StarPoulios | Public figure
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11.01.2022 They have been so good at programming us to think about what we need to survive in this life. But what is life, if not a legacy that shapes tomorrow and echoes throughout time? Each one of us unique with unique gifts, talents and soul passions. We need to heal and turn on the internal light for ourselves, but also for our tribe, our children's future. What if at the end of this life we get a replay of the highlights? What would your thoughts be?... Is what your aligning to something you look back and say, "Fuck YES, what a legend!" (and I mean this in the most evolved way lol - in terms of your soul aligning to its purpose, passion, living a full life from a place of love, truth and integrity). Or are there some things that need to change? (If you don't think you need to make any changes, then your not awake). What if you made those changes you've been denying or procrastinating, what would change then? Maybe then you wouldn't just be living an epic life for you, awakened to the inner warrior(ess), kicking Spiritual butt and totally owning the medicine within, but also bringing that medicine to your tribe! What is my inner medicine? Well, what if time didn't exist in a linear way and instead of going through the process of healing you just realised your inner medicine, embodied that future version of you thats already achieved this, awake your multidimensionality, and actually embodied that now? Food for thought ;) #maraposagalactica #badass #spiritalwarrior #pure #divine yet totally prepared to #kickass #writersofIG #soul #healing #holistic #health #beauty #alternative #truther #Earth #energy #medicine #meditation #mindset #multidimensional #beyondthematrix #family #conscious #nature #woman #hippie #creative #artist #wellness #wholisticwellnessmentor
08.01.2022 There's a lot of confusion and debate around what's is really playing out. Cleverly keeping us separate. Although everyone has a different experience of reality, we need to love one another regardless. If we all thought , felt, acted the same, this play would be a very boring one. But one thing we can most likely all agree on, is that FEAR is not a healthy vibration to be living with. And all illness, disease, suffering exists in the badwidth and frequency of fear. It CANNO...T exist in the frequency of love. And the fears that exist in the corners of our being, is how we are kept shackled. Fear is a program. If all people in the world, by some miracle had a mass awakening and woke up tomorrow with full conscious awareness of who and what they truly are, why they are here and how it all works, EVERYTHING that is not in alignment with this truth, with love, would instantly disappear. All that keeps us seeking externally, separate from nature and the Divine, in fear and oblivion, would fall away. Basically, all that would remain is the experience of heaven on Earth. Purity, Beauty, Freedom, Onness, Nature, Bliss, Creativity, FUN. Because if we all truly knew who we are, we could great this as easily as writing the next line in a story. All that we are fighting against exists in duality. We have agreed to experience this compressed state, but our greater being exists outside of it, one with Source/Christ whatever you experience this Universal creation energy as. Most of us agreed to come here, with no memory of our Supernatural abilities or who we were before and beyond this 1 (of infinite) 3D timelines playing out. What an epic journey and challenge we have set for ourselves. The challenge to - INEVITABLY - find our way back to love, Oneness, Bliss & Immortality. This is not only our birthright, it is our destiny. And this miracle can happen right now. This is why Im passionate about us all letting go of the stories & transcending this dualistic state. It's not only possible to shift out of fear into a resonnance in which diseases and the like can not co exist, but it is our NATURAL STATE. May each man, woman & child remember this so we may live Heaven on
07.01.2022 Playing it small to fit it is over rated. Be you. Don't be afraid to. All of it. The sassy, unfiltered, feirce, warrior, lover, playful, wild, untameable, creative, alchemical, totally crazy you. And LOVE THE SHIT OUT OF ALL OF YOU. It's no one else's job too.... Give no fuc$#. What others think doesn't belong to you. Be real. And just love everyone for where they're at too. Everyone's their own imperfect version of Divine perfection. Let go. Just do you. And breathe... ahhh. Sweet relief. #truth #givenofucks #ownit #sass #selfempowerment #sensual #woman #selflove #mindset #meditate #vegan #meditation #energy #health #wellness #holistic #mumlife #divine #balance #highvibe #consciousness #woke #soulpurpose #ByronBay #insta #intuitive_medicine #divine_feminine #Earth_mumma #Healer #WholisticWellnessMentor
07.01.2022 Never let them tell you, you can't climb that mountain, achieve that goal, live your wildest dreams. All it takes is to climb the first rock or hurdle, which is to acknowledge the soul urges and passions, and celebrate all that you are and have in this moment! Live life like a winner! Even in the not so flattering or ideal times. The only one that can keep you caged is you. #womensempowerment #bosswomen #daughters #kids #raisingnaturebabies #healthybaby #health #nature #goal #winner #mindset #spiritualgangster #bossbabe #consciousness #meditate #vegan #holistic #wellness #healing #psychology #mother #Earth_mumma #wholisticwellnessmentor