Wild World Art Studio | Art
Wild World Art Studio
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24.01.2022 Street art walk at Katoomba #katoomba #streetart #art #bluemoutains @ Katoomba, New South Wales
20.01.2022 Bug mugs stippled ink drawing. A bit of fun. #insects #bugs #drawing #artist #wildworldartstudio #insectdrawing
19.01.2022 Something unscientific for a change. I’m a big fan of Poe and The Raven is my favourite poem. Check out these prints on my website at https://wildworldart.com.au or for t-shirts etc on Redbubble at https://www.redbubble.com/people/SharonSalmi. #edgarallanpoe #poe #poet #author #horror #mystery #macabre #art #artist #drawing #illustration #digitalart
19.01.2022 Preliminary drawing for white faced heron painting in acrylics #artist #drawing #whitefacedheron #bird #australianbirds #natureart #wildworldartstudio
17.01.2022 Set of three Aussie insect scientific drawing prints now available at wildworldart.com.au. Thopha saccata, Eurycnema Goliath and Petalura gigantea in A3 or A4. The dragonfly Petalura gigantea is an endangered species in NSW that I was fortunate enough to have land on my house and was able to take some good photos. They are one of the largest dragonflies in Australia at up to 12.5cm wingspan. No doubt it was visiting from a nearby swamp. The cicada and stick insect were drawn from specimens from the University of Newcastle collection. #wildworldartstudio #insects #australianinsects #entomology #australianentomology #science #scientificillustration #naturalhistoryillustration #thophasaccata #eurycnemagoliath #petaluragigantea #cicada #dragonfly #stickinsect #artist #illustration #drawing #endangeredspecies #endangeredinsects
15.01.2022 Artwork for Science week exhibition at Erina Fair 18-19 August. Theme is symbiosis. Did you know that the bluebottle, aka Physalis utriculus is actually a colony of organisms that work together? See more of my work at https://wild world art.com.au. #science #scienceweek2018 #erinafair #illustration #scientificillustration #naturalhistoryillustration #physalis #bluebottle #artist #wildworldartstudio #marinelife
12.01.2022 Cicada themed printed products now available on redbubble https://redbubble.com/people/SharonSalmi. #cicada #thophasaccata #doubledrummer #insects #australianinsects #diditalart #scientificillustration #naturalhistoryillustration #art #artist #wildworldartstudio
10.01.2022 Humpback whale and calf #art #artist #drawing #illustration #whale #humpbackwhale #cetacean #megapteranovaeangliae #marinelife #threatenedspecies #wildworldartstudio
10.01.2022 Double wattle cassowary aka Casuarius casuarius johnsoni pencil drawing. #wildworldartstudio #drawing #threatenedspecies #cassowary #australianbirds #naturalhistoryillustration #colouredpencils #birdart #keystonespecies #rainforestanimals #australianrainforest #casuarius #casuariuscasuariusjohnsonii #topendbirds #artistsoninstagram #birdsofoz #endangeredspecies #endangeredbirds #endangeredbirdsofaustralia #nokkcollective
09.01.2022 A preliminary sketch for a charcoal drawing based on photos I took down at my local creek. Raven vs wagtails. wildworldart.com.au #wildworldartstudio #drawing #artist #australianbirds #birds #australianraven #williewagtail #territorial #naturalhistoryillustration #art #birdart
08.01.2022 New crab art on printed products now available on redbubble https://www.redbubble.com/people/SharonSalmi. #crab #redcrab #christmasisland #christmasislandredcrab #crustacean #art #artist #naturalhistoryillustration
04.01.2022 Some line drawings of local birds with interesting beaks I drew for Central Coast Council to use for environmental education. I put them together into one picture for easy viewing. #australianbirds #birds #birdbeaks #illustration #naturalhistoryillustration #artist #artistsoninstagram #environment #environmentaleducation #environmentaleducationforkids #birdlife #birdlifeaustralia #birdsofaustralia
02.01.2022 In an exhibition with the Nokk Collective this week. Drop in if you’re in the neighbourhood. #nokkcollective #sizedoesntmatter #wildworldartstudio #art #artist #smallbutdeadly #artsydney #theedgeproject
01.01.2022 The Odd Mountain shop in Katoomba is seriously strange with all manner of weird and wonderful objects. #oddmountain #katoomba #bluemountains #strange #weirdtaxidermy #anatomical #naturalhistory #taxidermy #slightlydisturbing