West Perth Osteopathy in West Perth, Western Australia | Medical and health
West Perth Osteopathy
Locality: West Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9485 2800
Address: 716 Murray Street 6005 West Perth, WA, Australia
Website: http://www.westperthosteo.com.au
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25.01.2022 COVID FAQ Series #4 Ok, so whats changed at WPO in the last few weeks? We have implemented strict hygiene and cleaning protocols for your safety, including:... o The removal of all linen in the treatment rooms o Increased frequency of cleaning of the entire building o Frequent disinfecting of all surfaces in treatment rooms throughout the day o Disinfecting of treatment tables and pillows before and after every patient o The rest room is limited to staff only however, we will understand if youre desperate o New social distancing measures implemented in the waiting room. When maximum occupancy is reached, there are facilities for patients to sit out the front in the garden or on the porch comfortably. There is signage indicating this, and reception staff will also advise you o Patients can sit in their car right up until their appointment time, and we are happy to call you when your practitioner is ready to see you o We have reduced the number of available appointments in order to space out patient arrivals and the total number of people present in the premises at one time o Parking is now free in the City of Perth! If you normally catch public transport then we advise you to drive and park if possible Have we missed something you would like to know more on? 08 9485 2800 [email protected] Stay safe & most importantly connected
25.01.2022 If so, welcome! We love seeing new faces at the clinic and are honoured that you’re considering our wonderful team. Please just be aware, due to high demand in clinic currently, you will not be able to book your Initial Osteopath appointment online, and instead will need to contact our Reception team. We have decided to do this, to ensure enough time is scheduled for your initial assessment and so we can pencil in any possible follow ups that may be needed. So are you ready to begin your pathway to recovery? Call us on 08 9485 2800 or [email protected] We look forward to meeting you, the WPO Team
24.01.2022 Immunity: Why it is more important now, than ever! Check out the recent vlog from our Naturopath Diane Pascoe. If you wanted to take control of your immunity this winter, book your Naturopath consult with Diane online today. Click here https://west-perth-osteopathy.cliniko.com/bookings#service
24.01.2022 Welcome again to our COVID FAQ Series Today we answer the big question of: Am I able to come in?! Yes, however NOT: o if you are showing signs of a fever (temp >38 degrees), respiratory infection and/or flu like symptoms... o if you have returned from overseas or interstate travel in the last two weeks o if you have had close contact with someone who has returned from overseas or interstate travel in the last two weeks We recommend, if possible that you are showered and in clean clothes before coming in for treatment. This ensures that as few bugs as possible are brought into the clinic for the safety of all patients and our staff If you have PPE (face mask) and you would like to wear it while in the clinic or during treatment then you are more than welcome. Our practitioners will wear a face mask during treatment if in close contact to you Please note our Naturopath is offering FaceTime/phone consultations so you dont have to come into clinic if you would prefer not to. You can book a phone consultation via our website here https://west-perth-osteopathy.cliniko.com/bookings#service If you are unsure or have any further enquiries, please 08 9485 2800 or email [email protected] for guidance. Stay safe all, until the next instalment! #osteopathy #westperth #covid
24.01.2022 5 0 & F A B U L O U S Happy birthday to our Naturopath Diane, who celebrated her 50th last month - COVID style, and oh how fabulous she is. Diane has a wealth of knowledge in natural therapies, with a passion for womens health, disease prevention of the ageing body, fatigue, gut health, childrens issues & weight management. Here is to our brilliant, holistic Naturopath of the WPO team!
23.01.2022 Osteopath Bob was busy over the weekend at Aspen Coaching for a collaborative session to help a mutual client/patient. What a team! A great reminder that our health is in our own hands - prevention is key What did you do this weekend to help support your body & or mind?
22.01.2022 Our Naturopath Diane Pascoe is available to help you tackle the hay fever season this year Book a Naturopath consult online today https://west-perth-osteopathy.cliniko.com/bookings#service
22.01.2022 Tis the season! ...for a well deserved break & hopefully time with loved ones. Please be aware the clinic will be closed from **24th Dec, and will be reopening Tues 5th Jan 2021. With the high demand for appointments recently, we recommend booking in for next year while you can. Book online here https://westperthosteo.com.au/contact-us/ If you are needing an appointment before Christmas and you are unable to get in, please call 08 9485 2800 so we can add you to our wait... list. We would also like to say what a honour it has been to be able to remain open this year, and continue our care. We thank you for trusting us in these unprecedented times. After a particularly difficult year, we hope you find some time to spread some Christmas kindness
22.01.2022 , . , . , . - Laurence Binyon... For this years ANZAC day, we encourage you to join your neighbourhood, on your driveway at 6am tomorrow to Light up the Dawn. To commemorate our current and ex-servicemen and women, who spent and continue to spend their lives keeping our country safe Please make note of our closing hours for this upcoming weekend, we look forward to getting back in touch on Tuesday 28th April
22.01.2022 YES..We are open! However, due to our goal of a reduced traffic environment, our normal reception hours may differ day to day, depending on practitioner schedules We will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible, so either call 08 9485 2800 and leave a voicemail, email [email protected] or simply book your appointment online through our website: https://west-perth-osteopathy.cliniko.com/bookings#service Thank you and we hope youre all staying healthy and connected (virtually!)
21.01.2022 #LookAfterYourMentalHealthAustralia
21.01.2022 Theres never been a better time to embrace Western Australia Connecting with, and being surrounded by nature, is one of the greatest ways to clear your headspace and support your emotional well-being. So where are you heading next?
20.01.2022 Running out of things to watch? Or just sick of binge-watching pointless Netflix shows? Here is a talk by Dr Devra Davis from Melbourne University, titled The truth about mobile phones and Wireless radiation - recommended by Osteopath Louise Cole. You might want to sit down for this one.. You should watch this if you: - Own a mobile phone... - Put a mobile phone to your ear while talking on it - Give phones/tablets/or other wifi devices to kids - Use a phone while pregnant or breast feeding Dont have 1 hour? The take home messages as summarised by Louise: - The radiation emitted from smart phones/tablets is above what is regarded as safe according to the WHO - The worst time to put a phone next to your head is when you answer it as the phone goes to max power to connect to the call - Reduced sperm count and motility has been associated with males keeping their phones in their front pocket - Atypical breast cancers have been associated with women putting their mobile in their bra - Animal studies have shown significant changes in brain anatomy when prenatally exposed to mobile radiation - Putting your phone on aeroplane mode while not using it drastically reduces the amount of radiation that is emitted Let us know your thoughts and any other tips you have to reduce exposure!
19.01.2022 Tight neck muscles? Here is an easy at home stretch that could help you make it through to your next Osteopath appointment... The scalene muscles in the side of the neck are commonly tight and overworked. They help us move the neck/head and also help us breathe more efficiently. A simple stretch for these muscles is:... 1. Place your right hand over the top of your head and rest on the left side of your head above the ear 2. Gently pull your head over to the right to bring your right ear to your right shoulder. 3. When you feel a stretch, hold for 30 seconds, relax and repeat 4. Perform on both sides #osteo #osteopath #scalenemuscles #scalenestretch #neckstretch
19.01.2022 Did you know, issues with your breathing can cause imbalances and muscle tightness in the neck, shoulders and upper back? When your diaphragm is not working quite as it should, your body begins relying on all the secondary breathing muscles (especially around the neck). So, if youre experiencing tightness in any of these areas, our Osteopaths may assess your breathing pattern to ensure your treatment plan is focused on the cause of your pain. Not to mention, the calming effect functional breathwork can have on your nervous system. Begin your pathway to recovery today, book online now at https://west-perth-osteopathy.cliniko.com/bookings#service
19.01.2022 There's never been a better time to embrace Western Australia Connecting with, and being surrounded by nature, is one of the greatest ways to clear your headspace and support your emotional well-being. So where are you heading next?
18.01.2022 The team are excited to announce... We now offer contact-free online payments! When you make a booking online via our website, there is now an option to pay once booked, giving you a chance to have minimal contact in our reception area. To book your next appointment online, click here https://west-perth-osteopathy.cliniko.com/bookings#service ... In health & happiness, WPO Team
18.01.2022 Prep your week ahead with these healthy freezer-friendly goodies - perfect for this coming weeks weather forecast
18.01.2022 Are you getting constant niggles in the neck and shoulder region? Especially if you have been working from home (IF so: check out our recent blog for an ergonomic checklist: https://www.westperthosteo.com.au/your-at-home-ergonomics-/) You may have weak shoulders, or an imbalance somewhere else in the body. Check out this shoulder shrug exercise to strengthen and stretch:... 1. Pick up a 5kg dumbbell in each hand with arms by your side. You can use any weighted object you can hold in your hands try a shopping bag with books in it. 2. Gently draw back your shoulders, bringing your shoulder blades slightly together. 3. Holding this position, shrug your shoulders up taking 1-2 seconds to reach the top. 4. Slowly lower to the start position and repeat. This is a great exercise for strengthening your trapezius muscle. As with all exercises, please speak to us before starting so we can ensure it is a safe exercise for you. #osteo #osteopathy #shouldershrug #traps
17.01.2022 H A P P Y M O O O O N D A Y Meet our newest WPO member, who has settled into the moo role during the school holidays. Only problem is, we have yet to name him/her! We love putting a face to the name at reception, so comment your best suggestions
17.01.2022 Hi All, With the recent opening of our borders to select states on Saturday 14th Nov, we wanted to send you a friendly reminder to confirm the following: - Please call and reschedule your appointment if you are suffering with a cough, fever, sore throat, and or respiratory symptoms - On arrival, please sanitise your hands with the hand sanitiser available at reception... - Maintain the recommended 1.5m spacing restrictions in the waiting room (signs in our waiting room for allocated seats) - If you have recently visited South Australia, please reschedule your appointment until after your 14 day self-quarantine recommendation It has been a honour to remain open this year to ensure continuity of care, and in order for us to continue to serve safely we ask you please respect these guidelines. Many thanks, WPO Team Please see the below link for the latest update on 15th November from WA Government.
17.01.2022 Do you live with Chronic Pain? Our team of Osteopaths are here for you To make an appointment today, head to our online bookings service here https://west-perth-osteopathy.cliniko.com/bookings#service. Alternatively 08 9485 2800 to speak with our Reception who are more than happy to help you.
17.01.2022 Just a simple reminder today
16.01.2022 Finding yourself emotionally eating at the moment? Are you eating because you are bored and feeling isolated? Perhaps, because you are feeling stressed and out of control of your life? Read on to find out 5 strategies that can help you.
16.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS to our Osteopath Kate & partner Steve, on their new arrival on Saturday. Welcome to the world Sylvia Joy - what a beauty!
16.01.2022 Were here to provide whole body health With a team of 10 Osteopaths and our Naturopath Diane Pascoe - our number one priority is, and always has been, your health & well-being. Visit our website to find out more about the services offered today: https://www.westperthosteo.com.au/our-services/
15.01.2022 "Maintaining a connection with each other is one of the most vital things we can be doing in these times to nurture our minds, bodies, and spirits." Click the link to read more on the importance of connection, and how to maintain it during these times.
14.01.2022 HAPPY EASTER WEEKEND From all of us here at West Perth Osteopathy, we wish you a safe and happy Easter weekend. Clinic will be closed Good Friday & Easter Monday due to the public holidays As we all do our bit to stop the spread this long weekend, remember - Youve got this. See it as your chance to wind down, be present and reconnect with yourself and close family.
13.01.2022 Looking for your spark?
12.01.2022 We see you. Were here for you. We are here for the whole family, with Osteopath treatments suitable for you & your little one. Our practitioners often comment that the best perk of their job, is seeing the effect treatments can potentially have on not just the individual, but their family unit as a whole. To find out more about the services we offer, head to our website today https://westperthosteo.com.au/
12.01.2022 Spring reactivity is so last year! (Just like this ever-so-relevant blog from our Naturopath Diane last Spring with a bonus video) Is your hay fever still taking control this time of year? Make Spring 2020 the year you get to the bottom of it Book your Naturopath appointment with us now, via the link https://west-perth-osteopathy.cliniko.com/bookings#service
12.01.2022 Dr Bob has gone and done it again! Adding another marathon to his belt at the Sunset Coast Marathon on 20th Sept- and can you believe, it is his SIXTH full marathon, not to mention the other 13 half marathons he has accomplished. Bob's fitness journey is an inspiring one to say the least and the whole team at West Perth is super proud of his achievements at and, outside of work
11.01.2022 Are you finding yourself working from home all of a sudden? Read our latest blog from Osteopath Madeleine, and get ready to tick off these important ergonomic points for an efficient work station at home!
11.01.2022 Trouble sleeping? Flying off the handle at the slightest trigger? Generalised feeling of anxiety? If this is sounding somewhat familiar, read the latest blog from our Naturopath, Diane Pascoe
11.01.2022 Congratulations to this Quarter's Referral Winner: Mel Stoitis
10.01.2022 Diane discusses how Naturopathic principles can support you in your day to day lives, especially during the health crisis we are currently facing. Diane is available for phone and skype consultations over this stressful period. If you want to find out more on how to strengthen your immune system and lower stress levels, call 08 9485 2800 to book a phone consultation with her today. We hope youre all staying healthy and safe
09.01.2022 Speed Date some of Perth's best Paediatric Professionals on Saturday 26th Sept! Whether you are a first-time parent to a newborn, or currently raising teenagers, this family friendly event will be a great opportunity to ask the questions you’ve had on your mind. The event is free and will be useful for kids from 0 to 15 years old. You will need to book your spots! To do so and to avoid missing out, click here: https://www.trybooking.com/BLJCH ... Thanks to @4babiesnkids for organising this incredible line up for the day. Our very own Dr Joanne Olsen, whom is also a proud Mum of 3, will be representing West Perth Osteopathy at the event
09.01.2022 Massive shout out to our Osteopath Madeleine who's team took home the Women's A-grade Footy final earlier this month!! Congrats ladies And here is to Madeleine, always making us proud on & off field!
08.01.2022 Do you know any mothers or are you, currently breastfeeding a baby under 7 months of age? UWA Research needs your help - with a new online study that aims to work on improving support for mothers, since the impact of COVID-19 To find out more, read below...
07.01.2022 Welcome to our COVID FAQ Series With uncertainty in the air, we wanted to clarify and answer our most frequently asked questions. Watch this space as we keep you informed on what to expect from West Perth Osteopathy during this health crisis. First things first.... Why are we still open?! In the words of Professor Michael Kidd AM (Principal Medical Advisor, Federal Department of Health), All Allied Health in Australia is essential. Its absolutely essential that our Allie...d Health professionals are able to continue to operate, and provide services to the people of Australia, during this time of national emergency. As part of the Allied Health community we can help people avoid unnecessary visits to GPs and hospitals, to reduce the burden on that part of the medical system, allowing them to focus on treating and screening COVID-19 patients. All practitioners and staff have completed the Government COVID-19 training, and under the guidance of the statutory regulatory bodies: AHPRA, Osteopathy Board of Australia (OBA), as well as Osteopathy Australia, we have modified our practice in order to provide a safe environment for treatment to continue. To find out what precautions we have in place stay tuned or simply 08 9485 2800 to find out more.
05.01.2022 Have you been busy making up for missed social events or finding yourself overindulging, perhaps on a holiday from the usual healthy eating pattern? Youre not alone.. We are so lucky in WA at the moment to have the opportunity to reconnect with loved ones more, and our thoughts are with our fellow East Coasters. Now is also an important time to invest in our health and vitality. If youve been feeling the slump, read on to see how a detox could help reboot your vitality & how our Naturopath, Diane Pascoe-Naturopath can guide you
04.01.2022 Ta-da! COVID FAQ Series #3 We hope these have been helpful and our vision during this health crisis, reassuring to those that need our services. Our aim is transparency, our passion is to support your health and our next question is here to manage your expectations of our new-norm in clinic.... What should I expect when I arrive?... o To hand sanitise upon entry to the clinic, aswell as before and after your hands on treatment o To observe social distancing at all times in and around the waiting room and garden, with respect to other patients and our admin staff o To be questioned whether you are suffering from any COVID-19 symptoms, have travelled recently or been in close contact with someone who has, or who has COVID-19 o That your practitioner will maintain as much social distancing as possible before and after the hands on treatment during your consult. This means that our rooms are now set up so that you will be sitting at at least 1.5m distance from each other (NOTE: photo taking pre-COVID) o During treatment, practitioners will work to minimise long duration of close contact near your face, and will utilise PPE for safety. Similarly your treatment may be a different to what youre used to, as you may spend more time laying face down, and various other tweaks our practitioners have made. Rest assured these changes will not affect the quality of treatment or outcomes, and for most patients you wont notice much difference at all! Still have a burning question in regards to this? Our reception staff are more than happy to discuss further with you. 08 9485 2800 [email protected] We thank you in advance for understanding and respecting the changes in clinic. After all - we are all in this together and keeping our community safe and healthy is our number one priority. Until our next installment
04.01.2022 Dr Kate Locke & Dr Jo Olsen at 4 Babies N Kids free event on Saturday 26th to answer all the questions on how Osteopathy could be for your little one Thanks to all that attended the event and the wonderful organisers. If you are in fact needing to book in with one of our Paediatric Osteopaths, you can meet the team on our website via this link: https://westperthosteo.com.au/meet-the-team/ & book online while you're there! Missed the event and have a burning question? Get in touch on 08 9485 2800 or send us [email protected] today. Be sure to stay tuned for future events that are for the whole family.
03.01.2022 Welcome back Jo After welcoming her newest addition, beautiful little Mabel in January this year, Jo will be back treating at the clinic every Saturday as of 17th October. We are so excited to have her back, and we thought you might be too! To book online with her now, click here https://west-perth-osteopathy.cliniko.com/bookings#service
03.01.2022 Remedial Massage is back! A big welcome to Caroline Menhinick, who joins the team as our Remedial Massage therapist as of Friday 3rd July! Caroline is passionate about helping people manage both acute and chronic pain conditions, and educating people on the importance of self-care. Caroline has 15 years experience in the industry, initially graduating in 2004 as a Physiotherapist in London, UK. Since then she has completed courses in Bowen Therapy, Remedial Massage, Acupun...cture & Naturopathy in Australia. Caroline will be available Thursday mornings, and alternative Friday afternoons & Saturdays. Are you in need of a Remedial massage? Dont miss out, book your appointment online now via our website: https://west-perth-osteopathy.cliniko.com/bookings#service
03.01.2022 Low Immunity? Our Naturopath Diane Pascoe is here for you! Supporting the immune system and keeping it as robust as possible is of great importance at this time. Be conscious of looking after your immune system holistically, as the benefits of supplements and herbal anti-virals will be negated if you are not getting enough good quality sleep, are highly stressed and have a poor diet. All of these issues can be addressed using natural methods.... Promoting immune health can be achieved with a variety of options, some include: Vitamin C Herbs such as liquorice, echinacea and andrographis Probiotics and prebiotics to support diverse gut microbiome Mushroom extracts which can help modulate the immune system response It is crucial to take the correct dosage, rotate remedies when required, and take medication and medical conditions into account when taking natural remedies. Professional guidance is imperative, as there can be adverse reactions. To book a consult with Diane, click the link https://west-perth-osteopathy.cliniko.com/bookings#service or 08 9485 2800 to arrange with our Reception team
03.01.2022 Accept or Act? Your second option is only a click away. Book an Osteopath consult via our website today https://west-perth-osteopathy.cliniko.com/bookings#service
02.01.2022 Want to do your bit for the environment? We love all things environmentally friendly. Take a second to check out https://www.worldenvironmentday.global and join the planet in celebrating World Environment Day 2020. #worldenvironmentday
01.01.2022 Finding yourself with a new routine walk, run or cycle since isolation? (Well done to you!) Have you noticed any unpleasant pain, in particular knee pain, develop since? Well you could have Runners knee, a term used to describe pain around the side and front of the kneecap during repetitive movements as described above. It commonly affects runners (hence the name), but it can also affect skiers, football players and people who jump a lot.... Osteopaths are here to help! Dont just put up with the pain, come and see us today for an assessment and treatment. You can 08 9485 2800 or book online here today https://west-perth-osteopathy.cliniko.com/bookings#service #osteo #osteopathy #runnersknee #kneepain
01.01.2022 Welcome back Kate After leaping into parenthood, and welcoming her beautiful little girl Sylvia in May this year, Kate is back treating at the clinic as of today! She will be available Monday mornings and all day Friday and loves treating all ages. We are so excited to have her back, and we thought you might be too! To book online with Kate again, click here https://west-perth-osteopathy.cliniko.com/bookings#service
01.01.2022 The health benefits and uses of apple cider vinegar are endless! Discover 22 ways to use it around your home.
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