Wilcannia Tourism | Other
Wilcannia Tourism
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25.01.2022 Good morning all, Yes I know I’m a day late but you weren’t at work yesterday you see. Met some wonderful people down the street today, most of them were doing the Darling river run from top to bottom....Continue reading
22.01.2022 Good morning all, How good was the rain? Heaps more than I thought, and a great relief to our far west area. You’ll see fresh flowers everywhere in week or so. And speaking of flowers, remember I said to check out the ‘Sturt’s Desert Pea’ ? We did, it wasn’t there! Sorry about that.... Of course that means all dirt roads in our outback area are out of bounds for a few days till they dry out. Please check with the local council where you are. And please don’t think I may be able to get through. Someone then has to come out and rescue you, we’ve had big rains all over. Now I haven’t mentioned the Wentworth V. I. C. of late, so if you go into the link I’ve put in here below you’ll see what the girls down there have in store for you. https://visitwentworth.com.au///wentworth-visitor-centre-1. They have heaps going on. In a similar fashion, Jane Frazer down at Deniliquin, is organising that Deni Ute Muster somehow! Go to the link again as I am not very far up with it!! [email protected] Have a look at the link and I’m sure you’ll have fun. Up to Bourke now, Jenny has the Back O’ Bourke Gallery teaming with visitors, as is the Back ‘O Bourke Exhibition Centre. Heaps to see up there, and you can relax on a leisurely cruise on the P V Jandra paddle steamer, check it out. When you get to Broken Hill. Remember you have to stick to the bitumen! Go and see Patrick and his team at the V. I. C.in Blende St. Their new hours are below. Extended hours for VIC, GeoCentre They’ll look after you there and have you on the go for a week or more. Don’t forget Silverton and Mt. Gipps Resort. Since you have to stay on the bitumen, you can still wander out to Menindee from Broken Hill, why not stay the night. Stop in at Nyngan and see Katie at the Railway Museum, have a yarn to Sam in Cobar, next to the Post Office, they’ll both look after you. A coffee at Emmdale Roadhouse on the way through to Wilcannia where we can offer you a choice of 2 Motels, 2 Caravan Parks, really nice coffee at the Cooee for Coffee centre in the main street, top Chinese meal at the Golf Club and all the help you need by ringing! Your next stop then is White Cliffs, bitumen remember. See Rob there at the caravan Park, he’ll do the rest for you. Have to hand some closures at Mungo National Park, again, have a look at the link above. Remember the mammoth Garage Sale I mentioned. Well it’s definitely on, 21st./22nd. November, and 115 Councils are taking part. I’ll bet you are in one of those councils when the time comes. Just met a lovely couple off the bus, they’re having 2 days here in Wilcannia and we have the pleasure of showing them around, how good is that! Must away now, have fun for the week, and remember dirt roads are out! Till we meet again, Bill Elliott. Wilcannia Community Tourism Association. The difference between Genius and stupidity, is that genius has it’s limits.
15.01.2022 Good morning all, There are certainly a lot of travellers on the road, it’s so good to see, and strangely, none of them seem to be in any hurry. Happy to stop and have a yarn, learn what they can go and see, be guided to things they haven’t even heard of.... One such lovely couple I spoke to yesterday had just come back from Peery Lake, and said there is more water up there than you can poke a stick at! Bird life for miles, wild flowers all out and blooming. You can walk out to the mound springs I believe. And it’s only a bit over 100 Ks. Up the Wanaaring road? Give it a crack!. Now in the other direction, Rob Gregory is running his River Boat Tours down at Menindee, every Wednesday and Friday, good on you Rob. The Community Markets have started again in Broken Hill, started last Saturday, I know that’s no help to you, but check with those wonderful people at the Broken Hill Visitors Centre and they will put you right. I have been assured by Melissa at the Family Hotel up at Tibooburra that the Gymkhana has unfortunately been postponed. But they are still planning on having things happening up there. And lets face it, you can easily put in a few days just poking round Tibooburra, great place. We came across this bit of news today. You see, there’s an Annual Garage Sale, it’s Australia wide, and it happens in 115 Local government councils. It happens on the 21st. and 22nd. November. I’ll work on more info. But you are bound to be near one of them at the time. Don’t forget to look out for patches of Sturt Desert Pea in your travels, as I said there’s one patch at the Dry Lake turnoff on the White Cliffs road. Now last but not least, any of you who are coming through our little town here at Wilcannia this week, we again have the services of the RFDS Clinicians doing Covid 19 testing for locals, travellers, and truckies alike here opposite the oval on the highway. If you are coming from a doubtful area, don’t take the risk, drop in and be tested and have peace of mind. You can always slip round and have a coffee at the ‘Cooee for Coffee’ trailer too. Why not stay the night then ah? Hope you all have a great week, bit of rain coming Friday, just so you know! Take care of those you meet, till next week. Cheers Bill Elliott. WCTA. LAZINESS: The willingness to risk dropping everything you carry rather than maki
15.01.2022 Good morning all, Totally impossible to predict the weather! Suffice to say almost all of the unsealed roads are now open.... That means you all can explore our many Farm Stays both along the river and the ones hidden away. And don’t forget there are really good camps and stays all the way from Bourke down to Wentworth. Now I was speaking to a lovely couple in the street the other day, and they had a wonderful night at the Palace Hotel in Broken Hill the night before. They attended Karaoke at the Palace. So I checked up and Ester has it on every Wednesday night. If you’re within cooee of Broken Hill why not go along. Remember I said about the Deni Ute Muster, well you can be part of it. I’ve attached the flyer on ‘how to’ don’t ask me how it works but why not give it a crack! Jane Frazer will help you out at the Deni. Centre. Maybe you good people could print it off and display it for the hell of it. Was also talking to an old friend in Nyngan this week, and Glad said the revamped Nyngan Railway Museum will soon be opened. They have done great work there, well worth seeing. So many wonderful people coming through our little town now, and stopping to have a look, which we really appreciate. Please also don’t forget, if you are travelling into South Australia, as you all can now. Every person in the car has to have a number from SA Police website, not just the driver. If you make Broken Hill for Ester’s Karaoke be sure to poke on out to the Royal Flying Doctor Base out at the airport. They have heaps of souvenirs, handy things for caravans, gifts and goodness knows what else to see, and great people with it. See how our bush kids out on properties go to school. Been learning from home for years and turning out great kids. Go and have a look. Broken Hill brings to mind Patrick at the Visitors Centre, he’ll probably send you up to Tibooburra for a run, tar all the way now. Packsaddle and Milparinka on the way. There’s a few days gone! Say nothing of the wild flowers. Now they tell me our coffee trailer is working longer hours from now on, and De has heaps of books for you at the Wilcannia motel, check ‘em out, an then slip up for a quick drink and meal at our golf club. Just wish I could tell you of more events happening but time will tell. Have a great week, tune in to our outback radio stations with what’s on and take a break in all our little towns, you are most welcome. Till we do it again, cheers, Bill Elliott. WCTA. You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.
09.01.2022 Good morning all, Had a hick up last week and many thanks to those who rang, and thanks also to Fiona for filling in the gap for me.... Have bought 3 tomato plants and emptied the wheel barrow! More frosts or not I wonder. Starting here at home base, we have our RFDS nurse here again today, tomorrow and Wednesday to do Covid testing. She will have her table set up in Ray Hunter Park, 10 AM till 2 PM today and tomorrow for locals and travellers alike, and then same time Wednesday on the highway opposite the oval for easy parking for the truckies. Drop in and have a yarn to Anita, the RFDS is doing an amazing job in this Pandemic period. And by the way, De’s Pop up Book shop is straight over the road at the Wilcannia Motel, swap a couple. Again this week we have had many travellers poking through our town and stopping for a yarn and having a look. It’s good for business and hopefully enticing them to revisit again one day. With no rain recently and none I believe in the near future, all our unsealed roads should be good for site seeing our nice green country, but of course be careful of the stones and the wash outs on some of them. My apologies to Karen in Cobar, I hope I have your email right this time Karen. Now Jane Frazer down at the Edward River region tells me their Information Centre down at Deniliquin is now up and running, and they’re just waiting for you to drop in and have a yarn, or see them on [email protected] . remember the Deny Ute Muster? They’ll do it again one day! So great to be getting so many enquiries from so many of you good people, keep it up ‘cause we’re happy to be able to help. Don’t forget too, there’s heaps of other things going on in all our outback towns, lots to see and do, places to stay and places to eat. Just stop in the street, talk to a local, and straight away you have a new friend. And they’ll direct you to a ‘cold one’. If you have anything on in your area or town, let me know and I’ll take it from there. Till next week, enjoy the sunshine and travel safely. Cheers for now, Bill Elliott. Wilcannia Tourism Association. You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.
09.01.2022 Good morning once again to you all, My weather forecast for the week in a nut shell is ‘predictably unpredictable’.... Have received quite a few phone calls from people who are intending to explore our great outback and really good to be able to put them on the right track. Unfortunately the odd call asking if they are allowed to stop in Wilcannia. You are probably sick of me outlining all the places of interest we have for you out in the area, so I’ll be brief today. Now we have just received word that if the planets all line up, we will have a regular tourist coach coming out from Sydney to take in Cobar, Wilcannia, White Cliffs, Broken Hill, and I’m trying to include Menindee in the plan. This hopefully will be an on going idea and will show case our area first hand to many of the coastal people who seem to have realised there’s a lot of their own country they haven’t seen yet. How good is that! Which doesn’t mean of course that our caravaners and car travellers aren’t just as important. So please drop in, plenty of parking in the main Street to garb yourself a coffee and a town brochure. Have a little tour round and say hi. More research reeded on my part to gather some events me thinks. Let’s know if you have anything happening or if I can pop some brochures in the mail for you. Oh and by the way, if you know of a young person (or older if you like) who would like a job behind the bar in a top town! Accommodation supplied! Call me!! Again, till we speak again, you take care and have a fantastic week. Cheers, Bill Elliott. WCTA. Why is it that ‘bra’ is singular, and ‘panties’ is plural?? Intuition is the ability women have to read between the lines on a blank page.
09.01.2022 Good morning to you all, Well we really do have to watch the Road Closure notices in the various Shires don’t we. Rain for miles this past week and hasn’t it brought the country side away.... More feed than you can poke a stick at across our vast back country. Perhaps that’s a venture for all you great people from the other side of the stony Hill. If you are taken by our vast open spaces of lush green feed, you could become a stock owner. There’s thousands of acres of agistment available out here. Ever thought of being a sheep or cattle owner?? When is the last time you did something for the first time? Anyway, enough of my getting carried away. The big celebration this week is the famous ‘Melbourne Cup on tomorrow Tuesday. Now try to make it to a town, any town. We will all welcome you to join us and try to pick the winner and have a laugh. The Wilcannia Golf Club certainly welcomes you to come along and join in the fun. This offer I can assure you comes from us all out here, whichever town. Speaking of our towns, I’m sure Wilcannia, Ivanhoe and Menindee are the only towns in the state with signs saying Don’t Stop. I sincerely hope they will disappear this week. You are all most welcome. Remember last week we were saying about the upcoming events. Military Museum at Wentworth on the 11th. Community Markets in Broken Hill on the 14th. and the Garage Sale Trail across Australia on the 21st. Not sure how that garage sale works, I better do some research for you. Ever thought of pulling off the road into a parking bay, grab a lemonade out of the esky, sit back in a comfie chair and just look out over rolling green paddocks and listen to our fabulous radio stations. No matter where you are you will find one to tune in to. We have to offer, ABC radio on 999, Broken Hill and through 1584 in Wilcannia Then there’s Outback radio 2WEB Bourke on 585. Getting down towards the ‘inside country you’ll get ABC Dubbo on 657. Anywhere out in this neck of the woods you can relax with radio 2BH Broken Hill on 567. Get down round the Wentworth area and all you need is the fabulous 3MA Mildura. Hope you pick a winner on Tuesday, have a flutter for the hell of it. And PLEASE don’t take any risks on wet roads. Had a lovely couple here for morning tea this morning, Susannah’s grandfather, Val Smith, was part of Knox and Down’s here donkeys years ago. Small world. Have fun now, till next time, Bill Elliott. WCTA. Ordered a roll of bubble wrap today on E-Bay, wonder how they’ll pack it?
06.01.2022 Good morning all, Certainly can’t pick this weather can we! Was speaking to Joan this morning, she and her husband spent the night in the middle of the road between here and Tilpa. They ran into a storm on black ground and elected to stay put rather than ending up with a caravan in the table drain. A very wise and practical decision.... Also had an enquiry about sturt desert pea, but unfortunately nobody has sighted any at this stage. If you are up in the Peery Lake area I believe the wild flowers are fantastic up there. Now I know I’m like a cracked record with nothing much to report, and you would already know the Melbourne Storms are as far in front in the grand final as you can see a white cow in a bog! What a farewell for Cameron though. Back to the drawing board, you can make your way to Wentworth for a big day at the Military Museum on the 11th. November, plenty of time to get there. Then the 14th. is the Community Markets in Broken Hill. Then the next week, the 21st. is the Garage Sale right across Australia that I’ve been telling you about. Doesn’t matter where you are you can be part of it. Then again, if you want to step outside the square, Central Darling Shire, starting tomorrow morning in Wilcannia, are offering 85 blocks for sale by auction situated within the 4 towns of the Shire. Wilcannia Monday and Tuesday, Ivanhoe Thursday and Menindee Friday. Opportunity? You know that saying, you’ll never find new land unless you are prepared to loose sight of the shore for a time. Still heaps of contented travellers passing through and stopping of for a yarn, great to see. And amazing how many have a connection with our little town and other towns I’m sure. Sue’s great grandfather was a policeman here at the turn of the century! Please let us look after you all in your travels out here, listen to our outback radio stations for information, check on our dirt roads for any closures, one day our towns will be full of events for you and we’d love to see you back. Talk to you next week, till then, cheerio, Bill Elliott. WCTA. When you make a commitment you build hope, when keep it you build trust.
04.01.2022 Good morning everyone, Back in the seat again after a fantastic weekend last week. There are just so many people on the move in our state, almost all from the other side of the stony hill and all just wanting someone to yarn to and explain our great outback. Have met some wonderful people down the street this last week, most of whom had no idea what we have to offer out here. And the best part is, if we make them feel welcome, guess what, they’ll come back!... As is the case still, we are unable to invite you all to special events in our area, but hope you all find time to visit some of our outstanding places of interest, and there are plenty of them. In Broken Hill for instance, the RFDS Base full of souvenirs and goodies, the visitors information centre, all the art galleries, head out to Silverton and drop in to the Daydream mine on the way. The Palace hotel, iconic! In Menindee, go for a river boat cruise. In White Cliffs, do a tour of the town with Rob. Packsaddle, Milparinka and Tibooburra, don’t miss them, great places. Down to Wentworth, heaps down there and call to Coomba as you go. On another note, there was good rain at Bourke yesterday, so by all means explore new tracks, but please check with the local Shire area to make sure the dirt road you are going on is open, as there are storms floating round everywhere at the moment. Apart from the fact that a fine of $1000- per tyre can be applicable, if you get bogged then someone has to come and rescue you. This is no good for anyone so please don’t travel on a closed road. Of course there’s all our other towns and farm stays apart from the above where you are most welcome with heaps to see and do. You good people are really boosting our economies out here in the outback, we really appreciate your company, haven’t seen so many poking about since god had the measles, so we hope you enjoy yourselves. Just a couple of things in November, Tour of the Military Museum in Wentworth 11th. Community Markets in Broken Hill 14th. and Garage Sales across Australia on 21st. Keep your eye out for flocks of budgerigars when travelling, that seem to be prevalent especially between Wilcannia and Broken Hill. That’s me for now folks, have a great week, stop and talk to a local and relax, cheers, Bill Elliott. WCTA. If you had to choose between drinking wine every day or being skinny, which would you choose, Red or White?
03.01.2022 Good morning all, And we thought it couldn’t get any colder! Perhaps travelling in a nice warm car is the best way to handle things.... Have done a quick trip myself this week, and there is certainly still quite a few travellers on the road. Road trains of hay have given way to caravans and 4WD travellers. Since there are really no actual events on in any of the towns, it’s a case of find the attractions that each town has to offer, and there is always something. I can’t go through the highlights of each of them, but can guarantee you, if you stop off and have a yarn to any local, they will come up with a host of things you can do and see to fill in the day. They tell me the Cobb highway is in really good condition at the moment and the bitumen is stretching further and further. Soon will be a completed task. Well done also to the Sunset Strip Progress Association, they have secured a grant in excess of $300,000- to better their little community, well done Barry and team. Also heard today there’s a bit of a rise in our river, maybe that means a fish or two that can be caught. Not that I know a thing about fishing. Again, if I can be of any help to any of you, please give me a ring, have had more and more calls lately and it’s great to be able to be of assistance, and you are all more than welcome in all our towns out here. If any of the VIS’s have an event big or small that I can publicise for you, please let me know and we’ll all share it. Other wise it’s ‘poke along quietly’ till we come out of all this. Take care, Bill Elliott. WCTA. Diplomacy is the art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for directions.
01.01.2022 COMPETITION ! Win 1 x Byron Bay soy wax candle, valued at $39.95 To enter, Like/Follow our page, (Newsextra Coles Village), share this post and tag three friends
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