Wheatbelt Health Centre Pharmacy in Northam, Western Australia | Pharmacy/chemists
Wheatbelt Health Centre Pharmacy
Locality: Northam, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9622 7905
Address: 25 Holtfreter Ave 6401 Northam, WA, Australia
Likes: 670
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25.01.2022 How do we get our elf to do so many funny things you ask? We give her lots of candy canes! We even found a giant one for her!! Where will she be next? #theoriginalnorthamelfontheshelf #lifesizeelf #elfontheshelf #lovewhereyouwork #pharmacy #pharmacychristmas #christmas #wherewillshegonext #christmasonfitzgerald #elfandseek
25.01.2022 I don’t know what’s prettier.... this beautiful flower or the bright pink ones she’s holding! There are many ways that you can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer by simple lifestyle choices. Keeping active, lowering alcohol consumption and maintaining a healthy weight and diet are all ways we can try to prevent this disease in our families. Make a healthy choice today to help yourself and your families future @pinkupnortham #pink #pinkupnortham #breastcancerawareness #mcgrathfoundation #preventioniskey #families #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #strongfamily #keepactive #pharmacy #belocalbuylocal
24.01.2022 Peek-a-boo! We see you! Why are you hiding little elf? Are you practicing for Christmas on Fitzgerald Elf and Seek? We hope all the wonderful kids can find you. Maybe they can look behind the trees! #hinthint #theoriginalnorthamelfontheshelf #lifesizeelfontheshelf #elfontheshelf #peekaboo #christmastime #christmasonfitzgerald #elfandseek #pharmacychristmas #pharmacy #thanksforthetree @wheatbelthealthnetwork #pharmily @northamchamberofcommerce @caddsnortham
22.01.2022 Thanks for coming to play with us today Ledi! @pinkupnortham #pink #pinkupnortham #photobooth #belocalbuylocal #yehaw #pharmacy #mcgrathfoundation #weloveourlittlepeople
22.01.2022 We would just like to wish our little elf a very very Happy 21st Birthday for yesterday!! We hope you had the best weekend and enjoyed your cake! Thanks for always making us laugh, you make our day! @breerousey #itsyourbirthday #twentyone #pharmily #pharmilybirthday @ Northam, Western Australia
21.01.2022 WE HAVE MASEUR SANDALS! Did you know that maseur sandals help promote healthy posture, balance and alignment. Their unique design provides support for arches, heels and toes while helping to correctly position your feet to relieve pressure on your hips, knees and back! ... Come in store and grab a pair for your summer wardrobe today for only $59.99! Or you could add them to your list to send to Santa..... @maseur_aus #maseursandals #maseuraustralia #whatsyourstyle #gentlevsinvigorating #summerishere #uglyslides #unisex #listtosanta #wishlist #pharmacy #belocalbuylocal #wheatbelt See more
21.01.2022 Whoa little Elf! Watch out for those ankles! You might need one of our new Thuasne ankle or knee braces! Lucky your elf-insurance can give you money back on these beauties! #theoriginalnorthamelfontheshelf #lifesizeelfontheshelf #thuasnesport #getthepicturequick #falling #stronganklesrequired #belocalbuylocal #morethanjustanklesandknees #pharmacy #pharmacychristmas #pharmily #lovewhereyouwork @ Northam, Western Australia
20.01.2022 What’s green, white and red all over? A sunburnt elf! This elf is a SunSmart elf! She slip, slop, slap, slide and shades from the sun to keep herself from getting burnt this summer (while being quite groovy) Come in and get all your hat, sunglass and sunscreen products in store today and you too can be as SunSmart like us! #theoriginalnorthamelfontheshelf #lifesizeelfontheshelf #elfontheshelf #christmas #sunsmart #slipslopslapseekshade #pharmacy #pharmacychristmas #pharmily #lovewhereyouwork #northamwa #belocalbuylocal @cancercouncil
20.01.2022 Keep cool people.... keep cool Great idea from Wheatbelt Health Network - why not pop in with your scripts and say g'day? #heatwave #keepcool #hydration #community #northam
20.01.2022 This is why we love spacers - such a better distribution of your asthma medicine. This means what you use gets to where it's needed, and you need less medication to get the same effect.
20.01.2022 Oh Elf! Now Harry will have to spend the rest of the day cleaning up the mess you made in his office! P.s. how did you even get in there without him seeing you?! You must be one sneaky elf!! #theoriginalnorthamelfontheshelf #lifesizeelfontheshelf #whatamess #mischeviouself #sneakysneaky #lovewhereyouwork #pharmacy #pharmily #christmas #whatwillshedonext @wheatbelthealthnetwork
20.01.2022 Oh I’m glad someone finally got their hands on you little elf! I hope Sally tickled you into a well behaved elf before Santa comes in only 3 sleeps!! #theoriginalnorthamelfontheshelf #lifesizeelfontheshelf #tickletickle #stinkyfeet #twinkletoes #pharmacy #pharmacychristmas #pharmily #lovewhereyouwork #podiatrist #3sleepstillchristmas @wheatbelthealthnetwork
20.01.2022 If you are a diabetic (or pre-diabetic), blood tests can be a really important way to keep an eye on the long term effects that your blood sugar is having on your body. Ever wondered how all this works? https://youtu.be/foc4PzlJKd0
19.01.2022 Oh Karen! How beautifully bright and pink you are! Thank you for coming and supporting us Did you know that approximately 20,168 Australians will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020.... That is a draw dropping average of 55 people every day. Please help support this worthy cause to make a difference to just 1 of those affected Pink up Northam Karen Ducat #breastcancerawareness #breastcancerawarenessmonth #mcgrathfoundation #pink #community #belocalbuylocal #pinkupnortham #pharmacy
19.01.2022 Oh little elf are you a little dehydrated after all these hot summer days that we’ve had? Lucky we have some frozen Hydralyte for you! To function correctly, your body needs both water and electrolytes. Water helps to maintain body temperature, digest food and lubricate tissues and joints. Electrolytes, help to retain fluid, and maintain good nerve and muscle function. This is very important in this hot weather and also coming into Christmas and New Years (when Mum and Da...d may have a few too many beers by the pool!) This summer season, aim to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water each day. Some signs and symptoms of dehydration can be: -thirsty -have a dry mouth, lips and tongue -have a headache -have dark urine, -be dizzy or light-headed, particularly when standing up If you have severe dehydration, you might: -be extremely thirsty -have a very dry mouth -be breathing fast -have a fast heart rate and a low blood pressure -have a fever -have little or no urine -be irritable, drowsy or confused If you have any of these symptoms increase your fluids and/or seek medical attention Stay safe this summer peeps! See more
18.01.2022 Zoooom! Incoming twinkle toes! Ready or not Christmas is coming! Come in and find the elf and all her friends for all your pharmacy needs this Christmas season. P.s Stay tuned for our Christmas on Fitzgerald Elf and Seek around the stalls! #theoriginalnorthamelfontheshelf #lifesizeelfontheshelf #pharmacy #pharmacychristmas #zoooom #pharmily #christmasonfitzgerald #belocalbuylocal #lovewhereyouwork #northamwa
17.01.2022 What have you got little elf?! Are you stealing jelly beans out of our jelly bean count? Head on down to our tent on Christmas on Fitzgerald and have a guess for how many jelly beans are in our jar and all funds raised will be donated to #bringtorihome #theoriginalnorthamelfontheshelf #lifesizeelfontheshelf #elfontheshelf #christmasonfitzgerald #northamwa #belocalbuylocal #pharmacy #pharmacychristmas #christmas #pharmily #lovewhereyouwork #goldcrossglucojel #jellybeancount @ Wheatbelt Health Network
16.01.2022 What a fantastic way to end a week... a huge bouquet of flowers from one of our amazing customers to make us feel all warm and fuzzy inside! We have the BEST customers ever! #loveourjob #pharmacy #bestcustomersever #warmfuzzyfeelings
15.01.2022 Merry Christmas from our Pharmily to yours!! Thank you to all of our wonderful customers for another wonderful year and for all your support! We love you all! Have a wonderful Christmas!! #theoriginalnorthamelfontheshelf #lifesizeelfontheshelf #pharmily #pharmacy #itschristmas #5elves #christmasday #ourcustomersarethebest #northamwa #christmascards #cryingfordays #loveyouall @ Northam, Western Australia
15.01.2022 Thanks Scarlett for finding us!! Cadds Fashion & SportFirst Northam
15.01.2022 Is your goal to lose weight this year? Why not try Impromy? A CSIRO approved diet that combines good nutrition habits with meal replacements. Here's a link to some of the delicious recommended recipes you can use as part of the program (yum yum). Book an appointment today for a free assessment and we can get you started! #2020goals #weightloss Impromy Weight Loss Program https://www.impromy.com/recipes/
14.01.2022 We are still open on Saturdays! 8:30am-1pm
13.01.2022 Thanks to everyone that came down and visited us at Christmas on Fitzgerald! We had a super fun filled night and plenty of laughs. Elf had some wonderful helpers that made our night even more special! Also a HUGE shoutout to Kath, Bruce and the team at Cadds Fashion & SportFirst Northam for letting us use your window for our hiding spots and having a great laugh with you! #christmasonfitzgerald #theoriginalnorthamelfontheshelf #lifesizeelfontheshelf #northamwa #lovewhereyouwork #lovewhereyoulive #westartthemyoung #bloodpressurecheck @ Northam, Western Australia
13.01.2022 Where is the elf hiding now? Come find her in the window once it gets dark!! Cadds Fashion & SportFirst Northam#theoriginalnorthamelfontheshelf #lifesizeelfontheshelf #christmasonfitzgerald
12.01.2022 We have been getting a lot of questions about the symptoms of Coronavirus vs the flu and common cold. This handy resource from the Australian Department of Health provides a great table and security for those anxious over your symptoms.
11.01.2022 Christmas isn't fun for everyone. Exercise has an amazing impact on your mental health and well-being. I know myself that a walk or swim, something to get the heart rate up, can really burn off a lot of excess cortisol (stress hormone) and increase dopamine (chilled, happy brain chemical). I know the daytime temperatures are crazy at the moment, so wait until the heat of the day is over, or get out first thing before the sun gets too hot. Your mind and body will really thank... you. #christmashacks #mentalhealth #coping Beyond Blue Fresh Start Recovery ProgrammeWheatbelt Health Network My Healthy Wheatbelt https://www.beyondblue.org.au//exercise-your-way-to-good-m
11.01.2022 CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS OPENING HOURS Thursday 24th December 2020 8:30am till 5:30pm Friday 25th December 2020 - CLOSED Saturday 26th December 2020 CLOSED ... Sunday 27th December 2020 CLOSED Monday 28th December 2020 CLOSED Tuesday 29th December 2020 8:30am till 5:30pm Wednesday 30th December 2020 8:30am till 5:30pm Thursday 31st December 2020 8:30am till 5:30pm Friday 1st January 2021 - CLOSED Saturday 2nd January 2021 8:30am till 1pm Sunday 3rd January 2021 - CLOSED Monday 4th January 2021 8:30am till 5:30pm If you have any questions, please give us a call on 0896227905. We would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year.
11.01.2022 On behalf of myself and the team at Wheatbelt Health Centre Pharmacy we would like to thank the Hon Roger Cook and the WA Pharmacy Guild for travelling to Northam to present us with our award for Community Engagement! As your local pharmacy, we take great pride in providing a top level service to our customers!
10.01.2022 We have CAKE!! Lions Christmas Cake! Come in store and get a 1kg, 1.5kg or a delicious pudding and support a great cause that is the @lionsclubs Get in quick before our Elf eats it all!!
10.01.2022 To our loyal customers After directive from the Federal Government regarding stockpiling of medications, we have today taken action to protect the Northam Community and guarantee their medication needs. We want to ensure people that there is enough medicines in the supply chain today - but if stockpiling continues, this may change... Today, we have been advised to only supply a months worth of medication at a time and to limit the supply of ventolin and paracetamol to one per customer. We have every intent to abide by this to ensure that customers who have a strong clinical need get the medication they require. As always, we stand committed to your medication needs, and will do our best to ensure your medication needs our met. In the event of medication shortages, we will work closely with your General Practitioner to organise a suitable alternative. Yours sincerely Daniel O'Driscoll Pharmacist
08.01.2022 Yoohoo! Don’t you just love our giant Webster Pak? Our elf sure does! If you are travelling over the holidays (or anytime during the year) we can make up a Webster to take with you instead of carrying all of your medication boxes with you! Look out for the elf and the giant Webster Pak at our Christmas on Fitzgerald stall this Friday the 13th! #hinthint #comefindus #elfandseek #theoriginalnorthamelfontheshelf #lifesizeelfontheshelf #elfontheshelf #christmasonfitzgerald #lovewhereyouwork #pharmacy #pharmacychristmas #christmas #giantwebsterpak WebstercareNortham Chamber of Commerce
08.01.2022 What kind of cars do elves drive? Toy-otas! beep beep!! Oh little elf, I think you need more practice parking! Must have been the glare off that tinsel handlebars! Better try again so no one scratches your trike! #theoriginalnorthamelfontheshelf #lifesizeelfontheshelf #elfontheshelf #pharmacychristmas #christmas #pharmacy #pharmily #lovewhereyouwork #toyota #trike
08.01.2022 Man, it’s starting to feel like Christmas! This elf is channeling her inner Shania Twain (as all of us love to do) and is getting ready for all the Christmas parties back with Santa! Have you got your dancing shoes ready? Only 2 more sleeps!! #theoriginalnorthamelfontheshelf #lifesizeelfontheshelf #dancingqueen #shaniatwainfan #thosedancemovesthough #nicerose #tadaa #pharmacy #pharmacychristmas #pharmily #lovewhereyouwork #2moresleeps #santaiscomingtotown
08.01.2022 Winner, winner, chicken dinner! Well done to Jayden on guessing the correct amount of 537 jelly beans in our jelly bean count from Christmas on Fitzgerald. I hope Mum has a great hiding spot so you boys don’t eat all of them tonight or in the first week of school holidays! Thank you to everyone who supported us at Christmas on Fitzgerald. We were able to raise $108 towards #bringtorihome #theoriginalnorthamelfontheshelf #lifesizeelfontheshelf #christmasonfitzgerald #jellybeancount #fundraiser #sugarrush #sugarhigh @ Northam, Western Australia
07.01.2022 What kind of photographs do elves take? ELF-ies!! This little elf got caught out taking elfies in the store today And what is better than 1 elf? 2 elves..... in an ELF-mas tree! This little elf loves playing Elf and seek, stay tuned for where she is hiding next! #theoriginalnorthamelfontheshelf #elfontheshelf #lifesizeelfontheshelf #elfieselfie #christmasonfitzgerald #elfmastree #belocalbuylocal #lovewhereyouwork #pharmacychristmas #pharmily @northamchamberofcommerce @ Wheatbelt Health Network
06.01.2022 Caught!!! Little elf, did you eat all the Cherry Ripe balls that Nanna Elf made for us?! You’ll get a tummy ache if you eat all of them! #theoriginalnorthamelfontheshelf #lifesizeelfontheshelf #northamwa #pharmacy #pharmacychristmas #pharmily #nannascookingisthebest #christmastimeishere #santaiscomingtonight #caught #coconutlips #cherryripeballs
06.01.2022 What do get if you eat Christmas decorations? .... TINSEL-ITIS! This naughty little elf got into the Christmas decorations today.... What will she do next....? #theoriginalnorthamelfontheshelf @inbalancephysioandfitness #lifesizeelfontheshelf #christmas #pharmacychristmas #whatwillshedonext #itsstartingtofeelalotlikechristmas #belocalbuylocal #christmasonfitzgerald #northam #lovewhereyouwork #pharmily
05.01.2022 Uh oh! We caught the elf lounging around and eating all of our yummy Darrell Lea chocolates! What a great stocking stuffer or an easy desert for Christmas Day. Be quick, they won’t last long with this naughty elf around! #theoriginalnorthamelfontheshelf #lifesizeelfontheshelf #elfontheshelf #chocolate #lazysundays #christmas #pharmacychristmas #pharmily #christmasonfitzgerald #elfandseek #lovewhereyouwork @darrelllea @northamchamberofcommerce
04.01.2022 Come in store and join our 10 week challenge!
01.01.2022 Dementia is an incredibly common condition that affects many of our community. "It is a broad term used to describe a loss of memory, intellect, rationality, social skills and physical functioning." Here is a short video that talks about what it's really like for people... Thanks to Dementia Australia for the content https://youtu.be/Tc2-eRqJPsM
01.01.2022 Oh elf! First Harry and now Babu?! What are we going to do with you?! Maybe we should call Santa #theoriginalnorthamelfontheshelf #lifesizeelfontheshelf #mischeviouself #whatwillshedonext #elfontheloose #weeee #lovespinnychairs #pharmacy #pharmily #lovewhereyouwork @wheatbelthealthnetwork @babuzhino
01.01.2022 October is breast cancer awareness month and we are doing our part to spread the word! Come in and let your imagination free with our funky pink photo booth! Come dressed in PINK, use our props or do a bit of both just be sure to tag us in your photos so we can see and share your playful pics! @pinkupnortham @wheatbelthealthnetwork #mcgrathfoundation #pink #breastcancerawareness #pharmacy #pharmily #belocalbuylocal #photobooth #somanyballoons
01.01.2022 Today is the International Day for People With Disability FACT: 4.8% of the population of the Wheatbelt require assistance with core activities (ABS 2019) This is simple day-to-day life activities like showering, cooking, getting to the shops or doctor appointments. This is 1 in 20 people in our community! Life can be even more challenging for our people once there is distance involved in getting to amenities (welcome to the Wheatbelt right?)... We want to help keep people in their homes as long as possible, and this is a big reason why we do what we do with deliveries, medication packing, communicating with your healthcare team and generally keeping a close eye on your health and well being. We applaud you for being just awesome... and...We've got your back!
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