Kerryn Nilsson-Linne / West Coast Wellness in Subiaco, Western Australia | Alternative & holistic health service
Kerryn Nilsson-Linne / West Coast Wellness
Locality: Subiaco, Western Australia
Phone: +61 422 112 772
Address: 298-300a Hay Street 6008 Subiaco, WA, Australia
Likes: 728
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25.01.2022 Be considerate with your words. This week I was involved in some heated chats over on instagram. It’s one of the first times since I’ve had this account that I’ve been contacted by strangers with some pretty heavy accusations.... Fortunately for me, they weren’t talking about my business but the message was that I had been seen supporting someone they thought was doing the wrong thing. The person they were talking about is my friend. A fellow human. An artist. A person with so much heart and wisdom. And because someone with a following had decided to call her out publicly without first having a conversation with her she was hit with what can only be called online bullying. We both tried to have 1-1 conversations with these people and once they learned the truth of who she is and how good her intent is the chat fizzled out. Which is a good thing, I’m glad it didn’t amplify. But it had me considering just how quick we are to accuse people of doing wrong. I see a lot of what I don’t like on here, sometimes I unfollow, sometimes I complain to my colleagues and rarely I gently question the person who posted it. But I always give people the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it’s naive of me but I don’t like to believe anyone is out there trying to cause damage. We are all human, trying our best, we all want our businesses to be liked / loved / successful. Sometimes you might not agree. Sometimes you might wish they did it different. Sometimes it might be similar to something you’ve seen before. Sometimes you might wish they knew what you knew. All of the above and more can happen, but I invite you to consider how you respond. Is writing accusations directly on their page really going to achieve peace? Is contacting their customers and friends really helpful to your cause? Or is there a way you could approach the conversation with their humanity in mind? Could you ask them if they realise how things look to a stranger’s eye? Give them a chance to respond and create a peaceful and informative conversation. This way you both walk away feeling good. That matters. Your voice matters. But so does theirs. K x See more
24.01.2022 - , Please don’t settle for a life where you believe that you aren’t capable of the things you dream of. Please don’t let the opinion of one (or even many) people hold you back from doing what feels true to you. ... Live your life with your full attention, please don’t let the nay-sayers stop you. Find the people that support you and look at you like maybe you are magic when you speak. Follow them. You and your light are sure to have an impact on the lives of the people around you. I won’t ever stop believing in you and the effects of your radiance. Even when you feel your glow is growing dim, I’ve got you. Just like when the sun goes behind a cloud I don’t stop believing that she can shine. We all have moments of judgement, Criticism, Harshness, Hurt. We all have days that don’t feel radiant and bright. But even on those days, even if we make huge mistakes, we can never fail. It’s all just feedback to help you get back on track. So, gorgeous girl, don’t be afraid to shine your unique light on the world with your presence. Your beauty is the light in your heart, and boy-oh-boy can it shine up the whole world. So go on and open your eyes wide, experience everything you find nourishing and pleasurable. . Biggest love Kerryn x Ps this pic was taken by @lenaphotowa at our latest day retreat - so much fun hanging out with you all, let’s do it again ASAP! See more
24.01.2022 ! I have something important to share with you. The most powerful thing you can do for your health is to find what fills up your inner well.... You are no good to anyone if you are running on empty. If you inner well isn't full, you will find yourself seeking things from the outside world to fill it. . It’s about learning how to say a sacred NO (and a sacred yes) when you need to. It’s about learning what nourishes you, and prioritising that before anything else. It’s about returning to a place where your relationship with life can be light-hearted and pleasure-filled even when that seems impossible. I know that next-level joy and vitality (without the guilt and restriction) are entirely possible for YOU. This half-day retreat will be a safe place to start your journey. When you are running around half-filled you are much more likely to look to things and people around you that give you the nourishment and nurturing you so deeply crave. YOU deserve a thriving and meaningful life. This workshop will show you how. Join Kerryn, Paisley and Katie for a wonderful day of learning and laughter at the cozy Ampersand Collective NEXT SATURDAY the 24th of October. Your host for the day - (AKA me), Holistic Nutritionist and Eating Psychology Coach. With special guests: , Mindset and Meditation Coach , Lightworker and Wing Woman To reserve your spot follow the event link on my page. I can’t wait to see you there See more
17.01.2022 Yesterday I was threatened (by an ex) to have the ‘real me’ exposed to all of you here on social media. Don’t worry, I’ve done all the right things including talking to the (who weren’t all that useful) and 1800RESPECT (who were actual super heroes). But, it’s had me thinking... am I showing up as the real me? ... I mean I’m sure it’s obvious to all of you that this is my business page and I’m a professional - so when I show up I do it with consideration, but I’m pretty sure it’s still all me? I don’t need to share with you all everything that is happening in my personal life in order to be authentic, or do I? Anyway, in order to beat him to the punch before he ‘exposes me’ to the world here are some things about me that make me human: I make mistakes. I sometimes say the wrong thing. I’m a people pleaser and a perfectionist. I need other humans to survive (does this make me a user? I’m not so sure). I’ve failed more than once to make a relationship work. I’ve hurt people, sometimes unknowingly and other times with awareness. I can be moody, some days I’m not all that nice. I have my own share of unhealthy addictions, thoughts and behaviours. I’ve let people down, including myself. I have PTSD and anxiety, it’s mostly managed. I had a blood test last week that revealed I really need to start taking better care of myself. I’ve been tired to my bones lately, I don’t always feel 100% even though I’m a health professional. In saying all of that - I’m committed to showing up, to prioritising me first and then my business (aka YOU) because that’s what I’d expect from every client. You first, then the rest of the world = healthy With love, Kerryn x Ps. before you get all worried about me, I’m fine. I could write another list of my positive traits that’d likely be twice as long AND I’m fully supported. I’ve got the worlds best family and friends, coaches, energy healers, a doctor and a therapist in my corner. I won’t let what one person thinks and says about me worry me too much. See more
16.01.2022 ? Are you afraid you won’t quite make it through the festive season, let alone to 2021? Then I’ve got a special offer just for .... It’s a newbie and I’m calling it the Mini Refresh She’s small but super powerful, run over 3 sessions in December and January to help you thrive your way through the festivities. You will get support on WHATEVER YOU DECIDE YOU NEED. That’s right, this isn’t just about nutrition. This mini package will be great for you if you need help navigating self care through the holidays, assistance setting (and sticking to) boundaries, support with summer diet / bikini body pressure, to boost your Christmas confidence, a reminder to put yourself first, anything will go! Hurry, there are only 5 spots for this package available. And the price is HOT Post your favourite I need help emoji in the comments or via a DM and I’ll get in touch. Or - if you know already that you need this the link is in my profile to book yourself right in. Can’t wait to pack some punch into these sessions. Kerryn x { } See more
14.01.2022 ? You don’t have to love yourself to find out. You can be where you are at - feeling what you are feeling and experiencing what you are experiencing - it’s absolutely ok wherever you are at. ... However if you’d like to take a gentle step in the self love bubble direction, try considering some of these questions... ? Who would you spend your weekend with? ? When would you go to bed at night? ? What would you buy yourself for Christmas? ? Where would you eat each meal? ? How would you move your body? Write down your answers in your notes and refer to them, whenever you feel you need a bit of a pep up. Trust me, it works. I pulled on this thread and it led to me creating a business and life that I LOVE. You so got this K x See more
13.01.2022 Are you trying to shapeshift your body into something different? Slimmer / Stronger / Fitter / Faster whatever it is you want, CAN NOT be found without first accepting and embodying the body you currently have. You need to be IN your body to shift your body. ... So, if you are really ready for change to happen, start by finding all the ways you can want the body you have. Need help? Jump over to the link in my bio and book yourself a discovery call. I’d be glad to teach you how. Love, K x See more
11.01.2022 Yep. Your body is amazing too. I say this without a doubt. I’ve just spent the morning watching videos of the human body doing amazing things. I don’t mean hiking Mount Everest or surfing Hawaii, those are impressive BUT have you ever considered how simply amazing your body is right now?... Even on this rainy Monday morning, even if you are still lying in bed, even if you haven’t given it a moments thought - your body is doing remarkable things all of the time. Did you know that about 50,000 cells of your body will die and be replaced by the time you finish reading this sentence? Or were you aware that over your lifetime your heart could beat for you billions of times? It’s pumping is a simple act of love keeping you alive. When you stand up, your heart even beats a little faster to stop you from fainting. How good. Have you ever considered that your lungs take around 23,000 breaths in a day? Most without any attention from you. Make this next one count And don’t even get me started on the miracles that occur in the reproductive system. Have you ever watched this magic unfold? Honestly, amazing. Better than any movie I’ve ever seen. So much of your body operates outside of your control. It can function with very little thought or consideration from you. This is good news. Because, if you were to release just a little bit of the effort and energy you spent trying to master your body and instead directed that attention to learning, listening and marvelling instead, you’d be grateful as heck for what you got. I know I am. See more
10.01.2022 For the first time ever, I have NO rules around food. I don’t spend time stressing about what I can and can’t eat on a menu. I eat what I like, when I like. It’s so freeing. Honestly... even just thinking about how controlling I used to be over my diet is exhausting! I can’t believe how much energy I poured into that. I’ve also realised that body positivity doesn’t mean there won’t be bad days. There ...are still days where I feel like an absolute slob, or start to feel gross because I’ve been eating terribly. But it doesn’t ruin my day. I don’t start to restrict my eating, or cry all day and whine about my body. I just pick myself up and keep going. I’m currently the heaviest I’ve ever been in my life, but I’m also the most body positive. I saw photos of myself in a bikini, and I thought to myself damn, look at that body!. This was a crazy feeling, bikini shots usually terrify me! Also - I may be the heaviest I’ve ever been, but that’s because I’m the strongest. Bodies change, especially as you leave your early 20’s behind... thanks Kerryn for helping me to realise that and to truly embrace that change. So! After all that, I wanted to say thank you. Deciding to go and see Kerryn this year was one of the best decisions I’ve made for myself. I had so many doubts and I didn’t think I’d ever be able to change my thinking or behaviour around food. I came in wanting to lose weight and a left with a new mindset. So thank you again. I know that if I ever start to go down that unhealthy road again I can schedule an appointment with you! I’m glad to know that you’re there if/when I need it. Love Elke Elke came to see me in July this year and it’s been an absolute pleasure supporting her to build a new relationship with food and her body. I’m super proud of the work we’ve done. Are you ready to shift things up before this year is over? There’s still time! Reach out and we’ll get you on the road . Ps - swipe right to see Elke’s body doing AMAZING things #functionoverform See more
08.01.2022 And by WHO I mean other people, other distractions and your own thoughts. Let’s start with people - have you ever noticed that when you are around ‘those’ friends or family members who get on your nerves or give you a hard time it changes your eating habits? ... You aren’t alone - study after study has shown that stress impacts what and how we eat. For some of us that means we eat more and faster. For others it means we eat less and slower. Either of those options can be part of a healthy way to manage stress enough to realise we are doing them. You might also notice that certain people influence WHAT you eat. You know that friend that insists on having a wine even though you had made yourself a promise to not drink during the week? Or maybe it’s your Mother in Law who’s insists you have bread even though the last time you ate bread at dinner your belly bloated and you went to bed feeling all kinds of ick? Sometimes these situations can’t be avoided, sometimes they can. The key is to recognise how often you are letting who’s at the table influence you more than YOU influence you. Because actually, if you say it clearly ‘ ’ ’ the people you love will listen (if not then byeeeeeee ). And ‘that’ could refer to certain foods, drinks, conversations, conflicts, background music, lighting... whatever is influencing your chance to be chill while you eat. . Just a thought, K x See more
07.01.2022 ’ . Anyone who knows me would know that I’m all about putting a positive spin on things. It’s a gift of mine to see the good in people. ... But boy-oh-boy can that be exhausting at times. Some days things are just a bit Some days you just wake up Some people let you down And it’s okay to feel that angst, heartache, disappointment. You don’t have to be all good vibes all of the time. Let the feels wash over you and then watch them flow away. You’ll feel good again before you know it. K x
04.01.2022 Only 2 Spots left for this weekend’s half day retreat. I’ve been brewing this one up for awhile now and it’s going to be all things and and and If you are available and wanna join jump on and get your ticket today. See you there xx
01.01.2022 YOU CAN’T SHAME YOUR WAY TO HEALTH. YOU CAN’T HEAL A BODY YOU HATE. So, instead of focusing so hard on irrelevant numbers on the scales why not try dropping:... - high expectations - perfectionism - clothes that no longer fit you - people that make you feel like - pain - guilt - fear of being seen - your war with food - unnecessary stuff - ANYTHING that feels heavy (including your focus on your weight) And then, once you’ve let it all go, I invite you to spend some time tuning into exactly how you want to feel, what is it that your searching for that can’t be found in the body you have now? If it’s confidence - what is stopping you from feeling confident ? I can assure you that you have everything you need to feel confident within you NO MATTER WHAT SIZE YOU ARE. You are also capable of being in love and loved, in joy, comfortable, happy, inspired, successful... whatever feels it is you are chasing. So, dance it out. Feel the aliveness in your cells and shed some energetic shiz. I know you got this. Love, K x See more
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