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MANA Strength and Conditioning in Gold Coast, Queensland | Gym/Physical fitness centre

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MANA Strength and Conditioning

Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland

Phone: +61 428 111 177

Address: 4/1 Keller Crescent, Carrara 4211 Gold Coast, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 "Impossible is nothing. Muhammad Ali

25.01.2022 What is Strength and Conditioning? In the sporting arena it is the method that a strength and conditioning coach uses to improve the performance of the athletes in their specific sport. At MANA we use our Strength and Conditioning Programs to improve the quality of our members lives. By helping our members get stronger they feel more self-reliant, by helping our members unlock new abilities they become more capable, by helping our members build a solid cardiovascular system t...hey feel more resilient. We're building powerful people through progress. It is not only an elite athlete that can benefit from a strength and conditioning program. Anyone - regardless of age, gender, size or experience - who trains with us that is willing to push themselves, expand their comfort zone, can set ambitious goals can become a champion in their own right. If you want to join a welcoming community where you can not only make P R O G R E S S but relax and enjoy training (yes, it is possible) join us at MANA by booking a F R E E session today.

23.01.2022 Want a quick challenge? Check out the clip and take on today’s workout

21.01.2022 "The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance." Alan Watts

21.01.2022 Looks like we may be with this COVID-19 thing for a while... Before you stockpile rolls of toilet paper or get into a kerfuffle over hand sanitiser in the supermarket aisles, checkout what you can do to keep the gym a more hygienic place and a few tips on how to strengthen your immune system.

21.01.2022 Training 300320 - 4 rounds of - 2 x 30 seconds of each ... goblet squat kettlebell swings push ups lunges kettlebell swings kettlebell high pulls Perform 30 seconds of work on each exercise with NO rest until you have worked through the list twice. One round will take 6 minutes. Rest for 2 minutes between rounds. Repeat until you have completed 4 rounds.

21.01.2022 Today’s quick challenge will take less than 30 minutes. Alternating EMOM for 21 minutes 1. 8 Handstand push ups (push-ups)... 2. 12 pistols (rear lunges) 3. 16 alternating kettlebell swings

21.01.2022 Running Intervals Alternating Every 2 minutes for 40 minutes 1. Run... 2. Fast walk Run for 2 minutes then walk at a fast pace for 2 minutes OR Walk at a fast pace for 2 minutes then walk at an easy pace for 2 minutes for the 40 minutes *run practicing the social distancing recommendations **the video is stock footage from the internet

20.01.2022 Love this time of year...

19.01.2022 Strive for progress not perfection Perfection has killed more goals than we’d like to think... How many healthy meals plans have not made it past the planning phase because the ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrates weren’t perfect?... How many workouts have been postponed because it wasn’t the right season, the perfect gym or type of training? How many goals have gone unspoken because I’ll wait until everything falls into place... or I’m not in the right headspace... Striving for perfection is a trap. You’re either perfect or not. You either succeed or fail. The key to longevity - whether you’re trying to increase your fitness, or anything else - is striving for progress. Progress is made of 3 essential ingredients. It requires consistency, it requires hard work and it requires time. You can’t get it without all three. Striving for progress is a learning experience. Failures are part of the journey. Failures provide valuable feedback and opportunities to for self assessment, to adjust tactics and move forward. Progress could also be seen as evidence that we have learned from a lot of imperfect moments, that ultimately steered us towards success... so strive for progress not perfection.

17.01.2022 Mana Christmas party Thankyou to Shiraz Authentic Persian Restaurant for hosting us, the food was amazing and the service outstanding we will be back

17.01.2022 You can improve your fitness at any age. We have had the privilege of watching Sue develop over the past three years, she's stronger and fitter than ever and loves the fact she can deadlift 90kg. Strength, endurance and agility are abilities granted to people who develop these skills over time, skills that positively contribute to the way your body looks and performs and feels. Do you have a compelling fitness goal? Don't wait for motivation to start. Get out there today and do the work your goals demand of you. Join us at MANA, we'd love to help you.

16.01.2022 Tabata Intervals The name 'Tabata' comes from the Japanese physician and researcher, Dr. Izumi Tabata, the man who invented it. What he found through his research was not only an effective way to train but also a more time efficient way to get results. Originally designed for running, to improve cardiovascular endurance, Tabata training can be used to develop core strength and muscular endurance and the anaerobic system. ... One Tabata interval is 8 rounds of 20:10 - 20:10 means 20 seconds of max effort exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest. This adds up to four minutes total. Up for a challenge? Try this Tabata workout that requires minimal space and little to no equipment. Perform a Tabata interval (8 rounds of 20:10) for the following exercises Scaling options in brackets Broad jump + back pedal Medicine ball cleans (jump squats or squats) Speed skaters Single arm kettlebell push presses (push ups on toes/knees) Toe taps Rest 1 minute after each Tabata interval/exercise is complete

16.01.2022 "If you aim at nothing you will hit it every time. You must do the work that your goals demand of you." It is easy to get distracted, go off the "right track" or start making excuses... but your goals (whatever they may be) will remain. There's always an opportunity to reconnect, refocus and recommit to our goals. Don't let the "work" keep you from revealing your true greatness. The aim is not to achieve greatness in one day. It is to move one step closer to greatness ( that may be for you) than you were yesterday. By the way... if you're up for a quick workout check the clip below

15.01.2022 To all the amazing women at Mana and beyond keep being amazing

14.01.2022 No barbell, no cry... Here’s a quick workout that you can do in the comfort of your home. We’re bringing you this workout in the hope you’ll support the Gold Coast Hospital Foundation

14.01.2022 Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength. Corrie Ten Boom

14.01.2022 Make changes to the environment you live in and you’ll find creating and maintaining habits that benefit you easier to manage How? If you want to create a good habit like going to the gym first thing in the morning... get all your training gear ready the night before set your alarm get a good nights rest (7-9 hours) get yourself out of bed in less than 5 minutes of your alarm get your gear on and get going outwork your potential Now each of the points above may need a bit of work but that’s the point. You have to practice, practice and practice before this new routine will run on auto pilot. The main thing is to remember the big picture. The goal isn’t to wake up early and train. The goal is to create a healthy lifestyle that not only transforms your body but positively influences every aspect of your life. You must see yourself as the person responsible for this lifestyle change and do the work worthy of your new life. You can start by changing your environment...

13.01.2022 A man’s health can be judged by which he takes two at a time pills or stairs. Joan Welsh

13.01.2022 This week is testing week at MANA... this photo of Kate pretty much sums up the effort, determination and grit I have witnessed this week so far across the board.

12.01.2022 We have been getting ready to reopen on Monday 8th June:) with a surprise reno for our community of members new and old Plus getting Covid ready

12.01.2022 Training 030420 2 rounds for time of 400m run... 21-15-9 Plate ground to overhead 20/15 Overhead sit ups 400m run 9-15-21 Plate thrusters Bottom 1/2 burpees

12.01.2022 Training 310320 2 rounds of 400m run... 2 minutes rest 800m run 3 minutes rest 1200m run 4 minutes rest OR 2 rounds of 2 minutes run 2 minutes walk 3 minutes run 3 minute walk 4 minutes run 4 minutes walk Find a park, track, stretch of road or run around your block. This workout will take approximately 30-35 minutes depending on your experience at running. If you are a beginner, ease into the running by setting a pace that you can maintain for the recommended distance/time - even if it is a slow shuffle or alternate between fast walking/light walking intervals instead of the run/walk combo. There is no winning or losing here. It is about spending time building your capacity to run over time

11.01.2022 Enthusiasm is common. Endurance is rare. Angela Duckworth Naomi is a silent achiever. In the last few weeks she has got her first leg-less rope climb, first handstand push up, 6 strict pull ups, 125kg farmers carry and is very close to adding pistols to the list of achievements. After reviewing her latest Bioscan results Naomi is down to 64.9kg. Her first scan in 2016 she weighed 77kg. Her body composition has changed so much that she has lost over 10kg in body fat. This is... a journey almost 4 years in the making. Naomi isn’t training for a sport or competition. She just wants to see how far she can go and use her fitness as a buffer against the ageing process. It hasn’t all been sunshine and rainbows. Naomi has to juggle a busy work-life schedule that often has her rushing in late for classes... or maybe that’s just a Scottish thing. At any rate, we’re proud of our wee highlander. Awesome work Naomi!

10.01.2022 Audrey a.k.a Audz celebrated her 48th birthday on Monday with the happy realisation that she is above the birthday burpee cut-off... but we'll find some way of gifting her with one of her favourite exercises during the week ;) Ra whanau Audrey.

10.01.2022 Congrats to Toby and Coach Bill for their amazing efforts today competing in the Qld Indoor Rowing championship Toby (30-39)- 5 event....5 gold medals Bill (40-49)- 5 events....4 silver, 1 bronze (1 min/2000m/500m/1000m and 100m) ... Well done guys you did yourself and Mana proud

09.01.2022 Firstly we'd like to thank everyone for your kind gestures and messages of support in these ever changing and uncertain times it really does mean a lot to us. It is well known that all fitness facilities around the country are in lockdown. We feel for them too as we brace ourselves for the future weeks and months ahead. We're going online...... We know that, along with our members, there are many people out there still wanting to train and practice healthy habits. It is our belief that change forces adaption and that is why we're going online. This way we can "flatten the curve" of people losing their fitness and more importantly their health. We've partnered with Precision Nutrition to deliver arguably the best online nutrition coaching platform in the world and we are currently testing shorter duration workouts (up to 30 minutes) that can be performed in confined spaces with minimal to no equipment. We will also be running Online Classes where you can log in and be part of a community of people all in the same boat. If you are tired of googling training ideas, diets or COVID-19 we'll be posting workouts here everyday that you can do at home. If you want to join a great bunch of people in our online community, we'd love to help you stay active and connected and headed toward your goals during these times of social distancing and self isolation shoot us a quick message and we'll look after you.

09.01.2022 Happy Halloween Happy Halloween

08.01.2022 - Core Strength Workout - 3 rounds of the following 2 x 30 seconds of the following exercises... hollow to tuck 0-90 leg raise + knee tucks tuck pulses hollow to tuck 4 point plank plank hold Cycle through the above list twice, working for 30 seconds per exercise, without rest. It will take you 6 minutes to complete one rounds. Rest 2 minutes between rounds If you want to add an extra challenge to this workout perform the hollow to tuck exercise with a medicine ball or weight. Check out the clip for a quick demo of the workout.

08.01.2022 Nobody wants to show you the hours and hours of becoming. They’d rather show the highlight of what they’ve become. Angela Duckworth

08.01.2022 "There is no better time than now to begin or reinforce living a healthy lifestyle" In our very biased opinion being healthy, fit and strong is arguably the best way to cope with any sickness, including COVID-19. Let's set aside the aesthetic benefits of regular exercise and healthy eating and focus on getting you in the best possible health using our easy to follow "COVID-19 MANA Guidelines" flowchart.... - Strengthen your Immune System - Give yourself the best fighting chance at dealing with COVID-19 by... Eating nutritious wholefoods: Vegetables, in all their colours and varieties, are packed full of vital nutrients especially vitamin C which is vital for a strong immune response. Think leafy green. Regular exercise: It is not only good for physical performance but it also helps you fight off infection. Exercise also helps improve your mental health which is proving to be increasingly important in the current time. Get adequate sleep: While you're asleep, your body uses that time to do critical recovery and repair of essential functions, including your immune system. Stress management: Meditation, breath-work and exercise (believe it or not) are great ways to lower stress levels. Also spending time with loved ones (family, friends and pets) whether it's face to face or online can help you be more calm and connected in these ever changing times. All of these and more can have a positive affect on your immune system. Does this mean you will not contract the virus? No. Having a strong immune system does however puts you into a more powerful position if you do... and you may need medical attention/treatment. For the purposes of keeping our gym virus free if you have one or more of the following - cough - fever - shortness of breath - sore throat Take time off training to rest and recuperate. To help us take our gym hygiene to a higher standard - if in doubt, wash your hands - wipe down frequently touches surfaces, gym equipment

07.01.2022 Up for a quick challenge? Cool! Here's a quick "At Home" conditioning workout that is short and sweaty and will have you huffing and puffing in well under 20 minutes. It has two "timed" components separated by a 5 minute rest. The challenge is to go hard and fast, rest and then push hard again. Apart from the fast moving aspect of the workout, it will also challenge your muscular endurance, recovery, stability and mobility.... The workout is For time: 21-15-9 dumbbell snatches overhead lunges rest 5 minutes For time: 21-15-9 dumbbell push presses overhead squats Recommended weight 22.5kg/15kg You may partition the reps from side to side as needed e.g. if you want to do all 21 reps on the left side you can.

07.01.2022 The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward. Amelia Earhart

06.01.2022 Ask any of our members and they'll tell you MANA is more than just a gym... "It's a place where I can be me" Jill "I love the social aspect, the people, the community" Audz Moses... At MANA our mission is to create powerful people through progress. Join our team and you will enjoy... - a welcoming fitness community - small class sizes - excellent coaching - challenging workouts - constant improvement - a safe training environment If this sounds like you shoot us a quick message and you'll receive a free trial session. Hit us up and we'll help you get fitter, stronger and healthier today

06.01.2022 If you really want to experience the true shepherd’s pie, ground lamb meat is what you should be after. But it is entirely acceptable to use veal or beef. It is all a matter of protein preference, you could even mix the two meats 50/50. Bottom line, shepherd’s pie is a wonderful cook-ahead meal. It can even be frozen and reheated when the time is right for an unexpected and casual dinner with family and friends.

05.01.2022 The time that leads to mastery is dependent on the intensity of our focus. Robert Greene

02.01.2022 They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them

02.01.2022 True security lies in the unrestrained embrace of insecurity in the recognition that we never really stand on solid ground, and never can. Oliver Burkeman Due to the restrictions announced by the Prime Minister tonight, MANA Strength and Conditioning will be closing at 12pm tomorrow until a later date. We have a few counter measures in place to keep everyone moving toward their fitness goals which will be announced tomorrow at midday. ... We feel for our little fitness family, gym owners and other small business affected but we know these restrictions are for the big picture of containing COVID 19 and the health of the nation. Stay safe and in good health Bill & Kim

02.01.2022 "A storm was coming, but that’s not what she felt. It was adventure on the wind and it shivered down her spine." Atticus

02.01.2022 Freedom of choice is an illusion... but that’s O.K If you truly want to optimise your health and fitness your choices W I L L be limited by what you want to achieve. If you are clear about what it is you want to achieve you will know what your boundaries are. If you want to be a swimmer - assuming you have 2 arms - you've got to use both arms, right? Sure you can paddle along with one arm pulling you forward and make it to the end of the pool but it is going to take a lot lo...nger and use up more energy. It's just more time and energy efficient to utilise both limbs. Think of exercise and nutrition as your arms in the pool. Are you better off using both or just one? What's more time and energy efficient? I'm sure the following catch phrase "you can't out train a bad diet" will give you a hint. Making an ambitious goal is easy. Following through is the hard part. You've got to be clear about what you want to achieve. Now what really bridges the gap between you and your goals is the habits and behaviours that generate the momentum that moves you forward every day. How do you establish these habits and behaviours? With the choices you make and the choices you don't make. Who controls the choices you make? Let’s assume you make all of your own decisions. The decision to pursue a goal may seem to narrow your choices to the work your goals demand of you but this should be empowering. You have less to think about. Less cluttering your mind. You can actually build strong positive behaviours when your choices are limited and have time to achieve some truly great things. Believe in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself. Roy T. Bennett I'm 44 years old. I'm working hard to improve my health and fitness so I can hold off this whole ageing thing as long as I can. I’m at a point in my life where I know I cannot indulge in whatever, whenever I want and I'm cool with that. I’m often asked what motivates me or what am I willing to do to achieve my goals. I think it is just as important to know what I am not willing to do, so here’s a quick NOT to do list... Hold on to limiting beliefs Compare my progress to someone else’s Speak negatively of myself and others Regularly overindulge in food and drink These are a few of the choices that drive my habits and behaviours not only to live a healthier life but to set an example for my family and the team at MANA. The choices that inform my actions may be limited, but they are not set in stone. If my goals change then the decisions I make must also change so that I will meet the demands of the new venture. Now is your time; to act or not to act... it's your choice.

02.01.2022 There is a very blurry line between the things we can’t do and the things that we can. Maybe people, maybe the world writes things off as impossible a little too quickly, when they really aren’t when they just haven’t reached out and figured out how to utilize their resources to the fullest degree or created those pioneering systems in their lives. I think that it is everyone’s obligation they owe to themselves and to their lives to figure out their own way up their own mountain. Erik Weihenmayer

01.01.2022 "What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make." Jane Goodall

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