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Wellness with Amber

Phone: +61 466 370 307


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25.01.2022 CONSISTENCY Finally after 2 months of renovating then moving house, first born then having a baby and last born finishing school and turning 18, I can breath again.. I have to say this move has taken it out of me The 2 things I have kept consistent about and have saved me during this time have been my yoga practice that has stopped my mind from spiralling, and my morning superfood smoothie that has kept my body fuelled... We all have times of stress where we are pushed a little over the edge, how we choose to manage this is key to recovery afterwards. During stress out body runs on Adrenaline to increase blood flow to be ready for the flight or fight. Allowing the body to rebalance is key to fighting adrenal fatigue.

25.01.2022 Tight hips? Try this hip opener sequence. Hip openers are known to create energetic shifts and releases within the body, and to help free the mind. Yoga is not about how hard you can push yourself it's about loosening up connective tissue and relaxing your body.

24.01.2022 Some mornings I like to go for a run early before anyone wakes up..(well it’s more like a slow jog shuffle actually) I made this great recovery smoothie. 2 oranges 1/2 frozen banana 1/2 cup of Coconut water 1 scoop of protein powder (Ilove to use Isa Pro undenatured whey protein concentrate with 27 grams of protein.... A perfect way to boost protein intake and a great post workout recovery drink. Tastes delicious. See more

23.01.2022 This offer is nearly coming to an end. Jump on it whilst you can. Stop the overwhelm and get back YOU time.

23.01.2022 Reflecting on being a Mum is one of the most loveliest things to do. I’m so proud of the roll I play as a Mum and it literally is one of the driving forces that gets me up every day and gets me in to action of being and showing up as the best version of myself. Huge to all those Mums out’s tough at times but so worth it and eternally grateful

23.01.2022 If you are looking to learn yoga from a teacher that has over 27 years of experience and has taught Internationally, and you live on the Sunny Coast then you are in luck!!!! Learn how to correct your posture, build a strong body and keep your calm amongst all the chaos. First class $10. Hope to see you there.

23.01.2022 Hi Sunshine Coast Yogis. So we start back at Peregian Beach this Saturday the 4th July. The classes start at 8am and are 75 minutes long. You will now need to buy a 10 class pass by clicking the link below. Otherwise the drop in price is $20. See you all Saturday.

23.01.2022 This is my favorite Bliss Ball recipe. I make these often when I have small yoga events, and they always go down ell after the session. The longer they sit in the fridge the better, although in my house they never last long. print this one out and stick it on your fridge.!! Feel free to share the recipe.

22.01.2022 Life is busy and hectic as we juggle work, family and everything else that is thrown at us on a day to day basis. We all need to take time out to reconnect with our selves. To get out of our heads and into our bodies and that is exactly why I designed the 21 day Yoga Course. 20 minutes of Yoga and breathing daily, taught to you as a video so all you need to do is show up in your house on your yoga mat and go through the practice.

22.01.2022 I love books. We are in the process of moving, so once again I am packing up all the books that we have collected over the years. Letting a few go, which is hard as it’s probably the one thing (apart from yoga pants) that O like to accumulate. So why is the last book you purchased or read...?

21.01.2022 When our hips are tight it has an affect on our back especially our lower back. So do this little 5 minute routine a cople of times a day.

21.01.2022 20 classes of yoga a week,at less than $1.50 a class. Teaching you alignment, giving you a strong body & learning to calm your mind so you can focus on being the best version of yourself.

20.01.2022 Being in touch with how we feel is part of our wellness journey. As women we are natural nurturers, we love to mother, to be people pleasers and help, to be available for our family. This though can lead us to spend a lot of time in our heads, planning, providing and keeping all the balls we are juggling up on the air. So in order to feel we have to drop into our body, our heart space, our centre. This is what I personally love about yoga as it creates a pathway for you to co...nnect your mind and your body through connecting with your breath and allows you to drop into your body. So today throughout your day, take some time to breath. When things are feeling overwhelming - stop - breath - centre and then carry on with your beautiful day See more

20.01.2022 What does Wellness mean to you? Do you feel Well. Are you happy with how you feel? That is what I started to ask myself about 20 years ago. I was 30, living in Indonesia with 2 small children and running a busy and fast-growing clothing company. In honesty, I was exhausted, and run down emotionally and physically. I was cranky, frustrated and looking back on it now, totally in adrenal fatigue. Read more:

19.01.2022 Yesterday I was thinking about what made me start yoga and why have I stuck at it for over 27 years. Here are my thoughts.

19.01.2022 We are all searching for balance in our lives. Work life balance, body mind balance etc, its not easy. Now with social media and the increased use of the internet we are flooded with how we should be eating and living. We are told you need to be paleo, gluten free, vegan, you should do a keto diet, a juice fast and we get totally overwhelmed and end up not doing anything to create change because we are overwhelmed.

19.01.2022 Hello Everyone, Who wants to join me on WEDNESDAY 15th 8pm for a FREE 15 -20 minute Yoga Breathing session. The focus is on calming the nervous system!!! We all need that for sure. Its On Zoom. You can literally be in your PJs!!... So post a "Yes Please " below and I will send you the link.

19.01.2022 For some people, eating unhealthy foods is a result of not knowing which ones are good or bad for them. For others, it may be a primary emotional coping mechanism. We need to eat our veggies. A diet high in vegetables has been linked to an improvement in mental health. Here are 5 quick reasons to get more vegetables daily on your plate. 1. Boosts brain function. 2. You will have more energy 3. Increases your fiber... 4. Boost your immune system 5. Lose weight Plus they taste great. So there you go, get those vegetables daily into your body. See more

18.01.2022 The journey. Starting with Yoga with Amber over 15 years ago and now with Wellness with Amber I am so grateful to you all who have followed me on this journey of yoga, wellness and learning to live a holistic balanced lifestyle. Yoga is always my leading beacon, but I couldn't do what I do with out fueling my body with great Nutrition. 4 and half years ago I found a system that has made that so easy and is an amazing tool in my tool box and a huge blessing to be able to share it with you. Thank you to all you Yogis and wellness warriors xx

18.01.2022 How we start our day can literally make or break it. Start your day with not just good intentions or an idea of yep I’m going to have a good day but take 2 minutes to sit still, breath and really feel what the good day will feel like, look like, the actions you will take to have this amazing day. Then get out there and live it

18.01.2022 Breath - We can live without food or water, but deprive us of breath and we die in minutes. So with this in mind its astonishing how little attention we pay in normal life to the importance of breathing correctly. In Yoga we use the breath for 2 reasons: To bring more oxygen to the blood and the brain. Secondly to control prana or energy which in turns lead to controlling the mind. Since your state of mind is reflected in the way you breathe, it makes sense that by learning to control your breath you can learn to control your state of mind. Yoga = the union of the body and the mind.

18.01.2022 As we all approach the end of the year, and many people are in lockdown all over the world, I find myself thinking what can I say here that can lift spirits, bring joy and show people I am thinking of them. There is no doubt it’s been a tough year and we go into 2021 with uncertainty.. yet it doesn’t change the fact that we can all individually continue to grow, continue to care, show empathy and love to our community and just really continue on, to be the best versions of ourselves. That is always my personal quest and so it’s with lots of love, grace and gratitude that I wish you all A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR and so look forward to hanging out with you all in 2021

17.01.2022 What’s not to love about the benefits of Bone Broth

17.01.2022 The next venture is ready to unfold. Collaborating with Hayley a highly reputable and well known female entrepreneur and Executive Leader in Australian business, honestly is a dream come true for me. Together we are now ready to present a first of its kind program in work and wellness WHOLE PERSON PERFORMANCE- designed by professional women, for professional women. So watch this space.....

17.01.2022 As women we can be really hard on ourselves without even really knowing it. Its become such an ingrained habit that we almost think its normal to talk ourselves out of things and be down on ourselves. These tips are here to help

16.01.2022 From my early 20s, when I started to travel and lived in and among-st different cultures, I have been fascinated with how people are, what makes people happy and why people do what they do. I created Wellness with Amber -which literally is an amalgamation of all that I have learnt and experienced over the years. Bringing together a holistic way of living. From traveling in many countries, to living in a different culture and having 2 half Indonesian children. From selling eve...rything we own to live on a yacht for 15 months with a newborn, a 6 and a 10 year old. To running a successful Clothing Company that grew very quickly and left me with adrenal fatigue, burnt out and having panic attacks.. The one consistent thing I have always had is Yoga as my grounding force and mentors or coaches guiding me through what I call a wonderful but chaotic life! Click here to read more on coaching. See more

16.01.2022 We've all heard the saying "We are what we eat" The nutritional content of what we eat determines the composition of our cell membranes, bone marrow, blood, hormones, tissue, organs, skin, and hair. Our bodies are replacing billions of cells every day and using the foods we consume as the source. Therefore A well-balanced diet not only results in better health and overall body composition, but because of the brain-gut connection can also make us feel great. The Motto of the day today is:- Think before you eat" Ask yourself is this actually going to nourish and fuel my body....

15.01.2022 Let’s face it this year has been a very different year with many of us working from home, doing longer hours and leaving our bodies to feel stiff and less mobile.

15.01.2022 Learn from a teacher who has practiced yoga for over 25 years. -Wellness with Amber is all about living a holistic life and so I have created this amazing membership site for people who are serious about getting their life and wellness in order.

14.01.2022 Here is my Friday feel good Tip. We all know how important sleep is to our wellbeing, yet as busy people we more than often dont get enough of it and catching up on sleep over the weekend just doesn't happen. So try this Tip out and let me know hoe you go.

13.01.2022 As the day comes to an end these words are powerful.

12.01.2022 Yummy sweet potato and Zucchini fritters. Really you can put anything you want in them. I Like to add Feta sometimes. They are perfect for lunch or a mid morning snack. Click here for the Recipe

12.01.2022 So much fun to be interviewed by Rachel Peru today.

11.01.2022 After my run this morning I can hone waited an hour to let me body cool down and then did some yoga. Here is a great short session to lossen up the hamstrings, the glutes abs the hips..

11.01.2022 Here is a class I did last week for a wonderful group @GAPackers It’s a20 minute session that you can fully practice along with. So give it a go.

11.01.2022 What!!! Doesn’t everybody drink water? I thought so...but apparently not... I have to say though growing up in the uk I was raised on tea not water.. I’ve changed that a long time ago and have raised my kids on water. Drink at least 2 litres a day and spread it out through the day....#drinkwater

10.01.2022 On Friday I normally do a step class but this week it was a circuit class which I do enjoy, but wow, how it hurts the next day when you use different muscles... So This is a Sunday session, perfect for if you have over done the workout, the weekend gardening or you just need your hamstrings to release a little or a lot!!!

10.01.2022 Yoga has taught me so much. This week has been stressful with a lot gonig on. Practising yoga daily allows n and teaches me to let go. In yoga When the pose feels uncomfortable and you just want to pull yourself our of it, we rely on the breath and focus to stay still and be in the pose. This is now how I deal with stress. I breath through it knowing it too will pass!!

09.01.2022 Yesterday I had a meeting with a client who has suffered from PTSD after leaving the armed forces. It suddenly came to my attention that I haven't written about depression and anxiety and how yoga can help both. I think I just assumed that everyone knew that Yoga of course helps with depression and anxiety. When I was 19 and at University in London, I suffered from panic attacks. I would be walking to uni and out of the blue I would feel like I couldn’t breathe and that I going to faint. I thought I was dying!!! This is something you hear a lot. Long story short I was having an anxiety panic attack. At the time Yoga was not mainstream but my Mum had done some Iyengar yoga and suggested I went along. I certainly wasn’t hooked straight away but what I did get straight away was a feeling of being in my body and using my breath to effectively slow everything down. That was the beginning of an amazing journey for me. I wont say now I am cured of anxiety or stress, that is now not my aim as I believe stress is sometimes useful to push us forward, its how we choose to deal with that stress. What I do know now is how to manage my stress and anxiety so it barely ever catches me out. Depression is the leading cause of non-fatal disability in Australiaon average, one in six people will experience depression in their lifetime. Yoga brings us into our body. It unites us with our body and our breath. It brings us down to the ground and for a moment there is time in our day to stop and be with ourselves. To reflect. Its like it puts a bubble around you and allows you to be calm and in the moment. It certainly is an amazing tool to have in your tool box. Feel free to contact me if you feel ready to get started....

09.01.2022 How much Water do you drink each day? Did you know that 75 percent of people are chronically dehydrated. We need water to survive, but drinking enough to get by isn't ideal for your body. Water is required to cushion and lubricate your joints, protect your brain and other internal tissues, regulate your body temperature, and remove waste from your body through urination, bowel movements and perspiration. You've probably heard that our bodies are made mostly of water, and it's... true. We need it. So how much water do you need? I always recommend 1 litre per 22 kilos of body weight. Upping water intake is great to detox. If my yoga clients ask me to recommend a detox the first thing I do is increase their water consumption. If your struggling with water consumption here is a few tips. >Get a good water bottle that you can carry around and sip on. >Set a timer on your phone as a reminder. >Jazz up your water by adding lemon or slices of orange etc. See more

08.01.2022 Its 2021... If your like me and you like to make goals, and if one of your goals is to start yoga or do more yoga then join me on Saturdays at 8am. Such a great way to start your weekend.

08.01.2022 Getting up and going in the morning can be challenging at the best of times, let alone in winter when the temptation to hit snooze is at an all-time high. Moving in the morning improves your mood, gets the blood flowing and you will be less stressed through out the day.

08.01.2022 I am not one to necessarily make new years resolutions, but I do set goals. Is one of your goals or resolutions to do more yoga. Well HELLO!! join me on the membership site. You all say to me so often "I can not find a Yoga Teacher like you, your so good at explaining things and pushing everyone in the class" This is why I came up with the membership site. Its LIVE CLASSES. Yes that means you get me live everyday for up to one hour. You also get recorded classes for all l...evels if you want to do some other sessions throughout the day or cant make the live class that day.. So come on, at least try it for a week and see hoe you go. Click the link. Its cancel at anytime.. See more

08.01.2022 Sunday Is a cleanse day for me. These are 4 poses that really help the bodies detoxification. Yoga twists compress muscles and organs which block the flow of blood. When you release the pose blood flows back into those areas bringing with it nutrients and improving circulation and digestive function

07.01.2022 Our collagen elixir launched today. Can’t wait to get my hands on this. I am all about aging naturally and keeping my body as healthy as possible and this elixir along with a few other products I love are key for me. Collagen Elixir can give you a boost of collagen which naturally declines as we age and helps nourish your skin from... within to keep you radiantly beautiful. Type I collagen that derives from the skin, bones and scales of cold-water fish like cod and pollock, is rich in amino acids that help promote healthy skin. Marine collagen is mostly used in cosmetic products because its collagen profile aligns closely with thecollagen profile seen in humans, making it a great match to nourish your skin. With 100% recyclable packaging, our marine Collagen Elixir is fully sustainable from sourcing through to disposal. Interested to learn more put a sign in comments..

07.01.2022 YOUR WHY? Why do you get up in the morning and do what you do? Do you even know the answer to this? Are you just getting up and spending the day running on auto pilot? Whether we work for a company or like me you are building a business - You need to know your why. Simon Sinek puts it perfectly.

07.01.2022 Happy Christmas everyone What a year 2020 has been. At the end of 2019 we all looked forward with a happy glow looking into a new year ahead. No one could have imagined what this year was going to be like. Has it been tough - totally, has it also been life changing - totally. This pandemic has been tragic, the loss of lives world wide from it has been horrific. I do however want to reflect on the things we have learnt from this year.... We have all learnt how to use Zoom... Yep I felt like I was a pioneer on zoom, as I have been teaching yoga online via zoom for over 5 years, now everyone is on it, even my 82 year old Mum who can barely use a lap top, knows how to Zoom! We all have spent more time together. With our immediate family. Learnt how to communicate better whilst in uncertainty. Empathy, there is I feel more empathy to people, more hellos in the street, more awareness of others. Community - people have become aware of community and its importance. My Mum who lives in Brighton UK said at 8pm every evening, in her street of small terrace houses, they all stand on their doors steps and give 3 cheers to all the health professionals and essential workers....means alot. There are many other things but above all it has made everyone of us Think!! Whats important to me?, how do I want to live this life that is so precious? and how do I want to show up in this world? Things are still uncertain, no one knows how this will play out and what 2021 holds. What we do know is we can continue to work daily on ourselves, to find stillness in our practice, to find joy in learning one small thing every week or every day and to continue to SMILE. Have a wonderful Christmas beautiful people Namaste Yogis Amber

05.01.2022 Do you have a morning ritual? Something that you do that sets your day up for success. Watch this 3 minute video on why having a ritual can help you to be more productive and create a calmness in your day to day life.

05.01.2022 Fridays feel good tip is around Gratitude. Gratitude, or appreciation for the good things that happen in life, is an essential part of building happiness.

04.01.2022 Do you feel like you’re overwhelmingly busy? Like you always don’t have enough time and your schedule is ever growing? Many people today feel that way and constantly lament a lack of time. I was the same, I felt overwhelmed with the simplest of tasks, I felt disconnected with myself and this was causing me to breakdown in my mind, my body and honestly in my relationships. This simple course can change this, get back your time and feel human again. Click Below and find out more:

04.01.2022 Wellness for me is the active process of making choices for you that bring you a healthy and for filling life. It’s more than being free from illness, it’s a journey of changing things as you go along so your body and mind can keep growing to be the best version of yourself.

03.01.2022 Such a beautiful way to start the day and my visit to Sydney. Thank you for all coming and I hope to be back January for another wonderful class.

03.01.2022 Have you heard of Ayurvedic Health? Ayurveda places great emphasis on prevention and encourages the maintenance of health through close attention to balance in one’s life, right thinking, diet, lifestyle and the use of herbs, many of which are in the products that I consume daily and promote to my clients to help bring balance. Ayurveda is considered by many scholars to be the oldest healing science. In Sanskrit, Ayurveda means The Science of Life. Ayurveda identifies basic types of energy or functional principles that are present in everyone and everything. Since there are no single words in English that convey these concepts, we use the original Sanskrit words vata, pitta and kapha. These principles can be related to the basic biology of the body. Try out this quick Quiz to see what you are: See more

03.01.2022 Being English I love tea. I love herbal teas a lot, but still one of my favorites is English Breakfast especially the Madura Tea Estates brand. So a question I started to ask was: Does Tea act as part of your daily intake of water?

02.01.2022 Incidental exercise... This is me getting from A to B in Brighton UK on the bike share bikes that are everywhere in Brighton. When you are active, your body uses more calories, and this helps you maintain a healthy weight. To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. This is why regular activity is a fundamental component to a healthy lifestyle. There are two primary forms of physical activity, and both can help you control your weight. They are:... Incidental activity Planned exercise Incorporating more incidental activity into your day is one aspect of creating a more active lifestyle. While scheduling out 30 minutes a day to exercise is great, it doesn’t counteract sedentary behavior throughout the rest of your day.

02.01.2022 Life is a little crazy at the moment and we are all finding ourselves in front of the lap top more than ever. Where as before we might have walked to the train at drop for one the train and then walked to work. We now get up and after getting the kids out the door, we are sitting for the next 7 hours in back to back meetings. This is a great 5 minute practice to do 2-3 times a day to keep the blood flowing the mind alert and body moving..

02.01.2022 I have an Announcement to make - 20 plus classes coming your way So why do Yoga? The short answer is that yoga makes you feel better. Practicing the postures, breathing exercises and meditation makes you healthier in body, mind and spirit. Yoga lets you tune in, chill out, shape up -- all at the same time Click the link to find out more . -

02.01.2022 Wellness with Amber is all about living a holistic life and so I have created this amazing membership site for people who are serious about getting their life and wellness in order. This membership site is for people who are busy, often time poor and who do not need to be told, they should do yoga, they know that. Its for people that want to learn skills as they practice yoga. ... Its for people who don’t want to just go through the motions of yoga but want to be taught by an expert.

01.01.2022 Most people set an average of 4 goals per day. 1/3rd of people only ever hit 50% of their daily goals. No one who wrote their goals that morning succeeded in achieving all of those goals in that day. 65% of people are actually trying to get better at setting better goals.... setting daily goals is a chance to feel more accountable, while also reminding you that you are doing enough and as you tick the goals of there is a sense of achievement as the goal is completed. Here are a few tips: Keep it short (maximum 34 daily goals) Write them out the night before Allow time for extra work (i.e. don’t schedule your entire day) Use whatever tool you’re most comfortable with to help you Set up a distraction-free environment You can download a free daily Goals PDF here.

01.01.2022 Moringa- I have taken Moringa for years. It’s a plant in the spotlight at the moment and for many reasons. Check it out.

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