Western Australian Women in Dairy | Community
Western Australian Women in Dairy
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25.01.2022 Being prepared before it all goes shaped could save you a lot of time, money, or even your life. There are easy tasks that can be done throughout the year to ...better prepare you and your family for emergencies. With warmer weather already here, unfortunately bushfires are not far away. Print this simple checklist for your fridge and set aside some weekend time to ready your home and your family for an emergency.
24.01.2022 Today is International Day of Rural Women, and we’re celebrating the amazing women that are the driving force behind the Australian dairy industry. Let’s take o...ur #hatsofftoruralwomen tag your mum, sister, daughter, aunt, colleagues and friends and share your stories of women who work and live in rural, regional and remote Australia. See more
24.01.2022 Hi all I live in Mount Barker, Western Australia and I was wondering if anyone in my radios has any heifer jersey cows or calves for sale? Thanks!
24.01.2022 Happy International Day of Rural Women
23.01.2022 Posting on behalf of Brad and Kylie @ Nutrien Ag Solutions. If you want nomination forms please contact them otherwise message me and I will pass on your request. On Farm Competition Dear Breeder Please find attached entry forms for the On Farm Judging Competition... To be held the week of November 9th concluding with an evening of Presentations and fellowship on Friday 13th at Ray & Donna Kitchens Caranda Holstiens Boyanup The judge for the Competition is well known Holstein Breeder Andrew Bett of Wellstrand Holsteins COVID 19 Protocols and practices will be adhered to while judging and at the Presentation Evening Entry is Free to all Dairy Producers This year the 2 year old class will be divided into Junior and Senior Classes There will also be Jersey and any other pure breed dairy Classes this year Please have your Entries in by Monday the 2nd November Kind regards Kylie Quilty Nutrien Breeding 12 Allnut Court Bunbury WA 6230 PH 08 97964400 Email [email protected] Web NutrienAgSolutions.com.au
20.01.2022 Please read the requirements that all new and imported second-hand quad bikes must adhere to. Note: The safety standard does not apply to currently owned and se...cond-hand quad bikes to allow the existing quad bike fleet to gradually upgrade to quad bikes that meet the safety standard over time. See more
16.01.2022 Today marks the launch of the Australian Dairy Plan - developed by Australian Dairy Farmers, Australian Dairy Products Federation, Dairy Australia and the Gardi...ner Dairy Foundation, with consultation from 1,500 people across the dairy industry supply chain. The plan is based on five key commitments and a series of priority actions to build the profitability, confidence and unity of our industry for the next five years and beyond. Watch this short video, and view the report at: www.dairyplan.com.au/plan Tune into ABC Rural Country Hour at midday today to hear John Brumby, Terry Richardson and Grant Crothers discussing the #DairyPlan
15.01.2022 1st NOV PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ALL BURNING OFF. All burning PROHIBITED after 15th DEC. To obtain a permit please contact your local FCO https://www.denmark.wa.gov.au//bus/bush-fire-brigades.aspx
11.01.2022 With the recent announcement by Semex & HFAA in regard to the Virtual Holstein Spectacular, Nutrien Breeding has called off the On-Farm Challenge Competition. N...utrien Breeding welcomes the virtual concept and encourages those who have entered the On Farm Competition to forward their entries to the Virtual Holstein Spectacular https://www.holstein.com.au//semex-holstein-australia-virt. It had been Nutrien Breeding’s intent to continue the Semex On Farm Challenge for WA’s Dairy Farmers during Covid19 restrictions and look forward to fully supporting next years On Farm Competition. See more
11.01.2022 And just like that it’s silage and hay season. If you need a hand with your silage or hay, please get in contact via DM or on 0409291972. Alternatively you can also contact David Borshoff on 0427721454. Thank you.
04.01.2022 Nominations are now open for one director position on the Western Dairy Board, for either a dairy farmer or a non-farmer with specialist skills. This three-yea...r position commences from our Annual General Meeting on 3 December 2020. Becoming a director of Western Dairy is a rewarding opportunity, ensuring the value of the dairy levy is optimised and that Western Dairy continually strives to achieve its vision of a vibrant, profitable and ethical dairy industry in WA. Nominations close 5pm, Monday 12 October 2020. Interested? Read more here: https://bit.ly/36iozCd