West Metro Recycling Centre in Perth, Western Australia | Waste management company
West Metro Recycling Centre
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9384 2544
Address: Corner of Brockway Road and Lemnos Street, 6008 Perth, WA, Australia
Website: https://www.wmrc.wa.gov.au/contact-us
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25.01.2022 We're recruiting! Could you be the next site supervisor? Visit our website for Employment Information Package http://ow.ly/rTci50AFKFM Applications close 4:30 on 10 August 2020.
25.01.2022 Well done Member Council residents! Data released by WALGA reveals that your increasing efforts to keep household hazardous materials out of landfill has taken the WMRC from 11th to 4th in the State for highest tonnage of HHW collected! This is an incredible effort, given that the three sites collecting more HHW are all at facilities serving much larger areas - Tamala Park, Red Hill and Balcatta. What an achievement! To find out more about HHW and what you can drop off at the Recycling Centre, visit https://www.wmrc.wa.gov.au//wes/household-hazardous-waste/ Town of Cottesloe Town of Claremont Town of Mosman Park Shire of Peppermint Grove City of Subiaco WALGA #townofcottesloe, #townofclaremont, #townofmosmanpark, #shireofpeppermintgrove, #cityofsubiaco,
25.01.2022 Hurry! There is still time to register for the upcoming Waste Watchers Workshop this Thurs hosted at Town of Claremont Admin Office. Let Laura and Nabilla show you how to drop a bin size through simple swaps, putting waste in the right place and recycling right. Refreshments provided. Bookings essential at Eventbrite. $5 +booking fee. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/o/western-metropolitan-region Town of Cottesloe Town of Claremont Town of Mosman Park Shire of ...Peppermint Grove City of Subiaco #townofclaremont, #townofcottesloe, #townofmosmanpark, #cityofsubiaco, #shireofpeppermintgrove #WasteSorted #ZeroWastePerth #ReduceReuseRecycle #ReduceWaste #WasteNot #WasteLess #EveryBitCounts #sustainableliving #GreenLiving #greenperth #ecoperth#choosetorefuse
25.01.2022 Ever wondered what happens at a recycling facility? Join us on our trip to the Southern Metropolitan Regional Council's Resource Recovery Facility, and find out first hand what happens to your waste once it leaves your kerb! Thursday 12 November. Bookings essential. Click for more info http://ow.ly/9RAM50BQO68
24.01.2022 Verge Valet continues to be popular with Town of Cottesloe residents! Collections are weekly. Residents simply book online at a time convenient to them. Only putting waste out 1-3 days before confirmed collection date keeps Cottesloe verges neat and tidy.
24.01.2022 Spring tip - be a GREAT sort and TAKE your household hazardous waste to the West Metro Recycling Centre! You can drop off household quantities of aerosols, batteries, gas cylinders, paint, pool chemicals, pesticides and household chemicals and cleaners for free. Open 7 days till 4pm. Visit https://www.wmrc.wa.gov.au//wes/household-hazardous-waste/ for full list of accepted items. Town of Cottesloe Town of Cambridge Town of Claremont Shire of Peppermint Grove Town of Mosman Park City of Subiaco, #townofcottesloe, #townofcambridge, #townofclaremont, #shireofpeppermintgrove, #townofmosmanpark, #cityofsubiaco, #wastesorted
24.01.2022 The Container Deposit Scheme is launching in October! Register for this online session on Thu 6 Aug and find out more! http://ow.ly/SaTH50AIAEZ
24.01.2022 In the age of home food delivery, more sustainable packaging solutions are being sought! http://ow.ly/YizJ50AIeYx
24.01.2022 If the donation bin is full, go into a store, call for home collection or try another bin. Please dont litter by leaving items on the ground outside donation bins. Items left on the ground can be damaged by vandals or weather. They cant be re-sold and become litter. For more information go to kabc.wa.gov.au/report-littering. The West Metro Recycling Centre accepts quality clothing for Good Sammy. Open 7 days. Town of Cottesloe Town of Claremont Town of Mosman Park Shire of Peppermint Grove City of Subiaco
24.01.2022 Get creative with your festive leftovers! Visit Love Food Hate Waste - New Zealand for lots of inspiration! http://ow.ly/Gi2g50CRIBy
24.01.2022 Want to join a dynamic and energetic team helping western suburbs residents manage their waste wisely? Find out more here: http://ow.ly/u4wW50BE1om Applications close Monday 19 October.
23.01.2022 Mayor Phil Angers is happy that Verge Valet has made its way to the Town of Cottesloe! Cottesloe residents can now book their bulk verge waste collection online at a time that suits them. Book up to two bulk waste and one green waste collection per financial year! To find out more and to book, visit http://ow.ly/myDf50AKc6q A big shout out to Lisa at Town of Cottesloe for this sensational pic! #townofcottesloe, #bookvergevalet
23.01.2022 The West Metro Recycling Centre now accepts C&D waste for recycling! Bring your old bricks, sand, concrete, tiles, pavers and asphalt for recycling at competitive rates. Visit our website for details. http://ow.ly/VOMU50BJetB
23.01.2022 Did you know that 100% of greenwaste collected by Verge Valet is re-processed and returned as free mulch for Member and participating Council residents? Landfill is always a last resort with Verge Valet. To find out more, visit http://ow.ly/U1MQ50BQKUN Town of Cottesloe Town of Mosman Park Town of Cambridge Town of Mosman Park #bookvergevalet, #wasteworted, #townofcottesloe, #townofmosmanpark, #townofcambridge
23.01.2022 Following a COVID-break , the bin-tagging program will resume in October to complete the program. Dates as follows: Town of Claremont- Friday 2nd Oct 6th Nov, City of Subiaco - Tues 6th Oct 3rd Nov, follow-up for Town of Mosman Park and Town of Cottesloe -Thurs 22nd Oct. Click https://www.wmrc.wa.gov.au/education/bin-tagging/ for more info about bin-tagging.... #townofcottesloe, #townofmosmanpark, #cityofsubiaco, #townofclaremont
23.01.2022 The West Metro Recycling Centre is a collection point for Give Write - providing for kids in need. You can drop off your new / near new / unused stationery 7 days a week. Please no lever arch files or binders. Click http://ow.ly/1vlI50BrevJ for more info about Give Write.
23.01.2022 Town of Cottesloe residents are happy with their new booked bulk verge waste collection! Book online for a week that suits you at http://ow.ly/vzBk50AS6Cw. This service is currently for Town of Cottesloe and Town of Mosman Park residents. If you are interested in Verge Valet for your suburb, register online at https://www.wmrc.wa.gov.au/vergevalet/ #bookvergevalet, #townofcottesloe, #townofmosmanpark
23.01.2022 Have you submitted your application yet? Applications close today at 4.30pm. If you want to join a dynamic, energetic team committed to helping residents put their waste in the right place, this could be the job for you. Visit our website for details.http://ow.ly/8GAR50BMWdT
22.01.2022 Spring tip -Editing your belongings? Be a GREAT Sort and GIFT what you can. Paraquad Industries in Shenton Park and your local op shops would welcome your donations of quality clothing and homegoods. Advertise items for sale / gift through your local online Buy Nothing groups or Gumtree - sale or free listings. ThWest Metro Recycling Centrere also accepts quality sporting equipment foFair Gameme and quality clothing foGood Sammymy WasteSorted WAWATown of Mosman ParkrTown of CottesloeoTown of ClaremontnShire of Peppermint GrovevCity of SubiacocTown of Cambridgege #wastesortedwa, #townofcambridge, #townofcottesloe, #townofclaremont, #townofmosmanpark, #townofcambridge, #shireofpeppermintgrove, #cityofsubiaco, #circulareconomy
22.01.2022 We have a new arrival! A beautifully refurbished secondhand forklift to do some heavy lifting at the West Metro Recycling Centre. But it needs a name. Can you improve on Forky McForkface, Shifty or Forrest Dump? Please comment below with your suggestions or share with those who might enjoy the challenge. We are all ears!
21.01.2022 The West Metro Recycling Centre is now a collection point for Give Write! You can now drop off your quality, used or unused stationery for kids who need it most. Collecting red, blue and black pens, Artline markers, Textas, Highlighters, Crayons,Lead pencils, Coloured pencils, Sharpeners, Erasers, Glue (sticks or containers) Calculators, Protractors, Rulers, Pencil cases, Unused exercise books and School backpacks in good condition. Please no lever arch files or ring binders Find out more at http://ow.ly/4z8O50Br9ZK
20.01.2022 Plastic Free July tip: in need of a plastic free condiment? Make your own mustard! https://lovefoodhatewaste.co.nz/recipes/diy-mustTown of CottesloetTown of ClaremontrTown of Mosman ParknCity of SubiacouShire of Peppermint Grove Grove
19.01.2022 BIG NEWS!! Member and Participating Council residents can now drop off their plastic plant pots for recycling at the West Metro Recycling Centre! Thanks to Claw Environmental, plastic plant pots can be recycled into crates, compost bins, garden edging, irrigation fittings, building panels and much more! No crinkly seedling trays please. Town of Cottesloe Town of Claremont Town of Cambridge Shire of Peppermint Grove City of Subiaco Town of Mosman Park #townofcottesloe, #townofclaremont, #townofcambridge, #shireofpeppermintgrove, @cityofsubiaco, @townofmosmanpark
19.01.2022 The West Metro Recycling Centre now accepts C&D waste for recycling! Bring your old bricks, sand, concrete, tiles, pavers and asphalt for recycling at competitive rates. Visit our website for details. http://ow.ly/qOWk50BJetC
18.01.2022 Hurry tickets still available. Learn what waste goes where and how to recycle right at our Waste Watchers Workshop next Thursday night. Bookings essential at Eventbrite http://ow.ly/CYVY50BrfeD Refreshments provided. Hope to see you there! Town of Cottesloe Town of Mosman Park Town of Cambridge Town of Claremont Shire of Peppermint Grove City of Subiaco
18.01.2022 There's still time to get your application in! If you want to join a dynamic, energetic team committed to helping residents put their waste in the right place, this could be the job for you. Visit our website for details.http://ow.ly/aZ0F50BMWdU
18.01.2022 Don't forget - free mattress recycling all this week at the West Metro Recycling Centre for Member and Participating Council residents! http://ow.ly/nRtx50Cg8oN
17.01.2022 Recycling right just got easier in Town of Cottesloe! Old CFL globes and tubes , household batteries , printer cartridges can all be dropped off in the hub at the Town of Cottesloe administration office free of charge. For more information on recycling hazardous waste, visit http://ow.ly/NXJ050BzG5d
17.01.2022 The best recyclers do better than the bin and Take electronic waste , batteries and chemicals to drop off points liWest Metro Recycling Centre Centre. Open 7 days until 4pm. Drop off items when out shopping or on the way home from activities like sport.
17.01.2022 Woohoo! Containers for Change WA launches today! Drop off your eligible containers at the Return-It WA depot in Shenton Park and get cash for your containers while supporting jobs for people living with a disability. You can also donate eligible containers for Paraquad Industries at the West Metro Recycling Centre. Visit our website for more info. https://www.wmrc.wa.gov.au/recycl/container-deposit-scheme/ Town of Claremont Town of Cottesloe Town of Cambridge Shire of Peppermint Grove Town of Mosman Park City of Subiaco #townofclaremont, #townofcottesloe, #townofcambridge, #shireofpeppermintgrove, #townofmosmanpark, #cityofsubiaco
17.01.2022 Verge Valet residents like choosing a time that suits them for bulk verge collections. Collections are weekly, bookings are done online and waste only goes out 1-3 days before collection. Easy! And did you know that 65% of all waste collected is recovered for reprocessing? Find out more here: https://www.wmrc.wa.gov.au/vergevalet/ Town of Cottesloe #bookvergevalet, #townofcottesloe
17.01.2022 Don't forget - lids off! You can drop them at the West Metro Recycling Centre for Precious Plastic Perth who collect small plastic lids for specialist recycling. Otherwise, place them in the general waste bin.
16.01.2022 Booking bulk verge waste collection in Town of Mosman Park and Town of Cottesloe is as easy as 1-2-3 and replaces the traditional communal bulk verge waste collection. Simply book online in advance and select the week that suits you. Then wait for the prompts before putting your waste out. Easy! #bookvergevalet, #townofmosmanpark, #townofcottesloe
15.01.2022 Lids on bottles/jars/containers is a no-no in your recycling bin. This is why: http://ow.ly/P0Md50Clbfp
15.01.2022 Yes! Did you know up to 75% of construction and demolition waste can be recycled? And now you can recycle it at the West Metro Recycling Centre. Visit our website for details. http://ow.ly/ikIx50BDS9E
15.01.2022 Get ready to recycle right at Town of Claremont and WMRC's Free Community Recycling Drop Off Day! 14 November, 9am - 1pm. Drop off your old x-rays, e-waste , cardboard , batteries , aerosols, quality clothing , bric-a-brac, polystyrene and quality indoor furniture. Click here for more details http://ow.ly/e0n150BZJkl
14.01.2022 Great to see investment in the circular economy with the creation of the Product Stewardship Investment Fund, a $20 million initiative aiming to encourage manufacturers, retailers and industry groups to take more responsibility for the entire life cycle of the products they produce and sell. http://ow.ly/dDJ650AIfnb
14.01.2022 Plastic Free July tip! Look good and feel good while supporting the local economy! Win-win! https://www.abc.net.au//op-shops-say-sales-skyroc/12472024 City of Subiaco Town of Cottesloe Town of Claremont Town of Mosman Park Shire of Peppermint Grove
14.01.2022 There's a better place than the verge for your old bike. Take it to Dismantle in West Perth where it can make a positive difference in a young person's life. https://youtu.be/OWqxU1-27BM
13.01.2022 Simply book Verge Valet online at a time that suits you. Easy. Town of Cambridge #townofcambridge, #vergecollection
13.01.2022 Spring cleaning? Did you know that you can drop off your old paint, household chemicals and cleaners, aerosols, pesticides, pool chemicals, batteries and small gas cylinders at the West Metro Recycling Centre for FREE? Open 7 days till 4pm. <20L or 20kg of each item only. Visit http://ow.ly/SrvT50BqOlP for full list of accepted items. Town of Cottesloe Town of Claremont Town of Cambridge Shire of Peppermint Grove Town of Mosman Park City of Subiaco WALGA #townofcottesloe, #townofclaremont, #townofcambridge, #shireofpeppermintgrove, #townofmosmanpark, #cityofsubiaco, #householdhazardousewasteprogram, #walga
13.01.2022 The Containers for Change WA Scheme has launched! Returning containers for cash has never been easier! We are excited to be working with Return-It WA and Paraquad Industries in Shenton Park to help residents recycle right while supporting a worthy cause!Not sure which containers are eligible? Visit http://ow.ly/LEVL50BzIx9
13.01.2022 Another happy Town of Cottesloe resident using Verge Valet Collections are weekly. Residents simply book online at a time convenient to them. Only putting waste out 1-3 days before confirmed collection date keeps Cottesloe verges neat and tidy. And did we mention over 65% of all waste collected is recovered for reprocessing? Find out more here: http://ow.ly/T4Fy50BW32d #bookvergevalet, #townofcottesloe
12.01.2022 Interested in doing a 6-week short course on plastic pollution? Click for more details: http://ow.ly/7Kyd50ADCRU
12.01.2022 Great to see soft plastics diverted from landfill and recycled into new usable products through this initiative! RED Group http://ow.ly/h57450AFWWx
12.01.2022 Have you still got an old tip pass floating around? If so, make sure you use it by 30 December 2020. Old tip passes have been replaced by new Waste Passes issued by some Member Councils. Keep an eye out for it with your rates notice! To find out more about Waste Passes and special discounted ratesfor Member Council residents, click: https://www.wmrc.wa.gov.au//west-metro-recyc/waste-passes/ Town of Cottesloe Town of Cottesloe Town of Mosman Park Shire of Peppermint Grove City of Subiaco #townofcottesloe, #townofclaremont, #townofmosmanpark, #shireofpeppermintgrove, #cityofsubiaco
12.01.2022 The West Metro Recycling Centre is open today until 4pm! Bring in your excess recyclables like cardboard, polystyrene, bottles, containers, etc. If you are in a member council, you can drop them off for FREE! Click for festive operating hours. https://www.wmrc.wa.gov.au//festive-recycling-opening-hou/ Town of Claremont Town of Cottesloe Town of Cambridge Town of Mosman Park Shire of Peppermint Grove City of Subiaco
12.01.2022 Soft plastics don't go in your recycling bin. Here's why. http://ow.ly/6Ina50Clblt
11.01.2022 Here's a great family-friendly Plastic Free July online event you won't want to miss! http://ow.ly/zJT950AIeL3
11.01.2022 Sprucing up the garden for Christmas? Don't forget to drop off your old plastic plant pots at the West Metro Recycling Centre for recycling . http://ow.ly/Wenn50Csbne Town of Cottesloe Town of Mosman Park Town of Cambridge Town of Claremont Shire of Peppermint Grove City of Subiaco #plantpotrecycling, #townofcottesloe, #townofmosmanpark, #townofcambridge, #townofclaremont, #shireofpeppermintgrove, #cityofsubiaco
10.01.2022 Post-Christmas tip - remember to recycle! It's Boxing Day and the @west metro recycling centre is open today and ready to take your excess recyclables like cardboard, polystyrene, bottles, containers, etc. If you are in a member council, you can drop them off for FREE! Click for opening hours. http://ow.ly/6PKm50CRHwG
10.01.2022 Spring cleaning? You can donate your pre-loved sports equipment to Fair Game by dropping it off at the West Metro Recycling Centre. Junior football/soccer boots, AFL balls, basketballs and soccer balls are most needed, so if you have any spare, you know where to send them. The West Metro Recycling Centre is open 7 days till 4pm and accepts a large range of items for recycling. Visit our website for details. http://ow.ly/1wPK50BgHTs
10.01.2022 Attention Town of Cottesloe and Town of Mosman Park residents! Booking Verge Valet online is as simple as 1-2-3! Click http://ow.ly/FO9T50AOP4H for more info and to book.
09.01.2022 City of Subiaco walking the waste audit talk! Subi's Viviana and WMRC's Laura deep diving into depot bins and showing Subi staff how to recover resources from their bins and reduce contamination! #wasteaudit, #recycling, #cityofsubiaco,
09.01.2022 Town of Cottesloe and Town of Mosman Park residents. Your new Verge Valet bulk verge waste collection replaces the traditional bulk and greenwaste collections. This gives you the freedom to book your bulk or greenwaste verge collection at a time that suits you. This also means you can make your booking in advance to coincide with your gardener's pruning schedule. Simply book online at www.vergevalet.com.au and follow the prompts before putting your items out. #bookvergevalet, #townofclaremont, #townofmosmanpark
08.01.2022 Verge Valet making bulk verge collections easy. Collections are weekly. Residents simply book online at a time convenient to them. Only putting waste out 1-3 days before confirmed collection date keeps Town of Cottesloe verges neat and tidy. And did we mention over 65% of all waste collected is recovered for reprocessing? Find out more here: http://ow.ly/lYLe50BW32c #bookvergevalet, #townofcottesloe
08.01.2022 Spring tip - Mulch your garden now for summer! Mulched gardens need less water and fertiliser, insulating the soil from the hot summer sun. Member council residents can pick up free mulch from the West Metro Recycling Centre with their Residence Access Pass or proof of address. For more info, visit http://ow.ly/bL1d50B6XSk and for more handy mulch tips, visit https://www.wmrc.wa.gov.au/e/fact-sheets/garden-mulch-faqs/ Town of Claremont Town of Cottesloe Town of Mosman Park Shire of Peppermint Grove City of Subiaco #townofclaremont, #townofcottesloe, #townofmosmanpark, #shireofpeppermintgrove, #cityofsubiaco, #mulch
07.01.2022 We get it. Life happens. Town of Mosman Park and Town of Cottesloe residents can cancel your Verge Valet booking up to 1 business day before scheduled collection. Simply visit www.vergevalet.com.au and complete the online form. Easy as that! #bookvergevalet, #townofmosmanpark, #townofcottesloe
07.01.2022 Plastic Free July tip: grabbing a quick coffee? Why not grab a seat, if possible, and dine in? Not only will your coffee taste better, but you will avoid unnecessary single use cups and cutlery.Town of ClaremontnTown of CottesloeoTown of Mosman ParkrShire of Peppermint GrovevCity of Subiacoco #townofclaremont, #townofcottesloe, #townofmosmanpark, #shireofpeppermintgrove, #cityofsubiaco, #plasticfreejuly, #lowwaste, #plasticfreetip
07.01.2022 Town of Cottesloe residents are loving Verge Valet - the new booked verge rubbish collection system in Cottesloe and Town of Mosman Park! Collections are weekly. Residents simply book online at a time convenient to them. Only putting waste out 1-3 days before confirmed collection date keeps Cottesloe verges neat and tidy. Find out more here: http://ow.ly/rZLD50BaenO #bookvergevalet
07.01.2022 Recycle right! Don't forget to empty and rinse food containers to reduce contamination and improve recycling outcomes. For more info, visit www.wastesorted.wa.gov.au #wastesorted
06.01.2022 Don't need two bulk waste collections a year, but would prefer an extra greenwaste collection? Easy! Town of Mosman Park and Town of Cottesloe residents can swap out one or all of their bulk verge waste collections for bulk greenwaste collections. Simply make your selection when you book online at www.vergevalet.com.au. #townofcottesloe, #townofmosmanpark, #bookvergevalet
06.01.2022 If you want to give your old items a second life, donate them! There are lots of easy ways to keep old furniture and working appliances in circulation.
06.01.2022 Town of Cottesloe Verge Valet is officially underway! Residents simply book their bulk verge waste collection online at a time convenient to them. Here, waste has been neatly laid out by a Town of Cottesloe resident and swiftly collected by Verge Valet staff on the scheduled collection date - no mess, no fuss! This service is currently available to Town of Mosman Park and Town of Cottesloe residents. To find out more and to book online, visit https://www.wmrc.wa.gov.au/vergevalet/ Shire of Peppermint Grove Town of Claremont Shire of Peppermint Grove #townofcottesloe, #townofmosmanpark, #bookvergevalet
04.01.2022 Member and Participating Council residents can save their plastic plant pots from landfill by dropping them off at the West Metro Recycling Centre for FREE! Claw Environmental will collect and recycle them into other useful items. Visit http://ow.ly/RIAS50BQNZ6 for details. Town of Claremont Town of Cottesloe Town of Mosman Park Town of Cambridge Shire of Peppermint Grove City of Subiaco #wastesorted, #townofclaremont, #townofcottesloe, #townofmosmanpark, #townofcambridge, #shireofpeppermintgrove, #cityofsubiaco
04.01.2022 In WA, plastic plant pots are not recycled through kerbside collection, but CAN be recycled if taken to a plastic plant pot collection point like the West Metro Recycling Centre! Free drop off for Member and Participating Council residents! Claw Environmental then collects the pots for reprocessing into new plant pots and other items like crates, compost bins, garden edging, irrigation fittings, building panels and much more! A great example of closed loop recycling. http://ow.ly/OAkp50C2ABv.
04.01.2022 Spring cleaning tip - There are lots of ways you can reduce waste and clutter without using your general waste bin. Be a GREAT sort! https://youtu.be/v9WJHsLhGeE Town of Claremont Town of Cottesloe Town of Mosman Park Shire of Peppermint Grove City of Subiaco Town of Cambridge WasteSorted WA
03.01.2022 Landfill is always a last resort with Verge Valet! Did you know that 65% of everything Verge Valet picks up is recovered for re-processing? Now, that's something to smile about. To find out more about Verge Valet, visit https://www.wmrc.wa.gov.au/vergevalet/ Town of Cottesloe Town of Mosman Park Town of Cambridge Town of Mosman Park #bookvergevalet, #wasteworted, #townofcottesloe, #townofmosmanpark, #townofcambridge
03.01.2022 Received a gift that’s not your cup of tea? There are many ways to subtly and responsibly manage unwanted gifts. Returning to the store of purchase, re-selling, donating or re-gifting to someone other than the giver are all options.
03.01.2022 Take advantage of abundant, fresh seasonal produce with fruit and veg based festive dishes - better for you and the planet!
02.01.2022 What's been your best Plastic Free July hack this year? Don't forget to share it with us by tagging us at Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WMRCwastewatchers or Insta https://www.instagram.com/wmrc_wastewatchers/?hl=en. There's still time to win a copy of Rebecca Prince Ruiz's new book, Plastic Free!
02.01.2022 Plastic Free July tip: Repairing rather than replacing reduces single use packaging, keeps valuable resources out of landfill and can save you money! Good quality clothing,, shoes, toys, furniture, electrical equipment and other household items can often be repaired with a little know-how and TLC. Visit your local Repair Lab or Repair Cafe and learn how to repair items yourself, or seek out a suitably qualified repairer.
02.01.2022 Plastic Free July tip: now is the perfect time to support your local op shop or charity store. Not only are you supporting the circular economy, but your funds go towards supporting others in need. So you can look good and feel good! Town of Cottesloe Town of Claremont Town of Mosman Park Shire of Peppermint Grove City of Subiaco #TownofCottesloe, #TownofClaremont, #TownofMosmanPark, #ShireofPeppermintGrove, #CityofSubiaco , #plasticfreejuly, #plasticfreetip, #opshopping
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