waxtreasuresfeathers | Public figure
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25.01.2022 If it wasn’t for the last minute nothing at the W.T.F. Headquarters would get done. I’m so last minute that even when given 2 months notice, I’m the kinda person that will do it in the last 3 days hahaha I have always been this way, I remember in University my lecturers would think I wasn’t paying attention or I was too distracted but when push came to shove I would pull an all nighter and manage a HD, neither them or I knew how I did it... ? ... I’m also a perfectionist when it comes to my work and it’s important to me that I always put my heart and intuitive energy into all of my packs. With that said, The last minute thing, not sure if I can do it forever.... might need to work on that ... #lastminute #wtfselfcarepack #bigorder #gettingthingsdone #procrastination #singlemumlife #indigenousbusiness #smallbusinessowner
16.01.2022 Is it bad that this is almost an accurate reflection of me. (They left a lot out)
13.01.2022 I don’t know where I’d be without the support of my sistas from another Mr. My self care packs are my most popular and loved product so I’m very selective of the things that go into them. This year for me hasn’t been easy and as such I’m finding myself stuck in my own head rather than my work. However it’s people like Kim @liminal.place.au who is also a witchin in the kitchen kinda witch. She keeps me motivated and encourages me to hold it together and when she needs to she helps by picking up some of the slack. Look out for her amazing smoke sticks in packs going out in the next few weeks. #sistalove #supportblakbusiness #onemob #sistasgottasticktogether #gratitude #smokestick #itsoktoaskforhelp #thankyou #wtfselfcarepack
12.01.2022 April full moon in scorpio, first super moon of the year and it’s also a pink moon witches You know what that means it’s time to put those Lubly crystals outside (except for selenite ) good time to collect some rainwater or put some water outside to absorb the moons rays. Before I give you the low down I have something important to say so Australian Witches listen up ... some of you are doing it wrong! and I don’t want to tell you how to live your lives, I don’t want to kil...l your buzz or your full moon vibes ...... BUT we are in the Southern Hemisphere our full moon is Today (who would of thought that the dates, times and names of our moons are not the same) April moons name : Rain Time 1.31pm 27/04/2021 Element: water Ruling planet: mars and Pluto Flowers: geraniums, red roses, orchids Crystals: labradorite (the magician), lapsis lazuli, sodalite, Smokey Quartz, moonstone and I’m throwing in some Rhodonite (because a Scorpio has a hard shell but without its hard exterior it’s a beautiful mess of vulnerability and could use some extra love) The theme of the month: For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction. Full Moon in Scorpio shines a light into the dark and hidden recesses of Scorpio’s secret lair. Uranus is also a big factor this month ( Aquarius ruling planet) which means what comes to light will be shocking, scandalous and unprecedented. A super moon in Scorpio can also shine lights on gifts and the rarest of rare gems (it’s not all that dark in that secret lair) This month we are encouraged to speak our truth and reevaluate what we truly value, want and really believe. Scorpio is the sign symbolic of rebirth. Don’t let fear stop you for seeking out the things that your Heart and soul need. What was lost can be found again, perhaps we were just looking in all the wrong places This month we are all being asked to embrace the changes that have already been made, those that are in the process of occurring, and those that we might want to see ourselves come
03.01.2022 Scorpio full moon magick candles .... available tomorrow morning at 9am I know I’m a bit late but it’s been a very busy week for me, better late than never right? These moon magick candles were made last night and are for all things Scorpio, they are made with 100 % pure essential oils (patchouli, lavender, clary sage, rose geranium and sandalwood) ... As always they are adorned with some crystals and botanicals that represent the zodiac moon they are created for. These sultry Scorpio candles feature, lavender, red rose, orchid and geranium, labradorite, black tourmaline, Mooralla Smokey Quartz, clear quartz and Rhodonite and of course moonstone. Although this moon is set to be intense and eventful these candles were made with the intent to help protect you and balance those hectic vibes out. So whether your calling on your inner Scorpio, could use some of the scorpions sultry, intense energy or just want some magickal help from this months full moon these guys will do the trick. Limited amounts available (7) send me a DM if you want one and think you will miss out once they go live and I will do my best to help you out xo #scorpiofullmoon #pinkmoon #moonmagick #moonmagickcandles #moonmagickvibes #witchbitch #healingenergy
01.01.2022 Today marks 11 years since my mother passed away, unless you have lost a mother there is no way to describe that pain. It’s like a part of you is taken and your life is never again the same. Every year on this day I spray her perfume (the same bottle she had before she died) and I make a candle for her in same fragrance scent. I light it everyday until Mother’s Day as my way to honour her and all she meant to me. For me the smell sparks a memory and by lighting it over severa...l days it lets her smell slowly fade away again. To be honest her perfume gave me a headache back then and it still does now but if you knew my mum that is totally her, and she would likely find it funny that it has that effect on me if a certain smell brings the memory of a loved one back to life and you want me to create one for you or to give as a gift hit me up I will see if I can help. #heavenscent #inmemoriam #ripmum #chanelno5 #memories