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The Weight Loss Podcast


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25.01.2022 On this day in 2013... Long before we had any thoughts of a podcast. Long before we felt confident enough to say we could help people anywhere in the world.... Only 3 months after opening our brand new gym that we were afraid would sink long before it could swim. ...we appeared together in one of those magazines you used to read when sitting on the toilet

24.01.2022 You don't pay a coach or a trainer for results. You pay them for the tools to get results. It's up to you to use those tools... ... #wlpclientresults

23.01.2022 Got a sweet tooth? Don't worry, so do we The Weight Loss Podcast Academy has a range of recipes that you can choose from, including some sweet ones. When you're doing this for life, you don't need to omit food groups from your weekly menu! #thankgod... So tell us, which time of the day would you be most likely to munch on one of the recipes pictured? Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?

22.01.2022 You know what's worse than slow progress? No progress. Shout out to my boy Danny for his "slow progress" the past few years.... Everyone wants to undo years of bad habits, negative self-talk and beliefs as quickly as possible, but here's something no one actually tells you; The longer you've been struggling with things, by that I mean the older you are, the longer it will take to change things for good. As you get older, all those bad habits you've been forming the last 10/15/20 years really take hold and you'll only find out how hard it is to reprogram those habits when you put in a sustained effort. It's far from impossible, but your expectations need to be realistic otherwise you'll be setting yourself up for disappointment right from the outset. PRO TIP - unless you're prepared to play the long game, you'll constantly find yourself back at square one...only a little older, with a little less money in your bank account, and that same feeling you had a few months earlier after your last failed attempt; "Where do I go from here?" #clientresults

21.01.2022 Season 4 is here! We're beyond excited to bring you what we think is our best season yet. In this episode we give you a special preview for what's in store for you over the coming months.... We hope you're as excited as we are, it's great to be back and we hope you get a lot out of this season with us!

20.01.2022 Contrary to popular *incorrect* belief, just because you didn't lose any weight when you stepped on the scales today/yesterday/last week doesn't mean you've failed. The only time you fail, is when you give up. PS - throw your scales away and stop weighing yourself! The numbers starting back at you are simply just that - numbers! Find some other ways to measure your progress

19.01.2022 Nearly 5 months in for this busy mum in New Zealand working with us and she's on her way. No calories counted No secret macro formula No fasting except for when she sleeps... No marathon workouts No dieting Structured weight training Some intense cardio Less intense movement to keep her body active Lots of healthy, delicious food that improves how you look, function and feel Improved daily habits It'll work for you if you're ready to work for it. #trusttheprocess

18.01.2022 "You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them" If there are two advantages that come with changing our own lives as well as the lives of others, it’s that we have gained a keen insight into the signs that someone is not just interested in weight loss, but that they are truly ready to change. In this episode of the show we give you the 6 biggest signs we look for when assessing if someone is ready to changebut also the ...6 biggest signs that someone is totally in denial and NOT ready to change. Will you see yourself in any of these? You can find this episode in your favourite podcast app!

17.01.2022 Do you know how to change a flat tyre? #changeyourattitude

17.01.2022 Show me someone that doesn't make mistakes, and I'll show you a liar. Wins are important, absolutely. But learning from your mistakes, if you actually apply what you've learnt, really is make or break. What's a lesson you've learnt recently?

16.01.2022 NEW EPISODE OUT NOW! We wrap up Season 4 with a good old fashioned weight loss Q&A! In this episode we answer your questions, and we had some absolute rippers for this one!... "What are the best ways to increase your metabolism? How much of a difference does metabolism make with weight loss?" "How does giving up smoking help weight loss?" "How do you stop stopping?" "What is it easier to make exercise a non-negotiable, but hard to make food a non-negotiable?" "When taking baby steps and making small changes, how much time are you giving yourself before making more adjustments?" "Will I get results from 3x CrossFit sessions per week?" "What are your thoughts on intermittent fasting?" ...and more! You can find this episode in your favourite podcast app!

14.01.2022 Are you a fan of plant-based meals? If you've heard us talk about food before, you know we love eating all the colours of the rainbow Now that Season 4 is released, we're putting all our attention to getting The Weight Loss Podcast Academy ready for you! SUPER excited to be releasing this to you!! We have 6 recipe packs full of tasty and nutritious meals waiting for you to try, including a whole stack of plant-based recipes ... What do you love about plant-based meals? Have you tried many? We'd love to know! #comingVERYsoon

14.01.2022 Dear Weight Loss Industry, You don’t know me, but I’ve been around you for a long time. In-fact, I know you all too well. I’ve tried and failed at your diets but I can’t sustain being hungry every day and feeling like shit.... I’ve wasted money joining but not going to your gyms. I’m sure they’re great! I’ve listened to your gurus who have tell me that all I have to change is my mindset, like it’s something I can do overnight after battling all my life #wtf I thought there must be something wrong with me because I don’t seem to be as successful as all those women I see on Instagram (that I’ve never met) who seem to have it easy. You made me feel confused, frustrated and alone. But you know what? I don’t think I was the problem. To be honest, I think you’re broken #itsnotmeitsyou I think you do more harm than good. Not a week goes by where I don’t meet a woman who’s stuck where I was and desperate for a way out. This woman not only feels confused, frustrated and aloneshe questions if she can ever ‘fix’ it. But I think I’m starting to figure it out I think I’m getting better at seeing through the bullshit You focus on losing weight as fast as possible I focus on improving mental and inner health You tell me I need to exercise more and more I choose to exercise smarter and not break my body You tell me to eat less food I choose to eat more food to give me energy and heal my body You give me role models who I should strive to be like, even though I never will be or even want to be I choose to be the best version of myself Each week you come at me with a new workout routine or hot new diet that’ll get me my summer body in 28 days I’ve come to accept that there are no quick fixes, despite your insistence. I’m focused on looking and feeling good for the rest of my life So to you I say thanks, but no thanks Not doing things your way has worked out pretty well for me so far. It’s going to work out pretty well for other women too. I really hope that one day you can read the writing on the wall and start actually helping people. Sincerely, Every woman out there who has struggled with her weight-loss efforts for years

08.01.2022 It's a little too easy to obsess over numbers that really aren't that important. I wouldn't blame you for looking at these before and after pics and wonder "How much weight has she lost?" Honestly I don't know...or care.... But let me give you some numbers I DO care about... 46 - years of age 3 - active young boys she is busy caring for and raising 1 - husband who is going through his own transformation after being inspired by his wife 5 - the number of lives being changed between herself and her family given that what mum does usually will impact everyone around her...for better or worse 440 - resistance training sessions performed in the gym 176 - intense cardio sessions 3080 - the estimated number of fast, delicious and nutritious meals eaten in this time frame based on her average of 5 per day 88 - weeks between these photos A real transformation takes time, persistence, consistency and a willingness to improve and embrace change. Trust the process. #wlpclientresults

07.01.2022 Not your typical weight loss tip but definitely one to remember

07.01.2022 I've met an awful lot of people in my career who are "interested" in weight loss. They're "interested" in changing. They think it "would be cool" or that they "need" to change, which is miles away from wanting to change. They see the great before and after pics, read the inspirational stories and dream of similar success for themselves.... Except what no one actually tells you is that being interested and getting it done are two completely different things. No one tells you that the best, most important muscle you need to train and grow is the muscle known as resilience. And it's during those inevitable times on your journey where you must call upon your resilience muscle where you'll find out what you're really made of. From what I've seen, most people fold up like a deck chair, wait for things to be "just right", and start all over again only to completely drop their bundle the first sign of a challenge...again. Reality check - your journey will not be smooth. It will not be easy. Working on yourself is likely going to be the hardest thing you will ever do in your life. You'll doubt yourself, you'll doubt what you're doing, you'll be afraid, you'll be confused, you'll cry, you'll think about throwing in the towel, you'll have tough things happen that you didn't see coming. Shit WILL go wrong. When it does, that's when you'll find out how ready you are to make profound, epic change. If you aren't ready to train your resilience muscle, you've got no chance of changing and you're just another person "interested" in success, but not committed to what it takes to get there.

07.01.2022 When someone is accepted onto our team to work with us, it's our responsibility to show them the path they need to walk to reach their goals. It's a path we've walked ourselves, and a path many others have walked with us to tremendous success. One of the key aspects of this path is that we give our clients access to literally hundreds of delicious, body-shaping recipes. Actual real food.... From there we don't tell them what to eat as meal plans don't work for people like us. We give them the green light to pick whatever recipes stick out to them and to go cook 'em up, see what they think....and take some great photos along the way! An effective training program should take up around 3% of your week, so by encouraging our clients to broaden their food horizons, we're helping them to address the other 97% of their week while in many cases helping to repair a damaged relationship with food caused by years of diets, cutting and restrictions. I've attached here a number of pics I hope you find legitimately inspirational as this is the sort of food you can eat while changing your body both inside and out. These meals were prepped in Tennessee in the USA as well as Victoria, Queensland and Western Australia here in Australia. The locations are very different. The people walking this path are all individuals. But the interest in improving and not settling for a life of mediocre looks, health and function is shared. If your plan/program is asking you to cut back, limit or restrict the colour, variety, tastes and textures of what goes into your body, it's only a matter of time before you fall off the wagon again. What are some of the staple meals you have on repeat in your home?

06.01.2022 Find 20 minutes today and make it worthwhile Walk, run, squat, plank (for 20 minutes - I dare you! ha), make your bed, write your shopping list... the list is endless really. How will you add value to your life today in 20 minutes? Let me know

05.01.2022 We wrap up Season 4 with a good old fashioned weight loss Q&A! In this episode we answer your questions, and we had some absolute rippers for this one! "What are the best ways to increase your metabolism? How much of a difference does metabolism make with weight loss?"... "How does giving up smoking help weight loss?" "How do you stop stopping?" "What is it easier to make exercise a non-negotiable, but hard to make food a non-negotiable?" "When taking baby steps and making small changes, how much time are you giving yourself before making more adjustments?" "Will I get results from 3x CrossFit sessions per week?" "What are your thoughts on intermittent fasting?" ...and more!

03.01.2022 Have you ever wondered what could happen if you stopped stopping? In this episode of the show, we talk about just how much our lives have changed because we stuck with the decision we made to change. Sure, our initial goals were all based around weight loss, just like yours. But sticking with it has rewarded us in ways we could never dream of.... Career, friendships, relationships, new experiences. Are you robbing yourself of far more than "just" weight loss because you are always starting over again?

02.01.2022 We asked our awesome listeners for questions relating to self-sabotage and answered them in this special Q&A to wrap up the season! "What are the most common ways you see people sabotage themselves?" "Why am I so time poor?"... "How can I get past my 'FUCK IT' moments?" "How do I avoid self-sabotage?" ...and more! You can find this podcast now on @spotifypodcasts, @applepodcasts and @googpleplay!

01.01.2022 I AM A SELFISH INDIVIDUAL It's with some amount of pride that I say that. When I was younger I would put everyone else's needs ahead of my my own detriment. As a result my health suffered because I was putting everyone ahead of myself. So I was heavily obese.... My career suffered because I didn't allocate the time to develop any meaningful skills at anything that could help me earn a living. So I was unemployed for a long time. My relationships suffered because I was heavily obese and unemployed, not exactly a 5-star catch. So for many years I was resigned to the thought that I would die alone. When I had my snap point, part of my commitment (not to be confused with motivation which is bullshit) was to put myself first. After all, putting myself last didn't work and it was apparent that it was up to me to prioritise myself. So that's what I've been doing ever since. I love my wife more than anything in the world. I love my clients for making what I do the best job/paid hobby I could ever ask for. I love my friends who I cherish spending time with. ....but nothing gets in the way of making sure I take care of myself. The people in my life deserve the best of me, so it's up to me to make sure that happens. I do not miss training sessions. I do not miss meals. I do not miss scheduled downtime where I unplug, unwind and recharge the batteries. I don't miss these things because I'm worth every fucking ounce of it. If you're on a journey of your own and you're struggling to put yourself first, ask yourself this question - are you worth it? You have to be. If you're not prepared to put yourself first in certain situations you aren't going to succeed with this, and that's a fact. You are the best thing you'll ever invest in

01.01.2022 Stop being crippled by perfection. Just move forward #clientprogress

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