White Rock Trail Festival | Businesses
White Rock Trail Festival
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25.01.2022 P & J Training Services are proud sponsors of the White Rock Trail Festival and are donating 1st prize cash to the 12km event for male and female. Paul and Julie have extensive experience in training with machinery, and you can read about the business below or say G'day to either one of them on the day! "Over 30 years of operator experience and 15 years training in transport and earthmoving, P & J Training Services can help you get your RII and VOC competencies in machinery and earthmoving equipment. Let's us help you with your HR training and MC truck licenses. Looking for a new career change or just updating your skills, we can gladly help you"
25.01.2022 We are truly sorry to say we wont be selling singlets due the major mix up with the sizes between kids and women's. We do apologise, we have fitted most of you who came up today, so thank you. We have a few spare for the ladies that may need an exchange and the kids (well, plenty for all the kids). Men's sizes are fine. Thank you!
23.01.2022 Registrations and transfers close tomorrow night (30/09/2020) - only just over 30 entries left! So dont miss out as we do not have on the day entries as this is a capped event! Race bib pick up times are allocated as follows; Saturday 3rd October, between 3pm-5pm Sunday 4th October, from 5am.... Location for both times is at White Rock Conservation Estate in the horse float car park (Where Park Run starts) Precinct area opens from 5am and parking will be allocated for our participants. Please carpool if you are able to BBQ will be provided for you all to purchase a sausage and a drink. Coffee Van will also be available, especially for our volunteers We have some great sponsors at our event so make sure you check out what is on offer and bring some cash/card just encase White Rock Trail Festival Volunteers are working very hard to give you all a fantastic event and wont be able to attend to emails too often, please look out for updates on this facebook page and an email will also be sent out to you on Thursday for more information (Please check your junk mail also). Thank you and we look forward to bringing you an amazing trail event at out White Rock! White Rock Warriors Committee
22.01.2022 LOCAL LEGEND KATHRYN! Ultra runner from UTA, Blackall, to the amazing UTMB (The really big one over in Europe across some amazing Alps through France, Italy and Switzerland -only about 176km) "My way" documentary star on channel 9! TRAQ Vice President (trail running associated of Qld)... White Rock parkrun event director and of course our local legend trail runner, has always been one for great encouragement and support throughout the local running groups in Brisbane and will be kick starting the 12km run on Sunday with a few encouraging words for you all! Here is a little something about Kathryn and if you see Kathryn around and have some questions, make sure you say G'day! "In 2008 a New Years resolution was made and I wanted to run 5km without stopping! Who would have thought in 2017 I would be competing in the international UTMB trail event. White Rock become my training ground exploring single technical trails to the challenging rolling fire trails. White Rock become a place where I made many friends and many hours of running never become dull with such a mix of terrain and scenery. Watching sunrises and sunsets at their best is always magical. I love adventure, and White Rock never disappoints. It brings serenity in my recovery time, fun with friends when I need it the most and always tests my limits when I need to be at my best in training. Having White Rock trails at my back door is a trail runners dream. I have enjoyed sharing others overcome their trail challenges from their first trail run or their first night trail running experience. Watching people grow within themselves from just taking the step outdoors and falling in love with these trail has inspired me. White Rock will always remain a special place and my memories continue to grow" #myrunning
21.01.2022 Pye is a local Redbank Plains resident and a very interested community supporter, to be one of our VIP in March, we welcome Pye to our postponed event as a VIP. Pye will be starting the 7km race at White Rock Trail festival and presenting the 7km place prizes. Pye is the Operations Manager of Western Pride Football, located at Flinders View. Her work in the community sees her creating many football programs which include program for families impacted by circumstances.
21.01.2022 Massive Thank You to P&J TRAINING SERVICES for donating prize money for the 1st place male and female for the Challenger course 12km at White Rock Trail Festival. Need a new career; With the MC licence class, all training and assessment is done with P & J Training services as an accredited RTO. With extensive experience in the provision of all aspects of RII tickets/ticket, licences, training & VOC’s, they will have you on machinery in no time.... Training skills in HR-MC truck licenses, RII & VOC's for plant operators, P&J training services are experienced instructors to train and assess you to an industry standard as outlined in the unit of competency for Multi Combination TLI4006 Drive a Multi Combination Vehicle.
19.01.2022 Thank you to Intrapac properties for coming on board as one of our main sponsors. Jeff Behrendorff - Development Manager - attended our inaugural event and gladly gifted our 1st place runners with a cash prize donation for male and female category. Intrapac properties have also donated $5K for our next years event, which is fantastic for our club. Jeff Behrendorff also announced, Intrapac Properties is donating 200 hectares of land towards White Rock Conservation Estate (appr...ox 500 acres) for the trail runners to play in - Exciting! "At the eastern gateway of the Ripley Valley settlement, White Rock is inspired by its natural setting, creating a series of sustainable villages that will inspire a healthy and active community with a network of paths and recreation opportunities. This estate will deliver a major neighbourhood centre incl. destinational dining featuring local produce, a sports field, school and series of walkable neighbourhoods. Upon completion, the estate will consist of approximately 2,500 homes offering a diversity of lifestyle and housing choices. The estate will be well connected with close proximity to the Ripley Valley Town Centre (4km), Ipswich City centre, motorway and rail including a future rail line adjacent to the site. A significant amount of land will be dedicated to the White Rock Conservation Area." Thank you for your support and sponsorship!
19.01.2022 Springfield Lakes Anytime Fitness are sponsors of White Rock Trail Festival. Make sure you say hello to these two gorgeous ladies, Nat and Khyla, who will be your warm up instructors before your run. Anytime fitness have donated a 3 month free membership and some extra prizes, so much sure you go and personally say hello to these lovely ladies and check out the "Spin Wheel"!... "Your fitness starts here Join Anytime Fitness Springfield Lakes and you’re joining Australia’s biggest fitness community. Whatever fitness means to you, it’s waiting here in-club. There’s expert PT's who’ll keep you motivated and on track to reach your goals. There’s a range of intensive Anytime Fitness classes. There’s all the equipment you need to push yourself harder, with both cardio and floor training areas"
18.01.2022 White Rock Warrior members if you enter into the series On the Edge Events have provided us a discount code. Please message me for your code before you enter into this amazing series! Sign up for the full short or long course series and you will revive a special goodies bag at the first event! (discount code for individual entries only as full series is at a discount)... https://www.ontheedgeevents.com.au/scenic-rim-trail-running
17.01.2022 Thank you to Trail Run Magazine Australia & New Zealand! Committed to a Prize of a 12 month subscription and was a supporter since March and we are very thankful. Our Lucky winner was Penelope Webber Trail Run Mag was the first in Australasia (Australia, New Zealand and Asia) to be dedicated to the pursuit of trail running.... Amazing reviews on trail gear, clothing and most importantly - TRAILS! Great read on "Trail Crews" see other trail clubs throughout Australia and New Zealand. https://www.trailrunmag.com/subs/ Keeping you up to date with the Trail scene
15.01.2022 A little over a week to go and we are rockin n rollin! Entries are filling up fast and as we are limited to numbers, no on the day entries will be offered and the cut off for all entries is the 30th of September (Wednesday). If we reach full capacity by the 30th of September, we wont be able to accept further entries - which ever comes first! We will have an allocated bib pick up time the day before for anyone that is able to make it out to White Rock to pick up their bibs/s...hirts/visors. We will have event shirts for sale on the Saturday and Sunday - We can not promise you a shirt before this day as we are limited with sizes and numbers! We will send out another email to all our participants in regards to times, parking (car pooling if possible) and most importantly the regulations on the limited numbers that are allowed in the precinct area. White Rock Warriors and On The Edge Events look forward to bringing you an impressive trail event at White Rock and we look forward to sharing the trails with you with our first event!
14.01.2022 Thank you to Lisa, who drove all the way down from the Sunshine Coast and stayed overnight to be at our Festival, just for us and all the participants to see and experience this amazing Brand SALMING! Lisa also donated 4 x $100 gift vouchers, two for our runners up in the 21km Champion event (Male and Female), one for our best Volunteer of the day and one as a lucky prize draw! Congratulations to those who won that awesome gift. SALMING running Australia has impressed the r...unning scene and is Australia fastest emerging running brand! SALMING - The new range has just arrived, so make sure you check out their facebook page or website. Do you already have a pair of Salming shoes? If so, post below so we can check out your new running shoes! https://salmingsport.com.au/
13.01.2022 Bottom of the stairs CK point, Phil Austin Photography, cheers www.philaustinphotography.com
12.01.2022 Only 4 weeks and we get to enter into another fabulous trail series! Start training on those hills, get ready for some amazing scenery, and be prepared to win some great prizes! Enter into all events for an automatic discount. If you can not commit to all events, enter in singular with WRW code for a 15% discount. Code: WRW Club... BBQ for everyone - (free for volunteers) we will try and source out eftpos, but bring some change $$ just encase. We can not wait to run with you all #ontheedgeevents #scenicrimtrailseries #whiterockwarriors
12.01.2022 Hillybilly Endurance will be attending our event for all your trail running needs and wants! Make sure you say "Hello" to Ben who is coming up from the Gold Coast just for you!
09.01.2022 We have been lucky to secure a discount for "Flirt with Dirt" trail event for single entries. Great event for kids to try out also! Use White Rock Warrior Code: "WRW10" - To get your 10% discount. (Not included for full entry of all rounds as already discounted)... See more
07.01.2022 Make sure you join in for some more local trail adventures!! Ipswich Trail Series is back!
07.01.2022 How much did you enjoy the local event, The White Rock Trail Festival? So much so, please nominate us for the "Community Event of the Year" for Ipswich Australia Day Awards! Also lets the local council know how much we need events for our community for all types of clubs. Ipswich Australia Day Awards - nominations close 8 November... The categories are as follows: * Citizen of the Year (aged 26 years or older as at 26 January 2020) Senior Citizen of the Year (aged 60 years or older as at 26 January 2020) * Young Citizen of the Year (under 26 years of age as at 26 January 2020) * Cultural Award (Open to performers, musicians, actors, directors, etc., as well as those who have worked to develop cultural activities and projects within the Ipswich community) * Sports and Recreation Award (Open to sporting coaches, administrators, officials and athletes of all ages) * Community Event of the Year (Nominations are open to events that have taken place in the Ipswich local government area in 2020) * Spirit of Ipswich Award. (Open to anyone who resides outside the City of Ipswich but contributes greatly to the local Ipswich community i.e. through volunteering etc). The nomination process is simple (I promise you!) and can be submitted online on Council’s website - Ipswich Australia Day Awards Nominations close on 8 November. https://www.ipswich.qld.gov.au//ipswich-australia-day-awar Thank you
06.01.2022 White Rock Warriors are excited and grateful to introduce our new sponsors for the White Rock Trail Festival "Intrapac Property" Intrapac property have kindly donated the 1st prize money for male and female of the 21km Champion course and have also generously donated a large sum towards next years trail event. We are happy to see the future of White Rock through a very caring and sustainable developer for our much loved conservation area. Here is a little about the new growin...g estate White Rock. "White Rock will be located in the Ripley Valley south of Centenary Highway, strategically located 35km from the Brisbane CBD and 15 km from the Ipswich CBD. At the eastern gateway of the Ripley Valley settlement, White Rock is inspired by its natural setting, creating a series of sustainable villages that will inspire a healthy and active community with a network of paths and recreation opportunities. This estate will deliver a major neighbourhood centre incl. destinational dining featuring local produce, a sports field, school and series of walkable neighbourhoods. Upon completion, the estate will consist of approximately 2,500 homes offering a diversity of lifestyle and housing choices. The estate will be well connected with close proximity to the Ripley Valley Town Centre (4km), Ipswich City centre, motorway and rail including a future rail line adjacent to the site. A significant amount of land will be dedicated to the White Rock Conservation Area"
06.01.2022 LOCAL LEGEND SURGE! Running the Trail Festival in 1 week! Most locals know the trail legend, Surge, his passion for running on trails keeps him out at White Rock on a regular basis and advocates strongly for high maintains of the tracks and especially upkeep on the flora and fauna, for all of us to enjoy. Check out what Surge has to say and make sure you say G'day to him when running with on Sunday!... "The funny thing is when I was young I would run though the jungles of south east Asia and also the Blue Mountains just for fun. At the time I didn’t know I was trail running, but I knew I love it and in 2013/14 I wanted to get back into fitness and lose some weight, so I started running mainly on the road with Springfield Runners Group (SRG). A couple of guys from SRG were running a trail run, and I was asked to join in, so I went along, and from that day on, I caught the trail bug. I also change my running sometimes and still hit the road for a causal run, however, my passion is out on the trails and I also love building and maintaining them so everyone can enjoy them. There is something very special about running out at White Rock, I don’t know what it is but when you hit the trails, nothing else matters and it I feel a sense of healing for the soul and as a bonus keeps me fit. I do feel a spiritual connection to White Rock, it dose not matter how many times I run out there, the feeling is the same. We are so lucky to have so many places to trail run in south east Queensland and I am grateful for White Rock being my local conservation area to run in. I enjoy being part of the Trail running community, but most of all I just love running" Surge
06.01.2022 White Rock Trail Festival will not go ahead for the year 2021! As a committee, we have decided with these unpredictable and unstable times with Covid, it is best to postpone the festival until the year 2022. We also understand that there are events on that are family businesses and as a non-for-profit we feel our festival is okay to be on hold for a year. ... We do apologise, however there are many great trail events on this year, so make sure you support your local events through these unstable times. We will be in contact with our sponsors and any free entries will be either gifted with merchandise or you will be able to redeem them in the year 2022! We will be back, we just think this is the best decision for the festival and our committee members.
05.01.2022 White Rock Trail Festival 8th of May, 2021 (Saturday) Registrations will open February 2021!
04.01.2022 A week has been since our inaugural White Rock Trail Festival and we want to thank our sponsors that made the event even more special. Thank you to "Trail Running Association for Queensland" TRAQ, Hubertein Wichers - President and Kathryn Austin - Vice President. Both committee members of TRAQ were very supportive from the beginning and we want to thank you for your advice, attending a committee meeting for us, phone calls in support and of course the fun Prizes for the runn...ers on the day! Thank you to Joris, Dan and Peter - the TRAQ for volunteering on the day! Kathryn did mention on the day TRAQ was giving away a membership to an outstanding 12km runner. The winner is Erin Pearl, who won 1st place for female and 3rd place runner overall. Congratulation Erin we will be in contact with you soon! Thank you TRAQ for all your support and we look forward to working with you next year!
04.01.2022 Very proud to announce that White Rock Trail Festival was nominated as one of the many great events of the year 2020 with 2021 Ipswich Australia Day Awards. All our volunteers put in 120% to make this event come true for our local trail running community, so thank you very much for all you effort throughout an unpredictable year. We want to thank everyone that nominated our event in the first place, as we received a lovely certificate for both nomination and being a finalist ...amongst some other amazing community volunteers in the Ipswich area. We truly have some amazing people in our community. A quick ceremony (how uncanny) due to a Covid lockdown from the previous weekend, we were still able to attend our ceremony in a masquerade theme Thank you everyone and the committee can not wait to give you another grand event in 2022! White Rock Warriors Inc.
03.01.2022 Salming - no nonsense Swedish brand. Salming's very own Lisa will be at the Trail Festival, so make sure you say hello to Lisa and check out these amazing road and trial shoes. "Salming is a Swedish company that produces high performance running, squash, floorball and handball equipment. Salming has been in Europe for decades and is now available here in Australia! Salming Running Shoes are based on natural running principals and are extremely lightweight with road and trail models available. The shoes are manufactured to the highest standards and are designed to engage the correct muscles in the feet and legs to assist with injury prevention"
01.01.2022 Trail Brew will be at White Rock Trail Festival! One you've run with this magic potion no going back to any other mix. Very clean and Australian owned! Say G'day to Troy tomorrow.
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