we are missing you feeding us. Now it's safe for South Australians to travel, why don't you come and stay with us again

09.01.2022 ANZAC Day at Watervale Retreat. Lest we forget.

09.01.2022 The last couple of days here have certainly been cold - but make for some beautiful scenery!

06.01.2022 How we are spending our time at Easter - chopping down the trees that didn't survive the dry summer and cutting them up for firewood, ready for the winter :)

05.01.2022 We have an emu egg!!! One of our emus has finally laid an egg! It weighs in at 603g! - compared to a regular chook egg - the one pictured weighs 55g.

04.01.2022 Feeding time for our animals

04.01.2022 Our wattle trees are all in flower - providing colourful privacy between our cabins.

03.01.2022 Wind farms and canola fields in the Clare Valley <3

02.01.2022 What a difference 2 days and 30mm of rain makes! We have some green grass :)

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