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Who Moved My Goalposts


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24.01.2022 We just had the best weekend away! This weekend just gone, we had the most wonderful little trip away. I wanted to write about it, not to rub your nose in the fact we had a great time, but to share with you some things that we learnt and experienced along the way!... I’m sure that some of you reading my blogs have stayed many times in Airbnb’s, but for us, this was our first, and I have to say, it has left me excited about this whole other world of possibilities out there for future travel! For those of you who haven’t done Airbnb before, I wanted to write about it and give you some info! For more on our beautiful weekend away, all of my blogs and more, please subscribe to my email via the website and while your there why not check out all the rest. Happy reading . . . . #concussionawareness #braininjuryrecovery #tbiwarrior #livingwithtbi #hopeandpossibility #newrorehab #recoverfromstroke #acquiredbraininjury #bangalore #upagainafterstroke #rebootingthebrain #india #newro #dependencetoindependence #strokerecovery #selfcare #survivor #brain #startneurorehabilitation #health #braininjuryawarenessmonth #selflove #physiotherapy #neuroexperts #cerebralpalsy #spinalcordinjury #spinalinjury #brainrecovery #recovery

24.01.2022 BLOG POST 9 What on Earth Just Happened??? Finally, The Homecoming. ... As the days rolled into months at hospital, so did his eagerness to come home. The initial date for release was the 26th July. This date was plastered on his whiteboard, along with his Nurses on duty, his dietary requirements, and mobility notes, like how to transfer him in and out of bed to his wheelchair. But, the 26th of July was the only thing that he saw, it was the only thing that mattered, and it became a bit of an obsession. To read more, please head to my website and you can see all of my blogs, insights to the medical world as a patient and more stories along the way!

24.01.2022 BLOG POST 5 Part 5 - I’m sorry luv, you don’t just get to sit around waiting for your husband to get better. While all the medical issues were being dealt with, and visitors came and went, there was a mammoth amount of Administrative things to be done.... First and foremost was trying to keep everyone in the loop. Constant updates needed to be sent out as things were progressing, changing, worsening, etc. I continually had my husband’s mobile phone in my hand as well as mine. I had to create text lists to all of his work associates who were spread from all over Queensland, Sydney and Perth and his local network of colleagues. Everyone needed updates, wanted to arrange visits to the hospital, and of course, I had to speak to his bosses to advise them of what we were dealing with on a regular basis. They also needed some paperwork and letters from the hospital to confirm what was going on and some time frames around when or if he might be returning to work. Then, there was our immediate and extended families, cousins, friends from all over Sydney and Queensland, so I had messenger and texts working overtime to keep everyone informed. And phone calls - they were all very gratefully received, but took up a lot of time. For more stories, blog posts, and more, please like and subscribe to email through the link on my bio, or visit my website where you will able all Blog Posts and Stories Along the Way!

24.01.2022 Yesterday we did an interview to help promote Speech Pathology Week - it highlights all the amazing work that Speech Therapists do, the difference they have made to both our lives, and hopefully educate the general public on just one of the many areas of Brain Injury Awareness.

22.01.2022 Hi there! If you’ve missed any of the stories and need a catch up, head over to the website to view everything that’s been released, and feel free to subscribe for free while you’re there so you don’t miss a thing in the future!! Happy Friday Website link:...

19.01.2022 Our Train Trip from Brisbane to Mackay We are finally on the road again.. rather rails.. and are doing our first long haul train trip! We’re on our way to Mackay (North Queensland), to visit our very dear friends whom we met when we lived there many years ago, before kids, and have been close ever since.... As I write this, we are departing and it’s sooooo exciting!!! Hubby is sitting across from me snapping off pictures of just about everything in his excitement, and I am writing, but stopping to take in the views often, so I think this might be a long write! As mentioned in previous stories, we love to travel and are really just starting out on our adventures - that is until, like everyone else, Covid 19 hit and changed the where, when, and how, for pretty much the entire world. So instead of our planned (and booked) trip to Europe next year, we are pushing the hold button, for who knows how long, and adventuring closer to home. Within our home state of Queensland only, because at the time of writing this, our state is in lockdown - you can leave, but you may find it hard and quite expensive to get back in!

15.01.2022 BLOG POST 7 Part 2 - Finance and all the Important Stuff Following on from last week, where I covered all your Insurances, Wills and Testamentary Trusts, EPOA’s, Advance Medical Directives, I now have the final pieces of info about people and services that we’ve found helpful.... As you go along, you will find out that there are a lot more services on offer - a couple that come to mind are Taxi Fare Concessions, and Carer Support Organisations. I haven’t used either of these, but they can be really helpful, and just a tip of the iceberg on what you might find available. The important thing to remember is try not to feel overwhelmed by all of this. You don’t need to do it all at once, but if you try to have a couple of things on the go, then start adding more as you are able to, you will eventually get through them. Once you have done a couple, it will get easier with the rest. And, if your reading this and don’t have a loved one who has become ill, please do yourself a favour and look into your insurance policies. You just never know when you may need them. My biggest hope for you is that it will be a sum of money that you will spend over time, but never need to use! . . . . #concussionawareness #braininjuryrecovery #tbiwarrior #livingwithtbi #hopeandpossibility #newrorehab #recoverfromstroke #acquiredbraininjury #bangalore #upagainafterstroke #rebootingthebrain #india #newro #dependencetoindependence #strokerecovery #selfcare #survivor #brain #startneurorehabilitation #health #braininjuryawarenessmonth #selflove #physiotherapy #neuroexperts #cerebralpalsy #spinalcordinjury #spinalinjury #brainrecovery #recovery

11.01.2022 For any of our FB friends who live on the GC - Hubby and I did a TV interview today for National Speech Pathology Week which will be aired from 5.30pm tonight on Channel 7. It's aim is to raise awareness of what Speech Therapists do, and highlights the difficulties that are faced by those who have Speech and Communication deficits (and their family and friends). If you're around in front of a TV at that time, just thought I'd give you the heads up. If you miss it, I believe it will also be on their FB page, so I'll share it when it comes up! Cheers.

10.01.2022 I saw this in a book I've just finished reading by Lisa Messenger. She is a great inspirational writer and business woman. I loved this quote as it resonated with our lives, and wanted to share it with you all Have a wonderful, positive week!

10.01.2022 BLOG POST 6 Part 1 - Finance and all the Important Stuff To many, just reading the name of this Blog will be enough to have you running for the hills, but believe me, you’ll be glad you’ve read it once it’s done, so time to rip that band aid off and get started!!!... So, what should you have done before this all happened???? . And, what do you need to do now that your loved one is in hospital???? There are a tonne of ads on TV that have been running for several years now, that continually tell you that you should have Life Insurance, Income Protection Insurance and Funeral Plans blah blah blah.. or not?? The one and only reason that I am able to stay at home with my husband without the worry of having to work to make ends meet, is simply because we had amazing insurance policies in place, well before he fell ill. Now, I can’t speak for or against the policies that are bombarding us on TV daily, but what I can say is that having good quality insurance policies in place will literally either make you or break you. For more stories, blog posts, and more, please like and subscribe to email through the link on my bio, or visit my website where you will able all Blog Posts and Stories Along the Way!

09.01.2022 BLOG POST 8 Part 5 - What on earth just happened??? Following on from the last blog on What on earth just happened??, I thought I would write more on exactly what goes on in the rehab department in hospital, what services are offered and any other little bits of info that we learnt along the way!... As mentioned last time (feel free to scroll back through the blogs to Part 4 as a refresher!), my husband spent pretty much all day every day, as his health would permit, with the wonderful people in the Rehabilitation Department. As with many brain injuries, there are so many deficits to work on, therefore the types of therapy required are vast and ever changing. Every specialist service had their own areas to work on, and their own outcomes for my husband to achieve, all with the common goal of getting him home and being able to function as best as was possible. Head to the link in my bio to find out more, read all my blogs and subscribe to my email so you never miss a post.

03.01.2022 Speech Pathologists - you gave me back my husband!!! A Speech Pathologist is a health professional with expertise in the assessment and management of communication, feeding and swallowing disorders. A speech pathologist may work in a number of different settings including hospitals and private practices and community health centres. This sounds like a huge statement, but it’s absolutely true.... The thing is that until you spend an extended amount of time with your partner, and you have to initiate all conversation, and answer yourself with no real input from the other side, then you don’t fully appreciate just how lonely and difficult it can be - and that’s just from my point of view. Now imagine how isolating and soul destroying it is when you are the one who knows what they want to say, but has no way of communicating it! Unimaginable for most. Speech therapy, we have learnt, comes in many forms. For more stories, blog posts, and more, please like and subscribe to email through the link on my bio, or visit my website where you will able all Blog Posts and Stories Along the Way!

01.01.2022 Check this latest post out and don’t forget to click on the link to read the full story!! More to come in the coming days!

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