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22.01.2022 My oil painting shocked a number of people the other day. One person I know did not believe I painted it & did not know I painted. This painting was signed under my married name which was a while back. I painted it from a photo I found in a magazine as I liked the mystery of what this person was thinking. Everyone has their own interpretation of what this story is about which is ok. We don’t have to always be obsessed with answers as life is a journey to appreciate. ... It was so encouraging to me to hear people praise me for my talent.
22.01.2022 Kokedama at the Creative Fringe Penrith, its a lovely place to present a workshop. This is my first day back since Covid began in March doing a face to face workshop. It was different taking precautions to keep people safe as well as concentrating on having fun. There were smiles everywhere & great feedback from the group so I feel very confident people really enjoyed themselves.... Everyone really got into making their creative Kokedama plant balls & they all looked beautiful walking out with their great big smiles. Well done everyone you picked up the technique & created your second Kokedama plant ball easily.
20.01.2022 Theres more to life than what we see. Theres always something going on underground.
20.01.2022 The Compost Chef...garden material from my garden. The warmth & extra rain encouraged so many weeds & our grass to grow. This was my cue to collect dry & wet garden material & get stuck into making brown garden gold, I have created so many compost piles over the years & found the hot composting method breaks down so much faster. In warmer times up to two weeks, which is perfect. It does not sit around forever. ... I put compost around fruit trees which has contributed to the abundance of fruit. The success of a productive food garden is a good compost and the best compost is the one you make. Lets see how my compost piles breaks down in a few weeks. See more
18.01.2022 The heat has the spiders out tonight.
18.01.2022 SHARE THE DIGNITY a national charity that helps homeless women of Australia. When I heard my friend talk about this charity I thought what a great idea. Twice a year in March & August, the charity ask the public to donate pads, tampons, period underwear, incontinence pads, menstrual cups etc. to their dignity drives across the country. There are collection points in all Woolworths Stores. When you shop next, purchase extra sanitary it...ems to donate to the charity Share the Dignity, they are doing such great work & you will be helping a homeless women somewhere out there. For more information visit their site. https://www.sharethedignity.org.au/g/drives-and-collections See more
17.01.2022 Poor veggies, tears all round, Mr Onion cut himself.
17.01.2022 Dying to know day (tomorrow) ... To enjoy a full life we have to face the reality of death. In 2020 the organisers of Dying to know day are doing things differently due to Covid-19. ... This program is about encouraging people to talk about death, which is something society finds difficult to do. My kids dad died last year September. It was sad to see the fear in his eyes when he knew he was dying. No-one wants to give their life up, but unfortunately no one is going to be able to dodge that fate. I admire this group for stepping out courageously talking about a subject that is uncomfortable to us all. For more information on Dying to know day go to website https://www.thegroundswellproject.com/d2kday They have free workshops & resources available to provide information on death. See more
16.01.2022 I cannot believe it, its Winter here & this plant is meant to fruit in Summer. 1.7kg of Strawberry Guava fruit I collected from the tree & more still ripening. I made Strawberry Guava Jam for the very first time as I had heaps of the beauties that I was able to get creative with. ... The smell in the air while cooking the fruit was pleasant & the jam on toast...yummm Connecting with nature by growing your own fruit & food is the ultimate joy because you know your getting fresh, quality & good health.
16.01.2022 My heirloom Broccoli plants are going well in the garden I started during Covid. Some foods are getting expensive to buy & eating well should not cost us an arm & a leg. I am on a mission to encourage, educate & motivate people to grow their own foods.... Grabbing back our health is important & learning to grow our own food & reconnect with it is the best thing we can do for ourselves & families. I have a few broccoli varieties growing in the garden. The green colour broccoli called Roman Cauliflower is a stunning & unusual Italian heirloom, known to date back to the 16th Century.
15.01.2022 A hungry Wallaby..its amazing how behaved an animal can be when they are fed..so cute.
15.01.2022 What a beautiful Blue Tongue Lizard. Photo sent to me by my sisters boyfriend. Nature is definitely amazing with all its colours, shapes, sizes & textures that created this beautiful creature.
15.01.2022 More Bees partying around the yard on the Grevillea flowers. There is no shortage of bees here, dont you just love Spring.
15.01.2022 5 days later, my veggie seeds are already showing signs of life. This is why I stress the point of purchasing fresh seeds. The seeds I have settled with are from ABSeeds Queensland Australia. ... I took the time to speak with the owner of @abseeds, Vicki to find out a bit about herself, the business & the seeds. Fresh seeds are one of the keys to germination success. Another thing I would like to stress is to be careful not to buy Genetically Modified veggie seeds. The reason is the GM seeds have been modified to stop re-seeding & are sterile. Get value for money, buy heirloom/ heritage seeds if you already grow foods but dont buy heirloom or you are thinking to grow food. Old world food seeds are amazing, better for your health & have an impressive variety. Check out the ABSeeds website.
14.01.2022 My two cherish-able backyard chickens. They are really helpful, they eat most food scraps, weeds, unwanted insects, provide free manure & they give lots of tasty healthy eggs. It was hilarious when I first got the chickens. My daughters boyfriend would embellish his story on how the chickens wanted to attack him when he went to feed them. Mmm...I would say it was more like they were excited to see food in his hands. So we all know why he would think an att...ack was coming...Hungry eyes It was the best thing I did to get chickens, daunting at first but easy the more I learnt. If you have wanted to give chickens a go, phone your local Council for rules & regulations. Some info: A beginners guide on keeping chickens https://www.somerzby.com.au/blog/keeping-chickens/ The Garden Gurus - Keeping Chickens https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4pAK1P8YhlU See more
14.01.2022 NO PLANTS, NO FUTURE a great sign at the Sydney Botanical Gardens. It s National Organic Week, 7-13 September & I thought the photo was perfect. No plants, No Future..how true. Our lives & the generations depend on plants to move us into the future. ... For more information on National Organic Week visit: https://www.organicweek.net.au/core/ See more
14.01.2022 Suicide Prevention, I came to Toukley NSW today to do a training that Lifeline Offer. Its important for community to understand the signs that a person has before giving up their lives. There is an increase of mental health issues in Australia & numbers are always growing.... It doesnt hurt to train ourselves up as a community to stay aware & have contacts for when a vulnerable person needs to get help.
13.01.2022 The garden I have posted a few times this year constructed in March looking a little wild & free.
13.01.2022 Orchids playing hide & seek. I found the little beauties under taller plants in nature.
13.01.2022 Now is a good time to get ready for the Spring/Summer growing crops. As I have mentioned before I trialed out seeds from @abseeds this year & the germination rate has been very impressive due to quality & freshness. Some of the foods I am planting are cucumbers, different types of tomatoes, corn, more lettuce to sustain the families needs & more. ... It requires patience but before you know it theres food. The wait & care is worth it as I know I will be harvesting high nutrient foods that are tasty & not tasteless like shop bought veggies. Seed companies earlier this year due to Covid sold out of lots of their seeds, so I know there are lots of people trying to grow their own food. If you havent yet tried growing your own produce, put it on your to do list, you will really enjoy it once you get the hang of it. Happy gardening
12.01.2022 National Science Week, interesting stuff. I love how far Forensic Science has come. There are free online talks that may interest some people during our hibernation period. https://www.scienceweek.net.au
12.01.2022 Bees are important to our environment. So planting trees like Tea tree really encourages important bee activity.
11.01.2022 Commonly known as Teatree this beautiful Leptospermum species from a distance looks like snow has fallen on the leaves. In spring it really stands out with all the masses of pretty white flowers.
10.01.2022 Kindness is a conscious decision we make each day & it doesnt take much effort if we choose to show it when needed to people who need it.
09.01.2022 Remembering to treasure all of the little good things each day helps us to be more happier. We were born to experience joy & roam around like proud lions. The simple things are often the best, & its usually all the things that money cant buy. Its little things like sharing a smile with someone, talking to great people,the suns magic shine on your face, the sound of birds making their own music, being able to walk, making choices & the list goes on if we think carefully about it. Taking note of the simple things that dont cost anything & appreciating them will make a big difference to our lives. Paying attention to the little good things will put a smile on our faces
08.01.2022 Opening ourselves up to something better/ new requires letting go of whats old/ outworn or what does not work for us anymore.
06.01.2022 (JRS ) Jesuit Refugee Service. A service that supports women & children of domestic violence. I felt compelled to give this book to a number of amazing Community Mobilisers who did some training with me last week & today. A book with a powerful message. It was a book I read & a book I gave my daughter to read at the age of 18yrs. My daughter had very little confidence in herself & her abilities. She took the book, read it & the rest is history. @daniellaabi_couture... She came 1st in NSW at the time of studying Fashion Design. After reading the book my daughter had an inner drive to succeed & show her talents. The moral of my story is empower people to be their best & this book by Susan Jeffers did it for me & my daughter & I am sure many others. Fear holds a lot of us back, but it’s there to protect us as well. So walk with it & do what you need to do to express your magic. Thanks to the great women I meet at Jesuit who are working towards a positive change in society.
06.01.2022 Comfrey I owe a lot to this plant, why? I broke my ankle in three places coming up to two years now & I had to have surgery, pins & plate. The break was not painful, it was the swelling. The swelling created so much pain & motivated me to think what herb could help bring down the swelling. ... Well, I remembered learning about Comfreys benefits. I decided to try blending a handful of fresh Comfrey from my garden & added a bit of flour & little water to the mix to make a paste. I wrapped the paste in a cloth & sat it on the swollen ankle. I had instant relief just from the cooling off effect the Comfrey pack gave me. I left the pack on my foot for at least two hours. I could not believe what I saw the next morning. The swelling came down to nothing at the top half of my foot. I was that excited I woke my daughter up to see if I was seeing things. Three months of swelling & I finally had some relief. Comfrey is well appreciated plant in the permaculture world as a compost ingredient. This plant is amazing, it gave me relief when tablets & ice did nothing. Its known as a mender of bones. See more
06.01.2022 The Red Back Spider has dinner organised.
06.01.2022 Compost part 2, the grass clipping & weeds have broken down except for chunks I did not cut into smaller pieces. Its been a little over 2 weeks & as you can see the pile is browner & smaller than when I first started. I kept turning over the pile every 2nd day & made sure it was well watered. ... Many people leave their compost sitting for a while, sometimes months to a year or more. I like to do a bit of hard work initially to get fast results so I am not waiting. As you can see the piles are small & manageable. I leave the piles in an open space with no cover because I live in a warmer area. I add no food scraps in my piles, thats for my worms instead. I will now either add two piles together to get more heat build up & for more compost break down or just use the compost straight away as mulch around my fruit trees. Every year I use this quick method of making compost, then I check the pH & make adjustments if required. Then the compost gets distributed around my fruit trees. My composting habit has contributed to more fruit on my fruit trees. Composting is a habit that is required if you want to be a good gardener & be a producer of lots of good, healthy nutritious foods.
06.01.2022 Soft curves & appealing to the eye, I lost myself sculpting this. Its great to keep calm & get creative in times like this. It drops down the anxiety levels, creates a happy mental space to think clearer & gives a sense of peace & satisfaction. So get creative in any which way you can. ... A quote for the day... The creative adult is the child who survived. See more
06.01.2022 Soaps I made last night, an activated charcoal soap & the other, a simple natural soap. The homemade natural soap recipe costs under 0.50cents each to make. I got 37 soaps from the batches. My soap making workshop at the Creative Fringe is booked out for next week but I encourage people to visit their website for other workshops by other presenters. They do some cool stuff going there.
06.01.2022 Lavender its a star herb appreciated by many. A plant belonging to the mint family, Lamiaceae. It is a plant that is widely used commercially for the extraction of the essential oil. A very popular plant today & has been for centuries. Lavender flowers & young leaves are edible & used to add flavour to desserts & foods. ... Lavender is also known to help with insect bites, so I decided trial it. I rubbed my lavender ointment I made on mosquito bites & what a relief, the itchiness disappeared. So I can say Lavender does work with the bloodsucking mosquitos irritating itch. Many adore Lavender because of its diverse gifts & the smell helps some to relax. If you dont have this plant, its worth growing, It has many great qualities. See more
05.01.2022 Nasturtium, an edible plant belonging to the cabbage family Brassicaceae. Flowers vary from pale yellow, bright orange to a strong red colour. Every part of the Nasturtium plant is edible & the flowers are a decorative addition to a salad adding a peppery flavour. The Nasturtium plant has medicinal value in traditional medicine & is said to benefit the immune system.... The growing habit of the plant is a creeping ground cover & it does well in hanging baskets as long as it is watered. I love this plant for its colours, peppery taste & the Nasturtium capers that can be pickled. I purchased my nasturtium seed from @abseeds_au which have been very reliable. A great plant if you have space. See more
05.01.2022 Another busy bee I found in the garden today, on a Mizuna Asian green veggie plant.
05.01.2022 More Strawberry Guava for more jam. This is a Summer fruiting plant were I am here but this is the very first time it fruited in Winter. I have picked over 4kg off the tree this year. The best thing I found from it fruiting in Winter is I had no problem with fruit fly like I would in Summer. This was the reason for the abundance of good fruit.
05.01.2022 Native miniature orchids. I have had this plant hanging for over three years in a sunny spot. The Australian native orchid has been a lot easier to look after & required less attention than exotic orchids.
04.01.2022 I get home to a birthday dinner & 30 year old daughter & son in law playing with trains & chaos all over lounge room with Christmas stuff. My daughters get excited over Christmas, me on the other hand maybe not so much.
04.01.2022 Three playful Dolphins came to say hello, absolutely beautiful.
04.01.2022 Parsley, why I think its great for keeping the kidney healthy. Let me tell you a personal story. When I was young, I had problems with my Kidney, nothing serious just an infection in the Kidney that gave me a lot of pain. My dad seemed to know Parsley was good for the Kidneys from his mothers teaching. ... What my father did was grab a handful of parsley from the garden, cleaned the leaves then simmered on low heat for 20-30minutes. I drank three cups a day & the infection disappeared in a short period of time. My parents did take me to the doctors to get medication as a precaution but I never took the tablets. This is why I knew the healing came from drinking the parsley tea. With a Lebanese background Parsley is a herb we use often. Its another plant thats great to have in your garden. See more
04.01.2022 A clever picture, to forgive ourselves for not knowing. Carl Jung an important phycologist of the previous century spoke about shadows, the hidden parts of ourselves. This is a lovely picture of a girl helping her own shadow up like you would a good friend when they fall. The words speak for themselves. ... What would be your interpretation or opinion? See more
01.01.2022 The Golden Orb Spiders golden web seems to have bought attention to its durability as a strong thread that could be used as a bullet proof vest. This is a spider my work colleagues & I would run into often while working in bushland throughout Sydney...the Golden Orb Spider. I loved it, the men were the ones to scream showing impressive vocal variety when they ran into a web. ... I read a very interesting article about the Golden Orb. The web thread material was tested for its strength, the article saying it was tougher & lighter than Kevlar. It is amazing what we can learn from nature if we look close enough. An African Proverb: When spider webs unite they can tie up a lion. See more
01.01.2022 Hand ball...a good old fashion game. My family members on Fathers Day.
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