Whole Alchemy in Sydney, Australia | Alternative & holistic health service
Whole Alchemy
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 413 548 594
Address: 15/51 Old Barrenjoey Rd Avalon 2107 Sydney, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.wholealchemy.com.au
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24.01.2022 Musings Life, the sweet beautiful thing we all took for granted a mere few nights ago. How a walk to a coffee shop to hug an old friend seemed so regular back then, how when the stars came out and the bottles opened by dancing crowds was our every Friday occurrence. Life, freedom, security, those words we don’t utter anymore in our lonely four walls. The safety net we tugged and pulled for decades is finally giving in. We are falling, completely unaware of when we will h...opefully be dragged to the surface again. We are suffocating, yes I know. But there is a small but mighty tank of hope relieving our tired lungs. The hope that this is just a reset, a chance for us and Mother Earth to take a deep breath. Inhale, Exhale. We still have our love bandaging the wounds of our crumble. We still proudly carry our dreamy memories and well earned accomplishments. We still see the sun rising each morning reminding us all this is just a pause, a singular deep breath. Beautiful words by my darling sister @lydiemuir See more
24.01.2022 Flowers are the music of the ground. From earth’s lips spoken without sound.- Edwin Curran . . . .... . #naturopath #nature #wellness #health #plantmedicine See more
23.01.2022 LIBIDO~ A decline in libido is common in women through menopause however I often see women in their 20’s and 30’s with a less than satisfactory libido. A low libido is one of the most common sexual issues for women. Determining why your libido is low can depend on various factors, but the main ones I see are women who are stressed out, depleted, usually who have children already and possibly feel just over-touched/ needed by others all day. Stress, anxiety, depression, t...hyroid imbalances and low iron levels can all decrease your sex drive. There are foods, teas, and herbal tinctures that can improve a woman’s libido (best discussed with a qualified Naturopath). Foods such as pumpkin seeds, Maca powder, oysters, flaxseeds, and oily fish can all be beneficial to consume. Being mindful of caffeine intake is important too as caffeine places a strain on our adrenals which causes an excess of cortisol (the stress hormone) which then reduces DHEA, (a sex hormone that can encourage health libido). If your libido is lacklustre feel free to connect with me to discuss how we can work together to reawaken your sexuality through herbal medicine and nutrition. Image via @pierrot . . . . . . #naturopath #health #sexualhealth #wellbeing #foodasmedicine #wellness #womenshealth See more
22.01.2022 F O U R My little firecracker is four years old today. I can’t believe how quickly these years have gone but also how distant life before her feels. She is pure magic, those sparkly eyes full of excitement and wonder for what the world holds for her. Curious, strong but gentle and always ready for an adventure. My sweet Winnie girl how I adore you, reach for the stars my darling and you will soar. Happy birthday @ Avalon, New South Wales, Australia
22.01.2022 With so much uncertainty in what the future may hold it is important to put your energy on positive things you can do for your mind, body and soul. Putting effort into enhancing your own immune health is a great place to start. Herbal medicines have long been used to enhance and protect the delicate immune system. Herbal medicines have been used traditionally by our ancient forefathers and will for many more years to come. Above is a list of my most commonly used immun...e herbs however, there are many more I could add to this list. With so many too choose from it is important to be advised by a trained Naturopath or Herbalist as to which one(s) are suitable for you. More is not always better and often it is more therapeutic to focusing on a specific few tailored to your body’s needs rather than taking all that you can. Lastly remember the 3 S’s that greatly impact the immune system; sugar, stress and sleep. Sugar and stress can put the immune system under fire while a lack of quality sleep can also impact a healthy immune system. Stay safe, and stay well. Katie x . . . . . #wellness #immunesupport #health #naturopathicmedicine #plantmedicine #avalon #northernbeaches See more
21.01.2022 I don’t aim for my children to eat perfectly, but I do strive for balance. We constantly talk about food and the benefits it can bring. What are some of your children’s favourite snacks? . . . .... . #childrenshealth #wellbeing #naturopath #nutrition #northernbeaches #foodmatters See more
21.01.2022 To watch you kiss one of my babies is now a mere dream. It has been 196 days since you were on this earth. I think my cheeks have felt the burn of salty tears every one of those days. How I miss your smile, your laugh, your ability to see the good in everyone and most of all your love. To be a mother without your own mother leaves an aching in your heart. While I feel so extremely blessed to have two beautiful souls to call my own, my tender soul longs to have you by my side. Thank you for raising me, thank you for teaching me how to raise my own. Until we meet again, my love for you will continue to grow. Happy Mother’s Day mum, yours forever Katie Scarlett x
20.01.2022 Sambucus Nigra | Elderflower/Elderberry. This gorgeous herbal medicine has been used since the ancient Egyptians when it was discovered that the flowers applied to burns helped their healing and improved ones complexion. Both the berries and flowers are used to support the immune system and support the body through colds, coughs and fevers. This herb is wonderful for adults but also for children. Elder is beneficial during fevers as it is a diaphoretic, meaning it will pr...omote sweating and eliminate the body of toxins/waste to encourage a return to health. The berries are rich in Vitamin C and iron, however eating them raw may produce a laxative effect so it is better to be consumed through a tincture, syrup or oxymel. Elderberry tinctures/supplements are available through the Whole Alchemy dispensary Image via @mothermountainherbals . . . . . #naturopath #herbalmedicine #immunesupport #wellness #health See more
19.01.2022 International Women’s Day.These two females have given me more strength than they will ever know. Here’s to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them.
18.01.2022 Happy 2nd birthday to this sweet boy! This little boy is the absolute sweetest thing and gives the yummiest cuddles and kisses. His kind nature, curiosity, and love for animals is a pleasure to watch. Happy 2 to our little DustyWe love you for forever more.
17.01.2022 Persian love cake I was lucky enough to try this mouth watering vegan + gluten free cake made by my completely talented friend @nourishingclub for my other completely talented friend @natmarie for her social isolating virtual bebe shower. This cake was as pretty as a picture and was divine to taste. I studied with Kate from Nourishing Club and every day she would come to class with the best snacks, all home made, all vegan, all equally amazing. I happily would sit next to her and try one of her latest recipes. Her business @nourishingclub delivers you freshly prepared meals and wholefood goodness. If you haven’t tried Kate’s food yet, I highly encourage you to, you won’t regret it.
16.01.2022 Beau our beloved family dog passed away on the 27th of February...exactly 4 months to the day since we lost my beautiful mumma.. Beau was more than just a dog he was a beloved member of our family, a source of comfort and companionship especially to my father in these last few months which have been filled with much sadness and despair. Beau had a strong relationship with my mum and went through periods of not eating in mum’s final weeks, it was like he knew what was happen...ing and was feeling the emotion and pain as well. Beau was a stubborn yet gentle giant. Dusty would crawl all over him and smother him with love and affection and Beau would never bat an eyelid. He was a part of our family for 10 years and was a source of happiness for us all. I will miss him terribly.. I hope he is up in the heavens now snuggling under mum’s feet just like he used to. Love forever See more
16.01.2022 While breastfeeding is a beautiful journey to be shared between a mother and baby, it does come with its challenges. Mastitis is a common occurrence for many mums. In mastitis breast tissue becomes inflamed making breastfeeding extremely painful and your breast(s) uncomfortably sore. Often mastitis is due to an infection, or when there is a lack of emptying of the breast milk. Blocked ducts or cracked nipples can also lead to mastitis. Some tips I found supportive in mas...titis are; Encouraging frequent feeding while completely draining the breast milk. Hot compresses and showers to where the inflammation is present, especially before a feed to encourage healthy milk flow. This is a funny one, but during one personal bout of mastitis whilst trying everything else, I read that feeding bub while mum is on all fours, and bub laying down on the bed can be helpful to completely drain a breast. I tried this and can honestly say it was so effective! While it is definitely an awkward position to feed, gravity does come into play and really helps to move things along. If mastitis is caused by infection, mum consuming garlic (supplemental/food) may be beneficial. A traditional go-to is cabbage leaves on the breasts to support engorged breasts. Herbal and homeopathic support may be indicated, however please do this alongside a trained practitioner to ensure you + bub’s safety. Advice from a trained lactation consultant. The guidance and support from someone who is trained in supporting women through breastfeeding is invaluable. Breastfeeding is not easy, and sadly many women stop when issues arise, however having a supportive network around you can assist you in your travels through all the ups and downs of breastfeeding. Drawing via @pinterest . . . . . . #lactation #wellness #health #breastfeeding #avalon #northernbeaches See more
15.01.2022 Spelt+honey banana bread. This warming loaf is filled with goodness and easy to make with the help of the kiddies. Low GI and high in fibre this is a great bread to make as a snack or to be served at breaky along some yoghurt and fruit. Recipe via @teresacutter_healthychef 450g smashed bananas 2 organic eggs 1/3 cup raw honey 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil... 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 2 teaspoons g/f baking powder 2 +1/4 cup desiccated coconut (preservative free) 1 +1/2 cups whole meal spelt flour Method: Preheat oven to 160 C fan-forced, mix all wet ingredients then add all dry ingredients and mix well until combined. Spoon mixture into lined loaf tin, bake for 1 hour. *I added a couple of tablespoons of cacao nibs in the mixture for a chocolatey crunch. . . . . . . #naturopath #nutritionist #healthybaking #wellness #health See more
10.01.2022 Pain in all forms can be debilitating, frustrating and seriously impact your day to day life. Not being able to move or use your body in how you should want can leave you feeling emotionally and physically depleted. Naturopathy will look to the root of the pain and it’s cause. In any pain management plan it almost always contains a multidisciplinary treatment approach. Massage, acupuncture, excercise, physiotherapy, heat or cold therapies may all be utilized. Herbal medi...cines can shine in pain management and offer an alternative to Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Herb classes such as analgesics, anodynes, antirheumatics or anti-inflammatories may be used alone or blended. Listed are some of my favoured pain management herbs (be sure to seek the advice from a qualified Naturopath or Herbalist before trying any herbs to ensure its suitability to you). Diet and it’s role in inflammation should not be overlooked. Should you be suffering with pain, continue to seek answers and support from your holistic network . . . . . #naturopathy #pain #well-being #northernbeaches #health #avalon See more
10.01.2022 Happy International Women’s Day To celebrate, our team shared the inspiring actions they take every day, big and small, to create a gender equal world. What do you do? #IWD2020 #EachforEqual
09.01.2022 Crocus sativus (Saffron) is often used as a seasoning or colouring in food. Coming from the Iridacae family this plant is gaining momentum as a beneficial adjunct for those who suffer depression and anxiety. Clinical trials have shown promising results with its use in those with mild- moderate depression along with general anxiety disorder. What makes this plant so well regarded in depression and anxiety is it often can be used alongside antidepressants and anti-anxiety me...dications. This comes as great news for those wanting to try alternative medicines but knowing many herbs (for example St. John’s Wort) are contraindicated in combination with their medications. As always please refer to your healthcare provider, and/or Naturopath prior to beginning this herb to discuss its suitability to you. Saffron is available via the Whole Alchemy clinic. Feel free to get in touch if you feel Saffron may be of use to you. Be well. Katie x . . . . . #Naturopath #depression #anxiety #health #northernbeaches #Avalon See more
09.01.2022 Laying in bed wishing my walls looked like this via @taramilktea
08.01.2022 Depression can be an extremely debilitating condition to experience. In light of current events I am seeing more clients suffering bouts of depression and anxiety. For the month of March @lifelineaustralia experienced their busiest month on record, highlighting the stress that so many are under. While there are various methods in tackling depression, nutrition I believe should always be considered in the treatment plan. Many nutritional deficiencies such as a decline in, B... vitamins, omega -3 fatty acids, magnesium, vitamin D, and zinc can all cause depression as a side effect. Allergies and heavy metal toxicity can also lead to depressive symptoms while adrenal dysfunction or hypothyroidism are risk factors for depression. 90% of the body’s serotonin (happy hormone) receptors are found in the gut, so when the gut is unhappy usually our moods are too! When working on mood support there are some key takeaway points: Protein is vital. Protein regulates blood sugar regulation along with the production of L-tryptophan (needed to produce serotonin). Not having enough protein will inhibit this action. Get your protein from eggs, fish, chicken, lentils, legumes or red meat. Increase dietary essential fatty acids (oily fish, flaxseed oil, hemp seeds, nuts and chia seeds). Evidence shows that regular consumption of essential fatty acids is linked with a reduction in depression. Eating plenty of dark leafy greens. These are high in magnesium which can be calming to moods. Think foods like silver beet, spinach or kale. Reduce/ avoid caffeine. Caffeine can negatively affect neurotransmitter function. Caffeine can impair sleep, deplete the body of essential nutrients and place unnecessary stress on the adrenal glands. Opt for herbal teas, fresh juices, dandelion coffees or decaf alternatives. Increase your fermented foods. These foods can positively impact your gut health which in turn will support healthy moods. Increase foods such as coconut kefir, sauerkraut, or kimchi. Avoidance of alcohol. Though it may appear to provide temporary relief, alcohol is a depressant and can fuel depressive symptoms. Cont. in comments: See more
07.01.2022 Black lives matter. The time is now, it’s time to do better, for each other, our brothers and sisters, our children. We will not be silent, we stand together to promote change, love and equality. #blackouttuesday
04.01.2022 While I don’t advocate for one particular diet or food restrictions for everyone one thing I do have faith in is that we all could be eating more plants! Becoming vegan can be an intimating, and daunting process. Without careful planning and consideration, you could begin to lack in certain nutrients. The main nutrients vegans can lack are iodine, calcium, the mineral, iron, zinc and vitamin B12. I also often see vegans lacking in protein and essential fatty acids. So ...some tips if you are on your plant based way: Tread slowly. If you are beginning to restrict many foods you’ve eaten for a long time and you are introducing many new foods you may find yourself suffering with digestive disturbances with all of the new changes. Go slow. Get a round of blood work done to test your levels and do it again 3-6 months into the diet to ensure you are functioning at an optimal rate. Combine your protein sources through the day to ensure you are getting all of the essential amino acids. For example, combine brown rice and chickpeas. Be mindful to avoid heavily processed vegan options such as vegan meats etc. If your body is really craving meat- listen to it! Heavily processed foods filled with preservatives etc. is far worse than a small amount of organic, grass fed meat if that is what your body is craving. Visit your Naturopath so they can tailor a diet plan for you, and assess appropriate supplementation. . . . . . #vegan #plantbased #health #Naturopath #NorthernBeaches See more
03.01.2022 Organic Bounty whether you eat 100% organic or only some things including more organic produce in your diet is a positive choice for your health, your body and the environment. So why choose it? . Research shows that conventionally grown fruit and veg can have quite a bit less vitamin content in comparison with organics. There can be up to 1/3 higher amounts of antioxidants in organic produce. Sadly many conventional foods can be sprayed with pesticide residues w...hich can have extremely negative responses in some, things like hormonal shifts, energy fluctuations and headaches can all occur. You are supporting farmers who truly care about their food, the way in which its grown and the impact it will have on you, your family and Mother Nature. If you are wanting to dip your toes in the organic pool but not ready to jump in, I recommend looking up a list called The Dirty Dozen, and The Clean 15. Here you can find a list of the foods with the most contamination (hint some found on the dirty list are: apples, strawberries, celery- big one for all you celery juice fans, and lettuce.). Whereas the clean products are foods such as bananas, carrots and onions, these show the lowest levels of pesticides. My go-to’s are @theorganicscarecrow (not sponsored just them) they have always provided amazing produce for a great value, and they are always lovely to top it off! . . . . . #naturopath #nutrition #health #wellness #organic #northernbeaches #avalon See more
01.01.2022 Nail health in my consultations I will always ask to look at my clients nails/ ask for my client to describe them to me when doing virtual consultations. Why you ask? Your nails can give you an excellent indication as to how well your body is functioning. It is amazing how our body can tell us outwardly how it is functioning internally. Some common signs to look out for: White spots on nails-This is very common and usually can mean a deficiency in zinc, however it c...ould be due to a fungal infection. Brittle nails that split easily- May be due to a deficiency in protein, essential fatty acids, iron or calcium. No half moons (the curved paler section at the base of your fingernail.) -This can be due to a deficiency in Vitamin C, iron or antioxidants. Ridges- Vertical ridges May mean a deficiency in silica whereas horizontal ridges may mean a deficiency in calcium phosphate. How can you improve your nail health? *Increase essential fatty acids in the diet, chia seeds, flax seed oil, oily fish. *Boost your leafy greens as these contain B vitamins, and silica. Foods such as spinach, broccoli + bok choy. *Ensure you are eating adequate protein daily- Foods such as fish, chicken, legumes, lentils, eggs + nuts. This list is by no means exhaustive or works as an exact diagnosis, however if you are noticing some signs of ill-nail health it is worth further investigation. Katie x . . . . . #naturopath #nutritionist #wellbeing #foodasmedicine #northernbeaches #wellness #nailhealth See more
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