Willoughby Girls High School P&C Association | Community
Willoughby Girls High School P&C Association
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24.01.2022 Live a Facebook Chat at 4pm today (Universities Admissions Centre (UAC)
23.01.2022 Social Are you willing to lend a helping hand as part of a broader team? The Social role could suit you if you have limited time as it’s about 30 minutes per week. Tasks include: Social & Event Eventbrite Registration for any of the events and talks that the school and P&C support.(often the events are a repeat from a previous year so you don’t need to start from scratch and full training is provided, no experience necessary) Admin for the WGHS P&C Facebook page ... Year 7 orientation Incoming Year 7 P&C clubs expressions of interest at the end of each year. Full handover training and support given. We would love to have you. If you are interested, please contact [email protected] or join the November meeting tonight. Taking a role on the P&C is a wonderful way to keep up to date with what's going on at your daughter's school. There are two P&C meetings each term. P&C is a vibrant forum that is engaging and well supported by an involved Executive team and wider group of committed parents.
23.01.2022 ABC's Q&A episode, Education in the age of COVID-19. Worth a look if you didn't catch it - whole episode on iView or episode + segment highlights on youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaoAkMJiUIs
22.01.2022 Term 3 activities still under consideration by NSW Gov. Full updates here.
21.01.2022 Lending a hand at P&C Taking a role on the P&C is a wonderful way to keep up to date with what's going on at your daughter's school. There are two P&C meetings each term. P&C is a vibrant forum that is engaging and well supported by an involved Executive team and wider group of committed parents. Social ... Are you willing to lend a helping hand as part of a broader team? The Social role could suit you if you have limited time as its about 30 minutes per week. Tasks include: Social & Event Eventbrite Registration for any of the events and talks that the school and P&C support.(often the events are a repeat from a previous year so you dont need to start from scratch and full training is provided, no experience necessary) Admin for the WGHS P&C Facebook page Year 7 orientation Incoming Year 7 P&C clubs expressions of interest at the end of each year We would love to have you. If you are interested, please contact [email protected] or join the October meeting.
20.01.2022 Two free seminars that may be of interest on 10 & 11 June. City of Ryde and Lane Cove Council are bringing Dr Michael Carr-Gregg to your screens to provide 2 x FREE workshops to help parents during and post COVID-19. https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/raising-resilient-kids-in-the-c... Raising Resilient Kids in the Coronavirus Era The spread of the Coronavirus has turned life upside down, almost overnight, for millions of people around the world. Being a young person is complicated even without a global pandemic in the mix, and many adults are struggling to navigate the new reality of remote schoolwork, lots of family time, and a ton of uncertainty about what happens next. This webinar offers practical, evidence-based strategies on what to say and what to do in these challenging times. It also includes information on managing remote learning and self-care. Suitable for: Parents, grandparents and adult carers of younger children. https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/parenting-teenagers-post-corona Parenting Teenagers Post Coronavirus Lockdown In just a matter of weeks, the coronavirus pandemic has turned our vibrant modern cities into virtual ghost towns. and thousands of Australians are without jobs and 24.6 million people were told to stay home unless they absolutely have to go outside. Hard enough as an adult, but particularly tricky if you are a teenager trying to tackle the tasks of adolescent development. This webinar explains the impact of the coronavirus lockdown on teenagers, focusing their mental health and gives participants some skills to manage teenagers especially as they transition back to school in all year levels, deal with disappointment and try to regain their motivation. Suitable for: Parents, grandparents and adult carers of teenagers.
20.01.2022 A reminder for the upcoming P&C AGM and General Meeting on Tuesday, 17th November 2020 at 7pm at the school, in the staff room. Yes, we are back to face to face meetings and look forward to seeing you there. The AGM will be a quick meeting to start, followed by an ordinary meeting. P&C members will need to bring a gold coin for the AGM. Please find below a link to the following items:... Draft Minutes of the previous meeting Correspondence received Committee Reports received WGHS OneDrive link 2020#8 - Meeting Nov 17 2020 AGM - link to come
18.01.2022 POSITION OPEN - Touch Football Coordinator. This position is a role that can easily shared (as it has been for the last four years). The season starts in Term 4 and requires some planning in Term 3. Its very rewarding to be involved in your daughters sporting interests. Great for a Year 7 or 8 parent to take on for a few years - with easy hand over. Please email [email protected] JOB REQUIREMENTS... Collating girls names and placing into teams. Liaise with Norths Touch Football convenor. Ensure subscriptions are deposited in WGHS Touch Footy Account. Liaise with Team Managers (rather than with all individuals of all the teams). Games are usually played at the newly turfed Artarmon Reserve See more
17.01.2022 City of Ryde and Lane Cove Council have partnered up to bring a webinar to build the capacity of parents of teens and those preparing for their children to reach their teens. The webinar is on 29th June 7pm and free for families to register. The webinar is FREE to join and open to all parents/guardians etc. Registration is essential via the following link: https://www.ryde.nsw.gov.au//List/Demystifying-Adolescents
17.01.2022 https://events.humanitix.com/year-12-in-the-coronav/tickets
16.01.2022 A reminder that tomorrows graduation ceremony will be live streamed via a secure YouTube link sent to year 12 parents from school this morning. Feel free to share with extended family. If any non year 12 parents would like to view please DM us. Thanks all!!
15.01.2022 School arrangements for Term 2 at Willoughby Girls High School: Monday 27 and Tuesday 28 April are both student-free days so there will be no lessons, either online or at school on those days. Students and teachers return to online learning on Wednesday 29 April.... From the beginning of Week 3 - May 11 - students will be encouraged to attend school for one day per week. All teaching and learning will continue to be in the online format, including when students are physically at school. The school is working on the logistics of which students can come to school on which days - I will notify families of final arrangements before Week 3. As was the case in Term 1, families who need to send their daughters to school can continue to do so - no student will be turned away (including Monday and Tuesday next week - there will be no lessons on these two days.) From Wednesday next week - 29 April - students and teachers will be working from a modified timetable, to allow more breaks between classes and longer recess and lunch breaks. Students continue to follow their current class schedule - it is only the TIMES that have changed. The purpose of the phased return to school is to enable students to remain connected with the school, their teachers and their friends, while ensuring we follow safe distancing requirements. This is quite a logistical challenge so I appreciate your patience while we work on a program of attendance to be ready for the beginning of Week 3. Regards, Ms E. Diprose Principal
15.01.2022 Heres a study you may like to get involved with. Its the Triple P Parenting people. https://pfsc.psychology.uq.edu.au/parentinginapandemic
15.01.2022 Growing Up Digital Australia: Last chance for parents and grandparents to have their say! Are you a parent, carer or grandparent of children aged 5 to 17? Do you wonder how digital media and technologies that they live with might affect their wellbeing, health and learning?... If your answer to these questions is ‘yes’, we would invite you to share your views with us here! https://unsw.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8G6IesTYKXcAymV We at the Gonski Institute of Education at the University of NSW are working on a ground-breaking research project called Growing Up Digital Australia. This international research project that we partner with Harvard Medical School, the University of Alberta and Alberta Teachers Association seeks to understand the health, wellbeing and learning impacts of growing up in a digital world on our young people. A number of Australian organisations are supporting this project, including Departments of Education, parent organisations and teacher associations. This longitudinal study will reframe issues surrounding children’s consumption of media and digital technologies moving into an evidence-based solutions to parents, educators and young people to live healthier, safer and happier lives here in Australia. The Growing Up Digital project Phase 1 saw us work with almost 2,000 educators from around the country and find out what is happening in classrooms through the eyes of teachers and principals. Now with this Phase 2 survey, it is your turn as parents and grandparents to have your say. This project has Ethics approval, and poses no risk to you. Participation is voluntary and you will never be identified at any stage. By completing the survey, you have the chance to be entered into the draw for one of four $100 Coles Myer gift cards. This Phase 2 survey has been extended and is now open until 20 November 2020. If you are a parent, carer or grandparent of any child aged 5-17, please complete the survey here. You may also share this invitation to take part in this research with others by sharing the link to the questionnaire. If you are a parent, we would be delighted if you would invite one of your child’s grandparents to take part in this survey. To find out more about our project, and the results from Phase 1, visit us here. https://www.gie.unsw.edu.au/growing-digital-australia-phase
14.01.2022 For those planning to stand in the driveway at 6am tomorrow for ANZAC day, if you dont have a soundtrack heres the WPS version.
14.01.2022 Via email to all parents and carers - please make sure your child is keeping up to date via the schools online portal. Dear parents and carers, The NSW Department of Education secretary, Mark Scott, has clarified expectations of schools following the Premier's announcement this morning that schools will remain open but parents are asked to keep their children at home.... Key messages: Parents should keep their children at home, except parents involved in frontline services - schools, health workers, transport workers, emergency workers, police etc We are moving to online learning where all learning will be delivered to students in an online format regardless of whether students are at school or at home Teachers will supervise students' online learning in supervised groups - regular classes will not operate as we expect very few students will be at school All Food Technology and Hospitality practical classes have been cancelled - Ms Blomfield will notify students about how to complete practical requirements for these subjects Teachers will continue to develop online learning resources for students - some resources are already online, much more is coming Please read the attached Advice to Parents and Carers As we transition fully to online learning, we may find adjustments and refinements need to be made. Our major concern, as always, is the wellbeing and learning of our students. I thank you for your understanding and support. Kind regards, Ms E. Diprose Principal Willoughby Girls High School
13.01.2022 *SECOND HAND UNIFORM DONATIONS NEEDED* Do you have any old WGHS uniform items you’re happy to donate? We especially need junior summer dresses with orientation and the new school year coming up. Any minor repairs eg hems, missing buttons, will all get fixed up. ... Please drop any clean items at the school office and Brenda will collect. Thanks
12.01.2022 Dear Parents and Carers, It has been a long and tiring few days as teachers, students and families adjust to the new online learning situation. Thank you to all parents and carers who have ensured the students are focused on their learning throughout each school day. I have posted on Sentral, notices to Years 7-10 regarding online learning protocols and have some further advice for you here. Please ensure your daughter is engaged in her school work each day. There are many ju...nior students who have not yet engaged with their teachers through the online platforms. All students have been given access codes and information about where to find their learning materials. The majority of lessons so far this week have been interactive, where teachers are present online, either through a video platform such as zoom, or in online google classrooms. This is about to change. From now on, teachers will be providing schedules of work for students to complete across a week or fortnight. Some lessons will be scheduled as interactive lessons and all students in the class are expected to be present, at their computers, for each of these lessons. Teachers will give them advance notice to ensure they can prepare. For the remaining lessons for each subject, students are expected to continue with their set work. Students should NOT be in front of a screen for long periods of time, and certainly not for a whole six lessons each weekday. Students will be expected to submit work and meet deadlines - the school will contact you if your daughter is not managing her learning and not meeting these requirements. Students are asked to respect teachers' usual school hours (8.30am - 4.00pm) and not contact them or expect a reply outside these hours. These times will vary for Year 11 and 12 students. Students should engage in physical activity at regular intervals - at least for a few minutes between timetabled lessons, and for longer periods at the usual recess and lunch times. Students need to abide by the government's current 'stay at home' policies, which change regularly. This is a new world for all of us, and we do not know how long it will continue like this. Our priority is that all students remain engaged in their learning. Please contact the school via phone or email if you have any concerns. Our wellbeing, learning support and English as an Additional language teams are on hand to support your daughters' needs. Please do no hesitate to reach out. I hope all is going well for you in this new environment. See more
12.01.2022 https://us02web.zoom.us//register/WN_CDmEvWk-RgKkSyw2l6uUCA
12.01.2022 https://www.smh.com.au//to-the-hsc-class-of-2020-your-plac
12.01.2022 Congratulations and farewell to the Class of 2020. The live-streaming was fantastic. Thanks to all staff for making the end of year still so special for the girls. Check out the Covid teddy bears with WGHS uniform masks
09.01.2022 The latest newsletter has been published https://willoughbg-h.schools.nsw.gov.au//08_April_2020_New
08.01.2022 Nice to see WGHS in this NSWDoE Video on Education Week.
08.01.2022 https://education.nsw.gov.au//hsc-changes-protect-health-a
07.01.2022 A University of Sydney project looking for participants https://sydney.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cuSEhVwVIQE5k57 to explore the awareness and knowledge of cervical cancer, and screening practices among Chinese, Indian and Bangladeshi migrant women, aged between 25 and 74 years old, in metropolitan Sydney.
07.01.2022 Year 11 and 12 Parents - FREE - Michael Carr-Gregg Webinar hosted by the City of Ryde The City of Ryde is proud to host Managing the Final Year of School in the COVID Era with Dr Michael-Carr Gregg. Tuesday 15th Sept 6.30pm-7.15pm It is open to students and parents.... To register please visit: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/managing-the-final-year-of- See more
07.01.2022 https://www.raisingteenagers.com.au/what-the-final-class-o/
06.01.2022 A reminder for the upcoming P&C Meeting on Tuesday, 16th June 2020 at 7pm via zoom. Please use the link below and download the Zoom app before the meeting. Topic: WGHS P&C Meeting Time: June 16, 2020 07:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney... P&C Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88920493400 Meeting ID: 889 2049 3400 One tap mobile: +61860156011,88920493400# Australia +61370182005,,88920493400# Australia Dial by your location +61 861 193 900 Australia +61 8 7150 1149 Australia +61 2 8015 6011 Australia +61 3 7018 2005 Australia +61 731 853 730 Australia Please find below a link to the following items: Draft Minutes of the previous meeting Correspondence received Committee Reports received WGHS OneDrive link 2020 #4 - Meeting June 16 2020
05.01.2022 Dear Parents and Carers, Today we will run roll call as usual at 10.40am then messages alerting you to absences will be sent. Please tell us in the response via email to the message, whether you will be keeping your daughter home for the rest of the term.... We are doing this to ensure we all know where your daughter should be. Students are reminded that they are required to follow their regular timetable to engage in online learning while at home. There may be several adjustments over the next few days as we all transition to this new situation. We will keep you informed regularly.
04.01.2022 Jane Caro, author, columnist, broadcaster, documentary maker, and social commentator (and public education advocate!) shares her thoughts on public education. #PublicEducationDay Jane Caro http://www.aeufederal.org.au/news-media/news/2020/jane-caro
04.01.2022 A reminder for the upcoming P&C Meeting on Tuesday, 15th September 2020 at 7pm via zoom. Please use the link below and download the Zoom app before the meeting.A reminder for the upcoming P&C Meeting on Tuesday, 15th September 2020 at 7pm via zoom. Please use the link below and download the Zoom app before the meeting.
03.01.2022 www.helpustohelpthem.com A number of local youth services have formed a collaboration of the youth services organisations across the Northern Sydney region to: 1. Run a fundraising campaign called "Help Us to Help Them" across the region, to seek support from our local community. Funds will be collected on their behalf by the Rotary Club of Wahroonga to enable tax deductibility for donations where relevant, and then allocated to a specific program 2. Develop innovative, cost ...effective programs to ensure that young people and their families are assisted while waiting for ongoing 1:1 support https://bit.ly/2TkvyTg
03.01.2022 For Monday 1 June.
02.01.2022 Message from Principal Liz Diprose: Dear Willoughby Girls High School families and friends, Thank you to all parents and carers who have sent messages of thanks to the school for the mammoth efforts of staff during the past week. Most teachers have been using some of the online platforms for a while, often for placing resources for easy access by students, or as interactive spaces where students can collaborate and teachers and students can provide feedback and submit work....Continue reading
02.01.2022 Dear Parents and Carers, Term 2 has begun well, despite us not yet being physically back in classrooms with students. It has been lovely to see a return of a small number of students who need to attend school for a variety of reasons. Teachers continue to work hard to engage your daughters in online learning to ensure their education does not suffer during this very unusual time. As you know, students and teachers will begin the transition back to school in Week 3, starting w...ith every student attending one day per week. We know many students are keen to return to school, particularly to see their friends. Our plan commencing Monday, May 11 is as follows: MONDAY YEAR 12 and half of YEAR 10 (based on English classes) -10E/G, 10E/R, 10E/S TUESDAY YEAR 9 WEDNESDAY YEAR 7 THURSDAY YEAR 8 FRIDAY YEAR 11 and half of YEAR 10 - 10E/E, 10E/B, 10E/W, 10EALD All teaching and learning will continue via the online platforms, however, subject teachers will be on site each day to assist students when needed. Additional provision will be made for Year 12 - further details will be sent to students and parents in separate correspondence. Students who have been attending regularly since late last term are still welcome to attend every day, as needed. In order to maintain a safe learning environment: * Students will be placed in classrooms in smaller numbers to ensure safe distancing * Students will be required to sit at the same desk for each lesson of the day * Students are reminded they must observe safe distancing when in the playground and when moving around the school * Students should bring hand sanitiser if possible, for personal use (for example, after disembarking from the bus) * The school has supplies of sanitiser for every classroom and commonly used indoor areas * We have a cleaner on site all day, every day, to sanitise high touch zones, such as taps, door handles, stair rails, bathrooms etc. All desks are wiped down with sanitiser each day. * Any student who is unwell must stay at home. Parents will be contacted to collect students who become unwell at school I will provide more information later next week in preparation for the students return on Monday, Week 3. I hope you all had a pleasant two week break from the online learning routine and that the new modified timetable is allowing more time for our young people to move around between lessons. Thank you for your ongoing support and patience. Kind regards, Elizabeth Diprose