Well Mind & Body Psychology in St Leonards, New South Wales | Psychologist
Well Mind & Body Psychology
Locality: St Leonards, New South Wales
Phone: +61 422 598 949
Address: Suite 402/ 460 Pacific Highway 2065 St Leonards, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.wellmindbody.com.au
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25.01.2022 Billie Eilish has recently described to Rolling Stone magazine that she struggles with Body Dysmorphia, and that she uses her over-sized clothing as a way to protect herself from the world. Almost everyone has at some point felt insecure or self-conscious about their body. For some people however this insecurity can grow into a higher level of preoccupation and distress that can start to interfere with how they live their lives. Body Dysmorphic Disorder can be absolutely exha...usting! The constant checking behaviours, the anxiety related to having your perceived flaws seen, the needing to hide parts of your body, or even contemplating how to try and change parts of your body. If you have ever wanted to find out more about Body Dysmorphic Disorder check out Samantha Bertoldo’s new blog post. Samantha has a special interest in this area, and she answers all your questions regarding what it is, and how a psychologist can help someone recover from Body Dysmorphic Disorder. #bodydysmorphicdisorder #bodydysmorphia #wellmindbodypsychology #bodyimage #billieeilish #psychology
25.01.2022 Thinking of everyone on this day we celebrate father-figures . . . .... #fathersday2019 #annabednarekandassociates #clinicalpsychologist #mentalhealth #mindfulliving See more
25.01.2022 Saturday Reflections How often do you think to yourself - wow that person is doing so well, and powering ahead with their goals! They're more successful, more eloquent, more intelligent, and way better at what they're doing than I am! Our digital and social media world really makes it so easy to fall into this comparison trap! With everyone else out there looking as though they're living their dream life, doing way better at it all than we are, and leaving us feeling like we're somehow behind or not up to scratch. It can therefore be a timely reminder to #stayinyourlane #playyourowngame refocus on your life values and goals, and live your own best life!
24.01.2022 An article from the wonderful Steven Hayes
23.01.2022 Remember that, no matter what you're going through, there's always another perspective! If you're having a hard time, experiment with looking at it differently.... For example, what might you be able to learn from this? How can you use it to your advantage? How can you shift your perspective so that it serves you better and makes your heart happier?
23.01.2022 Tuesday Thoughts Better an oops than a what if... Sometimes were so afraid to make a mistake, that we start to dream small, or worse still not dream at all... What would you do if you knew you couldnt fail?
23.01.2022 What a great reminder during these difficult times to focus on what we can control our behaviour, and what we choose to focus on #values #wellbeing
22.01.2022 This months Psychosis Blog was written by our Clinical Psychology Registrar, Oriane, whom has a particular interest in the topic. She helps answer any questions our clients may have in relation to Psychosis - what is it? how to pick up on the warning signs, and of course how to seek help! #wellmindbodypsychology #psychosis #mentalhealth #CBT #ACT
22.01.2022 We are so excited to hear that Tele-health session Medicare rebates will be extended until the end of this year!! Video/phone sessions have proved to be such a useful option for so many clients & something that we hope will continue indefinitely
21.01.2022 Thanks for the introduction Welcome to Wellbeing! Its been a fantastic first month at the new practice location
21.01.2022 Shining a Light on Suicide Prevention Today is a day to acknowledge and talk about suicide, remember those who we have lost to suicide, and also acknowledge the suffering that suicide brings when it touches our lives. Never underestimate the difference you could be making in someone's life. So perhaps today you could reach out to someone you know who may be struggling, and let them know you care ... Remember you don't have to be an expert or trained professional to reach out - just a good friend and a great listener Also, if you're thinking about suicide, it's important to keep safe, and to reach out to get the support you need. & If you need advice or to talk things through with someone other than friends or family you can contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or the Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467 #worldsuicidepreventionday #ruok #shiningalightonsuicide See more
20.01.2022 "The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night of sleep". A sleepless night can trigger up to a 30% rise in anxiety levels, but deep sleep can rewire your brain.
20.01.2022 The announcement that we have been waiting for has been made! Medicare subsidised Tele-health services have been extended for a further 6 months
20.01.2022 1 in 5 Australians are affected by mental illness, yet many dont seek help for various reasons including stigma. For #WorldMentalHealthDay, here are a few things you can do to help reduce the stigma surrounding eating disorders.
19.01.2022 FREE TRIAL OF ONLINE CBT PROGRAM FOR BULIMIA NERVOSA An interactive online CBT program has been developed to help treat people (16yrs+) with bulimia nervo...sa. As part of a research study examining the effectiveness of the program we are currently recruiting volunteers suffering from bulimia nervosa to participate in a free 12-week trial of the eTherapy program. Interested? Click here https://insideoutinstitute.org.au//free-trial-of-online-cb Or email [email protected]
18.01.2022 A NEW Extended Edition of our most popular 'Mindfulness of breath' meditation! For those wanting to advance their mediation skills. #wellmindbodypsychology #meditation #mindfulnessofbreath #psychology #anxiety #stress
16.01.2022 Introducing Amber Takhar-Stapleton, Psychologist Amber is warm and passionate psychologist who joined the practice late last year, and is offering appointments at our St Leonards practice on Tuesday evenings & Thursdays. She has a special interest in providing psychological treatment for a range of difficulties including anxiety, depression, eating disorders, anger and behavioural difficulties, social skills, HSC stress management, self-esteem, and adult ADHD.... If youre interested in finding out more check out the link below or contact Katherine our practice manager on 0422598949 or [email protected] #wellmindbodypsychology #psychologist #mentalhealth
16.01.2022 August was Grief Awareness Month, & Friday was #NationalGriefAwarenessDay - where the focus was Acknowledging Grief & Connecting in Compassion Grief is something that we dont often talk about in our society, and as a result we grieve in secret. If you happen to know someone who is experiencing grief and loss, let them know you care and youre thinking of them... especially after the initial period following the loss has passed.... If youre experiencing grief, see if you can reach out & let people know that you still need their understanding and support...and remember that self-care is vital during and after a loss. Also, theres no shame in seeking assistance with grief if the pain becomes overwhelming... we would be more than honoured to help and support you through this difficult time See more
15.01.2022 Excited to announce our new practice name! #wellmindbodypsychology Our new name now aligns with our core philosophy, which has always been centred around mind and body health. When our body is not at peace, it is hard for our mind to be at peace Thich Nhat Hanh ... Its so important to think about our wellbeing as mind and body working well together. At our practice we are definitely in favour of supporting a wholistic approach to wellness, and will work with all your multidisciplinary team members so as to ensure that both mind and body can find wellbeing . . . #psychologist #wellness #eatingdisorders #mindbody
15.01.2022 #SelfcareSaturday A little reminder that feelings arent facts . . . .... #psychology #mentalhealth #mindfulliving #depression #anxiety #eatingdisorders #meditation #mindbody #compassion #feelyourfeelings See more
14.01.2022 body image issues can be difficult for anyone, regardless of gender expression
14.01.2022 Have you ever thought about learning mindfulness or want to develop your skills more? Then joining Mindful in May might be just what you need What I really love about this programme is also all the interviews with amazing practitioners from all over the world and learning about the science behind the benefits of mindfulness
14.01.2022 ThrivingThursday I really love this quote by Maya Angelou - especially the living life with passion, compassion, & humour Do you feel like you're thriving in your life? What would need to change for you to be thriving, rather than surviving? #thrivingthursdays #compassion
13.01.2022 This week is Body Image & Eating Disorders Awareness Week #BIEDAW & also Love Your Body Week run by The Butterfly Foundation Both initiatives aim to raise our awareness of the importance of body confidence, and the negative impact negative body image and eating disorders can have on our day to day lives. Check out the survey on www.thebutterlyfoundation.org.au and #BeAVoiceForChange @thebutterflyfoundation ... . . . . #annabednarekandassociates #bodypositive #bodyimage #psychology #livingwell #therapy #wellness #counselling #mentalhealth #mindfulliving #mind #depression #anxiety #eatingdisorders #mindbody #compassion #feelings #recoverywarriors See more
12.01.2022 Mindfulness can be a great tool in creating distance from unwanted thoughts and feelings. By watching those thoughts and feelings mindfully, we can create some ...space between us and them. #mindfulness #meditation #selflove #spirituality #quotes #higherconsciousness #gratitude #consciousness #mindful #compassion #awakening #autoestima #amorpropio #emotionalintelligence #selfcare #soulgrowth #selfacceptance #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #selfcompassion #innerwork #selfawareness #bekindtoyourself #authenticity
09.01.2022 Hello Hornsby! We are so excited to be now offering services in Hornsby, and love our beautiful new room within the offices of Welcome to Wellbeing, Accredited Practicing Dietitians. Big thanks to Carlia Lozo and her team Welcome to Wellbeing for making us feel very welcome! ... The practice is very conveniently located within an easy few minute walk to Hornsby train station or you can also access the 3-hour free parking at Westfields just next door. To find out how we might be able to help please contact our practice manager Katherine on 0422598949 or [email protected] #wellmindbodypsychology #psychologist #clinicalpsychologist #mentalhealth #depression #anxiety #eatingdisorders #eatingdisordersupport
08.01.2022 Great piece by Steven Hayes on our desire to belong
08.01.2022 Have you ever thought about learning mindfulness or want to develop your skills more? Then joining ‘Mindful in May’ might be just what you need What I really love about this programme is also all the interviews with amazing practitioners from all over the world and learning about the science behind the benefits of mindfulness
06.01.2022 Thanks for the introduction Welcome to Wellbeing! It’s been a fantastic first month at the new practice location
05.01.2022 This week is Borderline Personality Disorder awareness week #bpdawarenessweek2019 BPD is a complex mental disorder than is so often misunderstood, discriminated against, and stigmatised. Partly that may be because back in the day it was thought that treatment was unlikely to be successful - but that is definitely not the case! With appropriate treatment, support, and compassion, someone with BPD can definitely recover! This week the hope is that with improving awareness ...of the diagnosis and treatment options we can make steps towards de-stigmatising this disorder, and ensuring that everyone receives support that is respectful and compassionate #mentalhealth #compassion@ St Leonards, New South Wales See more
05.01.2022 On World Suicide Prevention Day its a great time to ask the question to see if everyone is ok, and its also really important to keep the conversation going and ensure that everyone feels cared for and not alone
05.01.2022 Today is R U OK? Day #ruokday A simple conversation could change a life, and so we need to feel empowered to ask the question. So if you notice some changes in someone and have a gut feeling that something isnt ok, ask the question and start a conversation that will let that person know you care, and may also help them find the help they need ... https://www.ruok.org.au/how-to-ask has some great resources and videos on what to say #suicideprevention #suicidepreventionmonth #itsokaynottobeokay
05.01.2022 We’re all in this together physical distance doesn’t have to mean we’re socially isolated - let’s use all our advances in technology to remind each other that we care
05.01.2022 5 things to try when were feeling frustrated
04.01.2022 Many of us will experience some kind of trauma during our lifetime. Sometimes, we escape with no long-term effects. But for millions of people, those experiences linger. What causes post-traumatic stress disorder?
04.01.2022 We are ready and able to offer phone or secure video sessions if you are self-isolating or limiting leaving the house at the moment. Please contact us to discuss this option we have been providing phone and video sessions for years, and are hopeful that you will find them just as helpful as face to face sessions Lets make sure that during this time when we are social-distancing it doesnt result in us feeling unsupported and isolated. Please reach out and see how we ...can help. #telehealth #stayhealthy See more
03.01.2022 On World Suicide Prevention Day it’s a great time to ask the question to see if everyone is ok, and it’s also really important to keep the conversation going and ensure that everyone feels cared for and not alone
03.01.2022 Wednesday wisdom When our goals start to feel overwhelming, the best thing we can do is just focus on one step at a time, and to just keep going... and then one day, youll realise that youve climbed that mountain! Some days its just about hanging in there and taking all the tiny steps ... . . #annabednarekandassociates #psychology #livingwell #wellness #mindfulliving See more
03.01.2022 It's Mental Health Awareness month and much work has been done over the years to raise the awareness of anxiety and depression, and to de-stimagmatise these disorders, and to encourage people to seek treatment - which is so fantastic! Eating disorders, however, continue to be quite commonly misunderstood, and people can struggle to know what signs to look out for and when to be concerned. If you're keen to find out a little bit more information, click on the blog post I recently wrote, and let me know what you think - Anna
03.01.2022 Were all in this together physical distance doesnt have to mean were socially isolated - lets use all our advances in technology to remind each other that we care
02.01.2022 Sometimes talking to children and young people about suicide can feel difficult, but it can be so important to show them it’s ok to talk to someone about it - great article from the Black Dog Institute for ideas on how to approach these conversations
01.01.2022 When does healthy eating become an unhealthy obsession? Check out this interesting article below regarding the costs of being obsessively focussed on health and healthy eating. https://newsroom.unsw.edu.au//orthorexia-nervosa-sinister-
01.01.2022 #MondayMotivation A great reminder that we need to be willing to risk failing so as to pursue the life wed like to live . . .... . #annabednarekandassociates #bestlife #livingwell See more
01.01.2022 Today is the beginning of #WomensHealthWeek which aims to support women in looking after their health and well-being The WHW website has some great reminders tips, and resources for looking after your health better, & if it would help to receive a daily email this week with a theme related to total mind and body health be sure to sign up to their mail list! #MyHealthFirst ... @jeanhailes WHW 2-6 September https://www.womenshealthweek.com.au . . . #bestlife #livingwell #wellness #mentalhealth #mindfulliving #meditation #mindbody #mindfullife See more
01.01.2022 ANNOUNCEMENT: Today, 1 November 2019, the Medicare Items for Eating Disorders officially goes LIVE! We stand together today to celebrate a significant mom...ent for hundreds of thousands of Australians living with an eating disorder. Today is the first day that the new Medicare response for eating disorders begins across the country. It is one of the foundations of the Governments reforms to the delivery of eating disorders treatment.- Greg Hunt MP As many of you know, Butterfly has advocated tirelessly and worked with the Government, our partners, and colleagues in the eating disorder sector and community to achieve todays milestone. We realise that eating disorders are complex and therefore the criteria will be complex as well. But this is a step in the right direction in allowing for more people to access the help and treatment they need. View the video below and be sure to head to our Website for more clarification https://bit.ly/321gko3
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