Wattle Grove Alpacas & Bed and Breakfast | Agriculture
Wattle Grove Alpacas & Bed and Breakfast
Phone: +61 419 528 808
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25.01.2022 Hi Everyone, FYI, the Australian Alpaca Assocaitin are holding the below event. In case you want to participate. Cheers https://alpaca.asn.au//aaa-education-webinar-alpaca-genet/
25.01.2022 Parker just loves the alpacas. He always wants to be near them and with them so we brought in a young alpaca for a cuddle with Parker. 2 year old alpaca handler in the making #alpaca #alpacalove #wattlegrovealpacas #strathcreekalpacas #strathcreek #toddler #alpacahugs #alpacatime #alpacafun #animallove #animalhugs #animalcuddles #acuddleaday #beautifulboy #loveanimals #lovealpacas #farmlife #rurallife #countrylife #2yearold #grandboy #love #countryliving #aussiefarming #aussiealpaca #alpacafarm #alpacageek #alpacas
22.01.2022 Did you know there is only 68 days 'til Christmas. What the...... Why not buy your crafty friend/family member some locally grown, eco friendly 100% alpaca yarn for Christmas. 8ply yarn, 50 gram balls $13.00 each. We also love to hear what our customers have made so tag us in your fabo creations. Message for further details. Cheers Di #wattlegrovealpacas #strathcreekalpacas #yarn #yarnit #divinefibre #knittingyarn #buylocal #buyfromthebush #ecofriendly #alpacayarn #yarnlove #yarncraft #haveayarn #yarnsnob #sustainableyarn #luxuriousyarn #PureAlpaca #8ply #alpacafiber #fabulousyarn #yarns #yarnshop #yarnstore #strathcreek #broadford #flowerdale #seymour #regionalvictoria #smallbusiness
21.01.2022 How amazing is this https://www.abc.net.au//alpacas-help-researchers-/12550702
21.01.2022 Feeding time and the girls are calmly following along. Miss Pearl is at the front as usual, she loves her food #wattlegrovealpacas #wattlegrovefarm #strathcreekalpacas #feeding #alpacas #alpacatime #rurallife #countrylife #farmlife #womeninag #womeninagriculture #rurallifestyle #alpacafarm #regionalvictoria #northcentralvictoria #alpacabusiness #feedingtime #followtheleader #lovinglife #farm #strathcreek #bedandbreakfast #countrylife #countryliving #farmerdi
20.01.2022 We just love our alpacas. We farm as sustainably as we can. We harvest our alpaca fleeces annually and turn some of their fleeces (wool) into yarns and rovings available for sale. We select some fleeces to show and we sell the remainder of our fleeces to be processed into gorgeous, luxurious alpaca products. Alpacas are our lifestyle choice. They are eco friendly, very kind to Australia ancient soils and easy on the pasture. They are such curious and intelligent animals with... different personalities We offer close engagement with our alpacas for our Bed and Breakfast guests. Just love my country, alpaca lifestyle #wattlegrovealpacas #sustainablefarming #happyalpacafarmer #alpacageek #alpacalover #ecofriendly #countrylifestyle #alpacafarmstay #gottalovealpacas #strathcreekalpacas #regionalvictoria #yea #seymour #broadford #flowerdale #kerrisdale #reedycreek #trawool #lovemylife #farmstay
19.01.2022 We are so blessed to have such wonderful guests #bnb #bandb #bedandbreakfast #wattlegrovebedandbreakfast #alpacafarmstay #farmstay #farmstayvictoria #alpacas #accommodationvictoria #flowerdale #strathcreek #yea #broadford #guests #happyplace #relaxation #chilling #farmlife #farmlifestyle #countrylife
19.01.2022 https://instagram.com//wattlegrovebed/2404504082789565707 #wattlegrovealpacas #strathcreekalpacas #alpacas #victorianalpacas #alpaca #alpacafarmstay #alpacageek #alpacalove #alpacatime #alpacafun #alpacasbroadford #alpacasflowerdale #alpacasaustralia #alpacafarmer #ecofriendlyalpacas #ecofriendlylivestock #earthfriendlylivestock #easyonthesoil #earthfriendly #regionalvictoria
18.01.2022 Work on the farm is continuous, last weekends task was to burn off cleared bracken and some dead Wattle trees. Always something to do - - #wattlegrovealpacas #wattlegrovefarm #strathcreekalpacas #alpacas #farmwork #farming #burningoff #strathcreek #womenatwork #rurallife #farmlife #countrylife #hardyakka #rurallifestyle #farming #hardwork #neverenoughtime #smoke #smokeplumes #winterchores #winterwork #regionalvictoria #northcentralvictoria #workit #alwayssomethingtodo
15.01.2022 Me and my girl catching up for a chat, discussing this and that. We are sad we cannot see our family and friends in metro Melbourne due to lockdown so the two of us caught up for a girlie chat - me and Roxon, chatting and chilling #alpacachat #alpacacatchup #girltalk #justchilling #meandmygirl #wattlegrovealpacas #strathcreekalpacas #regionalvictoria #paddockgirls #farmchat #farmlife #alpacageek #alpaca #alpacalife #chatting #animalfriend #relaxing #beingme #farmerdi #alpacafarm #girlfun #justfriends #alpacas #alpacaandme #friends
15.01.2022 Newest yarn and rovings arrival Smokey Grey 100% pure 8ply alpaca yarn. Grown, harvested and processed in Country Victoria, Australia. Now available for purchase. Alpaca is a luxurious, soft fibre, why not buy some of product as a gift for someone who loves knitting, crocheting or felting #wattlegrovealpacas #yarn #alpacayarn #knitting #crocheting #knit #felt #felting #knitit #feltit #craft #craftlover #alpacarovings #yarnit #sustainablygrown #ecofriendly #aussiemade #australianmade #buylocal #supportlocal #madeinaustralia #smallbusiness #boutique #luxuriousyarn #specialityyarn #yarncraft #knitcraft #crochetcraft #crafting #gift
13.01.2022 Thank you to World of Alpacas Magazine for mentioning our Bed and Breakfast alpaca farm stay #worldofalpacas #alpacas #alpacafarmstay #bedandbreakfast #murrindindi #strathcreek #farmstay #countrylife #rurallife #accommodation #alpaca #farming #northcentralvictoria
12.01.2022 Having dogs in my life is pawsitively perfect They are always there to greet you, wagging their tails; they are always happy to see you #bnb #bandb #wattlegrovebedandbreakfast #doglover #doggiefun #doggietime #doglove #happydog #happyday #farmdog #farmdogs # # #countrylifestyle #countrylife #farmlife #rurallifestyle #ruralliving #farmlifestlye #dogsonthefarm #animallove
12.01.2022 Baby loving a baby alpaca, so sweet to see his love of animals at such a young age and the gentleness in him
07.01.2022 People often ask me what do you do with your alpaca fleeces. As I have previously shared with you on my page, we sell the bulk to a local Co-Op, process some of our fleeces into luxurious, soft, gorgeous yarn and rovings which I sell and I use my alpaca fleece to make Felted products with. Here is an example of my work using alpaca fibre and merino. This project was inspired by Christianna Ferguson’s article in Felt Magazine. #felting #felt #alpaca #alpacafibre #alpacafelting #felted #christiannaferguson #feltmagazine #aussiefelter #aussiefarmer #craft #craftfun #feltingfun #feltit #feltingonthefarm #weekendproject #feltlove #alpacafleece #wool #crafting #creative #rural #country #feltfun #alpacacraft #alpacawool #wattlegrovealpacas #strathcreekalpacas #rurallifestyle #countrylifestyle
03.01.2022 Fantastic news! We are published in the only hard copy Australian Alpaca Magazine, so awesome. We can share this with you our customers and clients and we will have a copy in our Bed and Breakfast for our wonderful guests to read. I am really happy with the layout, thanks WOA and team Trevor World of Alpacas you rock #alpacas #alpaca #alpacafarmstay #bnb #bedandbreakfast #bandb #strathcreekalpacas #wattlegrovealpacas # #alpacatime #readingtime #lovereading #alpacalove #lovealpacas #alpacageek #farmlife #alpacafarm #regionalvictoria #alpacadude #thecottage #alpacafarming #fortheloveofalpacas #farmanimals #countryvictoria #countrylife #paca #aussiealpacas #yea #alpaka #lovefarming
02.01.2022 Introducing Riley to our alpacas the alpaca ignored him and he pretty much slept #babylove #alpacalove #loveonthefarm #rurallifestyle #rurallife #countrylifestyle #farmlife #alpaca #alpacas #babymoments #babybro #babytime #wattlegrovealpacas #wattlegrovebedandbreakfast #wattlegrovebandb #wattlegrovebnb #farmstay #alpacageek #alpacatime #alpacalife #farmstuff #farm #farmhouse #farmlife #familyislove #familyadventures #familymoments
02.01.2022 Well 2020 shearing at Wattle Grove Alpacas is complete, it was challenged with wet weather but we got through it. Thanks to @thealpacawhisper #thealpacawhisperer for shearing our herd. Also thanks to the shearing roustabout crew for all your hard work. #wattlegrovealpacas #strathcreek #strathcreekalpacas #shearing #alpacashearing #getfleeced #fibreofthegods #woolclip #shearingday #shearingtime #harvestingthefibre #fleece #fibre #focusonfibre #australianalpacas #sheaingfun #roustabouts #shearingcrew #fabulousfibre #divinefibre #fleeces #alpacas #hardwork #harvestingthefibre #annuallyshearing #alpacalove #hardyakka #igotfleeced
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