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Wellness With Sivan

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19.01.2022 This can be difficult to accept, but it’s the truth. Our circumstances don’t dictate your life unless you allow them to. And it’s easy to find proof of that all around.... There’s always going to be someone with less money than you, more children than you, busier than you, somehow worse off than you that is doing something that you let your circumstances stop you from doing. Falling into victimhood, feeling sorry for ourselves and believing the stories we tell ourselves, keeps us small. It keeps up from living a full and wonderful life. If you’re letting your circumstances stop you from following your hearts desire and you want to find the courage finally take the action that will get you to your goals - There is a way!! Whether you want to lose weight, find drive and motivation, kick an addiction or simply step out of victimhood - RTT can do that and more. It will allow us to delve straight in and uncover the root cause of your issue which is hiding in your subconscious, yet driving your actions, choices and behaviours. From there we transform it into empowering, aligned beliefs that move you effortlessly towards the life you desire. Sound good? That’s because it is. I’d love to tell you more about how RTT changed my life and is changing the life of my clients every single day. Send me a DM or book a free call Life is precious. Your time is now

19.01.2022 Lack of self worth is something I see in almost every one of my client. The thing is that we are all born with a perfect awareness that we are worthy. We are enough. We are loveable. But then as we grow up this awareness gets shut down, it gets replaced with untruths about our worthiness and what determines it.... We forget that we are simply worthy. Just because we exist. In a single RTT session you can reignite that awareness. You can reprogram your mind back to its original state. You can remember that you are worthy. Just as you are. Your worth has nothing to do with any external factor. Not with your weight. Not with your to-do list. Not with how much money you have. You are perfectly worthy just as you are. Right now. You always have been. You always will be. And don’t let anyone tell you different. Especially not your inner critic. And if you need some help to shut her up, Send me a DM or book in for a free call. RTT works. I invite you to try it for yourself

19.01.2022 2 years ago I graduated as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner from @nta_australia While I have no doubt that nutrient-dense whole foods are the key to health, I have since learned there are many other factors at play. What I found through my practice is that bio individual dietary & lifestyle changes and appropriate supplement support can do wonders for the human body.... But I also discovered that knowing what to eat, drink and do, doesn’t equate to actually doing it. And that’s how I made my way to RTT. Together with nutritional therapy, it’s the complete tool kit to get you the results you want. Whether you just can’t quit sugar, can’t stop eating even when you’re full, can’t get off the binge/restrict cycle, or are doing all the right things but just can’t lose that weight - There is a subconscious belief that’s stopping you from getting the results you want and deserve. With RTT we can get to the root cause, find those beliefs, transform them, and let them go, Leaving you free to nourish yourself on every level, feeling empowered, healthy and light. Want to know more? Send me a DM or book in for a free call

18.01.2022 This is what RTT is from a client’s perspective. When we do the work at the level of the subconscious, we get rapid, real, permanent results. RTT is for you if you’re done spinning your wheels and coming up against yourself time and time again.... RTT is for you if you’re ready to say goodbye to unwanted habits and patterns that keep showing up for you even though you logically know better. RTT is for you if you’ve tried EVERYTHING and know the answers lie deeper than you’ve looked so far. RTT is for you if you’re ready to embrace yourself, to know your worth, and to live everyday knowing that you are enough. You always have been. You always will be. That’s never in question. The only one to question that is you. RTT will help you let go of the lies you’ve taken on as truths about yourself and the world around you. RTT is for you if you’re ready to break free

17.01.2022 Let’s do a little exercise together. Imagine that you have a beautiful, fresh, juicy lemon in your hand. You can feel its bumpy waxy skin.... You can smell how fresh it is as you hold it. Now picture yourself cutting that lemon in half, juice dripping out of it, the sour lemony smell getting stronger. Picture yourself cutting it into perfect, juicy quarters. You pick one juicy lemon wedge up, hold it close to your mouth, you can smell the beautiful sour aroma. No imagine sinking your teeth or licking that lemon wedge, tasting its juicy, fresh tartness. If you followed along this little visualization, you would have noticed your mouth starting to salivate. That my friend, is the power of the mind. If the simple thought of a lemon can trigger a physical reaction of salivating, just think about how your body reacts to any and all of your thoughts? Negative thoughts have a negative impact on your health and wellbeing. Positive thoughts have a positive impact on your health and wellbeing. It’s really that simple. Start bringing awareness to what’s looping around in your head. That’s the first step in making real change, from the inside out.

15.01.2022 As a generation, we can make sure that the cycle of self sacrifice, putting our needs last, lack of self worth and having blurred boundaries ends with us. I believe this is the role we are here to play. These cycles of limiting beliefs were carried down from our mothers and grandmothers, but they do not need to be passed on to our daughters.... They can end with us. All we need to do is recognise them in ourselves, find out where they came from, realise they don’t belong to us, and let them go. And that is EXACTLY what RTT does. If you’re ready to end the cycle and step into your power, RTT is the quickest and easiest way to do this work. To get straight to the root and pull it out. You’ll gain instant clarity, like a million lightbulbs going off at once You’ll come out of your session feeling empowered and free If this calls to you in any way, send me a DM or book in for a free chat.

14.01.2022 Van Gogh had a clear idea of what he needed in order to produce great work. Do you?

11.01.2022 What would it look like if self-sacrifice was a thing of your past? How would it feel if self care and meeting your own needs was easy and guilt free? What if you knew that your happiness was the key to your family’s happiness and not the other way around?... How would your life be different? What would you do that you don’t do now? Take a moment to picture what that would look like. That life exists for you. And you are worthy of that life right now. You don’t need to earn it, or prove yourself worthy of it. And you don’t need anyone’s permission. What you do need is to get some old limiting beliefs out of the way. Because for many of us, self-sacrifice and poor boundaries are all we know. With RTT we can get straight into the subconscious mind where these beliefs are hiding, we can transform them and let them go. The transformation is powerful, real and permanent. If you feel called to change your life from the inside out - send me a DM or book a free chat. You only have this one precious life. Let’s do this

08.01.2022 This is Pinar Gultekin, a 27 year old university student from Turkey who was brutally murdered by her ex boyfriend on July 16th. And this is what #challengeaccepted #womensupportingwomen is about. While it’s beautiful to see so many black & white photos flooding our feeds with empowering captions, it’s important to know what’s behind such challenges.... In Turkey in 2019, 474 women were murdered, most of them killed by partners or relatives. This was the highest number in a decade after a steady rise year after year. This number is expected to rise in 2020 with lockdown and the added emotional, social & economic stress. The American University Turkish Cultural Club shared an IG post that reads: I see many of my non-Turkish friends sharing black and white photos of themselves as a 'challenge' but not knowing the reason or origin behind it..." "Turkish people wake up every day to see a black and white photo of a woman who has been murdered on their Instagram feed, on their newspapers, on their TV screens. "The black and white photo challenge started as a way for women to raise their voice. To stand in solidarity with the women we have lost. To show that one day, it could be their picture that is plastered across news outlets with a black and white filter on top." In Turkey, if a man convicted of murder claims he acted on impulse and is shown to be a religious man, he may be given a reduced sentence. Yes, women need to support women, celebrate each other and raise each other up, but we also need to look at the brutal reality all around us. And not just in Turkey, but in our own civilised back yards. I know way too many women who have suffered horrific acts of violence and sexual assault from men they know. In my #RTT practice it’s not uncommon for a female client to have some form of physical/sexual abuse in her past. Statistics show 1 in 3 women globally suffer abuse. So far this year, 30 Australian women have been killed by violence. Statistically speaking, we can expect 32 more. So keep sharing the beautiful b&w pics & empowering quotes, but consider adding some context, and even a relevant link or helpline like Safe Steps 1800 015 188

07.01.2022 Do you know what to do but can’t seem to bring yourself to do it? I mean most of know that if we eat well, drink less, move our bodies, get out in nature and do more things that bring us joy we’d feel better, right? So why can’t we Just Do It like Nike tells us? ... Why the heck is that?? This was the reason I got into RTT to begin with. I could see that even though my nutrition clients knew exactly what to do, they still struggled to consistently do it. I knew that there was something else at play. We all have subconscious beliefs that we aren’t aware of, yet these beliefs run the show, driving 95% of our habits and decisions every single day. We formed these beliefs before the age of 7, and at the time they made sense to the mind of a little child, but they are not based on truth, nor are they serving you as an adult. What every RTT session uncovers, is that the very beliefs you formed to protect you as a child, are EXACTLY what’s standing in your way now. And as soon as you realise that, you can transform those beliefs and let them go forever. You come out of the session feeling light, energised, motivated and empowered. And taking aligned action suddenly becomes effortless. Is this a pattern you see in your life? It doesn’t need to be that way. Send me a DM or book in for a free chat

05.01.2022 Did you know that a hug can reduce stress, boost immunity, and help alleviate anxiety and depression? When we hug we release feel good hormones and neurotransmitters such as oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins that help us feel calmer, happier, more connected, loved and supported. You know what else can do that?... Living an aligned and purposeful life. Many of my clients describe an overall feeling of dissatisfaction with their life. I’m sure you know that feeling of isn’t life meant to be more beautiful than this? as beautifully articulated by @glennondoyle in Untamed (go read it NOW if you haven’t already). Through RTT I help my clients reconnect to their truth, to the original, powerful and perfect version of themselves that existed before the world conditioned them to fit a certain mould. If this resonates, and you are ready to peel off the layers and come home to yourself - let’s chat. There’s never been a better time to let your light shine bright. The world needs your light

01.01.2022 Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror, I mean really looked yourself in the eye, and said I love you I see you I accept you If you haven’t, I encourage you to try it. If you have - how did it feel? Was it hard? Did you cry? Did you laugh? Was it uncomfortable? Could you even do it?... So many of us go through life with subconscious beliefs about our self worth, how loveable we are, our enoughness... We may not even be aware of these beliefs but they are holding us back and controlling how we show up in life. Not feeling worthy or not feeling enough are the most common beliefs I see in most of my clients. If you did the above mirror exercise and felt resistant, uncomfortable, sad, or ridiculous, then you’re holding such beliefs as well. If you want to let go of theses beliefs and to be able to look yourself in the eye and feel self acceptance, love and appreciation for yourself, I’d love to support you on your path. RTT allows us to quickly and easily uncover these beliefs, transform them and let them go so that you can be free to step into your truth, into your power, and live as the best version of yourself. Sounds intriguing? Send me a DM or book a free call and let’s chat

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