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Dr Joanne Samer & Wellness Alchemy

Phone: +61 8 9447 4985


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24.01.2022 After doing lots of investigating about starting groups for young people, it has become clear that it involves far more than I had anticipated . Sadly it is not likely to go ahead at this stage due to lack of resources and time to put all the details and safety mechanisms in place. Soo sorry all! Tomorrow is another day....

21.01.2022 EVERYONE needs to hear this viral speech about Coronavirus from Dr. Emily Landon! Follow Occupy Democrats for more.

21.01.2022 TWENTY SEVEN THIS IS ONLY MY OPINION BUT THIS IS MY JOB POINTS ABOUT THE CORONAVIRUS. Disclaimer: Everything in this could turn out to be totally unnecessary,... and I’d be fine with that, but in the meantime this is what I think: 1. The Coronavirus is not going to be the end of the world. If you’ve seen Mad Max or the Walking Dead or one of those shows where the last three people on earth are sitting around a campfire roasting a rat on a stick, it’s going to be exactly NOT like that. 2. But it’s going to come here. It’s definitely jumped the fence. Sooner or late, unless something truly unexpected happens, there will be cases in your area. Very happy to be proved wrong with this. 3. It does appear to be maybe ten times worse than any flu season anyone alive has seen. It’s not just another flu, swine or otherwise. Most people won’t get Coronavirus, most of those who do will be okay, but a sizeable number of vulnerable people will get very very sick and a number of them will die. Our existing services - health care and others - are not sufficient to stop all of those deaths. 4. Panic is more dangerous than anything else I’m going to mention. If you imagine fireys trying to stop a bushfire, or police hunting down an active shooter, then you thrown in some random galah-people running around and shrieking - that’s how dangerous panic is. Do not be that random galah-person. 5. Assuming we don’t do that, there are two kinds of things to prepare for if this comes. 6. The first is the infection. This is the basic stuff. Wash your freaking hands and cover your mouth when you cough. Tell other people to wash their hands and cover their mouths when they cough. If necessary, forcibly wash their hands and cover their mouths for them. These are basic things. 7. Stay home when you are sick with fever, cough, etc. Make sure other people do this. Most workplaces reward people for coming in when they are sick and penalise them for staying home and I think it may become apparent that that’s a very bad idea. 8. The other kind of preparation you should do is for the quarantining. 9. Most people have not been in quarantine and it’s a bit like a lockdown. Variations of it are starting to happen all around the world. 10. IF OR WHEN the virus comes to your area, there will be some sort of a lockdown and you should be ready for that. It’s like bushfire season prep - you prepare now for something that may or may not happen because if you don’t prepare and it comes, the consequences will be catastrophic for you and for your community. 11. In a lockdown there will be limited or no access to schools, shops, childcare centres, pharmacies, public (and possibly private) transport and some other places I’ve forgotten. 12. It may occur with little or no warning and it may persist in some cases for weeks. 13. Go back to that bit about panic again. If you want to make things worse for yourself and everyone, panicking is definitely the way. 14. There will also be disruptions to a very large number of services because people will be sick, quarantined, looking after the sick or just disinclined to expose themselves to crowds of possibly infected people. 15. What you have to do now is start to think about how you will cope. I mean cope if they close the shops for a week or a fortnight, cope if they shut down the child-care centre, cope if they can’t pick up the rubbish for a month or more, cope if they close schools, stop community nursing and so on. 16. And work out how you will cope if there are bare shelves at the pharmacies and a significant proportion of your local doctors or nurses are sick. 17. Another thing to think about is the finances. What if you’re self employed, what if wherever you work gets maybe one to five percent of their normal numbers of customers for a fortnight or a month? 18. Everyone’s different and everyone’s situation is different but I sugges think about getting medication ahead of time (like maybe a month’s worth), working out and purchasing what you’d eat if you couldn’t get to the shops, coming up with a plan to look after at least mildly and maybe quite sick family and friends at home and so on. 19. If you’re a leader at work, work out how you’d cope with significant employee loss. If there’s only one person who can do one particular important thing, and that person is quarantined, sick or unavailable, what’s your plan? 20. Preparation takes relatively little effort and not being prepared stings. Like I said, imagine it’s like bushfire season. We have recently seen how important that is. Same thing. Be smart. Plan ahead. 21. Be calm. Do not panic and don’t let anyone panic. 22. Wash your hands. 23. Cover your mouth when you cough. 24. Stay away if you’re sick. 25. And lastly, maybe none of this will happen. Maybe it’ll mutate, or burn out, of there’ll be a miracle vaccine, or something involving goblins. 26. But prepare just in case. Worst case scenario is eating out of cans for a couple of months. 27. That’s still a whole lot better than roast rat. See more

19.01.2022 I have permission to share this post from a Dr in NZ. Teleconsults will be the future and you will only be seen by your GP after you have spoken with them by first. Stay home !!!!! HUGE kudos to the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners. I just learnt that this bold and decisive initiative to switch to virtual consulting almost overnight was taken by the RNZCGP leadership team alone. They received word from Italy on Friday 20th afternoon that as the Italian health system became overloaded, a major cause of spread was identified as occurring in crowded GP waiting rooms. They decided that night they had to take action to protect our patients as well as the more vulnerable medical staff. And 48 hrs later, tomorrow March 23, the system is going live. There will be teething problems as we all adapt, but that is okay. It’s a big step in the right direction. Note they did not wait for a directive from the NZ Ministry of Health nor the NZ Government. These doctors took matters into their own hands to protect their patients and members. Now that’s true leadership. #TrustTheDocs #TheyAreFightingForYou #WarAgainstVirus

17.01.2022 WHAT WILL YOU DO WHEN YOU WIN THE LOCK DOWN LOTTO? So here are my musings for today after having conversations with some of my patients. One is a swim teacher ...working with sick children with cystic fibrosis and cancer in a local public pool, another is a dance teacher of young children who use shared props and fancy dress clothes for their fun learning experience, another is a surgical nurse at a local non tertiary hospital where the entire staff are meeting tomorrow to discuss their pandemic plans, another works in her family business with her husband having just cancelled travel plans to Jakarta, another is a dog groomer and another is a mum with a 2 year old child at home. One has family in Italy who shared with me their experiences of how they are currently being forced to live. In Italy at the moment, where my patient’s family are living, they are all staying home. One member of the household is allowed to go to the shops once a week to get food for the entire family unit. When they get to the shops, they need to be wearing a face mask and must wash their hands with soap and water before entering the shop and upon leaving. There is at least a metre between each person who is doing their shopping. I decided to chat with each one of them about the what is happening at the moment and what are the implications for their current situation. How easy is it for the virus to spread where they work? What measures are their employers taking to protect them? How are they receiving updates about what to do and when to start? I also asked the what if question what if we were in lock down for weeks, what would you do and how would you and your family cope? What if we ended up like China being forced to stay at home for maybe 2 months?. Food for thought so I will continue asking YOU more questions here along the same line as not one of my patients had given it serious consideration yet. The news tonight suggested we prepare to stock up for being in social isolation for about 2 weeks. As I type, The German Chancellor has just been quoted as saying Germany can expect up to 70% of the population to be infected. There are already small pockets of our beautiful sunburnt country in isolation now, so let’s get thoughtful for a moment or two. Let’s assume this nasty virus leads you to be stuck at home for let’s say 2 weeks. You are not allowed to go outside your front door under any circumstances. You will need to rely on others to bring you supplies and have them left at the entrance to your mansion. Let’s assume you have actually stockpiled some supplies so the last statement might not be so critical so then what? What are you going to do for those 2 weeks? How will you occupy your time? How will you cope physically, emotionally and spiritually? What if you cannot go to the gym or the local pool or the hairdresser or the dog groomer? What if you have 4 children under the age of 10 literally stuck at home and not allowed out for 2 weeks? What if your mother lives alone, is fiercely independent and usually refuses any help you offer her? What if you can work from home? What if you cannot work from home and your income is going to be less or worse still, be cut off? What if you have a disabled child living in shared accommodation? Will you simply sit at home, watch copious amounts of news and Netflix and eat your way through your pantry? Will you hang out on social media and send your eyes and brain into a total melt down of information overload? Will you fall into a major hole of depression and woe, and think that your social isolation is too hard to bare? Will you have a panic attack because you thought all the scare mongers out there were full of crap and you now realise you should have taken them seriously? My solution? PREPARE NOW AND PLAN TO MAKE THIS EXPERIENCE AS FANTASTIC AS YOU CAN! See it as an opportunity and not a disaster. See it as time to you will want to look back on, and to value because of the way you coped and turned an anaphylactic reaction into a mosquito bite underneath your little toe. An itch and nothing more. So here’s my next preparation suggestion get CREATIVE and PLAN. 1. Start now with your list of things you have been too busy to get done clean out the pantry, repaint that spare room, replant those small plants into bigger pots, finish off that project in the cupboard you started 10 years ago, repair that broken chair leg or whatever it may be for you personally. 2. Then make a list of things you can to do together with those with whom you have the privilege of sharing your Lock Down Lotto. Play games packed in the cupboard and see who makes the biggest pile of Monopoly money, drag out every pack of cards you own and make a card house and see how long it lasts before it gets knocked over, build a massive cubby house and see if you can even get dad to go inside with the rest of you, drag out the musical instruments you have secretly hidden away, open the craft drawer and see how it talks to you, give each other a back or neck rub, open that special bottle of wine you have been saving for the right moment. Get creative big time. Play a game tonight with the kidsthe WHAT IF game and get their ideas. They are likely to be far more creative than you. 3. Then make another list of the ways in which you can reach out to others who are important in your life. Maybe that Aunt you’ve always been too busy to visit, or your school friend from years back that you’ve really been thinking about. Maybe it’s time to put all those old photos into an album for your children to share with their children (already lurking or/when they appear..). Maybe your parents would be thrilled to have something handmade from your children. Maybe a phone call to the neighbour you used to have that lives alone and enjoys your company. Get creative here 4. And finally, make a list of the daily routine things that you currently take for granted and see how they will be impacted and start planning a new daily routine that will be possible. How will you do you exercise? How will the dog get out to do it’s business? What will you do if the mail and daily paper is not delivered? What if the weekly social events are missing? What if, what if, what if? 5. So now go out and get the supplies for these projects, because when you win the Lock Down Lotto it will be too late. Set yourself a modest budget that will not stress you out, but that will be considered a blessing by those retailers whose businesses are finding it harder each day as the Lock Down Lotto grows. Buy the craft supplies for the kids to make things with, or the books for you to read, or the stationary for those handwritten letters that we have forgotten how to write. Go to the local hardware store and get the Mr. Fix-It supplies (But make a list and make it complete as you may only get one shot at this one). Maybe get a supply of essential oils or a nice candle to burn each night to signify your Lock Down Lotto win. This could be valuable one day to add to your memorabilia tub in the shed So here’s my invitation to those of you have had the patience to read to then end of today’s musings (and there will be more I suspect!) I challenge you to do 2 things. Share your creative and fun ideas here so we can all benefit. Be creative and remember to keep your comments G rated please. Then share this post with your friends and family and sit back and see which of us is lucky enough to win the Lock Down Lotto! Remember, lock down is GOOD, not bad as it stops the spread and protects those who are at risk. And I REPEAT lock down is GOOD, not bad as it stops the spread and protects those who are at risk. Joanne

17.01.2022 The Melbourne Grand Prix will be ground zero for us! Sign this petition NOW and put the Government on notice that we demand health over money!!!!!

14.01.2022 Good morning all. The world is changing literally by the minute. This link was posted around day 30 of the WHO daily updates. It is no longer on current updates. I have been experimenting trying to implement at home some of these strategies and they are onerous and almost impossible so here are my take away suggestions:... 1. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water 2. Cover your mouth if you cough 3. Sip water often - this may reduce the risk of the virus reaching the airways and instead push it into the gut where it will be destroyed by gut acid 4.. Use bleach or equivalent to clean all commonly touched surfaces in your home. (Bleach: Water 1:7 ratio) 5. Use HOT water to wash your clothes and do not wear clothes again if they have been used outdoors until they have been washed. 6. Follow the YouTube Chanel MedCram - has excellent suggestions and summaries of current information about nutritional support. See more

13.01.2022 It's official - World health Organisation speaks out: BE WARY of taking anti-inflammatories at the moment.

10.01.2022 There is not a single word here with which I disagree.

09.01.2022 I decided to share this today. I wrote it and shared with my local community FB page. I am now officially too busy to respond to anyone but please read my words... and prepare calmly and thoughtfully. (And by the way I went to Willoughby Girl's High for what that's worth!) Good evening all. I have been mulling this post over in my head all weekend, and have decided now is the time to write it. I am a local GP and member of the community. I know many of you and you know me. I am writing this to urge you all to start taking this Covid 19 virus very seriously. The statistics show us that the young are not likely to get very sick but they can still transmit the virus. So "Teach Your Children Well" and teach them how to wash their hands. They , AND YOU, should wash as often as possible with soap and warm water for 20 seconds - so every time we come home - as soon as we come into the house, before we prepare food and eat, after we go to the toilet, at play time, lunch time, before bed... It is those of us over the age of 55 most at risk , especially if we have high blood pressure, lung disease of any kind, diabetes, are immunocompromised. The reason for social isolation is to reduce the risk to this part of our community - are there are MANY who fit this category. Now is not the time to put ourselves first. Now is the time to prepare sensibly. Now is the time to think about the greater good. Now is the time to put our parents and grandparents first. Now is the time to put those that look after us first - our shopkeepers, our bus and train drivers, our uber drivers, our local hairdresser or beautician or health professional. Now is the time to get serious. There is a FB post about to go viral - you will see it before long no doubt. It is from a Specialist Dr on the front line in Italy. It will scare you and leave you absolutely speechless. When it comes your way, read it out loud. Let the message sink in. Now is not the time for parties and socialising. Now is the time to be considered and very cautious. Now is the time to self isolate if you have been travelling and have even the hint of a cold or sore throat. Do not wait to be told, just DO IT! DO NOT GO SHOPPING, or to a movie, or to a playdate, or to the bank. JUST STAY HOME, END OF STORY! Doctors are going to do their best as will everyone else on the front line. WE NEED YOUR COOPERATION if we are going to come out of this all healthy and well. if everyone just took precautions NOW we in Perth might just not have what is being shared by my Italian Colleague. We here in Perth might just have low numbers and less infections....might. It is up to all of us to start now. I urge everyone in our precious community to look out for each other, show as much love, care and consideration as we can possibly muster for each other. Wash your hands, do not cough in public, self isolate if you are at all unwell and protect our community. Dr Joanne Samer MB.BS. Post Grad Dip Health Sciences, GAICD P.S. You can share this as much as you want.

09.01.2022 Now I am serious. Go to the FB page of Scott Morrison and you local State Premier and in capital letters DEMAND that they CLOSE THE BORDERS TODAY AND CONSIDER HEALTH BEFORE WEALTH. As the govt. attempts to keep us calm, those of us watching and with half a brain now understand how critical this is.

05.01.2022 Finding Your Voice for young People... 2 signed up today already!

03.01.2022 Am contemplating starting a group for 12 -18 year olds struggling with life to help them find their voice. Meditation, talking and music. Your thoughts?Am contemplating starting a group for 12 -18 year olds struggling with life to help them find their voice. Meditation, talking and music. Your thoughts?

02.01.2022 Worth watching. Bottom line, stay home.

01.01.2022 CDC RECOMMENDS FACE MASKS IN PUBLIC TO REDUCE #COVID19 SPREAD The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention in the USA has today recommended that people wear a ...mask in public. They have recommended wearing a cloth mask. This has nothing to do with the effectiveness of one type of mask over another. This is to preserve the medical grade surgical masks and N95 respirators for frontline healthcare workers who are most at risk. The idea is to prevent the spread of the virus in the community from people who are carriers who may or may not have symptoms...Particularly in situations where it is difficult to achieve physical distancing. If you do wear a cloth mask in public, and I recommend that you do, you will need to wash it in warm soapy water after each outing. We are waiting for a new recommendation from Australian health authorities on detailed like exactly which cloth and how fine the weave would need to be, because we do need some clarity on this. In my view this is a common sense recommendation to add to other measures like staying at home, physical distancing and hand washing.

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