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IDareDream | Non-profit organisation

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25.01.2022 This man says it beautifully for all who feel alienated and alone. We never know what's going on inside another's mind unless we take time to listen. Who will you really, deeply listen to this week?

24.01.2022 MORNING TEA Over the coming weeks iDareDream will be holding a series of morning teas in and around Perth. The events will be a great way for Grandparents raising Grandchildren to connect with like minded people, and learn about how iDareDream can support them and the children in their care. ... If you know of a grandparent carer, or you are one yourself and would like to know more information regarding the event, please contact us at; [email protected] or via the message button below. The events will be promoted here and in your local communities.

24.01.2022 Thank you to the lovely group of Rockingham Grandparents who invited me to enjoy a coffee and share time with them last week. We look forward to supporting you as you courageously raise a second family.

24.01.2022 Excited about our Quiz Night? We certainly are! Thank You to the following BIG s who were the first to raise their and support us with prizes: Melissa Latip, Sharon Brown from Signature Scents, Bodhi Tree Bookstore Cafe, Officeworks Osborne Park, Bunnings Innaloo, Petra Olive Oil Estate - Accommodation, Farm Shop & Shop Online, Friends Restaurant

24.01.2022 Weve already been gifted some great prizes for the Quiz Night, and WOW! Now theres more . . . THANK YOU to Bodhi J Spa Wembley, Harvey Norman, Serene Day Spa and Luna Palace Cinemas Leederville.

23.01.2022 Good evening wonderful supporters! Just wanted to remind you of the date change for our Quiz NIght. Its now FRIDAY 11 September. Excited to be together again and having FUN for GOOD!

23.01.2022 MORE wonderful prizes from local businesses for this Friday's Quiz Night BE THERE for your chance to win! 1 Table for 8 still available. Enjoy a (or 2) with Captain Cook Cruises (WA) or some Wembley Golf Course, add to the beauty of your own space with a glorious from Bunnings Warehouse Balcatta or unwind with some divine from the The Holy Grail Specialty Coffee Café. Hmmmn, very hard to know what to win

22.01.2022 Always remember . . .

21.01.2022 Celebrating all Grandmothers raising their grandchildren, especially single grandmothers! You are Super Stars!! May you feel loved and appreciated, enjoy lots of fun and laughter, and tomorrow get a little time to yourself!

21.01.2022 HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY And just like that iDareDream are turning 2 years old today... whoo hoo!! From a caterpillar to a butterfly... we have transformed. ... We are so proud of all the work we have achieved in the last two years, taking what was once a dream to help Grandparents who have found themselves raising their Grandchildren to reality... and we are also very proud of all the Grandparent carers and the Grandchildren in their care who continue to soldier on. There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you its going to be a butterfly R. Buckminster Fuller

20.01.2022 IT'S QUIZ TIME We can't tell you how excited we are to see you all this evening at our annual quiz night. As you can see from our posts throughout the week we have some fabulous prizes up for grabs and all donated to raise funds for our great cause. ... Don't forget your brain food and thinking caps! See you soon! 'You got to be in it to win it'

19.01.2022 Hello and thanks for visiting this page - we're delighted you came! Our aim is to help build a collaborative community for Grandcarer Families and offer their grandchildren experiences that give them the chance to discover something within themselves some talent, some desire that matters to them; a dream they can hold and use to forge fulfilling and happy futures for themselves. As well as relevant items of interest to all families, we'll be posting the and achievements of the grandchildren plus upcoming community events for Grandcarer Families, so please visit us often. And if you're a grandparent raising your grandchild and you'd like your family to become a member of iDareDream, we'd love to hear from you! Message us and we'll get straight back to you. And don't forget to FOLLOW this page. We also welcome suggestions, ideas, helpful tips and posts with relevant information. So now, Enjoy! See more

19.01.2022 A truly beautiful soul, who is a huge advocate for carers and children across Perth, kindly chose to request that people donate to iDareDream rather than present her with gifts on her Birthday this year. We are sincerely thankful for this act of kindness and are looking forward to putting these funds to an activity that will help many children within our community. Thank you

18.01.2022 So grateful to the amazing Perth businesses who are so generously supporting our Quiz Night this Friday to make it our biggest and BEST so far! A BIG THANK YOU to Bella Freeman, Arbonne Independent Consultant, IGA Mount Hawthorn and Janelle from Coles.

18.01.2022 We know youve been patiently waiting and here it is . . . Announcing the details of our annual Quiz Night!! If you had a sneak preview earlier, please note the CHANGE OF DATE to FRIDAY 11 Sept. (Yes, it was that rascal Covid19!) Gather your friends and join the fun.

18.01.2022 Heres the link to ticket sales

17.01.2022 We know you've been patiently waiting and here it is . . . Announcing the details of our annual Quiz Night!! If you had a sneak preview earlier, please note the CHANGE OF DATE to FRIDAY 11 Sept. (Yes, it was that rascal Covid19!) Gather your friends and join the fun.

17.01.2022 MORE wonderful prizes from local businesses for this Fridays Quiz Night BE THERE for your chance to win! 1 Table for 8 still available. Enjoy a (or 2) with Captain Cook Cruises (WA) or some Wembley Golf Course, add to the beauty of your own space with a glorious from Bunnings Warehouse Balcatta or unwind with some divine from the The Holy Grail Specialty Coffee Caf. Hmmmn, very hard to know what to win

16.01.2022 Its a full house at our annual quiz... eyes down for first round

15.01.2022 Just like butterflies, iDareDream is working on being carriers of what makes life fun and uplifting Enjoy every day!

15.01.2022 Such a friendly group of grandparents at Kwinana! Thank you for inviting me to meet with you yesterday to discuss ways iDareDream can support you and the grandchildren youre now raising. Looking forward to enjoying more time together soon.

14.01.2022 Congratulations to the determined group of Grandparent Families who make up Grandparents Rearing Grandchildren WA, Inc. After many months, hours and miles spent searching, explaining, asking, and yes even PLEADING, they finally were given a Meeting Place to call their own. WooHoo!! Way to go! Young and older pitched in to transform this vacant day care centre provided by the City of Joondalup into the perfect place space for Grandparent Families to relax and chat over coffee or browse their op-shop while the grandchildren play safely outside. It was a pleasure to attend their Grand Opening yesterday and a continuing honour to support such a hard-working group. We wish you all a fabulous future!

14.01.2022 Your giggle for the week.

10.01.2022 Its Good to Talk Yesterday was the first of our Grandparent carer Morning Teas. It was wonderful to have time to connect with our Grandparent carers and learn about the challenges they face and what support they would like to see in the fututure. We also can not go without saying a huge thank you for the generous hospitality of Gerri of Demeter Legacy who allowed us to use the beautiful space at The Green Room in Fremantle. ... The Demeter Legacy is a community organisation who has been a great support for iDareDream - if you would like to know more about the work they do or how to hire this fabulous space, please follow the link below

10.01.2022 Celebrating all Grandmother's raising their grandchildren, especially single grandmothers! You are Super Stars!! May you feel loved and appreciated, enjoy lots of fun and laughter, and tomorrow get a little time to yourself!

09.01.2022 PLANNING DAY With the Covid 19 restrictions being eased, the iDareDream team were quick off the mark to get the strategic planning under way! The room was full of energy and excitement, with the old and new board members, cooking up a storm! ... We cant wait to share with you all the activities we have planned for 2020 and the future goals for the organisation and its members.

09.01.2022 SAVE THE DATE SATURDAY 19th SEPTEMBER 2020 iDareDream Quiz Night @ Scarborough Sports and Community Club... Further details and tickets sales will be available from Monday 20th July 2020.

09.01.2022 So what was the INSPIRATION for our Quiz Night ? ? ? Our super Grandparents choosing to give up their retirement plans for a greater DREAM . . . enabling their grandchildren to grow up in a safe and loving What a BRAVE generation of BIG s !!! Our thanks to Grandmas Liz and Kaye for lifting the curtain on what life is like living with toddlers to teens and beyond.

08.01.2022 ITS QUIZ TIME We cant tell you how excited we are to see you all this evening at our annual quiz night. As you can see from our posts throughout the week we have some fabulous prizes up for grabs and all donated to raise funds for our great cause. ... Dont forget your brain food and thinking caps! See you soon! You got to be in it to win it

07.01.2022 A great night Friday! Our thanks to all who came and all who supported us with the many fabulous prizes. Weve so much to share but lets start at the beginning with one of our beautiful grandmothers sharing a glimpse into her life raising a 2nd family.

07.01.2022 When you invite people to an event, you never know just who will turn up. And even when everyone has arrived, you still might not know that some super special are there. This years Quiz Night is memorable not just because you all gave so generously and helped us raise a total of $4,190 but because we had s in our midst! Harvey Norman astonished us with a donation of the latest, top of the range Vitamix Blender valued at $945.00!!! YES, you read that r...ight! We held a limited raffle of only 20 x $25 tickets for this extraordinary prize. 7 people bought a single ticket before the 1st (he wouldnt tell us his name) bought the other 14. Then he asked for 1 ticket to be given to someone on each or the 14 tables. Amazing, right?? But wait . . . theres more! When the raffle was drawn the other who won it, gave back the Vitamix to be auctioned and raised even more $$$ !!! Incredible right? So now, you and the team at iDareDream will remember 2020 as an UNFORGETTABLE YEAR for the very BEST of reasons! Weve heard this blender has been used and exceeds expectations. Thank you Harvey Norman and Thank You EVERYONE who came! Follow this page to hear how your money supports Grandparents and empowers the Grandchildren they raise.

07.01.2022 It's Good to Talk Yesterday was the first of our Grandparent carer Morning Tea's. It was wonderful to have time to connect with our Grandparent carers and learn about the challenges they face and what support they would like to see in the fututure. We also can not go without saying a huge thank you for the generous hospitality of Gerri of Demeter Legacy who allowed us to use the beautiful space at The Green Room in Fremantle. ... The Demeter Legacy is a community organisation who has been a great support for iDareDream - if you would like to know more about the work they do or how to hire this fabulous space, please follow the link below

07.01.2022 THANK YOU The team at iDareDream would like to say a huge thank you to Tory at The Painted Teapot, Perth, for her generous donation to the activity and providing our members with a wonderful experience of pottery painting at her studio. We hear everyone had a blast!

07.01.2022 On 21st June 2020, iDareDream organised a fun filled, creative activity for both grandparent carers and their children to participate in at the The Painted Teapot.

07.01.2022 Our is over for another year, but what a night it was!! Kept on target by our most efficient team member Helen and son Sean as our clear-speaking no nonsense Quiz Master, and hubby Dermot making damn sure no one left with $$ in their pockets Thank you!! But none of this would have been needed if it wasnt for YOU our amazing and generous supporters. We you!

05.01.2022 No Quiz Night would be complete without winners And thanks to the remarkable generosity of many local businesses and a couple of beautiful s donating prizes, many of our participants left with more than a big Yeah Are you ready? They were . . .... Bodhi Tree Bookstore Cafe, Captain Cook Cruises (WA), Friends Restaurant, The Holy Grail Specialty Coffee Caf, Bunnings Innaloo, Officeworks Osborne Park, Little Petra, Serene Day Spa, Wembley Golf Course, Bodhi J Spa Wembley, Homewares Emporium, IGA Mount Hawthorn, Luna Leederville, Bella Freeman, Arbonne Independent Consultant, Coles-Claremont Quarter, Sharon Brown from Signature Scents, Melissa Latip who donated the wine to go with the movie tickets for the winning table. And the BIG ONE from Harvey Norman?? Ah . . . thats another story for another day!

05.01.2022 WATCH THIS SPACE We have been busy butterflies here at iDareDream over the last few months developing our new website and cant wait to share it with you all soon

04.01.2022 We've already been gifted some great prizes for the Quiz Night, and WOW! Now there's more . . . THANK YOU to Bodhi J Spa Wembley, Harvey Norman, Serene Day Spa and Luna Palace Cinemas Leederville.

04.01.2022 This man says it beautifully for all who feel alienated and alone. We never know whats going on inside anothers mind unless we take time to listen. Who will you really, deeply listen to this week?

04.01.2022 Wow! A whole week has past since our Time to and enjoy some more of everyone having fun.

04.01.2022 Hello and thanks for visiting this page - were delighted you came! Our aim is to help build a collaborative community for Grandcarer Families and offer their grandchildren experiences that give them the chance to discover something within themselves some talent, some desire that matters to them; a dream they can hold and use to forge fulfilling and happy futures for themselves. As well as relevant items of interest to all families, well be posting the and achievements of the grandchildren plus upcoming community events for Grandcarer Families, so please visit us often. And if youre a grandparent raising your grandchild and youd like your family to become a member of iDareDream, wed love to hear from you! Message us and well get straight back to you. And dont forget to FOLLOW this page. We also welcome suggestions, ideas, helpful tips and posts with relevant information. So now, Enjoy! See more

03.01.2022 Just like little people, big people need a break from too much thinking. So . . . Between the questions we played . . . and laughed . . . and some even won prizes!

01.01.2022 Here's the link to ticket sales

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