West Port Macquarie Tennis Club in Port Macquarie, New South Wales | Tennis court
West Port Macquarie Tennis Club
Locality: Port Macquarie, New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 6583 3053
Address: 33 Woods Street or PO Box 1394 2444 Port Macquarie, NSW, Australia
Website: www.tennis.com.au/westporttennis
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25.01.2022 Happy Birthday Marilyn Bassett! Hope you have a beaut day and that we'll see you back on the court soon.
25.01.2022 CHRISTMAS EVE A few members must have already finished mowing their lawns and cooking the ham thus had time for a game on Christmas Eve!
25.01.2022 Last call for entries to the 2020 Club Championships! Sat 31st Oct & Sun 1st Nov Events for seniors, juniors, singles & doubles! ... We already have a decent number of entries so you’d be definitely in for some good tennis! Register with Matt & Laura: [email protected] Matt - 0429874869 Laura - 0458480331
25.01.2022 Most people have finished their morning's tennis but here are a few of the stalwarts. Cheryl, Daughter Jenny, Vicki, and long time member Des.
24.01.2022 Hope you enjoyed watching yourselves on these videos and seeing what you did right, or wrong ;) Perhaps it will bring back some good memories in the years ahead. Happy Christmas and New Year West Port.
24.01.2022 BOOK-A-COURT ON LINE! Have you noticed our new electronic gate system? Anyone can now book-a-court/hire a court even if nobody is present at the centre. Bookings can only be made using a credit or debit card. On completing the booking you will be given a PIN number that opens the front gate into the tennis club. Just enter your pin code on the pin pad followed by the # key. The pin code will be valid for 10 minutes either side of your booking time. ... Please securely close the gate once you are inside the courts to play as well as after you leave. For more information, please phone Laura on 0458 480 331. Links: https://play.tennis.com.au/westportmacquarietenniscl/Events or this Book-A-Court link: https://www.tennisvenues.com.au/venue/westport-tc
24.01.2022 For your info NO FIREWORKS IN TOWN THIS NYE - staying covid-safe. Good decision Council.
23.01.2022 ASH BARTY INTERVIEW AT 1.30 TODAY! KURT FEARNLEY'S ONE PLUS ONE TODAY (SUNDAY) ABC TV 24... 1:30 pm - 2:00 pm Ash Barty's 2020 was meant to be full but the pandemic kept her in Brisbane, rather than defending her World #1 title. The French Open champ speaks to Kurt about her return to tennis and the importance of family.
22.01.2022 'WHERE'S THE SCREAMING ROOM?!' Most of us remember George - George Langford passed away 4 years ago today but he certainly left his mark on West Port...we often refer to (and want to use his!) 'screaming room'. Ah yes, we remember George - he was the one who would often say: "Fault?! Fault? I don't SERVE faults!" (or hit the ball out for that matter). He loved his tennis (and his computer). George was such a character and he is still missed. We are thinking of Janni especially today.
21.01.2022 HAPPY CHRISTMAS! We hope you are able to see many of your family and friends over the festive season and have a wonderful Christmas as we all look forward to a safer, more joyous and healthy year ahead.
21.01.2022 West Port Tennis Club is part of a wonderful sporting precinct that provides for not only tennis and touch tennis but also cricket, football, pony club, children's playground, well designed and purpose built dog exercising areas, dog training classes, boule, and a premium gymnasium that caters for everything from dancing to basketball and indoor soccer. Here's a photo taken across a sporting field, past cricket nets to our club with its 9 courts, 4 half courts, and practice wall.
20.01.2022 NEW MEMBERS Welcome to our new Senior club members! CHRISTOPHER WALSH... MALCOLM REVELL STEPHEN GOLDSTEIN Please collect your membership receipt from the Membership Corner on the table in the Clubhouse if you haven't already done so. Thank you. Enjoy your tennis!
19.01.2022 Rocky is as excited as we are!! You can now hire a court ONLINE! We are endeavouring to make tennis as accessible to you guys as it can be and this is a big step! Click here to book tennisvenues.com.au/booking/westport-tc... For any questions, please speak to Laura - 0458 480 331!
19.01.2022 We are very excited to reveal our brand new logo! Big thanks to @plus5media for more great work!
18.01.2022 Despite an ominous weather forecast we were delighted to see that most of those who were planning to come along to our pre-Christmas celebration attended. The real optimists (or tennis tragics?) brought their tennis racquets and were well rewarded as, surprisingly, we didn't get a drop of rain). Sincere thanks to all who came and to the many workers before, during, and following this fun event. "HAPPY CHRISTMAS" to all our members and your families, and a very special thank you to especially Cheryl and Geoff who through their wonderful and consistent efforts managed to keep our club operating safely throughout the Covid-19 year.
16.01.2022 As well as organised social play everyday, we have adult tennis groups & On Court Cardio sessions weekly! For more info, contact Goodwin Tennis - Mid North Coast
16.01.2022 Happy Birthday and Congratulations on your 80th Patsy, and Happy Birthday to Jan and Les (hehe) too
16.01.2022 WED NIGHT LOST PROPERTY! Are these yours?
15.01.2022 IS THIS YOUR CHILD'S?
15.01.2022 Happy New Year everyone! Stay safe and enjoy your tennis.
14.01.2022 BOOKING A COURT Don't forget to include your membership number when you privately book a court via the Book-a-Court online system. This will ensure you receive your member discount!
12.01.2022 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL IS DUE FOR JAN-DEC 2021! There are a number of ways you can renew your membership: 1. Responding to an email you receive from Goodwin Tennis, following the instructions therein;... 2. Paying your $50 as you have in the past, via Netbank to West Port Macquarie Tennis Club (or WPMTC) - BSB 032 586; ACCNT 209 261 ensuring that your name and membership number are included in the Reference. 3. Paying your $50 annual membership by cash or cheque placed into the black letterbox within the clubhouse, ensuring that your name and membership number are included. 4. Posting to our PO Box via snail mail to: WPMTC, PO Box 1394, PORT MACQUARIE, NSW, 2444
12.01.2022 COVID SAFETY Please continue to strictly follow the Covid-safe rules despite the fact you may feel Port is safe at the moment. It's not. Please no more moving chairs closer together, shaking hands, or Chrissy hugs, and keep your 1.5m distance from others. There is always hand cleanser in the clubhouse, and please also stack your coffee mug etc. in the dishwasher, not leaving it for others to touch. Also, make a real attempt not to pay your daily social fees with silver. Thank you.
12.01.2022 CHRISTMAS PARTY: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12 Our Covid-safe Christmas Party is planned for SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12 so please jot the date in your diary. Covid restrictions will dictate the type of function we can provide thus we'll give further details closer to that date when hopefully restrictions are lifted somewhat.
12.01.2022 TOUCH TENNIS FEE We regret having to introduce a $2 per morning cost to play Touch Tennis. This is to cover the cost of the special balls that are required, and will commence from July 1. It's great seeing the number of folk enjoying Touch Tennis. If you haven't played tennis but would like to, or you're slowing down or not able to run at the moment, why not have a go. You'll be very surprised at how similar the strokes are to tennis on a full sized court, and it's a far bet...ter option than either giving up tennis all together or moving to another slower sport. There's no cost to try it and we can lend you a tennis racquet. Send us a message if you're interested or just turn up on a Tuesday morning to give it a try and meet the other Touch Tennis players.
10.01.2022 Did you know? Our pro-shop has demo racquets so that means you can try before you buy!! Demo racquets in: Babolat Pure Drive (new 2021 model) Babolat Pure Strike... Babolat Boost Aero Babolat Rival Head Challenge Innegra Goodwin Tennis - Mid North Coast understand buying the right racquet is an important decision so are helping make this decision easier for you!
10.01.2022 Take care friends.
10.01.2022 A few videos of play for those who came along on Christmas Eve morning.
10.01.2022 School holiday tennis clinics at West Port Macquarie Tennis Club! December 14th - 16th 8am - 11am... January 4th - 6th 9am - 12pm Contact Goodwin Tennis - Mid North Coast to book your child in!
09.01.2022 Organised social tennis everyday! Everyday from 7:30am Wednesday from 6pm Saturday from 2pm... Members $5 | Non-members $8 Call 0458480331 for more information!
08.01.2022 ONE-OFF SENIORS TENNIS TOURNAMENT ROUND ROBIN SUNDAY 18TH JULY - ALL CLUBS WELCOME $20 per event... We all had such "a ball" (sorry!) at the recent Seniors' Tournament we've decided to have a one-day tourny for those who missed it for any reason or of course for all who simply had a great weekend. So jot down SUNDAY 18th JULY in your diary for a fun round robin. We'll share more details later, but will be looking for donations of goodies for morning and afternoon teas. Also, if you are aware of anyone who would be happy to donate a prize that too would be terrific. :) Meanwhile, pick up an entry form from the Members Corner, complete it and pop it in the black letterbox in the clubhouse. Our thanks to Marion McIntosh who has volunteered to record the entries.
08.01.2022 Big congratulations to the Thursday night term 3 singles winners: Division 1 - Wayne Hill Division 2 - Evan Flynn (pictured)... Some great tennis played by all! Strong Tuesday & Thursday night comps brought to you by @goodwintennismidnorthcoast - contact them to register for term 1 2021!
07.01.2022 It’s great to have the undercover area there ready to go for hot shots when it’s too hot to be in the sun! Here are two amazing 4 year olds (actually Poppy turns 4 in 2 days - Happy Birthday Poppy! ) having a semi private lesson this morning! We have spaces available for 4 year olds so get in touch with Goodwin Tennis - Mid North Coast if you have a little one who’s keen to pick up a racquet and have some fun!
06.01.2022 Is this your anti vibration thingo?
06.01.2022 HAPPY 80TH BIRTHDAY TO OUR STALWART PATSY AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO WEST PORT TENNIS CLUB OVER MANY, MANY YEARS. Included below is just one of the many photos from Patsy's marvelous scrapbook of WPMTC in years gone by. The album link is: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/ Thanks for the memories and our history Patsy, and we hope you enjoyed your WP Birthday celebration.
06.01.2022 Not long til our Club Championships! Get your registration form in ASAP! Email [email protected] if you can’t get to the club and want to email it instead! Entries close this Saturday!
05.01.2022 DO YOU OWN ANY OF THESE? Have you lost a jacket, track pants, sunnies, drink bottle, child's jacket....or even a bag of jigsaw puzzles!
04.01.2022 2020 CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS MEMBERS ONLY A reminder that entries for the Club Championships close next weekend 24th October. ... There are events for everyone juniors, opens (1st and 2nd Division) as well as over 70's. You can play singles, doubles or mixed. There is also an American Doubles event for men and ladies where you enter as an individual and play doubles with/against everyone in the Round Robin. There are no knock-out events so you will get to play everyone in your Round Robin draw. Entries to Matt and Laura Goodwin. Hope to see you on Saturday 31st October and/or Sunday 1st November. Cheryl Beard Secretary
04.01.2022 A SPEEDY RECOVERY We are thinking of Patsy Northey who is quite unwell at the moment. We hope you feel a lot better now Patsy and are able to celebrate your family Christmas.
04.01.2022 VIDEO 3: Patsy responds and cuts the cake.
04.01.2022 Please let Cheryl or Geoff know your Christmas Party numbers by tomorrow...Wednesday 9th... for catering purposes, thank you. Hope to see you and your family this Saturday at 10!
04.01.2022 LAST OUT OF THE CLUBHOUSE OR COMPLEX? If you are a keyholder, if you're the last to leave on any day or night PLEASE ensure you lock the clubhouse and gate upon departure. We've had both left unlocked recently. In addition, please do NOT lock the bathroom door - by all means close it but it must not be locked as may be required by the next group or court hirers. Thank you.
04.01.2022 The last few photos (taken from videos) from Christmas Eve play.
04.01.2022 SPECIAL HALF-YEAR MEMBERSHIP OFFER! We're offering a half-cost for half-year membership this year - pay just $25 for July-Dec incl. this year and pay only $5 for an entire session of tennis any day of the week. What else can you play for as long as you like for that cost? Take advantage of this special offer now if you're not a member at the moment.
04.01.2022 Big shout out to John Deed (on the right) who took part in our amazing 2020 Club Championships! John played 6 singles matches on the Saturday and backed it up with doubles the next day!! Age is no boundary and John is a deadset legend! His dedication and commitment to the game is incredible! What an amazing role model for our juniors! ... @goodwintennismidnorthcoast - John pictured with another legend Simon Meertens!
04.01.2022 INTERESTING NUMBERS It is said that 'Tennis players live longer!" I wonder how many other active sports can boast 23 members over the age of 80 still running to compete? You may be interested to know that our club has:... 8 Life Members 201 Senior Members 55 Junior Members Including: 134 Males 122 Females AGE 0-19 54 members AGE 20-49 40 members AGE 50-79 138 AGE 80-89 20 AGE 90+ 3 ....AND one member who did not wish to give their age :)
03.01.2022 Thanks to Brett Hall for this cracker taken on Tuesday night.
03.01.2022 THANKS TO MATT & LAURA Matt and Laura did a great job in organising and running our recent Club Championships. We're hoping to hold the Championships earlier next year. Great job, thanks again :)
03.01.2022 Some fantastic tennis from the 22 kids who took part in our Club Championships this weekend! They all put their heart & soul into it and everyone was so proud of them all!
03.01.2022 VIDEO 2: Some history of our tennis club including Patsy's, Kay's, and Robyn's contribution decades ago.
03.01.2022 MELBOURNE CUP LUNCHEON Why not have fun while you support our major sponsor!
02.01.2022 VIDEO 1: We help Patsy safely celebrate her 80th covid-style....Thanks to all our members for following the strict social distancing rules and apologies to Patsy that covid restrictions also prohibited our singing "Happy Birthday". Congratulations on this wonderful birthday milestone Patsy.
02.01.2022 What a fantastic weekend was had by all at our Club Championships! Here are the results from both days with lots more photos to follow Under 13s winner - Edward Redfern Under 18s winner - Hannah Murray vs Shayla Mitchell to be played this Saturday at 9:30am... Mens Open winner - Matt Goodwin Mens B-Grade winner - Noah Pociask Ladies Open winner - Ellise Bowerman Ladies B-Grade winner - Shayla Mitchell Mens American Doubles winner - Mick Dunn Ladies American Doubles winner - Cheryl Beard Ladies Open Doubles winners - Anne Falkner & Lyn Hanna Ladies B-Grade Doubles winners - Les Ware & Vicki Kennedy Mens Open Doubles winners - Brett Hall & Dan Gain Mens B-Grade Doubles winners - Mark Spence & Aaron Johnson Mixed Open Doubles winners - Ellise Bowerman & Eddie Gibbons Mixed B-Grade Doubles winners - Mark Spence & Kim Carroll Thank you to all who took part & for your ongoing support! ‘til next year....
01.01.2022 Congratulations to a couple of West Port Macquarie Tennis Club members who are playing in the Tamworth Seniors event this weekend! Mick Dunn - American Doubles winner with Paul Fox - runner up Mick Dunn and Paul Fox - Mens A-Grade winners!... On ya boys! Represent!
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