The Way of Oneness | Education
The Way of Oneness
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25.01.2022 Consider what this means for the way you live. It's not just a meme. It is truth.
25.01.2022 Flower of Life. You may not understand everything in this video - I know I don't - but you will get a sense of the Flower of Life as basic symbol of creation. That's how symbols are .... mysterious. They don't represent one thing as signs do; they represent ideas, concepts ... and concepts can be very elusive. So are symbols, as you know from trying to make sense of your dreams. So if, like me, you find making sense of symbols of cosmic concepts such as Creation, Duality, the Flower of Life a bit difficult, relax. What your conscious mind does not grasp, your deep unconscious mind probably will, for it speaks that language.
24.01.2022 You see it everywhere these days, but what do you really know about it? The Flower of Life. ......................................... Johanna Le Maire Certainly many of you have heard about The Flower of Life, but for those who have not yet, I'd like to share a little information about this symbol. The Flower of Life... This mystical symbol can be found in almost all major religions in the entire world. The Flower of Life is said to be over 6,000 years old and is composed of several concentric, equal, overlapping circles. It is said to contain vital information on the secrets of the universe and all living things. The earliest record of this symbol was said to be found on the alabaster steps that were once parts of the palace of King Ashurbanipal. Many spiritual and mystical geometric figures have been drawn from the pattern of the Flower of Life. The sacred Tree of Life in Kabbalah teachings, for instance, may be taken from the concentric patterns within the Flower of Life. Leonardo da Vinci, himself, was able to derive platonic solids and the golden ratio of phi from the Flower of Life. The Flower of Life is an ancient symbol found all over the world. Here are a few examples. Scotland (1), Israel (2), China (3), Turkey (4), Egypt (5), India (6), Germany (7), Bulgaria (8), Sweden (9), France (10), Czech (11), Greece (12) See more
22.01.2022 "For mind is the builder and that which we think upon may become crimes or miracles. For thoughts are things and as their currents run through the environs of a...n entity's experience these become barriers or steppingstones, dependent upon the manner in which these are laid as it were. For as the mental dwells upon these thoughts, so does it give strength, power to things that do not appear. And thus does indeed there become that as is so oft given, that faith is the evidence of things not seen." ~ Edgar Cayce See more
21.01.2022 Thank you for the likes, friends. <3
17.01.2022 Love your body. Love your surroundings. Love what you have to do every day, no matter how unpleasant it feels. If you can do that, if you can be fully, lovingly..., patiently in this physical reality, you nurture and awaken your Spirit. For your body, your words, thoughts and actions in the world, how you relate to situations and to those around you are the purest expression possible in this life of your soul and spirit. Think about that. Try not to be distracted by 'over there' or ideas about the future, or what others are thinking, saying and doing. When you do get pulled away (and you will, often), bring yourself back without judgement, and be as fully, truthfully yourself as you can in thought, feeling and action. The more you can do that, the more the Light of the Spirit within can shine till you are filled with its light and radiate it out into the world. See more
17.01.2022 If we are multidimensional beings, we should have the capacity (though perhaps undeveloped) to move between dimensions. We do. And some know how to do it.
15.01.2022 FUNCTION OF DUALITY The reality of Oneness does not eliminate duality, nor should it. Duality has a vital function in this world. When we understand that function, and learn how to use it, duality allows us to make the distinctions, evaluations and choices necessary for conscious, responsible, mature action in the world. Even as we hold to the essential truth of Oneness, duality allows us to distinguish inner from outer self, conditioning from inner guidance, harmful from ben...eficial, negative from positive, dark from light, useful from dysfunctional, truth from lie, selfless from selfish, and all other opposites we encounter and must consider in our lives. Duality understood and in proper balance with Oneness becomes the powerful means of transformation and enlightenment. Just as you become a part of the manifold essence of the world through your bodies, so you become a part of the manifold essence of the inner world through your soul. This inner world is truly infinite, in no way poorer than the outer one. Man lives in two worlds. (Carl Jung, Liber Novis, p. 264).
14.01.2022 #spiritualgrowth #mindfulness #mindfulnessResearch #meditation #consciousness #mindfulnessandthebrain
11.01.2022 Children of Earth.
09.01.2022 This would be a good and not too difficult introduction to Jung's theories and method of inner work for emotional healing and soul growth. It's very discounted right now, so take advantage.
08.01.2022 Drawings of past lives, including life in Orion.
06.01.2022 You may have seen this. If so, watch again, and recognise that the Universe creates itself (through fish, flowers, storms and us) in sacred geometry.
05.01.2022 On inner vision "and how is it accomplished?........ We should not rely on our feet to get us there, for our feet just take us everywhere on earth, one place after another. Nor should you saddle up a horse or prepare some sea-going vessel. You should put aside all such things and stop looking; just shut your eyes, and change your way of looking, and wake up. Everyone has this ability, but few use it." Plotinus, Enneads I,6.8 Image: Tulip... #spiritualgrowth #spirituallife #consciousness #innerlife #unconscious #goingwithin
03.01.2022 Darkness and Light No coincidence, as we work with Scorpio that a friend emailed me a link to a book about demonic possession and witnessed exorcisms. I have read about real exorcisms by the church and also in indigenous cultures, and they are really terrifying. So I do not read about them any more. But I do recognise the living presence of evil or darkness. Some of it is unintentional, the cumulation of all the shadows in the human psyche that are so repressed that they exaggerated and distorted, or fed by generations of fear, beliefs in evil, a fundamentally evil human nature and a punishing god. Much evil, though, is the sticky blackness of those who use or have used evil methods to achieve their goals, or to manipulate others. Matías said that the earth is heavy with the weight of spirits unable or unwilling to leave, some good, some bad, and mediums tell us of spirits who stay or return to earth to continue the evil they engaged in while alive here, and to influence the living. As spirits, their capacity to cause hard is even greater than it was when they were alive. I have been aware of them since childhood. As strange and unbelievable as all this sounds, I do believe many are possessed by evil spirits. Not that all the possessed intentionally create demons or submit to their possession. Demonic forces are also created by the intense suffering and trauma that millions have been afflicted with over eons by those who either believe in such evil, or serve it. Such as the Inquisitors and all those church folk involved in witch hunts, and the numberless cruelties that humans have inflicted on others in wars and other ways. And all those well-intentioned people who teach fear, who teach 'them vs. us,' who unwittingly feed the very energies they try to work against. Whatever their origin, demons and spirits can and do possess those who are vulnerable, or too open to their influence. However, I am always mindful of the great teaching that we create our own reality. We humans have created the demons, and reinforce them. And if we seek to remove this awful weight and darkness from the earth, we must remove it from within ourselves so that the divine light within can shine, clear, strong and cleansing. Now I understand that my fear, my dread, my intense rejection of evil and darkness in the world does not destroy them but strengthens them. And that the only weapon we have against darkness is light ... not to eliminate darkness, for like the night and the darkness of caves and deep places, it is part of being, but to see it in natural balance with light, a shadow cast by the light. That is the task, to find a way within ourselves to reconcile dark and light so that our inner darkness is never separate from the light that casts it. #spiritualgrowth #awakening #spiritualmentoring #spirituallife #consciousness #evil #demons #shadowself #exorcism
03.01.2022 We search madly for teachers, for Masters to tell us who we are, why we are, to answer our questions and give us the secrets to enlightenment. But those teacher...s who come for our sakes and the sake of the dear planet that waits for our awakening do not give us answers. They point to the Way Within, for it is only there that we can meet the Masters that we seek. All knowledge has been given us, all that is, was and will be. It is in our cells, our blood, the actions of our glands, in our full engagement with body, mind and emotions in the world, in the murmurings and urges of the soul for expression. True spiritual teachers can help us find the way to the inner doors, but we must open the doors and follow the dark path of Self alone. Courage, dear friend. Courage and faith. <3 'A solitary path' painting by Thom Trew
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