Weebollabolla Shorthorns | Community
Weebollabolla Shorthorns
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24.01.2022 Good News! Weebollabolla Munro's Luck M100, Sire, and Weebollabolla Packer P9, Lot 3 in our 2020 Catalogue, have been selected for the "Southern Multibreed" project funded by NSW DPI, MLA and UNE-: "Delivering resource populations for multi-breed genomic evaluation in beef cattle". Project Outcomes: ... - Increased recording of difficult to measure traits (e.g. female fertility) which will enhance within-breed genetic evaluation - Animals from breed recorded for traits of interest in the future (e.g. health, welfare traits) - Animals from breed included in multibreed genetic evaluation - Animals from breed included in genomic resource population, which will be available for use by future research projects See pages 26-27 of our 53rd Annual Sale catalogue http://www.weebollabolla.com.au/s/Weebollabolla_Sales_Catal for further information on the project and while you're there check out Lot 3 on page 3 & M100's sons Lot 2, 7, 8, 11, 22 and 25 all up for grabs! (Photos and video footage available at http://www.weebollabolla.com.au/2020-bull-sale) #shorthorn #shorthornbullsale #weebollabolla #bullsale #breedplan
23.01.2022 2020 Sale bulls headed to the yards this morning to be drafted for today’s sale @ 1pm Elite Livestock Auctions AuctionsPlus Elders Livestock BJA - Stock and Station Agents #weebollabolla #shorthorns #bullsale
23.01.2022 There's no substitute for the real thing, and it was an all-you can-eat green buffet this morning at Weebollabolla! After two and a half years on and off the feed wagon, these PTIC cows enjoyed their first taste of fresh grass in six months and it sure was a moment to behold. These ladies are looking great, and the way the season has turned we're looking forward to finally parking up the feed trailer for a while!
21.01.2022 What a difference rain makes. It’s been easy to forget how quickly this country responds, and the green tinge across the district is a sight for sore eyes. Forecast is looking good for more rain over the next week, here’s hoping everyone gets a good drink!
21.01.2022 Less than a 5 decile year in 2018 and the worst on record in 2019 with only 125mls. We’ve had fires raging around Delegate at one end of the State, and dust storm in Moree at the other end. Let’s hope 2020 can only improve?
21.01.2022 Glad we loaded the cattle yesterday, it would have been a boggy job today! An astounding amount of water fell in yesterday’s storm, and pleased to report it looks like the showers are hanging around!
20.01.2022 2020 Sale Bulls cell grazed on native grass moving to oats mid month
20.01.2022 Thanks for taking the time to visit us Brian Kennedy Elders Armidale and Bruce Sheppard of Elders Goondiwindi Elders Livestock #weebollabolla #shorthorns #2020salebulls #shorthornbulls
17.01.2022 The Munro Family invite you to their 53rd Annual Weebollabolla Shorthorns Bull Sale commencing 1:00pm this coming Friday 18th September 2020 LIVE & ONLINE from ...Weebollabolla" Station Yards, Moree NSW. With 52 powerful and performance recorded Shorthorn bulls on offer they certainly tick all the boxes and everyone knows Weebollabolla genetics go out and perform in all grazing conditions...so why look any further. Contact Sandy Munro 0429700244 & Jen Jeffreys 0427 700 244 of Weebollabolla for details or check out the individual lot videos https://www.youtube.com/playlist Can't make the sale? REGISTER TO BID online at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au or see you ringside this Friday at Weebollabolla. Selling at auction is true price discovery.... Weebollabolla Shorthorns 53rd Annual Shorthorn Bull Sale BJA - Stock and Station Agents Elders Livestock Lincoln McKinlay Lincoln McKinlay StockLive
16.01.2022 Thanks Ben Hiscox of BJA - Stock and Station Agents for the kind words.. As Ben mentions, Bull footage is now available on our website. Please feel free to DM or call if you have any questions. Hope to see you Friday 18th Sept @ 1pm
15.01.2022 IBMS Breeding Services Type and Structural Assessment thanks to Dick Whale. We enjoyed hearing about your industry experiences and commentary on our bulls. Dick independently assessed feet, rear leg set, feet + patterns, stature, capacity, body length, muscle score, doability, sheath score, hair type score and an overall grade. Thanks also to Ben Hiscox from Bob Jamieson Agencies - Stock & Station Agents for coming out and giving us a hand.
14.01.2022 Semen testing completed for 2020 Sale Bulls thanks to Peter Brown of Bovine Breeders. Peter has been coming to Weebollabolla since 2007. Thanks also to Joe Coleman and Andrew Lawrence ~ good job fellas! Please note semen testing your bulls should ideally be done 6 weeks prior to joining. For ease of management we tested earlier this year.
11.01.2022 Weebollabolla P heifers- hopefully it’s not too much longer until they’re chewing on pasture
10.01.2022 Weebollabolla Q weaners being shifted into a paddock with grass- exciting times! To those who have not grown grass yet- it will happen, and hopefully soon! It’s amazing how quickly things can turn around!
10.01.2022 A reminder about Weebollabolla Bull Inspections Tuesday 25th Aug 1-3pm. Thanks Ben Hiscox of Bob Jamieson Agencies (excuse the wind!) Catalogue available on our website: https://static1.squarespace.com//Weebollabolla_Sales_Catal
10.01.2022 A very Merry Christmas from Weebollabolla! May your pastures and females replenish in 2020!
08.01.2022 All in a day’s work! A great little montage of life at Weebollabolla from our Livestock Manager Andy.
07.01.2022 The Essential Energy team had a huge job around the region in recent days, and we were more than happy to be able to get them out of this pickle!!
07.01.2022 We farewelled these 100 day grain fed Shorthorn heifers and steers today, bound for Teys Australia, Beenleigh. Averaging 1.8kg a day in our Weebollabolla Feedlot, it's an excellent result we're really pleased with. Thanks Russell, Luke and Archie of Kilner Livestock Transport for helping get the job done!
01.01.2022 AuctionsPlus Sale Alert - Friday 28th August 92 Heifers Average 328.4kg. Excellent quality Shorthorn future breeders primarily polled. Weebollabolla bloodlines. Highly recommended. A/c CC FRANCIS & SONS Contact: Randal Grayson 0428287020 Forbes Livestock & Agency Co... For further details and photos please visit AuctionsPlus https://auctionsplus.com.au/auctionV2/New/#/presale/23907 See more
01.01.2022 The winter planting on the home stretch at Weebollabolla with Thom planting Chick Peas in Lower Yarraman
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