Wellington Summer Soccer | Other
Wellington Summer Soccer
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23.01.2022 Don’t forget the AGM is tomorrow night! If anybody is whisking to join the committee for 2020 we would love to have you aboard! Duties & Responsibilities of Co...mmittee positions President Call & run regular committee meetings as best you can. Chief coach strategist & agenda setter of Wellington Warriors FC. Work in with the committee team. Troubleshoot all difficulties while maintaining good humour. Delegate jobs that are too hard. Able to operate every lock and key at Pioneer Park. Chat nicely to almost everyone. Occasionally help out in canteen. Helpful if you have talented helpful & supportive spouse & kids. Good if you used to able to play soccer, in every position. No requirement to put up nets on cold (or any mornings). Vice President Avoid vice. General backstop. Run presidents fan club. Occasionally responds to duties delegated by the President. Team reserve, but must be able to play. Secratary Decipha all conversations at committee meetings and turn out a set of minutes accuratley rekording eny decisions what was made. Helps if ya can spel. General dogsbody. Work in with the committee team. Clear PO Box 410 from time to time (key provided) and give all bills to Treasura. Keep membership regista. Referee occasionally. Treasurer Collect, receipt and bank and account for canteen and registration and sponsorship monies, and review and pay all bills as co-signatory. Chief purchasing officer of soccer equipment and canteen supplies in consultation with canteen supervisor. Helps if you add up/count. Present records to accountant at year end for review, with all the associated supporting dockets. Work in with the committee team. Generally keep score. Registrar Oversee registration of all players with Football NSW. Understand all FNSW and DDFA rules and guidelines for all age groups. Determine mix of players for junior teams. Set draws for all junior competitions. Correspond with & attempt to understand DDFA proclamations. Be aware of child safety and protections issues. Open up canteen and sheds on freezing cold mornings and be last to leave all weekends through the playing season. Optional: voluntarily attend Council Sports Committee to represent club to ensure facilities development. Research, prepare & lodge grant applications. Know just about everyone connected with Wellington soccer. Helps to have a supportive family, a referees ticket & flexible work hours. Team manager, working in with the committee team. Publicity Officer Post all communications on Facebook page & local media. Correspond with sponsors as required. Chant director. Work in with the committee team. Ideally collects and prepares week by week news reports of games for Web page/facebook posts/ local media. Photography skills helpful. Equipment Officer Hardest job ever. Keep contents of container in general good order and be aware of what is there. Positive pre-season preparation to make sure every junior team has a full complement of jerseys at beginning of season. Stocktake record of equipment extremely handy. Collect jerseys with military precision at season end. Be aware of & report equipment failures & deficiencies. Work in with the committee team. Kit man/woman plus. Webmaster No idea what this guy does! Can’t be too difficult because the Webmaster also helps out with refereeing, mentoring junior referees, setting up and taking down nets and corner flags, arranging container maintenance, and barracking for star junior recruits playing in seniors. Work in with the committee team. Must be bald. Other Committee positions Work in with the committee team. Volunteer to cover any and all manner of thankless tasks for the benefit of kids playing sport in a helpful fun fair caring and caring healthy open-air environment. Senior Club Sub-Committee Responsible to provide drinks at all possible venues, usually but not limited to, after games. Attempt to provide players so all senior teams can win at least one game a year. Determine senior player registration fees. Raise sponsorships. Run fundraisers. Report to executive committee as required. Collect, receipt and bank and account for fundraising BBQ’s etc and registration and sponsorship monies, and review and pay all senior account related bills. Present accounts for review to Executive Committee post season. Have at least one Executive Committee person attend meetings. Summer Soccer Sub-Committee Publicise Summer Soccer competition. Prepare draw. Set up and lock up at games. Solve all summer competition issues. Report to executive committee as required. Collect, receipt and bank and account for registrations. Present accounts for review to Executive Committee post season. Have at least one Executive Committee person attend meetings.
19.01.2022 Soccer season is here! Registrations are now open! Season starts Saturday 4th April. Seniors Sunday 5th April! Register online at .... https://registration.pla...yfootball.com.au//welcomeregplus.a Registration days will be 14th, 21st March 10am to 12 noon Pioneer Park for those who need assistance. Info also posted on our website...... http://www.wellingtonsoccer.com.au/ Don’t forget to use your active kids voucher. Available here..... https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/tr/apply-active-kids-voucher Competitions for WWFC in 2020 will be tiny tots (3-5yr), Wellington Junior (5-17), senior Men’s and women’s, DDFA Warriors Junior Como (10-15 yr age groups) and Western Youth League Comp. All payers need to be registered by 30th of March to be placed into teams for the 2020 season.
18.01.2022 Last round for 2019 19th December 6:00pm Grass Cutters vs Team Awesome (Duty Devils) 6:00pm High School vs Breathless (Duty Crossunfit)... 6:45pm 3rd Place play off Devils vs Balls Deep (Duty Team awesome) 6:45 Grand Final Crossunfit vs Yeah the goals (Duty Liam Miller)
13.01.2022 Change of plans!!! The top four will play at 6:45 Those teams that were playing at 6pm have been cancelled. All welcome to come over and watch the other games though.
12.01.2022 Now more than ever, we are one team. #playinside #playfortheworld Nike
10.01.2022 It's time to show your skills! Your mission? Flick up the ball & do 10 juggles to complete the #PlayAtHomeChallenge. Got it? Now it’s your turn. Simply post yo...ur video, use the hashtag & challenge your friends! Each week the Westfield Matildas will post a different skill.
07.01.2022 A new spin on this TikTok challenge from Steph Catley! : https://www.tiktok.com/@stephcatley7
06.01.2022 Shout out to the WOMEN!!! We are looking for some more players to join our team. Give us a shout and bring a friend!!Shout out to the WOMEN!!! We are looking for some more players to join our team. Give us a shout and bring a friend!!
02.01.2022 Draw for Thursday the 12th December
01.01.2022 2019 Summer soccer is done Thank you to everybody who played!! We hope to see you again next season Congratulations to our third place winners with a draw at 2-2 Devils and Balls Deep ... Our runners up playing hard all season Crossunfit And to our first place winners yeah the goals Winning a voucher from our sponsors the Cow and Calf Merry Christmas and see you next season