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WhiteJasmin Photography in Perth, Western Australia | Photographer

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WhiteJasmin Photography

Locality: Perth, Western Australia

Phone: +61 400 601 602

Address: Weddell Close 6155 Perth, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 Photography is preservation - a way to capture your memories, your changing looks, growing a family - beautiful moments that you want to remember for a lifetime. Don't let them slip by, let's freeze them in time. Contact me to schedule your session.

25.01.2022 I’m going to be at this amazing event on Sunday.. Message @TheWellnessMuse for your ticket

25.01.2022 5 Ways to Find the Perfect Session Location for Your Portraits Really, choosing the best location for your portrait session is about figuring out what vibe you’re going for, and then from there, we can brainstorm together to find a spot that’ll make your heart skip a beat. Here are 'five ways over five days' to jump-start the process: 1 Consider Your Preferred Style: The best portrait sessions capture your existing style. Think of what your favorite outfits are and what sort of style you’re drawn to, and then we’ll come up with a complimentary session location. For example, if you lean towards the beach, then an urban landscape may not be your ideal location.

24.01.2022 HAHA - I don't think my house has been clean since school holidays started

24.01.2022 Why You Should Finally Print Those Photos Your Kids Are Currently Frozen In Time So many of us are guilty of printing our photos, feeling accomplished for doing so, and then waiting forever to print the most recent batch. It’s now been four years, and your kids have changed completely since. Update your existing, outdated portraits with pictures that are much more recent.

24.01.2022 Another great family reunion! This is when quality images count these will give you something to look back on for years to come! #existinphotos

23.01.2022 Happy clients = Happy me

23.01.2022 How gorgeous is that sun??!! #perthphotographer #perthcouples #engagementphotography #igotengaged

22.01.2022 Bringing the doggo? Don't forget the water bowl and snacks!

22.01.2022 Hands up if you are only on Facebook and haven't ventured into the world of Instagram yet? To make sure you don't miss out on anything head on over to my website and sign up to STAY IN THE KNOW.

22.01.2022 Are the school holidays sending you broke? Here are 10 things that you can do on a 'No Spend Day' 1DIY something from Pinterest 2Go Geocaching (google it) 3Bake cookies ... 4Borrow a neighbours dog for the day 5Do random acts of kindness 6Learn a new skill 7Visit 5 new parks 8Camp in the lounge room 9Organise your cupboards Go hiking See more

22.01.2022 HOW TO GET REAL SMILES Give us a list of icebreakers for your child. Tell us the kinds of shows they watch, music they listen to, friends’ names, favorite story, etc. This will give us something to talk to them about, and will help them forget they’re in front of the camera.

21.01.2022 Enjoy whatever you're doing today #strayaday

21.01.2022 Life passes by swiftly! All too many times in my own personal life, I've missed opportunities to capture memories. Don't miss yours, book a family session!

21.01.2022 The Importance of Having Your Photos Taken (part 3) You’ll Love Looking Back on the Images Later Having images that document you and your family over time is unspeakably meaningful. You, your kids, your kids’ kids, and so forth will love being able to look back at these snapshots from throughout your life.

20.01.2022 The Importance of Having Your Photos Taken (part 6) The Actual Experience Can Be Super Meaningful We talk a lot about looking at the images and enjoying them after the fact, but the actual session is meaningful, as well. It can be a true bonding experience for couples, small families, and large groups. Some even make the commitment to do images once a year just for that reason.

20.01.2022 The Do’s and Don’ts of What to Do On Session Day Whether you’re thinking about booking a session or if the session you already booked is right around the corner, it’s always good to do a little prep work before the big day! To help ensure your session day goes off without a hitch and that your pics look flawless we’ve outlined some DO’s and DON’Ts of session day. These are based on years of experience, so we know a thing or two!

20.01.2022 The Importance of Having Your Photos Taken If there’s one thing for certain in life, it’s that your to-do list is never-ending. From minor things like doing the laundry, mailing that package, and getting to that doctor’s appointment to major commitments like planning a birthday party or heading out of town for a wedding, it can all be pretty exhausting. Amid it all, though, we argue that it’s important to take some time once every year or so for yourself, and for your loved ones, to have your pictures taken. We admit we’re pretty partial to this notion, but here are six reasons over six days why we think it’s a good idea. Let us know if you agree!

19.01.2022 Why You Should Finally Print Those Photos "Every Office Desk Needs Some Family Love" Whether you’ve got a home office in need of some TLC or a work desk at the office that needs to be infused with a bit more personality, a framed 5x7 or 4x6 print will always do the trick. If you’re feeling ambitious, opt for a collage or a canvas.

19.01.2022 The Importance of Having Your Photos Taken (Part 1) Things Change Really Quickly Your baby can change dramatically in a matter of months, and this rings true as your kids get older, as well. Adults grow and change just the same.

18.01.2022 So school holidays have meant that I haven't done nearly enough work LOL so here is my attempt at getting up to date.. Check out this family argue on the BLOG:

17.01.2022 How to Choose the Best Location for Your Portrait Session. One of the best parts of hiring a professional photographer who’s been doing this whole picture-taking thing for a while is that we have a huge arsenal of incredible session locations for you to choose from. We totally understand that you want to have a say in choosing your portrait session backdrop. It’s your session, after all! To be honest, we’re super eager to hear what you have in mind, and we might even hav...e some sweet location ideas to share with you off the top of our head. Starting tomorrow, I'll share with you "5 Ways to Find the Perfect Session Location for Your Portraits" See more

16.01.2022 The Importance of Having Your Photos Taken (part2) It Presses Pause on a Period of Time You know how when you smell a perfume or a certain food it brings you back to a moment in time? Looking at a picture does the same thing. Not just in terms of the moment itself, but in terms of that period of your life.

16.01.2022 Why You Should Finally Print Those Photos "That Blank Wall Could Use a Nice Smile" You know that blank wall in your home? Maybe it’s above the living room couch, in the stairway, or in your front entry. A canvas print would tackle two birds: décor and finally getting those pics printed.

16.01.2022 Just over 4 weeks till Xmas Gift Vouchers available #supportlocalbusiness

16.01.2022 Session Day Do’s Make Sure You’re Looking Fab: We’re not saying you have to spend oodles of cash, but you do want to put a little extra attention into the details. Nails should be manicured, hair groomed, and clothing pressed. Spring for the blowout if you’re feeling it.

15.01.2022 Session Day Do’s Arrive Early: You know that saying if you’re on time, you’re late? Well, that totally applies to photography sessions. Just like you arrive a bit early to a work meeting, doctor’s appointment, or massage, arrive a good 5 to 10 minutes early to your session so we can get started right on time. This also gives your kids a chance to feel comfortable in their surroundings.

15.01.2022 WHAT SHOULD WE WEAR???? (part 2) If you need further help then here are a few rules. 1 - Pick the colour scheme. Then plan YOUR outfit first. Then build everyone else's around that. ... 2Don't wear MASSIVE logos. Simples See more

15.01.2022 Session Day Do’s Have Your Outfits Planned: If you’re doing multiple outfit changes, have everything figured out and put together in advance for each person who’s being photographed. Trust us on this one.

15.01.2022 How To Feel Comfortable in Your Photos If you’re new to the family photo game, chances are you may feel a little bit nervous about what to expect. That’s completely natural, so don’t think you’re strange for feeling that way. In fact, I hear from our clients all the time that they just want photos of the kids as they’re apprehensive to get their pictures taken for all sorts of reasons, ranging from being unphotogenic to feeling awkward in front of the camera and beyond. To help you feel a bit more at ease leading up to the day of your session and during the actual shoot I’m giving you some pro tips over the next few days.

14.01.2022 Sometimes you just feel your best in your own element, I get that. That is why I offer photoshoots right in your own home! I can capture that special family connection in your own space. No need to come to me, I'll come to you!

13.01.2022 How To Feel Comfortable in Your Photos - Go Ahead and Glam it Up. It’s a fine line between not being true to who you are and wanting to look amazing on the day of your shoot. The key to feeling amazing and comfortable on your session day is to elevate the traits you really like about yourself. If you love flowing dresses, find one that you feel incredible in. If your hair is your favorite feature, go ahead and get a blowout or spend the few hours beforehand focusing on your ...hairdo. If you feel more comfortable with a bit of colour, schedule your spray tan. Do these things only if you feel like it will make you feel your best and not because you feel like you should.

13.01.2022 How To Feel Comfortable in Your Photos - Be Authentic to Yourself. Have you ever packed for a holiday and decided you were going to bring four different books and a couple workout outfits even though you rarely read or workout? That same sort of mentality can occur when you’re prepping for a photo session as you try to reinvent who you are.... Instead, relax and show up on session day as your authentic self. Wear clothes you feel beautiful and comfortable in this is all about capturing the essence of you!

13.01.2022 5 Ways to Find the Perfect Session Location for Your Portraits Day 4 Consider Sentimental Spots: If a location has special meaning to you then it can make your session and images even more personalized. For example, engagement sessions taken at your first-date location, family portraits taken in your forever home, or the ice-cream shop you went to all the time as a kid.

12.01.2022 5 Ways to Find the Perfect Session Location for Your Portraits Day 5 Look at Some of Your Favorite Images: ... What sort of portrait images are you drawn to when scrolling through social media or flipping through a magazine? Is it rich, lush greenery? Is it gritty graffiti? Hazy fields? Modern lines? The blue of the water at the beach? Let this natural inclination inform your session location choice. See more

12.01.2022 The Importance of Having Your Photos Taken (part 4) Professional Photos Are of a Certain Quality Candid images you took on your phone are super important (seriously snap away and don’t stop!), but there’s nothing that compares to the high quality of professional images.

12.01.2022 How are those New Years Resolutions going? Did you make any?

11.01.2022 Don't forget to #PRINTYOURPHOTOS You have spent good money on getting professional photos done, so why just keep them on your computer. Print them for EVERYONE to see!! There are SO many options now for displaying your photos. Get in contact and let us print your favourite images.

11.01.2022 Why You Should Finally Print Those Photos Raise your hand if you’ve got a digital pile of pictures that are collecting virtual dust. Sure, you might dig them out of your Dropbox account or iPhone photo roll every once in a while, but you paid for those pictures, and chances are they’re not getting the visual justice they deserve. OK, we’re partly kidding, but it’s kind of true! I've got 7 different reasons why you should finally get to printing all those digitally imprisoned images. Maybe one or two of them will compel you into action so that you can enjoy those smiles on the regular :-)

11.01.2022 Take advantage while your kids still want to hug you - Mini sessions available

11.01.2022 Can we just take a moment to appreciate this gorgeous family. We had already rescheduled once due to bad weather and we weren't going to let the cold and rain get the better of us.

10.01.2022 QUICK - get photos now while they still hug you At what age did you have to bribe your kids to give you a hug for a photo? My daughter just turned 13 and I think I still have many years left (though they definitely won't be shown to any school friends LOL)

10.01.2022 Session Day Dont’s Don’t Neg Yourself: We’re all super critical of ourselves more so than anyone else would be but we urge you to use this day to think positive thoughts and refrain from self-criticism. Your smile is gorgeous and the outfit you picked is perfect. We’re sure of it.

10.01.2022 WHAT SHOULD WE WEAR???? (part 1) Is a question I get asked A LOT!! And my reply is "Whatever you feel comfortable in!" If you want to wear your FAVE floral dress and hubby is comfortable in a striped shirt - then wear it!!! ... Your photos are going to look AMAZING if you feel comfortable in your clothes. See more

10.01.2022 HOW TO GET REAL SMILES Practice phrases at home to see which ones evoke the best smiles from your child. (Please, oh please, avoid Say cheese! unless that really works for your child.)

09.01.2022 What will you take the opportunity to do?

09.01.2022 How To Feel Comfortable in Your Photos - Know That We’re Pros at This Stuff. One of the reasons why people experience post-photo stress is that they might not have had the best images taken. Because of the lens, selfies create a distorted image of your face. Also, lighting and angles seriously matter. ... We’re pros at this stuff. We know which poses to put you in that’ll make you look and feel amazing and we know how to position you against the light to create a stunning portrait.

09.01.2022 Ways To Celebrate February Order yourself a box of 'Forever Roses' that last up to a year. @floriaaustralia

08.01.2022 Family A little bit of loud, a little bit of crazy, and a whole lot of love.

07.01.2022 This three-generation portrait is touching. It can be hard to get together as a family. I strongly encourage you to book this type of session if you have the privilege to. High-quality images last a lifetime, even after a lifetime is gone.

07.01.2022 Why You Should Finally Print Those Photos "They’d Look Really Great on the Fridge" Your fridge is prime real estate for some of your favorite portraits. Not only will you get to look at them multiple times a day, but so will friends and family when they come over for dinner.

07.01.2022 Session Day Dont’s Don’t Bring Your Squad: You know how it’s hard to cook in a crowded kitchen? Yeah, that. It’s fun to hang out with friends, but we promise things will go way smoother if only those being photographed, and your photographer, are present. By all means, though, grab some food after with your crowd!

06.01.2022 Why You Should Finally Print Those Photos "A Scrapbook Project Could Be Real Fun" Putting together a scrapbook for your partner or children isn’t only therapeutic for you, but it will be a treasured gift they’ll keep forever. You could even invite a loved one to help create the scrapbook with you.

06.01.2022 Ways to celebrate Valentine's Day Send a card to a friend. Handmade or not. It's a small thing that means a lot.

05.01.2022 The Importance of Having Your Photos Taken (part 5) It’s a Reason to Get Together We alluded to all the chaos in our worlds, but we’ll reiterate the point. Stopping everything to get together for a couple of hours looking your best and chilling in a cool location is a great way to spend an afternoon and forget about all the other stressors in your life.

05.01.2022 I'll be catching up with this family again soon to be part of their wedding vow renewal.

04.01.2022 Session Day Do’s Be Flexible: Sometimes it rains, sometimes it’s windy, sometimes there’s a parade going on across the street. Roll with the punches. Most of the time we can use these 'bumps' to our advantage.

04.01.2022 This family wanted to take their photoshoot to the next level at the beach! The kids loved splashing and running through the water. We all had a lot of fun and it was a great way to cool off after a humid shoot.

04.01.2022 HOW TO GET REAL SMILES Kids are completely unpredictable. They can be so adorable and easy going and laughing uncontrollably one minute, and the next minute, turn that charm off completely. They will typically smile for you all day long until you put them in front of a camera, then they freeze up like a deer in headlights. We want to avoid the gritted teeth and bug-eyed forced smiles during our session. Here are some things you can do: ... Make a list of things that your child thinks are funny and send it to us prior to the session. This way, we can be prepared and add these things into our bag of tricks.

03.01.2022 5 Ways to Find the Perfect Session Location for Your Portraits. Day 3 How Many People Are Being Photographed?... This detail matters for a few locations, especially if you decide to go with a small space. If it’s just you or a few people total, then your options are pretty limitless. Large groups, however, require large and open spaces, otherwise, things may start to feel crowded or overwhelming during the shoot itself. See more

03.01.2022 Why You Should Finally Print Those Photos "They Make Amazing Gifts" Nobody is going to turn away a gift card or a new gadget, but the gift of images takes things to a whole new, personalized level. Whenever you’re in doubt, gift pictures. Canvases, framed 8x10s, flipbooks, and albums are a joy to give and receive.

03.01.2022 My first day back in the gym since #stayhome started and I couldn't be happier. Thank you, Chantal, and all your trainers for everything that you have done for us while the gyms were closed. It felt so good to be yelled at in-person HAHA... If you are looking for a COMMUNITY of fabulous people to continue your fitness journey, or want somewhere to start it - then Earn The Burn - Group Fitness & PT is the place for you.

03.01.2022 Makes me feel all fuzzy inside when clients leave me love notes

03.01.2022 All kids love it when I get in real close

02.01.2022 Session Day Do’s Call Us if You’re Running Behind: On that note, things happen. If you end up running a little late, please make sure to call us so we can plan accordingly. Communication for the win!

02.01.2022 5 Ways to Find the Perfect Session Location for Your Portraits Day 2 Think About Color: Do you want a bright and splendid backdrop or one that’s more minimalist? By narrowing down your preferred color story, we can narrow down your session location.

02.01.2022 Why Book With Me? I know exactly what you're thinking "There are hundreds of photographers in Perth alone! What sets you apart from all the rest?" That is an excellent question, and it's one you should ask yourself before any major investment. While I'm not going to go on and on about my amazing personality (I'm pretty awesome, though) and impeccable photography skills (my portfolio speaks for itself!), I will tell you that we'd have an absolute blast toge...ther at our session. You see, choosing the right photographer is not only about having an incredible product at the end of the day (in this case, photographs), it's about having a positive overall experience. I am a photographer because it's my number one passion in life. I also believe that having your photographs taken doesn't just begin with the click of a shutter button and end with your images. The overall experience is just as important. If you're having fun, I'm having fun. And everyone who sees those pictures? It'll be super obvious we had an incredible time together. Those are the kinds of pictures you want to hang on the wall. And those are the kinds of experiences that have earned me long time, loyal customers. #perthfamilyphotographer #supportsmallbusinessperth See more

01.01.2022 Why You Should Finally Print Those Photos "You’re Craving a Décor Makeover" If you’re bored with your current living room, bedroom, nursery, or even hallway, adding a few pictures throughout is a great way to inexpensively and very easily change things up. Grab some new throw pillows or a window dressing to match while you’re at it!

01.01.2022 Kids are great, there is just something about their youthful bliss! They really are my favorite part of the job - sorry mum and dad!

01.01.2022 How To Feel Comfortable in Your Photos - Chat With Your Photographer Before The Session. Sometimes simply talking through the process with your photographer can help you feel much more at ease. For starters, I'll walk you through each step of the session so that you know what to expect. Second, getting to know the person who’s going to be photographing you can help you feel much more relaxed and yourself on the day.

01.01.2022 How are the kiddies handling back to school today? HAHA

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