Wicca Journeying | Local service
Wicca Journeying
Phone: +61 416 031 862
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23.01.2022 Belly dancing weekly classes. Suitable for beginners to intermediate levels. Community village hall, 8a boundary Street, Woolgoolga. We dance to many different... music genres. My aim is to keep you moving for the hour. $15 casual or $50 for a block of 5 lessons. #shimmyshimmyshimmy #letsdance #getyourgrooveon #funkyfeeling #greatexerciseandfuntoo See more
21.01.2022 Ice and Fire. As Mother Earths core expands & activity stirs beneath us, Im sure Goddess Pele is very present in Iceland during the past few months as the Geldingadalur Eruption continues. There is some spectacular footage being uploaded daily. Its amazing to watch the marvels of nature. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5qYg1OTUxs
20.01.2022 New moon in Capricorn 13/1/21 This moon is great for working on plans and goals regarding your finances, focusing on your career, drafting up a budget, setting good foundations for your financial security. It's also a great time to focus on good health, setting your intention for good eating habits, exercise and plenty of replenishing water. Make some time in your week for exercise as a regular part of your routine.... Grab your journal and start writing about your goals and intentions for this moon cycle in Capricorn. Use it's organising, prosperity energy to begin shaping the start of your year as we all head back into our normal working routines. It's a truly wonderful time to remember "I am a powerful being of light, I manifest my reality." repeat this often, feel it and live it. Blessed be. #focusenergyoncareerandfinancialsecurit #manifestmanifestmanifest #goodhealthexerciseandeatwell #iamapowerfulbeingoflight #settingintentionseverynewmoon #makingtimeformagick
18.01.2022 #groundedandfocused #centredabdcalm #resillientinmindbodyandsoul #intentioniseverything
08.01.2022 House Clearings / Ghost Busting Would you like to learn how to do this? * Cleanse a house of unwanted energy and spirits * Assist trapped spirits to cross over ... * Learn about an array of self protection methods * Learn about the various energies both elemental & spiritual, that can help you with this Knowledge is power. Learning and understanding the basics will help you feel more confident and alleviate any fears you have. Full day workshop coming up soon, will be held in Woolgoolga. Classroom studies in the morning, followed by practical application live in the afternoon. Message me to find out more. #houseclearingsandghostbusting #clearingunwantedenergyfromyourhome #assistingtrappedspiritstocrossover #ghostbustingworkshops #teacherofallthingsnewage #teacherofwicca #studywiccawithme #wiccajourneying
06.01.2022 And the Wheel Turns It’s the energy of Winter Solstice here in the Southern Hemisphere as we pause to welcome the re-emergence of the sunlight. We focus on what we wish to grow as the light begins to amplify all that we manifest. Solstice celebrations with my community focused on the Nine Priestesses who guard and kindle the cauldron. They are the keepers of the nine virtues. In the poem the spoils of Annwn Taliesin tells us ‘my first words were spoken concerning the cau...ldron, which is kindled by the breath of nine maidens." May the virtues of wisdom, innocence, humility, courage, generosity, trust, self knowledge, friendship and integrity be ours. As divine beings of light may we all embrace these qualities, in our thoughts, deeds, words, emotions, stories, sharing, living, being & breathing ie. every aspect of our lives. Our words shall be spoken of the cauldron Kindled by the breath of maidens nine We come to this place and call to the maidens their virtues forth to shine. So mote it be. For our sisters and brothers in the Northern Hemisphere we wish you a Happy Summer Solstice breath of my breath, warm thy breath, breath of your breath, breathe in me. #pausingtowelcomebackthesunlight #reflectingatwintersolstice #celebratingtheturningofthewheel #ninemaidensofthecauldron #wisdominnocencehumilitycouragegenerositytrustselfknowledgefriendshipintegrity #livingawiccalifestyle #teacherofwicca #studywiccawithme
06.01.2022 A New Era And so begins a whole new era for us on our planet. 2021 brings the energy of freedom. Being particularly focused on the air element, it brings knowledge. This year we will see many changes and the introduction of so many new ideas, new routines, new ways of thinking and being. 2021 asks us to be 'anchored in love and focus on a better world for us all'... Remember this and repeat it often 'i come from love, I am love, all else is illusion'. For 2021, make this your anchor: LOVE #loveismyanchor #icomefromloveiamloveallelseisillusion #iamapowerfulbeingoflight #imanifestmyownreality #thedawningofanewera #wearethechange See more
06.01.2022 "adopting magic or any other spiritual path turns you into the best version of yourself. It allows you to find your purpose in life. Magick unveils that for you, once you have that, you are going with the current of the universe and the doors just open for you" By Jason Louv, author #becomingthebestversionofyourself #magickisforeveryone #believeinyouramazingness
04.01.2022 Wow this is fast approaching, still a few places left if you wish to join us. Katie <3
04.01.2022 Chaos and Order This can be a tumultuous time as we feel the shifts and changes on Gaia. A transitory time when there is lots of uncertainty, chaos and volatili...ty. The Chladni Plate. Type this into a search engine & you will see how sound creates shapes with sand on a metal plate. Notice particularly that when the frequency is changed, the sand particles momentarily are chaotic, there is confusion and chaos, and suddenly the pattern shifts to a beautiful new shape. This is a wonderful analogy for what is happening on our planet right now. We are seeing lots of chaos and confusion as our frequency changes and we prepare for new frequencies on Gaia. When you find yourself getting stressed about the state of the world, think of the Chladni Plate, remember that a beautiful pattern does take shape. Remember this & repeat it often to yourself. I come from love, I am love, all else is illusion. Make this your anchor : LOVE. <3 <3 <3 #soundcreatesform #chladniplatesareintriguing #beingcalmandtrustingtheprocess #anchoringintolove #icomefromloveiamloveallelseisilusion #imanifestmyreality
04.01.2022 Tonight 6.30pm on Compass, ABC tv
01.01.2022 <3 <3 <3 meditate, Meditate, MEDITATE !! <3 <3 <3
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