Quality Website Help in Parklands | Web designer
Quality Website Help
Locality: Parklands
Phone: +61 497 610 498
Address: 10 Paraka Street 7320 Parklands, TAS, Australia
Website: http://www.qualitywebsitehelp.com
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25.01.2022 Make sure you check out my free Ultimate Website Planning Checklist before you get started on the planning of your website. This FREE 29-point checklist covers everything you need to know before you start work on your website! Youll find out how to attract new clients by identifying your ideal customer, what makes you unique and much more ... https://www.qualitywebsitehelp.com/website-planning-course... #website,#websiteplanning
25.01.2022 Have you ever sat down and carefully considered your website color schemes? Research has shown that 62-90% of people make up their minds withing 90 seconds of their initial interaction with a website or product based on the colors alone! This makes it something worth having a serious look at and in this post I share how to choose a good color scheme for your website.... #websitecolors #colorscheme #colors https://www.qualitywebsitehelp.com/website-color-schemes/
25.01.2022 Ouch, its been a bad week for many Wordpress site owners, with nearly a million Wordpress sites targeted... Make sure that you keep your themes and plugins up to date. https://www.wordfence.com//nearly-a-million-wp-sites-targe... #wordpress,#malicious,#XSS
24.01.2022 Have you given much thought to the fonts you are using on your website? There is a fascinating psychology behind fonts and they need to accurately reflect the mood or vibe of your business. In this post I share some tips to selecting the right website fonts for your needs.... #websitefonts #fonts https://www.qualitywebsitehelp.com/best-website-fonts/
22.01.2022 Ouch, its been a bad week or so for Wordpress plugin security exploits and if you are using any of these plugins then you will need to ensure you update or remove them. ThemeREX Addons - flaw allows attackers to remotely execute code on a site with the plugin installed, including the ability to execute code that injects administrative user accounts. WpCentral - flaw allowed anybody to escalate their privileges to those of an administrator, including subscriber-level users.... The vulnerability also allowed for remote control of the site via the wpCentral administrative dashboard. Profile Builder plugin - a critical vulnerability with this plugin was patched. GDPR Cookie Consent - Improper access controls lead to a stored cross-site scripting vulnerability in the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and this plugin has been removed from the Wordpress plugin repositary. #wordpress,#plugin,#website,#security,#hack,#exploit
22.01.2022 When considering your SEO its really easy to become obsessed with on-page factors which are affecting your ranking. Whilst these are of course important considerations you need to remember that search engines such as Google have evolved to reward websites that provide visitors with a good user experience. In this post I look at some search engine history and look at how we got here and what you need to focus on to be successful with your SEO efforts.ttps://www.qualitywebsitehelp.com/seo-user-experience/
22.01.2022 Has anyone updated their Wordpress sites to the new 5.5 version and if so, did you encounter any issues? This is a big update with some exciting changes but from what Ive been reading some website users have had Javascript/Jquery problems. Earlier today, I did a full site backup using Updraft and then did the update. Before doing the update I checked first to ensure that the theme and plugins on my site were all up to date. I had noticed over the past week or so that a numbe...r of them had been updated in preparation for the new Wordpress version which was encouraging! ;-) So far, all looks good on QualityWebsiteHelp.com but Ill continue testing over the coming days to ensure all is well. #wordpress55 #wordpress #wordpressupdates #wordpressproblems
20.01.2022 If you dont get your website visitors attention fast then youve lost them... The key to getting them to spend time reading your content is creating great headlines. I share a number of tips how to do this in this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iejkZL9ayg #headlines,#catchyheadlines
19.01.2022 Do you take your Wordpress site security seriously? Lets face it, its easy to forget or put it in the too hard basket! Its no fun when your website is hacked, particularly if you are vulnerable and have no backups or other redundancy. In this post Ive highlighted 10 Wordpress security mistakes that you need to ensure you avoid to ensure your website remains secure.... Has your website ever been hacked or compromised? Were you able to fix or restore it successfully? https://www.qualitywebsitehelp.com/wordpress-security-mist/ #wordpresssecurity,#wordpress,#backups,#securehosting
17.01.2022 If youre trying to promote your business via your website then youre probably wasting your time... ...and in this video I explain why, and what you need to do to actually get results. Ive also created an Ultimate Website Planning Checklist, that you can download right now for free.... This checklist covers what you need to do before starting work on your website and if youre looking to promote your business via your website then youll find it very useful. To download this free checklist click here: https://www.qualitywebsitehelp.com/website-planning-course/
17.01.2022 Do you take your Wordpress site security seriously? Let's face it, it's easy to forget or put it in the too hard basket! It's no fun when your website is hacked, particularly if you are vulnerable and have no backups or other redundancy. In this post I've highlighted 10 Wordpress security mistakes that you need to ensure you avoid to ensure your website remains secure.... Has your website ever been hacked or compromised? Were you able to fix or restore it successfully? https://www.qualitywebsitehelp.com/wordpress-security-mist/ #wordpresssecurity,#wordpress,#backups,#securehosting
17.01.2022 Building your own e-mail list is a great way to build an audience of enthusiastic followers and customers. Find out 6 ways to do this in this post. https://www.qualitywebsitehelp.com/tips-for-email-marketing/... #emailmarketing,#listbuilding,#leadmagnet
16.01.2022 https://www.qualitywebsitehelp.com/website-goal-examples/ #website,#goals
16.01.2022 https://www.qualitywebsitehelp.com/which-video-creator/ #video,#software,#contentsamurai,#vidnami
16.01.2022 Do you give any thought to the images you use on your website? This is a question that comes up a lot when Im talking with people during my free strategy sessions. It is of course easy to quickly find a photo or two and upload it to your website with little thought but its important to remember that after your headlines, photos are what your visitors will view and it is extremely important to give the right impression... Otherwise, click, youve lost them.... As Wes McDowell points out in this excellent video, "..Were living in a world that increasingly values doing business, not with corporations but with people we actually like.." I strongly suggest checking out this video and putting into action what Wes suggests. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvQvDu5ZKzQ #website,#images,#photos
15.01.2022 Pleased to launch the website for Nuts About Health this week. Nuts About Health are a health food store that wanted an online shop set up. https://www.nutsabouthealth.com.au.
15.01.2022 https://www.qualitywebsitehelp.com/building-trust-credibil/ #trust,#credibility,#website
14.01.2022 https://www.qualitywebsitehelp.com/know-your-buyer-persona #buyerpersona,#customer,#website,#marketing
14.01.2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbPVAvkHgg0
13.01.2022 Proud of this launch video we put together for new author J.M.M. Butterfield. We also built his website. Check out his first novel Bastion: Holy City. https://www.facebook.com/jmmbutterfieldauthor/videos/2750772461650345/ #video,#content,#marketing
12.01.2022 If you are stuck with your website, experiencing problems or simply want to speak with someone who can point you in the right direction or give you that "aha moment", then why not register for one of our free 30 minute strategy sessions? https://www.qualitywebsitehelp.com/free-strategy-session/ #website,#free,#help,#session
11.01.2022 If you're wanting to get started creating your own videos, then I suggest checking out this special offer from Vidnami. Hurry, it expires this Friday! https://www.qualitywebsitehelp.com/go/vidnamis/... #video,#videocontent,#videocreation,#videoads,#trainingvideos
10.01.2022 https://www.qualitywebsitehelp.com/7-domain-selection-tips/ #domainname,#domain,#website
09.01.2022 Have you included a page website hero section on your website? It is for most visitors the first item they will see when they arrive on your website so its important to get it right. https://www.qualitywebsitehelp.com/website-page-hero/ #websitehero,#websiteherosection
09.01.2022 Are you keeping your visitors waiting too long? The speed of your website is not only important to avoid losing potential customers but Google is also using it as a ranking metric more and more. In this post, I share some ways to speed up your website. ... https://www.qualitywebsitehelp.com/speed-up-your-website/
09.01.2022 A topic which I discuss time and time again is the importance of targeting customers who are at varying stages of their buying journey with respect to awareness, interest, evaluation and decision making. Repetition is also an important addition to the mix and this is where retargeting is of enormous value. https://www.qualitywebsitehelp.com/repetition-online-marke/
09.01.2022 https://www.qualitywebsitehelp.com/benefits-vs-features/ #benefits,#features,#usp
08.01.2022 https://www.qualitywebsitehelp.com/survey/
08.01.2022 https://www.qualitywebsitehelp.com/your-unique-selling-pro/ #usp,#uniquesellingproposition,#website,#marketing
07.01.2022 Ouch, the website attackers have been busy again! One in particular has hacked millions of Wordpress sites since late April. Here are several other Wordpress plugin breaches reported this week. If you are using these plugins, update them immediately. A critical vulnerability in the Google Site Kit plugin allows attackers to access Google Search Console. A breach could allow an attacker to wreak havoc with a websites search engine optimization activity. In a worst case sce...nario, the attacker could take actions leading to your website being permanently removed from Googles listings. Flaws have been found in the Page Builder by SiteOrigin plugin which is installed on more than 1 million Wordpress sites. These flaws allow attackers to execute malicious code. https://www.wordfence.com//2020/05/one-attacker-rules-the/ #wordpress,#security
07.01.2022 Is your About Page all about you? I suggest also including content which appeals to your customers wants and the transformation they are looking for you to help with. Find out more in this post. #about #aboutpage... https://www.qualitywebsitehelp.com/creating-about-page/ See more
06.01.2022 Over the past week there has been some big changes with both Wordpress with the release of version 5.5 and Elementors long anticipated update. Ever since then Ive seen little posted other than reports of problems and broken websites :-( In this post, I provide some tips on what you can do when a Wordpress update fails.... Have you had any problems with your Wordpress or Elementor updates? https://www.qualitywebsitehelp.com/wordpress-update-failed/ #wordpress,#wordpress55,#wordpressupdates,#wordpressproblems
06.01.2022 Just finished work on this website for Wild Island Tastes. They make delicious handmade chocolates and wanted their own website to sell their products instead of relying on their Facebook business page. https://www.wildislandtastes.com.au
05.01.2022 Ouch, if you're using the File Manager plugin with your Wordpress website then make sure you install the patch/update as a matter of urgency. Unauthenticated users are able to upload malicious files to your website and do other nasties so please don't delay! https://www.wordfence.com//700000-wordpress-users-affected... #wordpress,#security,#exploit,#wordpressexploit
05.01.2022 Ouch, if youre using Divi then make sure you update it urgently to resolve this critical security issue. https://www.wordfence.com//critical-vulnerability-exposes-
04.01.2022 In this post I talk about the importance of regularly adding new content to your website as well as updating existing content. I encourage you to make your website a living breathing entity instead of a lifeless brochure on a screen. https://www.qualitywebsitehelp.com/fresh-website-content/
04.01.2022 Many of the websites we are asked to look at and review have a large number of plugins installed and this sometimes causes difficulties with site functionality etc. Plugins are a great part of Wordpress because they provide all sorts of weird and wonderful additional functionality. However, they need to be used with caution. https://www.qualitywebsitehelp.com/tips-wordpress-plugins/... #wordpress,#website,#plugins,#security,#exploits
03.01.2022 https://www.qualitywebsitehelp.com/keyword-phrase-selection/ #keyword,#longtail,#phrase
03.01.2022 https://www.qualitywebsitehelp.com/video-content-ideas/ #video,#content,#ideas
01.01.2022 Have you given much thought to the images you use on your website? In this post I share 8 tips to help you get started. https://www.qualitywebsitehelp.com/website-image-tips/ #images #website #conversions
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