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Wellbeing Gets Real _ Charlotte Jameson

Phone: +61 499 275 623


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25.01.2022 The only part of my morning that was calm, remotely enjoyable and just for me (sort of). . So Im savouring it. . This is the whole your wellbeing fluctuates in action. Looking forward to it rising again ... . Remember to spot the gold in your day, even if its few and far between . . #grateful #gratitude #whatworkedwell #wins #coffee #flower #justforme See more

24.01.2022 Relationships matter because we have social brains! . FMRI scans prove it. . So listen to others, build trust and show appreciation. ... . - new challenge = say thrive and flourish. I cant . . . #socialbrain #relationships #relationshipgoals #fmri #science #neuroscience #wellness #workwell #thrive See more

22.01.2022 Active mindfulness... trying to stay upright while walking over rocks means Im not thinking about the rest of the stuff thats on my to do list. . . what activity demands your attention to give you a break from your thoughts?? .... . - dancing? - golf? - music? - motor bike rides? - surfing? . . #mindfulness #meditate #activemeditation #thoughts #ant #automaticnegativethoughts #todo #list #todolist See more

22.01.2022 Hump day funny...not that funny...actually quite serious!

21.01.2022 In the name of fun and play - Im doing #frockfriday @drkristy . . When was the last time you let yourself have some fun? swipe right...thats my usual get up. ... . Its fun to feel feminine wash my hair . the benefits of play? can decrease stress increase coping skills increase memory vital for creativity, problem solving and nurturing relationships . (Info from Dr Kristys recent post about play). . Can you frock up today? Just to spice things up a little!! . .#fun #play #creative #brain #stressrelief #stress #stressmanagement #resilience See more

20.01.2022 2. Now think about times when you feel bad about yourself or are struggling. How do you typically respond to yourself in these situations? . Dr Kirstin Neff suggests to write down what you typically do, what you say, and note the tone in which you talk to yourself. .... . #positvepsychology #self-compassion #covid #wfh #iso See more

16.01.2022 10% of your happiness is due to your environment 50% of your happiness is innate & 40% can be learnt according to Sonja Lyubomirsky .... . How? Sleep!!!!! Increasing your positive emotions Gratitude Mindfulness meditation _ body and mind alertness Connecting with deep relationships Nature Relaxation + breathing + movement (to balance chemicals). . . #happiness #positivity #emotions #internal #inside #body #mind #soul #psychology See more

15.01.2022 Music is part of who I am. Im always signing or dancing...until... PODCASTS . Im forever wanting to learn and grow and podcasts have been super amazing for this, but it means any time Im walking/running or doing household chores Im podcasting. I used to sing and dance to music in these times. .... I miss how jovial singing and dancing makes me feel. . So...Im making an effort to switch off from learning and switch back to signing for at least once a day. . have you found this too? . Let me know in the comments. . @sarkodiephotography . #music #dance #nourishyourbody #sing #podcast #flourish #fun #play See more

15.01.2022 Are you feeling it right now? Is it the type of stress that lasts running for a bus or has stress been with you for a while...clinging to your shoulders, maybe digging its claws into your head?! Stress is perceptual - we are all going to respond differently to similar circumstances. Your mind can make a heaven out of hell or a hell out of heaven. Aint that the truth!... . Want to know more about the mind body connection regarding stress?- yes! See more

14.01.2022 Pointer by Dr Kristin Neff - First, think about times when a close friend feels really bad about him or herself or is really struggling in some way. How would you respond to your friend in this situation? . Neff suggests to write down what you typically do, what you say, and note the tone in which you typically talk to your friends. .... . #positvepsychology #self-compassion #friends #friendship #love #imenough #itsok #itsoknottobeok See more

14.01.2022 What tweak can you make to your evening to ensure a good nights sleep? . Tell me below - What will you do? - reduce alcohol ... - turn off bright lights - get off screens - relax before bed - go to bed early - wear socks in bed (to help you get to sleep) - warm shower - sunlight in the morning - reduce caffeine ... . #sleep #sleepweek #mentalhealth #thegoodlife #positvepsychology See more

14.01.2022 Brain is too full to write anything coherent right now... . So youll have to wait. . .... Whos feeling Sunday night mental load of organising the week ahead? Let me know in the comments... . #mentalload #fatigue #modernlife #workingparents #parenting #stress See more

13.01.2022 De-motivated by the endless washing or unpacking of the dishwasher... Perhaps the replying to never ending emails has you pulling at your hair... Paid or non-paid work...if youre feeling a little unmotivated consider this... . When you can find a sense of meaning in the work that you are doing, you will likely find your motivation, be happier and satisfied, more committed and therefore do a better job. ... . start by finding purpose in the little tasks. Ask yourself- What is the purpose of this task? What will I accomplish? Who does it help? . If you still need more meaning ask: What does this result lead to? . Do you naturally do this for your tasks??? Does it help you?? . #flourishingleader #meaning #purpose #work #workwell #thrive #flourish #givetoothers #kindness See more

13.01.2022 You get what you focus on... . A good one to remember in times likes these. Maybe turn off the news...covid is out there, we know this, we know how to protect ourselves and lets focus on what is helpful. . ... . . #attention #focus #mind #toughtimes #wellbeinggetsreal See more

13.01.2022 Charlotte believes the real benefit of knowledge is in its application. Her mission is to improve peoples wellbeing by providing realistic ways to keep our brains and minds healthy and focused in this modern world.

12.01.2022 Are you ok day is coming up next week. Ive been inspired by some discussion at a recent wellness conference I attended... to also ask people specific questions as a way of checking in. . . Have you connected with anyone today?... . Have you been able to stop and take a breath today? . Whats brought you joy today? . Have you got anything exciting planned for the next couple of weeks? . Remember theres help - reach out to Beyond blue or Lifeline . #connection #socialbrain #human #ruok #toughtimes #wfh #leadership See more

12.01.2022 We experience so much uncertainty and volatility these days...we may be needing a little more self-compassion than normal. - Dr Kristin Neff is someone to look up in the field around this topic. . . #self-compassion #positvepsychology #vuca #uncertainty #future #world #pandemic

11.01.2022 Ive not worn proper dress shoes for so long that when I dressed to head out to work this week, my 2 1/2 year old asked if I was going to a wedding. . . Can you put on some smart or just different clothes this weekend? It might give you a nice lift (even if you have nowhere to go... thoughts are with you!)... . #dressedforsuccess #wfh #worklife #weekend #fun #change #changeisasgoodasaholiday #wellbeing See more

10.01.2022 Keeping up with the Joneses causes nothing but heart ache. . Ive been lucky that for most of my life Ive been in my own world, playing my own game but this modern world makes it hard not to try to keep up sometimes! . If I look back on the times when I have compared myself to others, its when Ive been feeling low/exhausted/lacking in confidence. ... . All of these feelings actually feed each other in a viscous cycle but what doesnt help is adding comparing yourself to others to this mix. . . So I look inward to the things that matter most to me and make sure I honour them in the way I design my life. I dont want others to design my life for me by doing what they do. . . Start by doing a values check in My values are: 1. My personal health (mental, physical, emotional) 2. My familys needs 3. My personal potential . Any of my life choices are guided by these three things. . . How do you ensure you run your own race? . . #values #valuesmatter #runyourownrace #flourish #liveyourbestlife #personalgrowth See more

10.01.2022 Youre enough- when you hear that, does it make you cringe? . I cringe... but Im working on it. . Join me in developing some self-compassion this week so we can really mean it when we say...Im enough. ... . You in? yes? . . #enough #imenough #positvepsychology #selfcompassion #selfcompassionjourney #selfcompassionquotes #learn #grow See more

09.01.2022 We all have dental hygiene- what have you done for your mental hygiene today? . . . #mentalhealth #hygeine #dailyhabits #health #flourish #thrive

08.01.2022 Leading with the brain in mind. . Today Im working with leaders around the importance of creating an approach response within teams through actively caring and building trust. . .... have you ever worked in a team with low trust, where you fear making mistakes?? . . #socialbrain #trust #compassion #love #mistakes #psychology #psychologicalsafety #growthminset #fail #learn #grow

07.01.2022 #makingpositivepsychologywork #wellbeing #mentalhealth #integrateyourmind #future #chaos #calm #seen #safe #soothed

07.01.2022 Couldnt agree more kiddo! . Either my daughter is being particularly perceptive about all I do for the family OR It was a failed attempt at a birthday gift ... OR Im looking old and ragged . It was the thought that counts . #birthdaygirl #thanksforyourwellwishes #imlikefinewine #kids #parenting See more

07.01.2022 Celebrating success...because thats important. . #wellbeing #wellbeinggetsreal #mentalhealth #flourish #workwell #corporateevents #corporatewellness #team #workshop #workshops #facilitation

07.01.2022 Life isnt always running along beaches at sunset. . Living a rich, full and meaningful life is about fully experiencing emotions and letting them pass. . The tough emotions can offer important learning opportunities, give you a sign that something is wrong and can motivate you to take action!... . . Its not the emotions that are good or bad...its what we do with them, our behaviours that count. . . Have you ever felt pressure, shame, frustration etc??? What have they helped you achieve? . . #flourish #thrive #emotions #positivity #happinesstrap #happiness #act #acceptancecommitmenttherapy #acceptance See more

06.01.2022 Questions to ask yourself and your family at the end of the day: What did you learn today? What mistake did you make that taught you something? What did you try hard at today? Carol Dweck

05.01.2022 Experience engagement in what you do - that is, be fully present and perform well. . Make sure you have the right amount of challenge to match your skill level. . Too much challenge can cause anxiety and not using your skills can lead to boredom. ... . . #flow #engagement #thrive #workwell #perma #wellbeing See more

05.01.2022 Saturday morning yoga musings @jesswongyoga. . . #yoga #musings #inspiration #meditation #breathe #breath #iamenough #iam #service

04.01.2022 Is this a threat? Or a challenge? . . Our response from an acute stressor can have two profiles - a threat or a challenge .... Threat response - when we feel we dont have the skills or resources to manage the stressor = more cortisol - basically its unhealthy (but tolerable if its only for a short time) . Challenge response - you feel alert and ready - you can feel positive emotions in the midst of stress (I.e. Inflammation not shooting up as much) . Wait for it.... roll... . We can determine which response we have by the way we view the situation. . I know right!!!... . The way we view our stress can have a different physiological effect (affect in our body). . We can shape our response by being aware in the moment or by rethinking it - e.g. I will use this adrenaline for problem solving. . Its difficult to make that choice in the moment I hear you say. I agree - enter - Mindfulness . Mindfulness helps us notice when we are heading into a threat response and gives us the choice, the chance to turn it into a challenge response. . @chloe_and_amelie -outfit #positvepsychology #stress #theshannonharveypodcast #elissaepel #mindfulness #challenge #threat #theweeklychalle nge #wellbeinggetsreal

04.01.2022 Wearing my bikini for the first time since winter....and Ive never felt more motivated to amp up my fitness regime . . Im a massive fan of increasing positive emotions...there are so many benefits but we will from time to time experience negative emotions because, wait for it...its all part of being human. .... Ive embraced a negative emotion to inspire me and help me strive to achieve a higher level of fitness. . . Dr Adam Fraser in his book, Strive talks of the role negative emotions and experiencing discomfort has in achieving great things. A great read...highly recommend. . Its not all fluff and woo woo on this gram account...its hard core science! . . What emotion are you feeling now...I want to hear about the good, the bad and the ugly... . Help normalise emotions by sharing. . . #strive #dradamfraser #positiveemotions #negativeemotions #inpsiration #motivation #happiness #discomfort #humans See more

03.01.2022 Brought to you by Sunday mornings on the mat @modernmovementyoga . Whatever we are experiencing, the good, the great, the bad and the down right uuuugggglllyyy... gives us an advantage if we learn and grow from it. . .... ~May your practice in time give you clarity of thought. May you always speak your truth. May your heart always be filled with lightness, love and compassion. ~ (@tracygrayyoga) WORD! . . #sunday #yoga #yogi #teachers #learn #growth #growthmindset #2020 #life #wellbeinggetsreal #word

03.01.2022 Are you finding work life and home life rolls into one? . Ive been running face-to-face workshops this week and really enjoyed the car ride home. I could reflect on the day and had the tunes blasting for a brain break. . What happens when we dont have the commute!!!... . In a world where we wear many hats, do you actually take one hat off before putting another on. Or do you have hats piled as high as the cat in the hat in the famous Dr Seuss series. Maybe you feel as crazy as him as a result?!?! . . We need to transition between tasks to make sure we mindfully show up to the present moment. . Reflect Rest (third space) Reset . (@dradamfrasers Book, The Third Space). . #thirdspace #mindfulness #commute #workfromhome #wfh #covid #mentalhealth #switchoff #intention See more

02.01.2022 Its been a big few weeks for our family. Lots of work for both us, a great problem to have, albeit exhausting. . Im grateful for the wellbeing habits Ive created as theyve helped me flourish despite the pressures of life. . .... As Corey Keyes suggest in his model, the absence of ill mental health symptoms does not necessarily mean the presence of mental health. You may not have symptoms of ill mental health, but you may not have mental health either - he terms this as languishing. Experiencing mental health is flourishing according to Keyes. . Corey Keyes model (Keyes, 2007; Keyes et al., 2011). . Wellbeing habits are essential to do on the good days (because its easier and) they set you up for success during the tough days. . . #habits #walk #health #brain #neuroscience #move #wellbeing #work #workwell #wellbeingatwork #movement #flourish #languish #mentalhealth

01.01.2022 Wellbeing gets real...make little tweaks to your day to build on an sustain your wellbeing! . #wellbeinggetsreal #tinyhabits #habits #positivepsychology

01.01.2022 If youve been sitting all day, may I encourage you to stand? . Safe Work Australias research reports : 8-10 hours is the average daily sedentary time of adults (using objective measurement data). . Safe Work Australia suggests sitting for longer than 30 mins without a mini-break and sitting all day at work (too busy to take a break) can be detrimental to your health. ... (Associated with musculoskeletal disorders, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, And poor MENTAL HEALTH name a few). . even if you exercise at some point during the day, you can still spend the rest of your day sedentary and that can be detrimental! Excessive sitting and physical in active are separate health hazards!! . . So do some squats, stand up sit down, walk and talk meetings or phone calls, standing desk : Your body and mind will thank you for it. . this post was written standing! . . #standingdesk #movement #sedentary #sit #health #workwell #wellbeing #mentalhealth See more

01.01.2022 We are in the middle of a chronic stress epidemic - Elissa Epel, PhD shares with Shannon on the Shannon Harvey podcast (a must listen). . We are experiencing the normal modern day stress - kids, work, mortgage/rent ...but add political instability and a PANDEMIC ...... Plus Inputs like chemicals we are exposed to, and screens we are glued to ... and that fact that stress is an emotional contagion. (This means if Im feeling stressed, I will make my family and my co-workers feel stressed too!!!) . And wham... the stress effect ! . Lets talk about stress... . . #positvepsychology #stress #modernday #modernliving #firstworldproblems #brain #mindbody #connection #chronicstress #wfm See more

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