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WILD DOG RISE in Merrijig | Holiday home rental

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Locality: Merrijig

Phone: +61 416 027 008

Address: Wild Dog Road 3723 Merrijig, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 Fog and frost filling the Delatite Valley this morning like some primordial sea. Russet and blue tones in the landscape have me aching for a paintbrush and so today's 'To Do' list gets longer with painting added to gardening, cooking and photography, ... and doing our bookkeeping. Thankfully four of those five will spark great joy. Are you on school holidays? ... What are your plans for today? Marta Wakeling Photography Taken on Google phone

24.01.2022 Spoilt! by these stunning sunsets . Marta Wakeling Photography Taken on Google phone

24.01.2022 Headed up to the snow at Mt Buller this afternoon. Had plans for snowy sunset photos but the invisible slippery black ice had other plans for me. Take care out there. If you are planning on heading to the snow for a day trip this coming long weekend make sure you check the Mount Buller website before leaving home. There are new rules during this ongoing pandemic and visitor numbers are currently limited.

24.01.2022 Sending a little bit of Merrijig magic your way. I woke to find the morning sun burning off the overnight frost creating a beautiful foggy haze in the dam paddock Enjoying my morning coffee while sitting by the panoramic windows I could see the sun's light slowly move down the valley and as it did, and it's warming rays touched the lowlying fog patches, or the frosty ground, a light haze lifted and moved up towards the mountains revealing grassy green farmlands and below. It was a pretty quick revealed today with most of the valley visible before 10 a.m. I think we are in for another beautiful sunny day.

24.01.2022 Slowly. The day reveals itself. Wishing you a good one.

23.01.2022 Mount Timbertop has been playing hide and seek. Tiny glimpses from behind the clouds is all we have managed since Fridays snowfalls. Finally, after nearly two days of peek a boo, she reveals herself drapped in snow from her crown to her toes and she looks beautiful glistening in the sunshine. Her moment of glory and then the clouds move back in. Thanks for the photo opportunity Mother Nature. ... Marta Wakeling Photography snapped on my Google phone

23.01.2022 It's another warm and sunny winters day in High Country Merrijig. The sheep are grazing in the green and sunny fields. The cows and calves Iook like little black dots in distant paddocks. Outside my window this morning the magpies, crows, carrawong, cockatoos and grass parrots we're all feeding on the lawns. The tiny sparrows were dancing on the porch handrails hoping to find a breakfast crumb. Our chickens were scratching and searching in the garden beds. The garden beds ...are springing back to life. The bulbs are shooting through and the first snowdrop opened it's flower overnight. The Proteas and African Daisies are already in flower. Nature seems oblivious to the current troubles of man. Our human consideration, compassion and kindness are being put to the test. If we choose to put the collective good of our communities and country ahead of our own immediate wants we be there, in the safer and happier place sooner. I hope that our Australian values of cooperation and mateship mean we will be able to get out and about to visit our happy places sooner rather than later. Sending love and hugs to family and beautiful friends in Melbourne. We miss you all! Marta Wakeling Photography Taken on Google phone

22.01.2022 Overnight drizzle has washed away all the snow from the gardens but there is still a very good chill in the outside air. Anthony has fed our three pampered chooks their warm porridge breakfast already and Latte, our boss chook, has decided to take herself back to the hen house and spend the day 'in bed'. Dam fine idea! I'm thinking I should do the same on this lazy Sunday. The roaring fire will continue to keep us toasty warm throughout today and I'm pretty sure once I f...inish this long and lazy breakfast in bed the rest of today is going to be a day spent indoors cooking and baking ... and watching the St Kilda game. What are your plans for keeping warm and happy today? Marta Wakeling Photography Snapped on my Google phone

22.01.2022 The sun is about to set on another beautiful day in Merrijig. These beautifully green plants will be covered in pink bells in the next day or two. I absolutely love the pretty pink flowers. Taken as small, self seeded, plants from another part of the garden these two plants are absolute superstars here in this sunny, exposed position they get the occasional frosts and are not watered by us and they thrive. I really love these amazing plants. ... Anyone know what they are called? Marta Wakeling Photography

22.01.2022 Snow and sunshine It was such a beautiful day yesterday so I headed out with the camera and took the long roundabout way into Mansfield ducking down my favourite dirt roads to my favourite vantage spots to savour all the beauty. It was a much needed distraction and the perfect tonic for the breaking news that rapidly growing coronavirus numbers in Victoria would mean the Victorian- New South Wales border will closed at midnight tonight. ... Border closures are yet another challenge in this crazy 2020 for all our small businesses in our beautiful tourist town. Our local business will need to once again reorganize staffing, stock and other aspects of their business and adapt and pivot as bookings from interstate clients are no longer possible during the last week of the school holidays and peak winter season. It comes hot on the heels of bookings cancelled last week after the lockdown of 36 suburbs in Melbourne. Our small business are the lifeblood of country towns. We need them to survive and thrive. If you are staying safe at home to help flatten the curve ( ) and your holiday plans in Victoria are on hold, you can still support #Mansfield by shopping online with @buyfromnortheastvic @buyfromthebush @BuyFromMansfield , you can shop at the @victoriancountrymarket or at @mansfieldproducers or get a hamper of local produce from @producestoremansfield and fill your @emptyesky online. Every little bit helps. Together we can do amazing things Marta Wakeling Photography Taken on Google phone

21.01.2022 Good morning. The boys are back for breakfast. Enjoy your weekend. ... Marta Wakeling Photography

20.01.2022 They flew in like a pair of thugs, landing on the tin roof with force and screeching and squawking at full voice. I was surprised to see only two Cockatoo could make so much ruckus. Cocky and confident, they were reason enough for me to venture outside into the frosty cold of the morning with bare feet and camera. Have a covid safe and lovely long weekend. If we all continue to act responsibility we'll be on the home stretch to normal and a fully open Victoria soon. For pe...ople taking day trips or visiting their holiday homes or apartments up on the mountains here are some tips to keep yourself and your loved ones safe; - Mansfield FoodWorks and IGA both have online ordering so you don't need to spend an hour in the supermarkets. You can just place your order online and pick up your items from the back of @markssupaiga or from @foodworksmansfield - most of the pubs and restaurant's have online ordering for take away meals which might be the way to go as in house seating is limited and needs to be pre booked on a busy long weekend. - drive through bottle shops attached to the hotels )@delatitehotel & @mansfieldhotel ) or the bottle shops at the supermarkets, or the wineries( @delatitewines and @rosritchiewines ) or brewery (@socialbanditbrewing) and the bar at @lunabarmansfield have your takeaway drinks needs covered -outdoor venues are a safe way to socially distance and the weather will be wonderful for a visit to @mansfieldzoo, @highcountry_maze @mt_stirling (the road to craigs hut is now closed), @mt_buller (you need to pre-purchase your gate entry on their websites), and the Mansfield Bush Market this morning. -our two supermarkets, two chemists and @homestationmansfield ...usually... have hand sanitiser if you have run out. Keep well and stay safe. Wishing you a lovely long weekend

19.01.2022 Pink sky at night. Yesterday's fading afternoon sun came with the news that Melbourne would enter 6 weeks of lockdown tomorrow, courtesy of Corona. It's so disappointing, but absolutely necessary.... At the start of this health and economic crisis our Federal and State leaders made it clear that this was going to be for the long haul and we would need to stay the course to reduce the potential death and destruction that this virus could cause in our community, and so they put in place a number of supports until late September. Once again it's up to us, every single one of us, to do the right thing and follow the rules. We've done this before so we know we can do it again. We've learnt that we need to stay socially connected and call a friend or family member each day to check in with them and make sure they are okay and to transport ourselves outside our four walls. We know that writing a list of things we would like to achieve and then ticking those small jobs off will give us a sense of direction, purpose , achievement, accomplishment and satisfaction. We know that we need to be careful of the news that we consume, to get our covid news from official government websites, and our information from the ABC and SBS not random people making unsubstantiated comments on social media. We know that we need to be critical of what we read and if something that we're reading inflames our anger then we need to stop and ask ourselves; what is the purpose of that article?, who is trying to rile us?, what will they achieve by making us angry or pushing us to break the rules? We need to ignore the trolls. Despite this unfortunate setback for Victoria, the rest of Australia is tracking well and the envy of most of the world. We know that if we follow the rules we will also be in that place soon; our internal borders will reopen, we will be able to enjoy all that our beautiful country has to offer, we will be able to travel to rural and regional areas, to holiday with loved ones, to support Australian businesses and to explore our beautiful lands. Stay Safe. Keep Well. Be Kind. We can do this. Marta Wakeling Photography Taken on Google phone

19.01.2022 ITS SNOWING AT WILD DOG RISE Woken up to a blank of white snow covering the gardens. Waiting , like an excited child at Christmas, for sunrise. Dressed and camera battery charging up. Making warm coffee now. The Heaters are on. ... The wood Fire will be lit soon and will definitely be going for the day. Wonder what our chickens will make of all this snow. Marta Wakeling Photography

18.01.2022 HELLO WINTER And just like that all is good with the world ... Marta Wakeling Photography

18.01.2022 Rains have been falling into overfilled dams and building puddles for the past few weeks. A break in the clouds today and rays of sunshine in a clear blue sky have me racing outdoors to capture some reflected High Country beauty. Hope you managed to enjoy some warming , today. ... Photo Marta Wakeling Photograph Photo taken on my Google phone

17.01.2022 Last night's stunning sunset, such a beautiful nightly show from our deck. It's the perfect vantage point with sweeping views out over the Delatite Valley and towards The Paps A busy long weekend in Merrijig, with a long string of car lights heading up to the mountains and forests . A chance for visitors to explore the great outdoors and reconnect with nature this Queen's Birthday long weekend.

17.01.2022 The soft shelled almond tree has burst into bloom already. A soft carpet of scattered tiny white flowers under it's limbs and a constant stream of bird in its branches announced the blossom. It has been a very warm Winter. The garden is already springing to life. The Daphne is covered in flowers and it's heady perfume welcomes us each time we enter the house. The geraniums, hydrangea, azalea, African daisies, Proteas, salvias, grevilleas and daffodils are already in The white camellia hedge has flowered through most of the winter. The pink camellia tree is full of buds ready to burst into bloom. The winter grass is already setting seed so flocks of Finch size birds and grass parrots are constantly feed outside our windows. The ducks have returned to the dam and can be found waddling about the paddocks and through the garden in pairs or small groups. The bird songs get louder each day as the gardens awake from their winter rest. There is comfort in the rhythm and cycles of nature. Wishing you a day of bird song and sunshine ahead Marta Wakeling Photography snapped on Google phone

16.01.2022 Warm days, blue skies, fresh air and bird songs. Feeling grateful for all the simple pleasures of country life. Photo Marta Wakeling Photograph Photo taken on my Google phone

15.01.2022 Happy Tuesday from high country Merrijig. Sending warm thoughts and virtual rays of Sunshine to you on this mid winter Tuesday. It feels like spring in the sunshine as long as you are out of the breeze which is cold and fresh and blowing straight off the snow covered mountains. ... The chickens are out and about rummaging and picking and scratching amongst the flowers some of which have decided to open and bloom today. Marta Wakeling Photography Taken on Google phone

15.01.2022 Thanks Mumma Moo for bringing up your calf to say Hello. There's a whole world of nature and farm life outside our window. Cows and Kookaburras and so many birds enjoying this still and sunny Sunday. There's another beautiful sunny day forecast for tomorrow too, and then the cold front is expected to arrive with some snow for Mount Buller. So I'm off to make the most of these warm winter days and play with my new toy in the garden; a brand new garden edger. And today I'm w...earing a tonne of "Eau De Dencorub" the strong, deep heat, version ... on all the lower back and abdominals I forgot I had. Marta Wakeling Photography Taken on Google phone

15.01.2022 Morning tea by the Creek. Enjoying the quiet seclusion beside the bubbling brooke and the bursts of birdsong. So many fungi still around, a treasure trove to be found and photographed. So grateful to have lovely warm sunshine today Anthony working hard clearing invasive, introduced, blackberry from our part of Timbertop Creek and collecting fallen tree branches: wood to use for heating the house over winter, and to reduce the fuel load in summer.

15.01.2022 It's is almost midwinter and the oak is still hanging onto its leaves. We watch and wait each day for those mountains to be covered in glistening white snow. The Winter snow is late this year, hopefully the forecast snowfall will arrive at Mount Buller this evening. It's turning out to be a very unusual Winter, in fact it's been the most unusual of years. Midnight saw 36 hotspots suburbs, in 10 Melbourne postcodes, go back into lockdown. It's amazing how quickly this virus ...can resurface and take hold and threaten people's health and well-being and the whole State's reopening. It's time to remind ourselves once again that we need to #BeKind and #StaySafe because #WeAreAllInThisTogether. My Instagram feed is full of online stores selling face masks this morning. Has anyone else found a stream of sponsored facemask posts in their feed as well? Can anyone recommend a local or online supplier of Australian made washable fabric masks that they have found to be comfortable and safe? Marta Wakeling Photography taken on Google phone

14.01.2022 Morning snow at Wild Dog Rise Second time we have woken to snow around the house this winter. Feeling grateful for the beauty and magic of Winter. ... So pleased to be able to share some of the virtual magic with you. Wishing you a warm and wonderful Saturday. ** See Stories for uncropped video view Marta Wakeling Photography Filed on Google phone

13.01.2022 The CFA pager alarm sounded yesterday afternoon and it's screeching sirens had me checking all the windows for signs of smoke on the horizon. There it was, 32 kilometers away on Paps Road in Maindample, plumes of smoke reaching for the sky billowing out the side of The Paps. A check of the Vic Emergency app showed that it was a small bushfire with 7 vehicles responding. Thankful it was contained reasonably quickly. Summer is coming. The hot days are here, drying the grass... and changing the colours of our landscape from green to gold. The CFA have declared that the Fire Danger Period starts at 1am on the 7th December in our region. So if you are travelling to the High Country make sure you have: (1) a phone service that uses the Telstra network (2) you have installed the Vic Emergency app on your phone (3) you have enabled "Location" on your phone (4) you check the daily Fire Rating ...before ... lighting any camp fires or outdoor BBQs. BIG fines apply, and after last summer, the old "I didn't know it was a total fire ban day' is not going to cut it as an excuse. Have a safe trip and a wonderful Summer holiday. Marta Wakeling Photography

10.01.2022 So this was Sunday. A lovely warm weekend, spent in the garden manicuring the lawns on the ride-on mower, topping up firewood for the week ahead, pulling up weeds that think Spring is already here, and being challenged by the angles and slopes of the wood shed as we shovelled piles of chirt trying to make a level spot for the wood trailer. With Melbourne in lockdown and very little snow on the mountains it was a very quiet weekend in Merrijig. The cows were grazing on the hillside and birdsong filled the air. Thinking of family and friends in Melbourne. Stay safe, keep well, see you soon. Marta Wakeling Photography Snapped on Google phone

09.01.2022 Daffodils and wattle in bloom. Splashes of yellow amid this morning's snow. Marta Wakeling Photography

09.01.2022 Morning tea watching the snowflakes falling outside and the kangaroos bounce through the snow white paddocks down the hill. Sending virtual hugs your way with warmest wishes for a safe and healthy day. Marta Wakeling Photography

08.01.2022 Out and about in Merrijig. A hello from the country you love.

08.01.2022 On Wednesday we woke to find our front garden covered in snow, but warm sunny days mean that the green fields are back and we have kookaburras laughing in our front tree again. Wishing you a safe and healthy Friday. Hope your weekend is filled with care and kindness. Marta Wakeling Photography... snapped on my Google phone See more

08.01.2022 Morning fog hiding 3 kangaroo grazing in the horse paddock. Can you see them on the left? Wishing you a safe and warm Winter weekend. Marta Wakeling Photography... Taken on Google phone See more

08.01.2022 Our country quiet has been shuttered by the whirrig blades of a low flying helicopter, the chuffing of the rotors reverberating through the valley and echoing off the Merrijig hills. I wonder what the helicopter is doing here? My initial thoughts, as I watched it buzzed left and right along the opposite ridgeline, down along farm lands towards the river, pushing across the Mansfield Mt Buller Road and then up our hill, was that it was probably herding kangaroos off the far...m lands and back into the Mansfield State Forest. Local farmers where out on quad bikes yesterday; their dogs in tow. They were chasing kangaroos off their farms and back into the safety of the forest and bush. The huge mobs of roos, in almost plague proportions, are eating paddocks bare and leaving nothing for the cows and sheep. Does anyone know what the helicopter is doing? Marta Wakeling Photography Taken on Google phone

06.01.2022 The sun sets on another week. Thinking of all our friends and family in Melbourne and sending some virtual High Country sunshine your way. Wishing you a safe and happy weekend ... Marta & Anthony See more

06.01.2022 Well that's a wrap to a sunny but very cold Merrijig Saturday. An amazing sunset to end the day. Freezing winds were coming off the mountain so it's been a day spent indoors. Baking bread, making Hungarian pumpkin soup phoning loved ones in Melbourne's lockdown and researching ensuite bathrooms. The wood pile is restocked, a warm fire is going and it's a cozy night cocooning at home. Wishing you keep well and continue to stay safe. ... Marta Wakeling Photography Snapped on Google phone

06.01.2022 Good morning. Woke to this gift of a wintery white wonder. Our garden and grounds are beautifully packaged in Natures Gift Wrapping. A gentle snow is falling. Time to take the Camera out but Coffee first.... Marta Wakeling photography Snapped on Google phone

05.01.2022 Good morning from Merrijig The kangaroos were silently grazing in the dam paddock, the ducks were waking up and taking flight from the dam and a mob of roos were already lounging in the Mt Timbertop paddock as this morning's fog began to lift. Wishing you a wonderful day.... Marta Wakeling Photography & Taken on Google phone The video is in stories.

05.01.2022 The Merrijig Calf Games. Yesterday's late afternoon sun was casting long rays through the valley, across the dam, and onto the cattle in our neighbours field. It shone it's golden light onto another enjoyable country moment The neighbours calves were at play. Two chasing each other up and down through the paddock and another pair seeming to enjoy a game of headbutts.... I wonder if heifer calves play different games to the young bulls? Marta Wakeling Photography snapped on Google phone

03.01.2022 A beautiful visit to the newly reopened @highcountry_maze today to enjoy: the stunning gardens, a treasure hunt for garden gnomes in the maze, and a delicious Devonshire tea in the warming Winter sun in the cafe garden . New owners Nicky and Tony bought the maze just days before lockdown. Not the start that any new owner would wish to have for their business. It was so wonderful to see a car park full of cars today;. but the maze is so huge you felt as though you were the... only people enjoying the large gardens. The gardens are stunning and definitely something to put on your "Must Do" list for tomorrow or when you visit Mansfield and Mt buller. (C) Marta Wakeling Photography Photos taken on my Google phone @highcountry_maze @seehighcountry @visitmansfieldmtbuller @victoriatouristinformation @ High Country Maze/ Fourship Pty LTD

03.01.2022 Mt Buller views and the High Country magic is strong. Sharing the great outdoors with friends on this warm and sunny winter's day. . Marta Wakeling Photography Taken on Google phone

02.01.2022 Summer is slowly taking hold. The colours are changing and the deep emerald greens are fading, gone in some places already. Gone where the Winter Grass has died away. Gone where Cape Weed has been sprayed. Gone where paddocks have been slashed and the feed put away for the days ahead. Gone on the ridges, on the high ground where Summer's fingerlings are taking hold, gently now, but summers grip will strengthen in the days ahead and the valley will all turn from Spring green to Summer golds.

02.01.2022 The cooling breeze has arrived and we've flung open the window and doors to watch the sunset and listen to the birds singing their night songs as they head home to roost. The quiet has arrived; only broken by the occasional bonk of the frogs at the dam. It's a beautiful late Spring night in Merrijig.... Hope you are keeping safe and well where ever you are. Marta Wakeling Photography


02.01.2022 Sunset and moon rise over The Paps. The soft shelled almonds are in full blossom and the days are filled with warm sunshine. Merrijig has definitely got that Spring feeling. Hope your day was a good one. Another day closer to normal. Fire's burning in the hearth, the sun is setting, and the St Kilda game will be on soon. Settling in for the night. Go saints!

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