WAYS Youth and Family | Non-profit organisation
WAYS Youth and Family
Phone: +61 2 9365 2500
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25.01.2022 Due to the new government lockdown restrictions, we have had to close our drop-in centre until further notice. Keep checking Facebook for when we re-open and also for our upcoming theme days.
25.01.2022 "It is in learning music that many youthful hearts learn to love" Matthieu Ricard . We are very excited to get our music lessons back up and running next Tuesday Afternoon. If you would like to book you can call us on 02 9365 2500 or DM us for more information! .... P.s how awesome is this picture from our 2017 BONDI BLITZ See more
25.01.2022 "I only love my bed and my mama, Im sorry." Drake WAYS would like to wish all Mothers near and far #happymothers day for tomorrow! Let us know in the comments below what you have planned tomorrow for your mum... . . #WAYS #waysyouth #waysbondi #bondi #bondibeach #Northbondi #mother #mothersday #happymothersday #weloveourmums #mum #treather #spoilher #mumsday #drake #lovemymum See more
24.01.2022 Jump into the winter holidays with WAYS Check out our Holiday program now available on our website - www.ways.org.au With a mix of incursions and excursions we have something to interest everyone. Spaces are limited so book now!... CCS approved : Yrs 3-6 #ways #waysyouth #bondi #bondibeach #bondijunction #winterholidays #holidayprogram #asc #ooshc #waverley #youth #kidshavefun #comehangout
23.01.2022 SO EXCITING! Drop-in will be re-opening on a Friday night commencing 20th November from 3.30pm 6.30pm. Grab your crew, and come join us!
22.01.2022 WAYS Secondary students making sure to practise their social distancing on their end of term excursion. With the current climate it really does make you appricate things more How lucky are we to have Bondi Beach just a stroll away !
21.01.2022 Check out our peer Eds chatting about all things sexual and mental health!!
21.01.2022 WAYS Secondary is an Independent high school for young people who want an alternative to mainstream education. Currently offering years 9, 10, 11 and 12. I never knew a school could change my life in the way this one has. This school has benefited me in so many more ways then educational purposes. It has given me a home and a second chance that I will forever be grateful for. I am not here because I am being forced, I come because I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else." If you would like more information about this program, contact us at [email protected].
21.01.2022 WAYS After School Care is back for term 3! Come hangout with us and get involved with one of our many activities East's Rugby Arts and Crafts ... Skating Music lessons and much more! CCS approved | YRS 3-6 | [email protected] #asc #waysasc #ways #waysyouth y #bondi #northbondi #afterschoolcare #bondijunction #bondibeach #bondiafterschoolcare #activities #kids #primaryschool #music #rugby #skating
20.01.2022 Condom Credit Card #ccccard now at WAYS Bondi Junction. Family Planning NSW Free condoms and lube, pop in to see one of our Certified CCCCard Trainers. ... #SafeSex #FamilyPlanningNSW
20.01.2022 Applications for A WAYS Safe Summer (AWSS) are now open! If youre interested in educating other young people in the Eastern Suburbs on various health related topics, email [email protected] to apply before 21st Oct!
19.01.2022 WAYS is hiring! Check out the link below for all the information
18.01.2022 Check out the live stream launch for the Ted Noffs foundation online platform "Street University" tomorrow June 21st! Featuring the finest young regional artist including: Youngn Lipz... NME 21 District Lisi Cult Shtta A.Girl WeirdoGvng Barkaa Jessica Jade Spvrrow The Oneill Twins The Pioneers & more! All ages welcome - Free tickets avaliable here http://ow.ly/VOaG50Ac34b
18.01.2022 IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT FROM THE WELLNESS CENTRE. The dentist is onsite next from Thursday 9am - 1:30pm for general checkups. Bookings are essential. Please phone on 02 9388 9455 to make an appointment. All patients who are over 18 need a Centrelink Health Care Card.
18.01.2022 As a part of their indigenous Rights & Freedom history unit our Year 10 students observed National Sorry day on May 26th, taking part by creating aborigonal artwork Check out what they created below
18.01.2022 Telehealth is operating Dr Goldberg is available Tuesdays & Thursdays, between 12-5. If you'd like to book an appointment call 9388 9455.... Although we are a youth service, all ages welcome. Medicare card required.
17.01.2022 Telehealth is operating Dr Goldberg is available Tuesdays & Thursdays, between 12-5. If youd like to book an appointment call 9388 9455.... Although we are a youth service, all ages welcome. Medicare card required.
17.01.2022 SCHOOL HOLIDAYS HAS BEEN MADE EASIER WITH WAYS HOLIDAY PROGRAM. Our holiday program for 8-12 year olds is guaranteed to keep your family occupied and active over the holidays. To see our full schedule, click here: https://ways.org.au/holiday-programme/ Contact us at [email protected] or fill out our inquiry form to make your booking: https://ways.org.au/vacation-care-inquiry-form/
16.01.2022 WAYS Winter Holiday program was in full swing today, starting the the week off with a in house skate session and a trip to a local park Another action packed day tomorrow with SKYZONE! Come join us these holidays - view our full holiday program on our website www.ways.org.au... CCS approved | Yrs 3-6 | 8am - 6pm [email protected] | 02 9365 2500
16.01.2022 #Weloveourteachers Q & A with teachers Rachael and Emma: When did you know you wanted to become a teacher and why? ... Rachel - I had always had a passion for at risk youth and kids who had not been heard before or that society had oppressed. It was always a pressing life path to enable those individuals who had been dealt a hard hand to shine. Emma - I always wanted to teach and have loved it. It's become an even greater passion since working at WAYS Why do you love teaching at WAYS Secondary? Rachel - WAYS is a unique space that enables studies to express themselves and thrive in their own skin. It allows them to flourish in a safe space and we have the most eccentric individuals that all offer their own light. Emma - The kids. I spend every day laughing and gaining a greater insight into my subjects because of their informative responses. I'm lucky to be inspired by their resilience, commitment and strength. I'm pretty biased but we have a pretty great bunch here! #WAYSSecondary #upthereforthinking #youth #school #schoolgotmelike #teacherfeatures #myschool #highschool #learning #HSC #grow #learn #lmlovinit
15.01.2022 Today the NSW Government announced stay-at-home orders for four local government areas in Sydney. This includes closing non-essential businesses such as recreation centres. As WAYS Head Office falls within these local government areas, unfortunately, we are unable to run activities or programs at our centre, which includes our vacation care program, until Friday 2 July or until the stay-at-home order has been lifted. If you have booked from 28th June - 2nd July no fees will b...e applied for this week. We will contact all parents next week, and hopefully, we still can run week 2 of our program. Our main priority is to ensure that we keep everyone safe and to contain the spread of COVID infections in the community. If you would like to talk to someone about the next steps, please email Anthony at [email protected]. See more
15.01.2022 Look after yourself during exam time with these easy tips
14.01.2022 1 WEEK TO GO TO SCHOOL HOLIDAYS! Our holiday program for 8-12 year olds is guaranteed to keep your kids active over the holidays. And we are excited about all the cool activities that we have booked and ready to go. To see our full schedule, click here: https://ways.org.au/holiday-programme/ Contact us at [email protected] or fill out our inquiry form to make your booking: https://ways.org.au/vacation-care-inquiry-form/
14.01.2022 We have a few spaces left for our Retail Certificate III course, enrol today! 9388 9455 or [email protected] #WAYS #Waysyouthtraining
14.01.2022 Join thousands of young people, employers, educators, industry professionals and more at the first national Youth Futures Summit. Tickets on sale now http://ow.ly/K4LZ50B5dcH #YFS2020
13.01.2022 Join Richie and the crew on Saturday August 15th for the return of our Youth Space Drop In Centre Come and win yourself a prize, have something to eat or just hang out! DM or call us on 02 9365 2500 for any queries
13.01.2022 #RFK - Russell King " He had the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He did not set out to become a leader, but became one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent." We are stoked to see the new overhead sign go up over our door! Welcome to The Russell King Building.... #Leaders #Compassion #WAYS #Family #Bondi #Youth #Resilience #wearestrongertogether #Community #Love #Respect #Wearefamily
13.01.2022 WAYS Youth & Family have been supporting the youth of Eastern Sydney for more than 40 years. Whilst we go from strength to strength, we still remain the grassroots, community-based organisation working with young people and their families since 1979. As we come to the EOFY 2019-20 please support us your local charity with your Tax-Deductible donation before June 30.... PLEASE DONATE ONLINE at www.ways.org.au PHONE for credit card payment on (02) 9365 2500 POST your cheque to WAYS Youth & Family 63a Wairoa Avenue, Bondi NSW 2026 Together we can transform lives and build our community. Thank you so much for your support!
13.01.2022 Its a good day at WAYS Secondary. Our Year 12s have finished their Personal Interest Projects for their Society and Culture HSC. Were incredibly proud of your hard work this year. In the face of Covid, you turned up everyday and worked endlessly to perfect your research projects. Well done guys! You smashed it!
12.01.2022 WAYS After School Care learning some new skills with the some of the team from Eastern Suburbs Rugby Union Every MONDAY | CCS Approved | Yrs 3-6 | Local School pick ups available If your child would like to join us you can contact us via:... 02 9365 2500 0423 056 900 [email protected] Or message us on Facebook! See more
11.01.2022 "Play is our brains favourite way of learning - Diane Ackerman" When asked what they love about coming to WAYS afterschool care, everyone was in agreement about the fun they have with all the activities & of course the food! Skating, basketball, pool, parks & excursions to Skyzone & arcades (pre and post COVID) and many more reasons to come join us at WAYS HQ. ... DM us for more information or call 02 9365 2500
11.01.2022 Russell King Day Russell King was CEO of WAYS from 1989 till his death on October 19th 2019. Today marks his 31 year anniversary since the day he started working at WAYS. ... WAYS is everything that it is because of Russell. He is the very foundation of all that WAYS embodies and stands for. He was dedicated to staff, client, student and community in a way that befits a true leader and visionary. Today I honor and remember my boss and the boss of many staff who loved and worked with him. He will never be forgotten. He will always be remembered on this day and everyday that I walk into a WAYS premise as the man who is and will always be WAYS. In loving memory, Dr Terri Said CEO
10.01.2022 Today marked the birthday of the irreplaceable and unforgettable late Russell King. Russell served our community and WAYS Youth & Family for over 30 years with dedication, pride and passion. Today we remember him with love and gratitude and send our love and support to his wife Sallie and daughter Keriana. Happy Birthday Russell "A great leader leads the people from within them."--M. D. Arnold
10.01.2022 Happy Birthday Doug! WAYS wishes you a bright year ahead full of laughter & happiness! Huge thank you to Nava's Kitchen for making this amazing cake to celebrate with - go check out her page to see more of her creations
09.01.2022 We welcome you to join us to complete Certificate II in Community Services. If you or somebody you know is interested, please give us a call for more information or to get the ball rolling. 9488 9455 or email [email protected].... #WaysYouthTraining
08.01.2022 Do you have a potential Ed Sheeren, Eric Clapton or Slash? Every Tuesday during our After School Care program we have Music Lessons for $10 for 1/2 hour sessions. Contact us at [email protected] or fill out our enquiry form to get more information: https://bit.ly/2ITWNSR
08.01.2022 Enrol TODAY for CERTIFICATE II IN COMMUNITY SERVICES. The course begins on July 7th - August 27th 2021. For ages 15 -24 years. For more information visit our website: ways.org.au/ways-youth-training. Register your interest or to enquire, contact [email protected] or call 02 9388 9455.
07.01.2022 "What you get by achieving your goals, is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals." Its not easy to start a new course during a golbal pandemic, but these students did just that. We are so proud of them for signing onto Zoom, continuing to hand in assessments and pushing through challenges to reach this point.... These students are about to embark on their work place placements before finally graduating with Diploma in Community Services. We can't wait to welcome them to the sector as colleagues!
06.01.2022 #concentrationfaces Music lessons available every Tuesday from 4pm-7pm @ WAYS Bondi Beach! GuitarBass Drums ... Call us on 02 9365 2500 or DM us for more information!
06.01.2022 Come down to center and hang out with Richie and the team tomorrow! Drop In runs from 1pm - 6pm Available for Youth yrs 7 - 12 DM us if you want more information! BBQ... Competitions with prizes Sports, pool and much more! See more
06.01.2022 DAY 2 OF AFFIRMATIONS: This experience is making me stronger. Often times when life hits us like a ton of bricks it leaves us saying why me? And after the event has passed we once again come back to the age old truth that what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. In fact, this saying has been proven. Life’s negative experiences do make us more resilient and cause us to think about the next steps when faced with the same adversity. We also become more aware of when these thin...gs will happen again and what we need to do to prevent or overcome them. #covidlockdown #mentalhealthmatters
05.01.2022 WAYS covid Helpline If youre looking for extra support during the Coronavirus Pandemic, call us! Every day of the week except for Thursdays between 9am-12pm, we have Counsellors & Case Managers that you can call for confidential advice and support, and its FREE!
05.01.2022 WAYS covid Helpline If you're looking for extra support during the Coronavirus Pandemic, call us! Every day of the week except for Thursdays between 9am-12pm, we have Counsellors & Case Managers that you can call for confidential advice and support, and it's FREE!
05.01.2022 Come check out the local skate parks with WAYS After School Care every Wednesday! CCS approved Yrs 3-6 Local school pick ups ... DM or call us for more info: 02 9365 2500 See more
05.01.2022 Come and join the WAYS Team We are on the hunt for a Casual Skateboard Instructor/Mentor for our After School Care and Holiday Program! Check out the job ad & steps on how to apply below http://ow.ly/IX2850B0YNR
04.01.2022 Don't forget to come hang out with our youth workers in our drop in centre tomorrow from 1pm - 5pm! for youth yrs 7-12 63a Wairoa Ave North Bondi!
04.01.2022 DROP IN IS BACK TOMORROW!! Come down to join Richie & Murray at our drop in center from 1pm-6pm tomorrow Saturday 15th Aug Competitions... BBQ Rooftop Skating & Basket Ball & much more! See more
03.01.2022 Since Sydney is in lockdown, we thought we would do 7 days of affirmations to help relieve COVID-19 Anxiety. DAY 1: I believe in my ability to get through tough times. In these challenging situations, maintaining a good mindset is probably the most important thing you can do. It will allow you to stay upbeat, avoid pointless sorrow, persist through the hardship, find smart solutions and eventually turn the situation around. Remember BAD TIMES ALWAYS END, and THIS SITUATION I...S NOT ONLY AFFECTING YOU, SO YOU ARE NOT ALONE. #covidlockdown #mentalhealthmatters
03.01.2022 On Wednesdays we SKATE WAYS HQ kids are always pumped to hang out and learn from our skating guru Chris at Totem Skating! If youd like to book your child for our after school skate sessions you can contact us on 02 9365 2500 or [email protected]... *Local school pick ups available *Snacks provided *CCS approved for years 3-6
03.01.2022 In partnership with Waverley Council, Woollahra Council and Bondi Skateriders 'Bondi BLITZ' is back on the 29th November from 12pm-5pm. This will be a COVID-safe event streaming live on Facebook from our rooftop. MARK THE DATE IN YOUR CALENDARS! And join us for the stream.
03.01.2022 A WAYS Safe summer
02.01.2022 Dont forget to come hang out with our youth workers in our drop in centre tomorrow from 1pm - 5pm! for youth yrs 7-12 63a Wairoa Ave North Bondi!
01.01.2022 Come join us these holidays with an in house Skate Jam & our Skate Tour of the Northern Beaches with mentor Chris Vaughan CCS Approved | Years 3-6 | Contact us to book!... | 9365 2500 | [email protected] | #ways #waysyouth #waysholidayprogram #waysyouthandfamily #holidaycare #bondi #bondibeach #bondijunction #skate #skateboards #weloveskating #skatetour #northernbeaches #inhouseskatejam #skatementor #mentor
01.01.2022 Kids experience complex feelings and challenges just like adults. They get frustrated, excited, nervous, sad, jealous, frightened, worried, angry, and embarrassed, sometimes at the same time. Here is some ideas of how to encourage them to openly talk about their feelings.
01.01.2022 Warm up this Saturday with a FREE Coffee from @costasSYD All gold coin donations keeping it local and supporting WAYS Youth & Family! You'll find them located at 112 O'brien st, Bondi Beach
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