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Whole Home in Mind
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24.01.2022 Are you feeling a bit stuck as a Mama right now? Struggling to keep your cool with the incessant demand for your attention? Wondering how on earth to create the home life you so crave, with rest for you?... I feel you... That's where the Mama in Mind workbook comes in... A resource designed with you in mind, to revitalise you as a Mama, tune in to your needs and values, and create a home life that is intentional, manageable, and works for you and your family.... https://wholehomemama.clickfunnels.com/mamainmind
23.01.2022 Are you living among a mountain of treasures, sifting and shifting through things with no visible change? Is your home no longer a space that you enjoy being in, is it too full of belongings, and yet too empty of connection, warmth and joy? Do you feel isolated, or ashamed to invite people into your space, or even into your life?... If the answer is yes, Im guessing you have gotten to the point where it feels all too much, the mountain is too high and you wouldnt even know where to begin. Am I close? Let me reassure you firstly that you are right, and how you feel is completely normal and understandable. If you are in this place, which many people are, it is too much for one person to deal with. It is too overwhelming, and there is no clear starting place. BUT that does not need to be a reason to live this way for the rest of your life. LEARN MORE https://wholehomemama.clickfunnels.com/support It may take a while and it is going to take effort and vulnerability but if you could be open to the idea of support and guidance, then it is possible. Believe me, Ive seen it. If you are willing to let me walk with you, step by step, gradually working through the years and layers of belongings, emotions and experiences that have led to where you are now Then take my word for it, you really can create a safer, healthier, more enjoyable home and life for yourself. Now let me be clear- on this journey, YOU are in the driver seat. No one will be swooping in and making decisions without you. I will be sitting next to you with the map and the compass, guiding you, encouraging you, prompting you, listening to you, and believing in you. And we will stay the course together, a journey toward freedom within yourself, and within your home. You will feel lighter, your mood will be improved, you will be more open to connecting with those around you, and you feel better in your body. Clutter indicates that something is out of balance and needs to be addressed. Lets do that together so you can reap these benefits! So would you like to start the journey? Click below to connect with us and see if we would be a good fit to work together, and we can go from there. https://wholehomemama.clickfunnels.com/support ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
21.01.2022 The odd sock basket... and we found so.. many.. pairs!! Today was the day for one of my clients, to deal with the laundry mountain of clean-but-not-put-away clothes... and of course, the perpetual odd sock basket. Her Mums response upon arriving home, 'This is where all my socks were! I didn't think there were any pairs in there!" No time like the present friends. Pick a job, any job, set a timer and get a little something done And if it's all a bit much, send me a message for some extra support
20.01.2022 Working from home with the munchkins- Mr 5 is working on his 'Online Course' ... obviously doing some mindmapping to start with, with Mr 3 in charge of 'highlighting', and has requested we do a filming session next to 'teach kids all about cleaning and helping their mums'
20.01.2022 A book nook for the tinies in our new home.. making use of this little space for a retreat from the half-unpacked chaos! #declutterwithkids #homemaking #declutteringmyhome #movinghouse
17.01.2022 Do you have a loved one struggling with hoarding and you're not sure how to help without creating tension? Could you use some help with managing conflict and the intense emotions that come up, while maintaining boundaries? Need some insight in to how on earth to begin to tackle the cleaning and decluttering tasks to get things done?... We've created this course with you in mind. https://wholehomemama.clickfunnels.com/firststep Let us make this easier for you, offer guidance and support, and help you develop a plan for moving forward to create a healthier, safer home for your loved one, without sacrificing your own needs and well-being in the process. Sign Up Today for the Special Pre-Sale Price.... Starting August 20th... https://wholehomemama.clickfunnels.com/firststep
17.01.2022 Have you got some free time this long weekend? Saturday and Monday session available to get a handle on the clutter that may be weighing you down, with packages starting from $90. Head over to www.wholehomemama.com.au for more info, or message now to book in.
16.01.2022 Need some support and some real conversation with a Mama who gets you? Sick of talking your kids ears off and nothing changing? Feeling overwhelmed and don't know where to turn?... Limited spots left for Mama Connect Calls with Whole Home Mama. A listening ear, compassionate support, and ideas and parenting strategies to get you through this tough season.... https://wholehomemama.clickfunnels.com/mamaconnect
16.01.2022 I've seen some 'bored in iso' posts.. just imagine Mamas.. having time.. to be bored!!! Most days, despite our best efforts, I feel I am quite literally living in a crazy circus house! And it is always, always time to feed the animals. So know that you are not alone, and if you want a chat with someone who has nothing but empathy and understanding, let me know #mamainisolation #familymadness #boymama #mompreneur
16.01.2022 Getting ready early for Christmas at our place! Link below for family activity ideas :) }} https://wholehomemama.clickfunnels.com/optin-activity-print {{
16.01.2022 Do you find yourself perpetually sorting and cleaning, with no end to the cycle? Are you fed up with the overwhelming amount of stuff in your home that doesn't quite have a place to belong? Unsure where to start and struggling to get motivated? Now is the time to take action, and seek a but of extra support to create a home you love being in and coming home to...... As I work side by side with people going through this process of streamlining their spaces and developing rhythms and routines, I see the amazing impact it has in so many areas of life. Are you seeking... > A home that is easy to manage day to day? > More time and energy to focus on who and what you love? > Systems which stop you from falling back into old habits? > An understanding of why these habits have developed and how you can create sustainable changes? If the answer is yes to any of these, then let's connect and see how we could work together to create the home life you are craving. >>>> https://wholehomemama.clickfunnels.com/support
15.01.2022 And the lego.. is... sorted. Oh joy! What organising tasks have you finally accomplished that gives you that feeling of order and calm and relief? Would love to hear!! *Shout out to @tessrobert.s and hubby for helping us sort! #organisedhome #orderfromchaos #declutterwithkids #mumlife #mumofboys
15.01.2022 Outside in the sunshine recording video content for the new course= my happy place Can't wait to share it with you friends #simpleliving #simplify #homewithkids #homeliferevamped #declutter #mamalove #mumlife #femaleentrepreneur #mompreneur
13.01.2022 I've been reflecting this week as we prepare to go on holiday how so often people find such peace and joy being away from home, staying somewhere with less stuff, a simpler schedule, less cleaning, more time for the family. But just imagine if that was your day in day out life?! It might sound too good to be true, but it really is possible to streamline your spaces and develop rhythms which give you that 'holiday calm' all year round. Get in touch for more info and I'll get back to you after our little getaway!
12.01.2022 Today's reminder: Seek simple. It will take time and effort and support to get to a place of order and simplicity, but it is oh so worth it. So in one small way, one small space... seek simple today, and be proud of yourself for taking that step toward the life you are pursuing. And please don't hesitate to reach out if you need some accountability or help.. I absolutely love the work I do, and I love connecting with you all xx
12.01.2022 Calling All Mamas... let me lighten your load a little, because parenting is HARD WORK, and right now it's even harder! Book in now for your first Mama Connect Call ABSOLUTELY FREE to focus on you, because you cannot care for little people without caring for yourself too. I want to support you as navigate motherhood right now, manage your home space and routines, and learn to prioritise rest and self-care for you all. ... https://letsmeet.io/wholehomemama/mama-connect As a Decluttering Consultant and Parenting and Home Routines Coach, my favourite part of the job is connecting with Mamas who are feeling burdened and overwhelmed by their roles, responsibilities, belongings and all the 'shoulds' in their life. The purpose of my work is to... FIRST get to know you and help you address the mindset issues that are leading to this feeling of overwhelm, unburdening you from expectations and negative self-talk, THEN tackle the practicalities of streamlining your home and creating rhythms for your family which are life-giving and sustainable. If this is something that you are craving >>> A Simplified and Life-Giving Home Environment which allows you to focus on your loved ones in a positive way <<< BOOK IN for your first Mama Connect Call via Zoom or Phone. Mama, I can't wait to connect with you xx https://letsmeet.io/wholehomemama/mama-connect
10.01.2022 *** Mama Connect Calls *** Now offering Zoom Support for Mamas as you parent and manage your home in this crazy time. Let me lighten your load and encourage you, because Mama, you are so so valuable! Just click the link to book in :) >>>>>> https://wholehomemama.clickfunnels.com/optin1586573492963
10.01.2022 Momentum is an amazing thing in my line of work... today I saw a client who has gone from sorting papers one by one and keeping nearly everything, to being willing to let go of boxes at a time with a quick skim through. So immensely proud of the work he is doing! #hoardingcleanup #simplify #decluttering #mindmatters
10.01.2022 My blank slate... While I spend my days deep in hoarded homes creating 'white space', I find this empty area ready for filling equally as challenging! Share your decorating and style ideas in the comments - - the finished product will be revealed next week!
09.01.2022 Something I often hear is, 'I know what I need to do, I know the steps to cleaning/sorting this, but for some reason I just can't'. This is common, and normal, and is no reason to feel shame or negativity... it just means there is some deeper work to be done. Understanding what the driver for your 'just can't do it' feelings is a key to the puzzle that many people are missing.... So there are two things at play here. Number 1: I see the benefit in my work each day from someone outside of the situation helping work through those feelings, uncovering the underlying fear/insecurity/attachment issue etc that may have developed into that 'stuck' feeling in a particular area of your life. Remember knowledge is power. Number 2: The brain is a muscle that needs to be exercised and develops based on repetition and cause and effect. Internal motivation and determination can only get us so far if we aren't truly harnessing that mind/body feedback loop where we use adrenaline and our hormonal response to success to our advantage. There's a reason the phrase 'celebrate the small wins' gets said so often. So for today... pick a tiny task, ask for help if you need it, and celebrate when it's done! And if this resonates for you and you'd like to know more about my one on one work, get in touch via FB messenger or [email protected]
07.01.2022 Do you step in the house after a long day, the kids are hungry and whining, there are piles of stuff everywhere, a million 'to do's' on your list, and you just want to curl in a ball and drink all the wine or binge watch TV with a big bowl of chips? Oh I have been there friend! // As most of us have realised, there isn't a quick fix for this working mama life juggle, with the pressures of having it all and being it all and simultaneously 'indulging' in self-care while being ...the perfect mama, partner, sister, friend and colleague... BUT with slow and steady tweaks to your mindset and routine, and a reimagining of your families roles, responsibilities and rest practices, life can begin to look and feel different over the next few months, and I am here to walk this path with you // So, I am suuuuuper excited to be sharing some big news that my online course Home Life Revamped for Boss Mamas is opening soon! Follow me for updates
07.01.2022 Could you help a sister out? Let me know what you are struggling with in your home life and parenting right now... I am busily developing my online course centred around home and family life, integrating what we know and have learned about parenting and home management, with the way we act and react within our families in the day to day. I would love some more insight from you into what is going well and what is proving difficult in your home life and parenting journey... and... therefore how I can best tailor my program to meet the needs of families just like you! Click the link to respond... it's a quick one, I promise! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QQJSXN5
06.01.2022 Some days are hard, and you just need a really good snuggle to get you to sleep. Remember to reach out for real and virtual snuggles when you need them, friends. Isolation does not need to mean loneliness. // Don't shy away from asking for support, and remember to check in on those who may need a reminder that they are loved and valued. // #mamalove #friendship #lonelinessthoughts #covid_19 #loveyourneighbour
05.01.2022 Welcome to isolation with kids- no 'social contact'.. but never alone!! Tip of the day- Turn off your devices for an hour, put aside the work and cleaning, and be fully and completely present with your little ones. Sometimes we don't realise quite how distracted we are, with the 'just a minute... I just need to xyz'. Trust me, I know it can feel unmanageable with so much to do, but try and get down on their level and really engage and enjoy some time to play, dance..., cuddle, do an experiment or ride bikes. It will be worth it!! Today I learnt about baby echidnas, played Mecchano and did a hunt for 'Easter eggs' made of slime. And then the kids were engaged, love tanks filled up, and I could do the washing, make a smoothie and do some content creation for the Mama In Mind workbook coming out soon. Thinking of you all! Xx #simplify #simpleliving #mumhacks #mamalove #declutterlikeamother #clutterfreewithkids See more
04.01.2022 I've been quiet lately, busy helping the mama of these cuties find the floor in her home. Lets be real, I spend my days in the homes of people with hoarding and clutter issues, scooping up rubbish, talking through the hard stuff of life, and helping to find the hope and space and calm and peace and healing they've been praying for. Seriously, could I have a better job? Yes it is hard and heavy work, it brings tears to my eyes as I write this, with the knowledge of the heartache and dysfunction and pain and difficulty that my clients live with. But I have the honour of walking alongside on this journey, holding space and bringing light. What a joy!
02.01.2022 Adult children of hoarders.. I see you, blinds open and head in hands because you are frustrated trying to create the home and life you envisaged after growing up in a hoarded home. I hear your struggle and your exasperation and your questions and your resentment and your hope and your commitment and your pain. It has not been an easy road.... I've been mulling over how to support you best, as I engage with children of hoarders most days and hear the struggles and pain points unique to this experience.... and so I've created a mini-course for the sole purpose of supporting you in your adult journey beyond the hoard you grew up in. We explore communication, life skills, identity and practical home living...through video and audio content, workbook exercises and personal engagement. Would you join me on the journey toward freedom and contentment in your home life See more
02.01.2022 Im not a hoarder, Im just overwhelmed, and I dont know where to start to gain some control over my space and make changes to my routines This is the story for so many people I meet, from all walks of life; struggling to sort through things and create systems that actually work and can be maintained long-term. Singles, families, professionals and retired couples- this is a common struggle, yet comes about for reasons unique to each individual.... But what if there was a way to change this. >> What if you could feel comfortable and calm in your home? >> Break free of limiting beliefs, patterns and coping strategies that are no longer serving you? >> Create the space and time you need to focus on what is important to you without the never-ending sorting, cleaning up and stressing? Sounds amazing, right?! Here is what you will get through our services at Whole Home Mama: >> Simple, easy to implement solutions for streamlining and organising your home >> Effective support to change habits, develop rhythms and routines, and create AND maintain a home life that works for you through practical and therapeutic support >> Affordable customised packages to suit your home and needs, ranging from one-off consultations to long-term intensive support So how does the process work? >> Click on the link below to organise a Free Contact Call and get your Bonus Decluttering Questions PDF >> Book in for our special offer on a Starter Session in your Home or via Zoom for only $127. >> From there we tailor support that fits with your unique goals, to help you streamline your space and develop routines within your home. Ready to find out more and get started? https://wholehomemama.clickfunnels.com/support
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