Wicked Plants for Magical Gardens in Wollongbar, New South Wales, Australia | Gardener
Wicked Plants for Magical Gardens
Locality: Wollongbar, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 416 214 012
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21.01.2022 The fairies are getting ready for the Channon markets tomorrow. Do you have fairy attracting plants in your garden?
20.01.2022 It was a great market on Sunday; great to see so many beautiful faces and people interested in growing wicked gardens for herbal magic :) We kept a bergamot seedling on our counter with a quartz crystal and a goddess statue to bring us some business... i think it worked! :) And here is Cerridwen, reaching into her caudron of abundance, so then we may never have need. For anyone out there needing a bit of extra wealth from the cauldron of abundance at the moment, here is a mo...ney/success spell: place some mint, basil, bergamot, pennyroyal, patchouli or orris - whichever you have on hand- into a green cloth bag with a coin while visulising and/or chanting your need. This thursday the 21st is a great day for it, as the moon is only just still waxing, and thursdays are for financial matters. When your magic sachet is made, carry it with you for three days, until Sunday, the full moon, when you will bury it in the earth, planting the seed of your prosperity :) love and light <3 See more
14.01.2022 Enhance your life with Wicked Plants for Magical Gardens. With this range of old world plants, you can create your own magical garden. Create a place that expresses your personality and desires, and holds the key to your contentment; a place to wander and explore the magic of nature on a daily basis and to provide the fragrant and fresh ingrediants to conjure, bewitch, bless, enchant and banish. Herbs and plants all have their own special energetic properties. Empower your personal spells and rituals by using particular plants for special wishes and needs. Experimenting with potions and spells for attracting new love, clearing your path to success, or protecting yourself and your loved ones will enhance your life in so many ways.
14.01.2022 Wicked plants are all ready to launch at the Lismore Boot Market in January! We will be there with Plants, spells and lots of advice!
13.01.2022 Nina is happy to answer your questions on anything mystical? Want to know about spells or potions ? Ask Nina at the Lismore Boot markets on Sunday.
10.01.2022 A late but nonetheless hearty Happy Lughnasadh to you all. Joyful times and abundant harvests!! We had a great day in Lismore yesterday :) Spreading the magic :) If you missed us, come and see Wicked Plants this Sunday the 14th at the Channon Market, and pick up some wicked plants for love, lust or fidelity just in time for Valentines Day, or shall we say Lupercalia and the celebrartion of Juno Februata?? The 14th of February was the day specially set aside for love lotteries in pagan Rome. A holiday devoted to Juno, Queen of the Gods, and patroness of marriage, the 14th was the day on which young girls' names were written on slips of paper and thrown into jars to be picked out by the boys. Chooser and chosen would then be partnered for the duration of the Lupercalia festival.
09.01.2022 Wicked Plants will be at the Lismore Carboot Market on the 7th of February :) Looking forward to seeing you all there! Love and Light <3
08.01.2022 Come along to the Lismore Car boot market on sunday 17th for the official launch of Wicked Plants. Meet Nina Lotus for information and inspiration.
07.01.2022 Take advantage of the waxing moon, culminating on the 23rd with the full moon, to perform rituals and spells of creativity and growth of careers, relationships and projects. See you all at the Lismore Carboot market on the 21st! :)
05.01.2022 A Merry Midsummer Solstice to all!! Midsummer is the perfect time to harvest magical herbs for storage or use because the plants' energies, like the sun, are at their height. The Suns most powerful time, its the perfect moment to work magic to clear away stagnant emotions, habits or situations from your life. Burn three types of Midsummer herbs - Bay, Chamomile, Fennel, Lavender, Mugwort, Thyme or Vervain - and let the sun in its prime cast away fears, blockages and shadows ...from the past. Traditionally, Midsummer has also been a time for love divinations. Use Peppermint, Marjoram, Mugwort or Hyssop in a dream pillow, and try this chant before you go to sleep: "Herb of power, herb of sleep, show me my true love to keep. By roots, flowers leaves and seeds, show me the love my future needs. Dream by moon, wake by sun, let it be done with harm to none. This painting is "Midsummer Eve" by Edward Robert Hughes circa 1908 See more
02.01.2022 Sweetgrass is a traditional smudging herb used to ward off negativity and call good spirits. It can be easily fashioned into a wreath to be worn or hung in the house. Like here, it can be mixed with other herbs, but alone is just fine too. It can also braided in a one-leaf layer to make positivity bracelets. Come down and see Wicked Plants for Magical Gardens at the Bangalow markets this Sunday and pick up some sweetgrass. :)
01.01.2022 Create your own magical garden. Enhance your life with this range of old world plants. Keep watching, as Lotus Star will have advice on all things mystical.