Western Dressage Association of Australia | Non-profit organisation
Western Dressage Association of Australia
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25.01.2022 Our hi-point winners for 2019/2020 were announced at tonight's Annual General Meeting. WDAV would like to congratulate and thank all participants at our events ...over the 19/20 year. Whilst the competition year was cut short due to COVID-19, there were sufficient events run to ensure we could award the hi-points for the year. Western Dressage offers both unsanctioned and sanctioned competitions. Hi-points are awarded to the highest point scoring winners in Sanctioned classes. For 19/20 we offered sanctioned classes in both Basic Level and Level 1. Congratulations to our hi-point winners: Basic Level: Reserve Champion: Takoda Cheyenne Bogart & Victoria Mapleson Champion: RKN Heza Peppered Kid & Meagan Harrison Level 1: Reserve Champion: Celebration & Donna Sadler Champion: Takoda Cheyenne Bogart & Victoria Mapleson Trophies will be posted to winners in the next couple of days.
25.01.2022 COVID-19 and its effect upon Western Dressage Association of Australia State Associations, Branches & Affiliated Clubs holding western dressage events The Western Dressage Association of Australias priority is the safety of its members and our community. The Board of the Western Dressage Association of Australian provides the following suggested processes to organising committees to consider when assessing their upcoming competitions and clinics. ...Continue reading
25.01.2022 This is one of our affiliate clubs.
24.01.2022 EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT We can reveal that DVL SADDLERY AND EQUINE have very generously offered to craft WDAQ another trophy saddle for our State Championship... Show next year (9th 10th 11th October 2020 Maryborough) Thank you so much for your belief in our sport and ongoing support of the Western Dressage members. Remember to support those who support us team WD. See more
23.01.2022 A great way to start the year in Victoria
23.01.2022 Another show in Western Australia
22.01.2022 ENTRIES NOW OPEN Get in quick, there is a lot of interest in this show and we are pleased to let you know that the Program and Entries are now available o...n Nominate. https://www.nominate.com.au All Tests and Rulebook can be viewed/downloaded from the Western Dressage Association of Australia website https://www.westerndressage.com.au See more
22.01.2022 Woo-hoo! Our hi-point trophies for 2019/2020 have arrived! Join us at our AGM tomorrow night (Wednesday 28 October at 7.30pm) where our hi-point winners will b...e announced! To attend our AGM please message us via Facebook or email us at [email protected] and we will send you the Zoom meeting invitation link.
21.01.2022 Dont forget ....entries are open for our Winter Show....Western Dressage tests A and B....enter on Nominate...the show is August 23rd at Foxwood Entries close August 19th
21.01.2022 An important update on COVID-19 from the Board of Western Dressage Association of Australia To our valued WDAA Members, Affiliates & Branches, In response to the current ongoing Covid 19 Pandemic, and in keeping in line with the strict social distancing restrictions that are being put in place across the country, the WDAA Board has made the decision to suspend all WDAA events (effective immediately).... There will be no WDAA events approved up to & including May 31st, 2020 (this also includes Virtual Shows). Branches and affiliates are strongly advised to conduct any meetings/discussions via conferencing technology. We would encourage Branches/affiliates/members to be mindful of following the Australian Government Department of Health (https://www.health.gov.au) directions including; - Washing hands regularly - Avoiding any social gatherings - Avoiding close personal contact with other people - Self-isolating in the event that you have recently returned from Overseas, feel sick or have been in contact with someone who has contracted COVID 19. Event applications will still be accepted for events to be held after May 31st, however we cannot guarantee that they will be allowed to proceed depending on the advice from the Australian Government in regard to the ongoing COVID 19 Pandemic at that time. The pandemic is constantly evolving and the board will continue to monitor the situation and may change or amend this date. We thank you for your cooperation and understanding in these trying times and look forward to getting Western Dressage back up and running as soon as we can. Take care, The WDAA Board
21.01.2022 #2 in the series Snippets from the Rulebook ~ TRANSITIONS ~... a) The changes of gait and pace should be smooth and clearly shown when the riders leg is adjacent the prescribed marker. b) On a diagonal, the transition is made when the riders leg is adjacent the letter at the end of the diagonal. c) The cadence of a gait or pace should be maintained up to the moment when the gait or pace is changed or the horse halts. The horse should remain light in hand, calm and balanced. d) Transitions are either direct or progressive. Direct transitions occur without any steps of intermediate gaits and progressive transitions clearly include all intermediate gaits. For instance, a transition from jog to halt through walk is a progressive transition while a transition from jog to halt without any intermediate walk steps is a direct transition. Complete Rulebook can be viewed and/or downloaded from the WESTERN DRESSAGE ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA WEBSITE
20.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who was able to come along to our High Point Awards Presentation and AGM today. Id like to congratulate the following members on their a...wards: Intro Champions - Lis Cassey & Lopealong Cool Rhythm Intro Reserve Champions - Michelle Hartley & More Than Impressed and also Roxanne Balchin & Winderadeen Cee A Passer. Intro 3rd Place - Belinda Harrison & Bobby Basic Champions - Mia-Jane Perry & Lunar Illusion Basic Reserve Champions - Vicki Parker & Lynx In Pink Basic 3rd Place - Cherry Brennan & Loots Shockin Ya All Level One Champions - Beth Noble & Krystelle Park Mercury Rising Level One Reserve Champions - Kerry Duggan & DVZ Valdi Level Three Champions - Natalie Mitchell & Statford Mojave. A huge Thankyou to John from John McPhee Bridles & Leatherwork and Bullsbrook Produce for their generous sponsorship and support. Without both of these local businesses these incredible prizes wouldnt have been possible. Id also like to thank everyone who was able to take part in our AGM today. We have an amazing committee for 2020/2021 and we are excited to plan lots of great events this season.
19.01.2022 Thanks to those who joined our AGM a few moments ago! 2018/2019 was the first time we have run the National Hi-Points system. With competition growing across the country, the standard of riding and western dressage is increasing enormously. Congratulations not only to the winners, but all competitors for their great effort and for the magnificent spirit in which they have competed.... We have great pleasure in announcing our 2018/2019 National Hi-Points winners: Basic Level Champion: Teresa Russo & One Roan Rose (QLD) Basic Youth Champion: Zoe Gravagna & Hollywood Chandel (QLD) Level 1 Champion: Glen Scells & RKN Gee Whiz (QLD) Level 2 Champion: Mandy Camfferman & Mondure Dunitlikeacowboy (QLD) Level 3 Champion: Liz Tollarzo & Wandiera Rembrandt (WA) Certificates will be sent to hi-point winners in the next few days.
19.01.2022 Just a reminder we have our Annual General Meeting tonight at 7.00pm AEDT (4.00pm WA, 6.00pm QLD). Members, friends and supporters are welcome to join us via Google Hangouts: Join: https://meet.google.com/btj-uumy-thh... Join us to hear news about our achievements over the last 12 months, as well as announcements of our National Hi-Point winners for the 18/19 season!
18.01.2022 28 May, 2020 To our valued WDA-AUS Members, State Associations, Club Affiliates & Branches, In further response to the current ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic, the WDA-AUS Board has extended their decision to suspend all WDA-AUS COMPETITION events for the remainder of the current WDA-AUS membership year (June 30th, 2020). Therefore, the official end to the 2019/2020 National Point Score Year will be March 27, 2020 - all National & State Level Year End Awards will be calculated as s...Continue reading
17.01.2022 Dalby, Queensland next year.
16.01.2022 Updated 9.01.20! New events for Swan Hill area in the New Year! :)
16.01.2022 Great to see our branches developing
16.01.2022 *** CALENDER 2020 *** ( Dates to be added by affiliates as they become available ) 25th 26th 27th January Maryborough 1st February BWBRAC Bundaberg ... 7th 8th March Maryborough 15th March NQQHA Innisfail 29th March WDSEQld Caboolture 4th April WDWD ARBC Dalby 3rd May WDSEQld Caboolture 9th May BWBRAC Maryborough (under lights) 16th 17th May Maryborough 27th 28th June FNQ Western Dressage Annual Championships 28th June WDSEQld Caboolture 25th 26th July Maryborough 9th August WDSEQld Caboolture 5th 6th September Maryborough 8th - 11th October ( STATE CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW ) Maryborough 25th October WDSEQld Caboolture See more
15.01.2022 Save these dates
15.01.2022 Great tips and advice from Sue Franks. Sue is a big supporter of western dressage.
15.01.2022 The new 2020-21 WDA-AUS membership year starts on 1 July. Memberships will open soon through nominate.com.au/equibase. Membership renewals will be sent out to WDA-AUS members, Associates, Affiliates and Branches soon. The link for new members is different from the link for renewing members. Both links will be posted on FB & www.westerndressage.com.au when live. We look forward to returning members & new members alike & wish you all a fantastic 20-21 year.
14.01.2022 Get your entries in for the Summer Show! Close in ten days on November 20th.
13.01.2022 Show in Western Australia
13.01.2022 The next show in Western Australia
12.01.2022 # 1 in the series Snippets from the Rulebook ~ WORKING WALK ~... i) Working walk - The horses frame and steps are of moderate length, with the hind feet tracking up or slightly over - tracking and the horse walks with purpose and confidence. The rider maintains a light connection with the reins allowing the natural movement of the head and neck. The horses nose may be slightly in front of the vertical and the poll must not be lower than the withers. ~ WORKING JOG ~ i) Working Jog - The horses frame and steps are of moderate length, with the hind feet tracking up or slightly over - tracking and the horse jogs with purpose and confidence. The rider maintains a light connection with the reins. The horses nose may be slightly in front of the vertical and the poll must not be lower than the withers. The working jog may be ridden either rising or sitting up to and including Level 1 and then must be ridden sitting from Level 2 onwards. ~ WORKING LOPE ~ i) Working Lope - The horses frame and stride are of a moderate length, with engagement of the hindquarters in accordance with the expectations of the Level being shown. The rider maintains a light connection with the reins allowing the natural movement of the head and neck. The horses nose may be slightly in front of the vertical and the poll must not be lower than the withers. Complete Rulebook can be viewed and/or downloaded from WESTERN DRESSAGE ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA Website https://www.westerndressage.com.au
12.01.2022 Im heading off for a couple of weeks leave this coming Saturday, so if anyone is needing any support from the office for events coming up in the next few weeks (memberships, horse registrations, show approvals) etc., please get in touch immediately - ie., before Saturday. Whilst I will try to keep in touch with emails etc., I will be in a completely different time zone and may not be able to respond in as timely a way as I would like. Cheers,... Margaret National Secretary See more
11.01.2022 Our dates for 2020/2021
10.01.2022 Have you ever noticed this at a horse show? Horse clean and prepped Outfit on point Ring ready ... One last read of the program to check that you havent missed your class, and off you bolt (because there is no strolling when it comes to showing). All the prep has gone your way, and you have scored a ribbon in your class! Could you be any more chuffed? As the PA rings out with announcements, you take a slew of photos of your horse Wait, rewind. The program came out for the show and you flicked through looking for your classes. Did you notice if the show was sponsored? Or your class? Maybe at the show there was announcements? Or banners on the ring? Or a post on Facebook about donated raffle prizes? We have to admit, sometimes we have not heard the announcements, and in our hurry on the day we have not seen who sponsored our class. So what? We know how much it costs to get to a horse event. If we exclude insurance and prep costs (shampoo, feed, clipping etc) and just count entry fees and day (or night) stay fees, then that alone makes it sometimes out of reach for the weekend warriors. We have heard of events costing upwards of $400! WHOA! How can we make it more affordable? What if there was a really simple answer? (Why, yes, yes there is). Are sponsors the solution? What if we spent a little more time pouring over the program, genuinely interested to see who was sponsoring our class, understanding that they were in some way contributing to our sport. Sponsors can form an intricate support network to Australian Equestrian Sports long term. We, as participants, can show our sponsors a little more love this will ensure that the business is getting a good return on their investment in our sport. We are responsible for thanking them, sharing their sponsorship, sending them content, and even sharing their business (and generous sponsorship) with our friends and family. If businesses feel appreciated and part of our sport, then they will be more likely to keep sponsoring, and even recommending others do the same. The sponsors that we see are not always equine businesses, they come from a range of businesses (often the mums and dads of competitors), in construction or real estate. For the equine businesses that do support the events that run, and we dont necessarily mean a donation of vouchers, I mean the giving of actual cash to the event; these are some of our most vital sponsors. They intrinsically understand our sport and what is required to get ahead. If they are giving cash to our sport, we must recognise this as much as we can. Lets work together to show our sponsors a little love, in the hopes that we can get more sponsors for our events, and help bring our entry fees down!
10.01.2022 Dear Valued Past, Present and Future Members, The 2020 2021 membership is now open, the membership period is 1/7/20 30/6/21. The Board is pleased to advise that the discounted rate offered last year, will continue for this year, even though the insurance cost has risen & is very expensive. Senior & Youth membership will be $90 plus an administration fee of $5.24 charged by Nominate. Renewal emails have been sent out to members and all renewals must be done by using the li...nk in the renewal notice. It is very important that RENEWING MEMBERS DO NOT USE THE NEW MEMBER LINK, as it will not link to their current profile, horse registrations & show nominations. NEW MEMBERS CLICK HERE https://nominate.com.au/equiclubs/membersignup1.aspx
10.01.2022 Our national association is run entirely by hard working volunteers. A couple of our board members are retiring at this AGM and as such there are vacancies to be filled! The Board welcomes nominations from current financial members who are interested in getting involved and helping the sport develop. This is a great opportunity to help influence and develop the sport. The Board requires a variety of skills including financial/accounting, marketing/communications, strategic ...planning and development. But, mostly, we are looking for people passionate in helping to develop this wonderful, developing sport. If you are interested in nominating and/or wish to discuss a board role more broadly, please contact us at [email protected]
09.01.2022 Introducing your National Board Following on from our AGM this evening, we are pleased to announce your national board members: Jim Whitaker... Paula Byrne Julie Sain Pam Nelson Margaret Augerinos Terri-Ann Dietzel Teresa Russo Thank you to departing board members Stacey Locastro and Kim Maclean. We really appreciate all of your hard work and commitment. Our Board and our sport have benefited immensely from your efforts. Thank you also to the huge number of volunteers who help out at competitions and events, and committee members of our state associations, affiliates and branches. Finally, thanks to our members - without whom the association would not exist. This sport is fast developing thanks to all of your support and efforts. 2020 promises to be another super exciting year for western dressage.
09.01.2022 Entries are closing soon for November 24th Competition. Head over to nominate and get your entries in. If you are new to nominate and need some help with your entries, please contact us. We are only to happy to help.
09.01.2022 Our new affiliate club in Maryborough Qld.
09.01.2022 Our thoughts go out to all people and communities impacted by these horrific fires across our country. We have seen photos and footage of utter devastation. Out of this we have also seen and heard of the heroic acts of many who are putting their lives on the line to keep us all safe. The photo in this news story represents the best of our country - local heroes pitching in to keep us safe and protected from harm. We thank all the firefighters and emergency service personne...l working round the clock to save our homes and communities. We have also seen incredible effort and action from ordinary community members who are rallying to provide whatever support they can: rescuing wildlife, cooking meals for volunteer firefighters and people displaced from their homes, people transporting animals from fire affected areas, people opening up their homes to those who have lost their homes or where they are unable to return. On behalf of WDA-AUS we thank all those pitching in and doing their bit to support their community including those donating to relief efforts. Stay safe everyone.
08.01.2022 Great news for our members in Western Australia.
06.01.2022 What a huge undertaking !
04.01.2022 Western Dressage in Victoria
03.01.2022 ARBC "One Roan Peptos" Western Dressage Championships is being held on Saturday 4th April 2020 at the Dalby Equestrian Center. "You are all invited" To ride fo...r one of the beautiful One Roan Peptos Silver Buckle Pennants you will need to be a member of Western Dressage Association of Australia. To renew your membership or to join WDAUS simply visit www.westerndressage.com.au/membership One off Horse Registration is also available online The highest average percentage in each Sanctioned Level of our ARBC Show will be presented with one of these beautiful Silver Buckle Pennants. Basic Level, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 and Youth (18 & Under) A special thank you Teresa Russo & One Roan Peptos for your wonderful sponsorship of these WD Championships, we look forward to welcoming you to the ARBC Teresa. The highest aggregate percentage of the show will take home a stunning DVL Saddlery & Equine Silver Trophy Bridle, thank you to Damen Lowrie for sponsoring our Championship Show, we look forward to welcoming you along to the ARBC. Our Show Program is almost complete so stay tuned...It will be released shortly. Please feel free to share
03.01.2022 For everyone in Western Australia
03.01.2022 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Here is a link to the WDA-AUS website that answers the most FAQs https://www.westerndressage.com.au/faqs
02.01.2022 Our Western Victoria branch had a great first competition last weekend. Well done everyone!
02.01.2022 Well we have been very busy. Working on this trophy saddle for the Western Dressage Association QLD for their state show on the 4th, 5th and 6th October. We are... very proud to be apart of the WDAQ. This saddle took around 60 hrs from start to finish. I hope you all like it. Please feel free to like an share and if you are in the market for a beautiful tooled belt, a custom made saddle or anything in between please contact us. Thank you. See more
02.01.2022 Entries for the first WDAWA SHOW of 2020 are through Nominate. Dont let the word SHOW put you off! Its a very relaxed, low key atmosphere with plenty of help,... smiles and support. You can always have a caller and usually theres someone around happy to jump in and do that for you. SUNDAY MARCH 22nd at Foxwood. See more
01.01.2022 Hi all Remember to get those entries in , perfect opportunity for all you guys that want to have a go but dont feel your quite ready Super friendly atmosphere and always someone to help you out 6 th October entries through Nominate
01.01.2022 In light of all of the concern being expressed in the community about horse sports and horse welfare, we take this moment to remind you all of what the Western Dressage Association of Australia believes about our sport and horse welfare. Our vision statement is clear: "To develop and govern a national equestrian discipline that supports and encourages the pursuit of classical dressage for any breed of horse and their rider. We value the harmonious partnership between horse a...nd rider, building the relationship through ethical training, lightness of rein, suppleness, accuracy and with the wellbeing of the horse paramount." We hope that everyone who participates in our sport does so with a commitment to this vision and with the wellbeing of the horse front and centre of everything that you do. We are all responsible for what happens to horses in our care, in our training, and who we use to pursue our competition goals and dreams.
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