Westmeadows Football Club | Sport & recreation
Westmeadows Football Club
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22.01.2022 It's that time of year - our Senior Men's & Women's coaches are beginning to visual preseason training. So if you are wanting to play football in season 2021, the club is seeking new players for the following sides: Senior Women's - 2 teams, one more focused on skills & games, & another one on fun & enjoyment Senior Thirds U18.5 Girls & Boys Please make contact with either of the senior coaches Mo Kaakour or Wayne Spicer or email the club to register your interest to [email protected] Join your local club & become a part of the community #WestyTigers #Season2021 #FearTheRoar #OneClubOneFamilyOneCommunity
22.01.2022 Update September 2020: As we know, season 2020 has been like no other. No football played, but still plenty of planning and organising going on, to not only get through this season but to set our mighty club up for season 2021 & beyond. Below is a summary of what the committee has been doing over the past few months to have our club ready for season 2021: Jumpers, shorts & socks arrived from our Late Jan order, these have been sorted & stored in preparation for next year... Liaising with EDFL for return to training & play protocols, both approved prior to shutdown Liaising with Hume City Council for return to training & play protocols, both approved prior to shutdown Liaising with EDFL regarding playing conditions, age groups for season 2021 Liaising with Hume City Council re grounds & social room improvements Senior Player support via individual & virtual training sessions Senior Player contract negotiations for 2021, both Men's & Women's Junior Player support via social media platforms Club Builder Launched, with 25 initial sign-on’s Beanies & Scarves designed & delivered to Club Builder Members Financial Grants applied and approved - COVID support Hume City Council, COVID Support State Government, Training & Education Support - State Government Social Room upgrades - flooring from Hume City Council, painting from wonderful WFC members - Liana, Stew & Matty Meetings with sporting bodies regarding how to build the club for longevity & future expansion Planning social & community events for 2020, if allowed, & 2021 & beyond Treasurer Reports, bank reconciliations, budgets and financial planning for season 2020, 2021 & beyond Fundraising events such as Rattle the Cage Sponsorship negotiations and connections, building relationships for 2021 & beyond Coaches & parent forums via virtual meetings, updating on where the season was heading & the way forward Community updates via social media platforms Regular committee meetings, initially weekly, now fortnightly for planning purposes & decision making The next step is getting the senior playing groups out for preseason training all going to plan & state government restrictions, this is likely to occur beginning of November. We then hope to have all junior groups back for preseason training in late January. Over the next few weeks, we will be announcing our senior Men’s & Women’s players who have recommitted to the club for season 2021 & beyond & the preseason training schedule. Keep well everyone the fog is beginning to lift. #WestyTigers #Season2021 #FearTheRoar #OneClubOneFamilyOneCommunity Photo Credit: Scott Gick Photography - SGP
21.01.2022 Just a reminder - we are still seeking coaches for some of our junior sides & volunteers to help run the junior program. Remember - it’s support in these areas that allow our kids to play & enjoy football. Without volunteers, our junior program would not run - please consider helping these kids out - even in a small role - all hands help with the work required. Coaches will be provided with the required training & support. These young kids are the future of our club
20.01.2022 With the annual Mason Cup being cancelled due to social restrictions this year, our Senior Women’s on baller Steph and her family are continuing to raise needed funds for children and adults living with cerebral palsy. We look forward to return next year and to make the Grudge match of sister vs bro, the Mason Cup even bigger for Mighty Mason and Andrews family in 2021. Our new recruit and cousin to Mason, Naomi Johnson is also raising money for this cause. Link below.... Any support is appreciated https://www.facebook.com/593217654/posts/10158438913347655/
18.01.2022 Senior PreSeason Training starts back this coming week: Men's: Monday 18th January & Wednesday 20th January from 6pm at Ardlie St Oval Women's: Tuesday 19th January & Wednesday 27th January from 6pm at Melrose Drive Oval... Coaches Mo Kaakour & Wayne Spicer will confirm any changes/updates to following sessions. Please follow the COVID safe plan in place: Sign in on arrival via the QR code BYO drink bottle & water BYO towel Hand sanitise regularly Maintain social distance It's great to be back - practice matches aren't too far away, so put the effort in now to be prepared & match ready. If you haven't been to training yet, now is the time to start!
16.01.2022 Today is R U OK Day - reach out & check in, as we all have difficult days. "Today was a Difficult Day," said Pooh. There was a pause.... "Do you want to talk about it?" asked Piglet. "No," said Pooh after a bit. "No, I don't think I do." "That's okay," said Piglet, and he came and sat beside his friend. "What are you doing?" asked Pooh. "Nothing, really," said Piglet. "Only, I know what Difficult Days are like. I quite often don't feel like talking about it on my Difficult Days either. "But goodness," continued Piglet, "Difficult Days are so much easier when you know you've got someone there for you. And I'll always be here for you, Pooh." And as Pooh sat there, working through in his head his Difficult Day, while the solid, reliable Piglet sat next to him quietly, swinging his little legs...he thought that his best friend had never been more right.
16.01.2022 Wanted: Auskick Coordinator Auskick is a great stepping stone to AFL football, developing skills & the love of the game in a fun environment. Auskick is run seperate to the club, under the guidance of AFL Juniors, with support from Westmeadows Football Club Venue: Westmeadows Reserve, Ardlie St Time: Saturday mornings from 9.30am... Without a coordinator, this program cannot run - please consider helping some great young kids in the community begin their AFL journey. For queries, please email [email protected]
15.01.2022 & the recommitment’s continue - we are excited to have the following Senior Men’s & Women’s players recommit for Season 2021: Dean Clare - recommitted George Nabbout - recommitted Danielle Linton - recommitted... Natalie Linton - recommitted They are joined by Grant Nicolazzo as The Boardman for the Senior Men’s side. These off-field positions are just as important & help in the drive to bring a premiership flag back to Willowbrook in Season 2021. #WestyTigers #FearTheRoar #Season2021 #OneClubOneFamilyOneCommunity
15.01.2022 & the recommitments keep coming. We are excited to have back on board for season 2021 the following Senior Men’s & Women’s sides: Mitch Church Jordan Hollow Stephanie Andrews... Nicole Sami Cutajar & Team Manager for the Women’s side Deb Sparks Season 2021 is shaping up to be a big one #WestyTigers #FearTheRoar #Season2021 #OneClubOneFamilyOneCommunity
14.01.2022 Only 50 tickets remain - The MEGA Christmas Raffle will be drawn tomorrow by club president Grant Smith. Get your ticket today - only $5 a ticket - One Winner - over $500 value Help support the club through one of our most difficult seasons, so we can face 2021 head on.... It’s the ultimate Summer Pack & one winner will take all: Outdoor Patio Heater Retro Esky Drinks tub filled with a range of beverages $50 Bunnings Voucher $50 Woolworths Voucher & more ...... All of that for only $5 a ticket. But via direct deposit to the clubs bank account (please use your surname & Xmas as reference - multiple entries are encouraged & will be received with gratitude ) Raffle will be drawn be drawn tomorrow!! Thank you to everyone who have bought tickets & supporting the club in these challenging times - we really appreciate it. Bank Details: Westmeadows Football Club BSB: 633 000 Acct: 138 873 609 You’ve got to be in it to win it
14.01.2022 Seniors and Juniors... All new players intending to play with us in 2021, please note our annual Junior Registration Day will be held on Sunday 7th February 2021. For existing players & families, it's a chance to pay fees, update information and answer any questions you might have. (2020 Fees paid will be deducted from 2021 Fees)
13.01.2022 The annual T20 Ruby Shield is on tomorrow night - Tuesday 15th December at Willowbrook Reserve. Come down and see the Football Club take on the Cricket Club. This is the 7th annual match between the 2 clubs & is in honour of Ruby Webster who tragically grew her angel wings in 2015. This year funds raised will go towards supporting Outside the Locker Room - raising awareness of mental health within sporting clubs. The Footy clubs representatives are: ... Ryan Stingel (C) Emily Brebner Fawaz Elbarbar Brad Hollow Damon Hollow Brett Lindrea Nat Linton Scott Liversidge Aaron Nathan Nicholas Perera Jacinta Scott Kate Sellers Nadeena Thenabadu Matty J Walker Kicking off at 6.30pm for a 7pm start. BBQ & bar open. #WestyTigers #WestyWarriors #OutsideTheLockerRoom vs
12.01.2022 IMPORTANT: The Premier has just announced Victoria's roadmap to reopening. More online at: https://vic.gov.au/roadmap We’ve got this FIRST STEP: RULES FROM SEPTEMBER 14-28 ...Continue reading
10.01.2022 There’s still a few days left to purchase tickets for our Mega Christmas Raffle to win the ultimate summer pack - only $5 per ticket. See details below on how to buy - please support the club & get your tickets for your chance to win.
09.01.2022 We need you!!! Volunteer shifts - 5x people per shift 8am: Fuzz, Mo plus 3 more... 10am JP, Churchy & Brock plus 2 more 12pm 2pm See more
09.01.2022 & more great news Congratulations Natalia Rajapakse Nat Swanny is the senior female 22 years & above recipient of the Melbourne Centre for Athletic Performance (MCAP) scholarship for Sports, Strength & Conditioning.... This is an awesome effort - there were only 7 scholarships available, 2 for 15-17 year olds, 2 for 18-21 year olds, 2 for over 22 year olds & 1 for netball. Nat joins Keely, where they will have access to some of the best sport scientists, who will provide advice, support & training over the next 7 months, all with the aim of improving the girls & their football skills & endurance. The club is extremely proud of Nat - it’s a huge achievement for both her & Keely. Well done & enjoy the experience #WestyTigers #ThisGirlCan #Season2021 #OneClubOneFamilyOneCommunity
08.01.2022 Attention Under 18.5 Men’s: To all Under 18 Men's Players Guys Pre Season training recommences this Monday 18th January at the Small Westy Ground at 6 PM. Attendance by the Under 18's was poor pre Xmas and it was the same few regulars who turned up and did the work getting fitness and skills started.... Its a huge year this year and there is a lot to learn with Under 18's being introduced to Game Plans and Structures which all players will need to know and understand if we are to have any success. With numbers we have anticipated it is planned to run two sides, we have 2019's Under 17's and a lot of boys coming up from Under 16 level to the Senior Club this year. Under 18's football is vastly different to junior football with fitness and skill levels way above junior levels. This year training attendance will play a significant role in who gets the opportunity to play in practice games and then into the opening rounds. If you dont know the plans and structures and dont have the fitness levels to keep up you will not be selected to play Starting PreSeason Training in February or March and expecting to be able to keep up wont work. Over the next three weeks til the end of January we expect every player who intends playing this year in the under 18's to attend at least 3 sessions. If you cannot get to a session then a call or text to the Coaches - Glen on 0418592527 or Brett on 0414 204 135 must be made to let us know why you cant get there and when you will train next. Guys this is not junior football where everyone gets a guaranteed game, this is senior football where you must earn your position in the team. At the end of January if we dont have the commitment from enough players for two teams then it is likely that only one team will be entered in the under 18 competition which means those that haven't committed to play will miss out. Season 2021 starts Monday
07.01.2022 We are seeking coaches for the following female teams U16s U18.5s 2nd Women’s... The succcessful applicants will be supported by our Junior Coaching Coordinator Paul Johnson, Senior Women’s Coach Wayne Spicer & Senior Men’s Coach Mo Kaakour, & with full support if the committee. Support will also be provided to gain the appropriate accreditation. Please email expressions of interest to [email protected] We have a keen group of ladies ready to play - they just need the support & guidance to help them in the game they love.
05.01.2022 Our thoughts & prayers are with the Stenhouse family - Colin, Lee, Riley & Jordan, on the recent passing of their mother/grandmother. May she Rest In Peace.
04.01.2022 The club is pleased to announce the recommitment for season 2021 of our 2019/2020 Captains for both the Senior Men's & Women's teams. Robbie Castello - recommitted Jacinta Scott - recommitted They join long time club member:... Scott Jordan who has put the boots back on & committed to the Senior Men's playing group as runner for season 2021. Keep an eye out for more Westy Tigers recommitting for season 2021 over the coming days. Season 2021 is OUR year. #WestyTigers #FearTheRoar #Season2021 #OneClubOneFamilyOneCommunity
03.01.2022 Re: the upcoming AGM
02.01.2022 This Thursday is R U OK Day? But let’s start earlier - check in on a mate, colleague, friend, family & see how they’re faring & then follow up - there’s more to say after R U OK? offer an ear & really listen suggest outside professional support make contact again & follow up... It’s tough in Melbourne at the moment for many, make the time, give support to each other & remember, there’s no shame in reach out & seeking help. Remember, from next Monday some restrictions ease: 2 hours outside for exercise Singles can nominate 1 person & form a bubble Curfew 9pm - 5am Let’s support each other & get through this. Life Line: 13 11 14 Kids Help Line: 1800 551 800 Headspace: 1800 650 890 Beyond Blue: 1300 22 46 36
02.01.2022 On this day 5 years ago, the past Legends of Westmeadows Football Club played off against each other for bragging rights - must be time to do it again, are you keen Russell Smith???
02.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all our amazing dad’s, we thank you for all you do for us. We know this year many of us won’t physically see our dad’s but remember how loved you truely are. & to those who’s dads are no longer with us, remember all the special times you had together. Next year we will be back playing footy with the support of our dads, mums & all our special helpers. #OneClubOneFamilyOneCommunity
01.01.2022 Our thoughts and prayers are with Shane Murphy & his girls Taylah & Jess, on the sudden & unexpected passing of Vicki - beloved wife & mother. May Vicki Rest In Peace.
01.01.2022 We wish you a Merry Christmas & Happy Holiday. Thank you for all the support throughout the past year, we are so looking forward to Season 2021 and getting everyone back out there. Preseason training for both the Men’s & Women’s went well, with good numbers & I know our juniors are excited to get out in the New Year. A huge thank you to all of our coaches - you’ve done a great job keeping the relations & connectedness together with the players. Thank you to all our spon...sors - we know it was a challenging year for businesses so your support this year & beyond is even more appreciated than normal. & to our players & supporters - we can’t wait to see you all back out there, kicking goals & having fun as we head back into season 2021. Enjoy today with all your loved ones - stay safe & see you in New Year
01.01.2022 Happy New Year & thank you for all your support over the past 12 months. It’s the strangest season we’ve ever had but we are excited to get back out for Season 2021. Stay safe, enjoy time with your family, friends & loved ones & we will see you all very soon #WestyTigers #FearTheRoar #SpiceTrain #Season2021 #OneClubOneFamilyOneCommunity
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