Wentworth Equestrian in Launceston, Tasmania | Horse riding school
Wentworth Equestrian
Locality: Launceston, Tasmania
Phone: +61 407 297 205
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25.01.2022 Well this weekend we should have been at our State Pony Club Dressage and Showjumping Championships. Special one for Ava her first Showjumping championships for PC. Obviously we are home and got to make use of the deluge of rain Tasmania has had this week. Our dam is overflowing so lots of fun to be had. Can you believe when Comet arrived in 2018 he was very unsure about mud, water and dogs were play toys. Hope everyone is keeping well during this difficult time My turn tomorrow #stayathome
24.01.2022 Setup ready for every ounce of opportunity tomorrow.
24.01.2022 We look forward to a return to interstate travel and having Ben Netterfield back. Great summary of Bens equestrian life and coaching values. It’s why he plays an important role in our equestrian journey.
24.01.2022 Equestrian Australia under Voluntary Administration. Dont stress Im not doing a public speech on my thoughts but I do encourage those in my equestrian friends network whom are EA members to vote. All members regardless of age get a vote. Sometimes many sit back and choose the to hard or not interested but this time it is important to have an opinion. ... Im certain most will have but I also know that it has become a ridiculously overwhelming mess.... If anything its important that voting reflects the apparent 18,000. If unsure ....yes their is social media which is highly opinated. Their are the emails going direct to you or the VA website. Also the option to contact sport presidents, committee or experienced persons who hopefully will give the complete overview an you choose from there. Voting submissions close at 5pm Friday 10th GOODLUCK . If you did not receive the voting link you contact [email protected]
24.01.2022 Setup for another Sunday of coaching. Lesson planning is one of my favourite things. It’s a bit like writing a story: Exposition: Setting the scene (warmup jumping flat) Rising action: Building the tension. (Aim for no tension but jumping/Gymnastics and maintaining the flat warmup) Climax: The exciting bit. (Progress to jumping some related lines) ... Falling action: Tidying up loose ends.(Aim for no falls but refine skills) Resolution: Ending the story.(Finish with some homework and forward training plan) Every time we setup at Illawarra Lodge the story keeps growing and changing. Similar but never exactly the same. But it sure is rewarding to see riders wanting to learn. Weekend trainings are something that started during later stages of Covid restrictions and they have been lots of fun. We have another planned in July but it is already fully booked. Current clients can waitlist. July School Holidays I will be coaching on Wednesday’s as per usual. August is looking jam packed with club events getting going which is exciting. Fingers crossed we can keep Covid under control and enjoy our super sport again. ‘Keep slugging’ is my winter mantra.
23.01.2022 If I could have my horse life again it would take a direction that Im really passionate about beyond riding and coaching. Horse management, development and rehabilitation. Whilst through coaching I get to encourage an through a few students I really get to be involved beyond that level, ultimately its still an area I see not enough attention is given. I have always given time to understand the professionals we use. I have grown up with horsemanship around me. Grandfathers... and fathers with blacksmith, horse starting , jumping and other knowledge. Interestingly there knowledge from up to 80 years ago still applies with new fangled labelling and social media edits sometimes . Its not good enough to employ services without understanding. Ill often note a horse change and grab the chance to ride a horse and notice the issue early. Early intervention is so critical ...... dont want for a blue felt ribbon over soundness. Im not old HA ! But my pre teens were spent grooming riding ponies and Welsh weanlings and yearlings. For days on ends Id brush, groom and cut there tails and manes. Thats my thing. I love it. My teenage years I spent most shows going around the jumping riders trimming up there horses ... if no scissors I was walking there horses for pre stretching prior to jump or cooling down post jumping. Occasionally I got a helmut and was allowed on you dont see that these days. I then entered my show faze with my dad/mum/rob Sandra Southwell and Wendy Ward no time for snoozing there ( Sandra claire we trim the night before and the day of). Forward to Pony Club Judy Kilby oversaw our Eventing feed and work progress. Horse heart rates etc Brendan and Tanya Wright ingrained stable life into me and I still sweep everyday. I then started riding and working for Ann Paterson. A brief shot at why I set my goals for horse management pretty high. It is out of respect for those that have given me there time and knowledge. These days Im a participant , not many ribbons flow my way but I enjoy my horses looking healthy and prepared. An I love sharing the conversations with farriers, vets, body works etc on how we get that message across . A picture of Bella today .... shes just started upping jump training today. Chaff, Hygain Zero and Grass Hay. Long steady work over weeks. Washed after every ride and clean cotton undies weekly. Supplements for hoof, joint and gut. See more
23.01.2022 I will be coaching at a Northern Eventing Club training event on Sunday 9 August.
22.01.2022 #horseslife #everyday Never leave the stables unswept
22.01.2022 I feel very lucky I get to spend some of my days coaching each week. It was never in my thought path as when I left school for family reasons there was a need to be employed. So I held multiple hospitality jobs, farm work for a very loyal family friend and many years as a marketing executive for Tourism Tasmania. Each employee has offered me a chance to keep riding, supported me whilst I worked long hours. I never thought in my life I would end up the part owner of a mechan...ical business learning accounting skills and have the oppprtunity to coach and be around horses daily . It’s a little addictive the hour spent with a rider. It’s never exactly the same for each client, every lesson brings something a little different, sometimes similar but never the same and sometimes just totally unique. Today I had the super Jumping coach moment of a young horse letting go behind. I’ve got to say it’s my favourite moment ... when you know it’s there and you finally see it and the rider feels it The best feeling .
21.01.2022 We look forward to a return to interstate travel and having Ben Netterfield back. Great summary of Bens equestrian life and coaching values. Its why he plays an important role in our equestrian journey.
21.01.2022 We have been very busy with lots of coaching happening. Saturday we had 13 riders at Illawarra Lodge from junior young guns to horses just starting to those aiming at some Young Rider starts this year. No lesson is the same which keeps it interesting as a coach. For some we have been working hard all Winter and it’s great to now be working on preparing our ride for the competitions coming up. Body and position control, rythem, distance choices..... no one can say the sport... is easy and we are always learning and refining the craft. My daughter Avs gets a go on the weekend clinics. She did a great job on Saturday. You can see the one spot where she lost straightness and her position collapsed and how much that affected the departure and next approach !!! But I feel lucky she will work with me and is interested to keep refining the craft of riding. Congratulations to all whom keep the doors open to learn and gain in experience. See more
20.01.2022 A goal come true our first wash in the covered wash bay . Sky is stormy and thundering Weekend of Pony Club with a testing day and a rally. Thanks to my brother inlaw Vish at VW Constructions and of course my husband for nearly always saying yes
20.01.2022 Clients how exciting Michael brought us a new hose real (rotten rats had chewed the hose) so washing area at jump arena is back in action. Always welcome to use the hot wash at stables too. We are underway with painting fences I think its going to look super .
19.01.2022 I feel like I have written this but I havent. A journey most will experience in there equestrian time. Its a unique fun but we are so lucky we get to experience it. True horse power they are an amazing creature and friend.
18.01.2022 I feel like I have written this but I haven’t. A journey most will experience in there equestrian time. It’s a unique ‘fun’ but we are so lucky we get to experience it. True horse power they are an amazing creature and friend.
18.01.2022 I have made the decision to support the government and health departments requests and will not be offering lessons this week or the use of our facilities. I will reassess mid week re bookings for next weekend. We are not self isolating as our mechanical business is open. But we wont be going anywhere other then work and for essential items. Thanks to my clients for understanding and cant wait till we can get back into equestrian life. Keep in touch and keep safe. #stay...home Ps Not my student just love this photo thanks Laura and Patrick See more
18.01.2022 Wentworth Isabella (Bella) but also known here as ESME Watson from Country Practice. Bella does not miss a single action undertaken by our neighbours. Its all noted and noticed. Bella is a dream horse she has the looks and talent to burn but she as stated by many professionals is not everyones cup of tea . Sometimes my focus gets locked on all the things that arent right with her because she is on the hot and stressy side, practice areas are a challenge and technique w...ise a bit upside down in her style. I trace back through all the things I could or should have done . But on the other side which I was recently reminded that this horse has my back. Not once has she acted up bucking or rearing, she goes wherever she is asked, she adores my children and both can catch, feed, saddle and load her. She is very brave and when the bells rings she just automatically go walk to canter ready to try her heart out. She hasnt stopped learning or trying . We can all dream of better but never under appreciate what you have. Just try to be better at what you do.
17.01.2022 A little something to look forward to when we get back to lessons. Inspired by Ava
17.01.2022 Thrilled with our new development. We build the yards 10 years ago to rehabilitate a horse post hock operation, then upgraded the base with road base, rubber grating and sand for a tendon rehab 4 years ago. Last week VW Constructions roofed it for us. Now perfect for horses overnight off the grass and pre events, gets a few out of the stables. Michael freshened up the sand tonight I have left room to extend on the development
16.01.2022 Setup ready at Illawarra Lodge for a two day clinic this weekend. Coaching has been busy with some lovely young horses started and new combinations joining us over the last few months. Grouping of clients this weekend is to prepare for Tasmanias first show on 26 July hosted by Jumping Tasmania Kingborough our first competition since March.... Saturday will focus on each combinations needs but Sunday we aim for some full course riding. Practice Saturday and Sunday ride rounds. It was a good opportunity to get the tape measure out. 2020 Ive set a few goals to work towards, one is continuing progress on becoming a qualified Course Designer. Ive attended and been part of organising numerous CD clinics and hate to say how many courses Ive helped build but Ive not used that time well to gain a qualification. In 2019 I built at a North Freshmans under Liz Richards guidance and Liz kindly gave me some great resources. I got the measuring tape out this afternoon. Its a beneficial process. I concluded Im about 3 foot out (short) in my walk to tape measure distance , for distances over 3 strides. I was pretty good 1-3 stride distances. Im looking forward to seeing how they ride tomorrow.
16.01.2022 Legend photographer Jessica Honan Photography has recently shared her portfolio of the Summer Series final round held in late January. The headshot of Wentworth Isabella sums up her personality over the weekend. She was very hot in the practice arena but as usual very gutsy on course. Moved up to more 110 starts each day and stepped up to the challenge of her first brick wall which felt like a 130 fence . Ive shared a ugly shot (curve line early in course, it rode bette...r the second time round in 5 then 6) but its a great eyes closed moment ! Hopefully I can capture this mares super talent to be a bit more consistent technique wise..... thats the goal. Thanks to the riders and CDs at these shows for encouraging me to keep at it. Its been very appreciated having such great sportsmanship around me. Ava and Glenormiston Flashy Comet had a fantastic series winning the overall Copper Series. The confidence growth in these two from first series to last was such a thrill. We really enjoyed the Summer Series. Lots of travelling and long weekends but much gained for our horses. Well ISO lots of time to replan and horse window shop Thanks again Jumping Tasmania South and Kingborough. See more
16.01.2022 Friday and ready for bed. Comet
15.01.2022 Great article .
14.01.2022 Wow on my memory list today 9 years ago .... my jump paddock has sure changed the gear , the trees, the fencing, the house and Isabel Gibson has got older I miss the birds flying out of the drums Lots of long days earning money and hard work invested into building our lives. Never forget everyone has to start somewhere.
14.01.2022 This is a really good initiative of Dressage Tasmania reminding riders of etiquette. I thought it was so good in fact it would be wonderful if all riders and parents read it and applied it. Jumping Australia tried to implement a code of conduct but it seems to have been lost. Great reminder.
13.01.2022 Not a year actually month goes by I dont have a great idea I wish my bank balance/enthusiasm/time available all aligned . Its a family trait to think whats next I blame my parents Soooo 2020 couple of projects but one Im hoping is a cool down/ride trail. Ava an I have jumped on the much respected process and our horses love it. Ava/Comet in particular walk where ever he is allowed post work and he takes her over to our dam and sheep paddocks. Hopefully the plan is to develop a trail around our acreage with no gates .
13.01.2022 Unfortunately with travel restrictions it looks like we wont see Ben Netterfield for a few months. Dont let go of your last lesson ... keep practicing ready to shine !!
13.01.2022 Thrilled with our new development. We build the yards 10 years ago to rehabilitate a horse post hock operation, then upgraded the base with road base, rubber grating and sand for a tendon rehab 4 years ago. Last week VW Constructions roofed it for us. Now perfect for horses overnight off the grass and pre events, gets a few out of the stables. Michael freshened up the sand tonight I have left room to extend on the development
12.01.2022 Love it when I get home from working at our mechanical business an our little garden knome has mowed the jump paddock . Even under the wings ... thanks Jezza. Very appreciated Rain top up coming through tonight perfect ! Ready for more lessons.
11.01.2022 Horseware Australia Tasmanian State Dressage Championships. Ava and Glenormiston Flashy Comet had a super few tests in the Preliminary to finish Reserve Champion in the offical section. Champion Preliminary Young Rider and Champion Interschools. Novice needed a few more runs at this level to be confident with accuracy but pretty happy with the tests. Placed 5th in the Young Rider and 3rd in Intermediate Secondary Interschools sections. Great to see statewide representation ...of YRs at the event. Again thank you to Dressage Tasmania Champs sub committee for a great weekend. Optim Equine and Horseland Devonport thank you for your sponsorship of the event. TDE Performance Team aka Taylah Evans See more
11.01.2022 Equestrian Australia under Voluntary Administration. Don’t stress I’m not doing a public speech on my thoughts but I do encourage those in my equestrian friends network whom are EA members to vote. All members regardless of age get a vote. Sometimes many sit back and choose the to hard or not interested but this time it is important to have an opinion. ... I’m certain most will have but I also know that it has become a ridiculously overwhelming mess.... If anything it’s important that voting reflects the apparent 18,000. If unsure ....yes their is social media which is highly opinated. Their are the emails going direct to you or the VA website. Also the option to contact sport presidents, committee or experienced persons who hopefully will give the complete overview an you choose from there. Voting submissions close at 5pm Friday 10th GOODLUCK . If you did not receive the voting link you contact [email protected]
10.01.2022 I had a student contact me over the weekend , they had viewed something that inspired them and they made contact to confirm distances. Before setting it up! Ive been working with clients that have asked for some exercises to work on and enjoy getting the footage to review. But I was thrilled to be asked to clarify as it gave me confidence clients were really thinking sensible and invested in there training. I dont do random jump setups, one or two stand alone fences amon...gst an exercise/related line is perfect. Incorrect distances setup at home means youll train it and then be lost at your next show in a true distance. Distances and distance riding is a needed skill in jump riding these days. At Pony Club and Junior Development days I enjoy getting the riders off their horses and checking there walking stride. Get them walking multiple related lines and progress the learning. In our current world situation you might have the time to improve your knowledge. Use resources like your coach or course designers to assist with learning true distances. Your coach will assist to tweak them to achieve what your horse needs. I follow professional equestrians via social media. I follow those that get to the point or provide accurate enlightenment. The persons I follow all share the same systems, same techniques and focus on the minimalist tasks done well. We are lucky to have Colleen Brook who allows me to follow her coaching group. Riders sharing there thoughts, it is not easy to do. I enjoyed Matt Williams little snip mid week to not only focus on the horse, focus on your position . Again we have time to be better riders. I start home schooling tomorrow an sadly with the current health guidelines in place I dont see myself getting back coaching until schools open. Keep in contact, keep riding with purpose See more
10.01.2022 Great advice from Optim Equine. Keep riding but mix it up. Much can be achieved still in training without hammering the same routine every day. Im looking forward to catching up with Optim Equine in the future. They kindly sponsored the Tasmanian Dressage Championships ... thank you.
09.01.2022 Setup for another Sunday of coaching. Lesson planning is one of my favourite things. Its a bit like writing a story: Exposition: Setting the scene (warmup jumping flat) Rising action: Building the tension. (Aim for no tension but jumping/Gymnastics and maintaining the flat warmup) Climax: The exciting bit. (Progress to jumping some related lines) ... Falling action: Tidying up loose ends.(Aim for no falls but refine skills) Resolution: Ending the story.(Finish with some homework and forward training plan) Every time we setup at Illawarra Lodge the story keeps growing and changing. Similar but never exactly the same. But it sure is rewarding to see riders wanting to learn. Weekend trainings are something that started during later stages of Covid restrictions and they have been lots of fun. We have another planned in July but it is already fully booked. Current clients can waitlist. July School Holidays I will be coaching on Wednesdays as per usual. August is looking jam packed with club events getting going which is exciting. Fingers crossed we can keep Covid under control and enjoy our super sport again. Keep slugging is my winter mantra.
07.01.2022 Had my first day back coaching clients today since Covid 19. Not an easy time in life for anyone. Small controlled steps for a while will hopefully lead us back to the free life we all love. But it was great to get back coaching today and see where combinations are at. Realistically in Tasmania we dont have anything notable competition wise during our Winter months so its a great time to focus on improving and upskilling. I rarely do this but Im sharing a clip of a s...tudent today. Adele Rechberger and Dixie. 2019 was this combinations first jump season and in December , week leading up to our State Jumping Titles. Adeles dad was on his way with truck and horses for lessons , Adele coming from her work. The truck was rear ended by a Semi Trailer. Dixie suffered substantial lacerations to her hind legs. That in itself is a crappy situation. But in this time when focus turned to horse rehabilitation Adele has continued her studies and employment at Dressage Stables Woodend with Bert Gibson. She has established herself enough to be offered some training rides at Woodend Keeping an open minded approach to learning it so important. Im always thrilled to be part of the team to help guide riders. This is Adele Rechberger and Dixie today. No competition pressure has benefited this combination. First time I have seen them since her rehab.... lots of light two point today it gave riders something to focus on and horses got to focus on their job. Personally I love my final comment who stole Adele Great to see riders and horses today and looking forward to the next. See more
07.01.2022 Setup ready at Illawarra Lodge for a two day clinic this weekend. Coaching has been busy with some lovely young horses started and new combinations joining us over the last few months. Grouping of clients this weekend is to prepare for Tasmania’s first show on 26 July hosted by Jumping Tasmania Kingborough our first competition since March.... Saturday will focus on each combinations needs but Sunday we aim for some full course riding. Practice Saturday and Sunday ride rounds. It was a good opportunity to get the tape measure out. 2020 I’ve set a few goals to work towards, one is continuing progress on becoming a qualified Course Designer. I’ve attended and been part of organising numerous CD clinics and hate to say how many courses I’ve helped build but I’ve not used that time well to gain a qualification. In 2019 I built at a North Freshmans under Liz Richards guidance and Liz kindly gave me some great resources. I got the measuring tape out this afternoon. It’s a beneficial process. I concluded I’m about 3 foot out (short) in my walk to tape measure distance , for distances over 3 strides. I was pretty good 1-3 stride distances. I’m looking forward to seeing how they ride tomorrow.
07.01.2022 Accredited and insured for 2020/2021
07.01.2022 Huge congratulations to my lovely neighbour Nan Catmur. Nan has a wonderful gift for teaching and super ponies and horses at her school Nans Riding School in Tasmania is the latest horse riding school to be accredited by Pony Club Australia to deliver our training program, certificates and award to riders who do not have their own horse Nan specialises in beginners of all ages. She has a horse agility course to help you coordinate your skills, enhance your communication ...with horses and have FUN! Nans contact details are here: https://www.thehorseagilityclub.com/horse-agility-accred// #noponynoproblem #nohorsenohassle #allages #alifewithhorsesstartshere #education #coaching #horse #welfare #riding #care #training #insurance #qualified #accredited #minimumstandards #horseagility #tasmania #longford
06.01.2022 Great day of lessons with Ben Netterfield last week (EA level 3 coach/coach educator/life coach mentor). The consistency of attendance and then working with your local coach in between really does shine through. From my view point establishing riders with better training instincts and processing power at whatever height/horse level is really benefiting the combinations. Attendees some I coach and some I dont but I use these days to help my own coaching improve. I gain just as much watching as I do riding. Power of observation never grows old !!
06.01.2022 Hi I have set up Wentworth Coaching Group where training dates are advertised. I have scheduled a few extra weekend options at Illawarra Indoor over June and July. Via this page any clinics we host will be advertised first. If you would like to receive that correspondence message me an Ill add you to it. ... Sunday 14 June is our next weekend training offer at Illawarra Lodge Indoor. See more
05.01.2022 Important as ETAS members to keep up to date on the ever evolving situation of Equestrian Australia. Action required today by 5pm.
05.01.2022 Friday pick me up. Think sometimes we all feel a little like Igor !! Lucky pony to find an understanding team to bring out his best.
04.01.2022 Traffic Jam 2014 Campbelltown Show. Anniversary Show we tried jumping back up on the main arena. Michael spent the day parking peoples floats as they couldnt back them in the tight parking area. it was a stressful day for sure but full of enjoyment when over !! Thats a pretty normal comment for show organisers
04.01.2022 Hope everyone is keeping well, hygienic and busy! Bit of an update for current clients covering the next two months availability. I think Im going to trial moving back to a private coaching clinic page with this style of information .. stay tuned Wednesday coaching resumes to normal next week. NEW NORMAL life with Covid 19 protocols. ... 3 June - Illawarra Indoor ( only a 1.45pm lesson left available) 10 June - Wentworth 17 June - Illawarra Lodge 24 June - Wentworth July will follow same pattern through school holidays as well. 1 July - Illawarra Lodge 8 July - Wentworth 15 July - Illawarra Lodge 22 July - Wentworth 29 July - Illawarra Lodge ** instances of bad weather on Wentworth days we move indoor if available. Availability at Wentworth on Monday, Tuesday and Friday during daylight/school hours only. Weekend Training I will be offering to current clients only during June and July (if you have trained with us in recent years or recently made contact) . Weekend options are really aimed for the full time working clients and school age where mid week/reduced daylight doesnt give us many options . Currently keeping lessons private and will move back to Semi Private in July if needed. Clients know the process Book via PM with date included and lesson costs direct deposited as per usual. Times, costs and protocols will be sent prior to day as we have been doing
04.01.2022 In April I received an email from a group of my students advising me they had submitted a nomination for Tasmanian Equestrian Coach of the Year. I read the nomination and was so extremely humbled. When the list of coaches names was released I was thrilled to be named amongst a great group of coaches. Coaches I train with and coaches I respect Judy Peel, Bert Gibson and Jamie Smith. Each bring so much to the equestrian world. Last night Judy Peel was awarded Coach of the Ye...ar. I was named Runner Up Coach of the Year. Thank you to Equestrian Tasmania for hosting this opportunity. Students for there support and my amazing family and students for always picking me up or kicking my butt when needed. Three amazing coach mentors Judy Kilby, Colleen Brook and Ben Netterfield for always encouraging me to be better. I didn’t win but I feel honoured .....an a massive congratulations Judy Peel. Also Bert and Jamie for inspiring there students.
03.01.2022 Wentworth Isabella (Bella) but also known here as ESME Watson from Country Practice. Bella does not miss a single action undertaken by our neighbours. Its all noted and noticed. Bella is a dream horse she has the looks and talent to burn but she as stated by many professionals ‘is not everyone’s cup of tea’ . Sometimes my focus gets locked on all the things that aren’t right with her because she is on the hot and stressy side, practice areas are a challenge and technique w...ise a bit upside down in her style. I trace back through all the things I could or should have done . But on the other side which I was recently reminded that this horse has my back. Not once has she acted up bucking or rearing, she goes wherever she is asked, she adores my children and both can catch, feed, saddle and load her. She is very brave and when the bells rings she just automatically go walk to canter ready to try her heart out. She hasn’t stopped learning or trying . We can all dream of better but never under appreciate what you have. Just try to be better at what you do.
03.01.2022 We have been very busy with lots of coaching happening. Saturday we had 13 riders at Illawarra Lodge from junior young guns to horses just starting to those aiming at some Young Rider starts this year. No lesson is the same which keeps it interesting as a coach. For some we have been working hard all Winter and its great to now be working on preparing our ride for the competitions coming up. Body and position control, rythem, distance choices..... no one can say the sport... is easy and we are always learning and refining the craft. My daughter Avs gets a go on the weekend clinics. She did a great job on Saturday. You can see the one spot where she lost straightness and her position collapsed and how much that affected the departure and next approach !!! But I feel lucky she will work with me and is interested to keep refining the craft of riding. Congratulations to all whom keep the doors open to learn and gain in experience. See more
03.01.2022 A goal come true our first wash in the covered wash bay . Sky is stormy and thundering Weekend of Pony Club with a testing day and a rally. Thanks to my brother inlaw Vish at VW Constructions and of course my husband for nearly always saying yes
01.01.2022 If I could have my horse life again it would take a direction that I’m really passionate about beyond riding and coaching. Horse management, development and rehabilitation. Whilst through coaching I get to encourage an through a few students I really get to be involved beyond that level, ultimately it’s still an area I see not enough attention is given. I have always given time to understand the professionals we use. I have grown up with horsemanship around me. Grandfathers... and fathers with blacksmith, horse starting , jumping and other knowledge. Interestingly there knowledge from up to 80 years ago still applies with new fangled labelling and social media edits sometimes . It’s not good enough to employ services without understanding. I’ll often note a horse change and grab the chance to ride a horse and notice the issue early. Early intervention is so critical ...... don’t want for a blue felt ribbon over soundness. I’m not old HA ! But my pre teens were spent grooming riding ponies and Welsh weanlings and yearlings. For days on ends I’d brush, groom and cut there tails and manes. That’s my thing. I love it. My teenage years I spent most shows going around the jumping riders trimming up there horses ... if no scissors I was walking there horses for pre stretching prior to jump or cooling down post jumping. Occasionally I got a helmut and was allowed on you don’t see that these days. I then entered my show faze with my dad/mum/rob Sandra Southwell and Wendy Ward no time for snoozing there ( Sandra ‘ claire we trim the night before and the day of). Forward to Pony Club Judy Kilby oversaw our Eventing feed and work progress. Horse heart rates etc Brendan and Tanya Wright ingrained stable life into me and I still sweep everyday. I then started riding and working for Ann Paterson. A brief shot at why I set my goals for horse management pretty high. It is out of respect for those that have given me there time and knowledge. These days I’m a participant , not many ribbons flow my way but I enjoy my horses looking healthy and prepared. An I love sharing the conversations with farriers, vets, body works etc on how we get that message across . A picture of Bella today .... she’s just started upping jump training today. Chaff, Hygain Zero and Grass Hay. Long steady work over weeks. Washed after every ride and clean cotton undies weekly. Supplements for hoof, joint and gut. See more
01.01.2022 Today sailing right now away from Tassie is a student Im particularly proud of. Coaches are blessed with super riders often not super students. Those special ones that ride, but then show up to help, strap, be mother your children. Being a great rider and person is something special.... super student. Madeline started petrified of jumping and finished off producing her own OTT into all disciplines. Her last Tassie placement working with Armidale Stud for her 2nd yearling p...rep. Mads (now known as) set sail today to start her childhood aim to be a vet. When you ask a kid of 9 years what they want to be and they say a vet... well here is that child !! Pearn Family thank you Mads GOODLUCK Frankie is in good hands Edited .... Id prefer super students to stay here please hopefully they come back See more
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